The topic of the discussion area has shifted from whether the Wind God is serious to the difference between the Ice God and the Wind God. Even Funina, in order to maintain her shaky personality, also expressed her thoughts on the "Water God" from the bottom of her heart. On the screen, the scene changed again, from the jungle of the Wolf Territory to the endless green fields outside Mondstadt. The giant dragon, which had not yet suffered the pain of the dragon's blood, was still as long and beautiful as an elf. It flapped its wings, controlled the wind element, hovered above the lawn, and stared at the Wind God. The Wind God held the Sky Harp in one hand and stretched out the other hand high, as if responding to his original followers. "The wind god visits his first followers, helping him to blow away the ice and snow, and protect the green fields and free people."

[Tevalin: Here I want to solemnly accuse this screen video of fraud! Did Barbatos "help" me at the beginning? I was fighting in the front, and he was playing music and singing beside me! ]

[Ying: Hiss, Wendy, even I think what you did is a bit unkind. ]

[Wendy: Alas, who made me the weakest among the seven gods now? My power is because of——]

[Ying: Fooling, continue to fool. ]

[Nasida: Logically speaking, the weakest among the seven gods now should be me... Well, if you exclude the screen reward. ]

[Ying: Barbatos is still the same as before. It's hard to say about the later rulings. For a first-generation ruling like you, performing the priesthood and accumulating faith are of no use at all. ]

[Zhongli: Alas, among the seven gods, he is the only one I can't deal with. ]

[Barnabas: This guy, even if I don't welcome him, he keeps coming to my palace to play the piano and sing poetry. ]

[Wendy: Oh, my friend, let's be fair. If you really don't want to listen, I can't enter! ]

[Lady: Wait, this troublemaker bard has actually been running to our base camp recently? ]

[Barnabas: Uh, um, cough cough...]

Well, even Barnabas, who will never love again, feels a little sorry for his most diligent and hardworking employee.

How did you sing that line?

In the last second, you were being ripped out of your heart at the door of the church, and in the next second, I was listening to music in the palace. You feel me like I feel you, another me in the world?

Well, it's a bit hellish.

When the god who froze his heart finally broke down and had the urge to cover his face, the video on the screen continued.

On the screen, Tevarin in the video looked at the wind god playing the harp dumbfounded, shaking his head as if he heard something incomprehensible.

"But the dragon seems to think that the [help] from the gods should not be to cheer him up while playing the harp..."

The video seemed to end here, the screen gradually turned black, and the two big words "Original God" representing the game appeared on the black screen.

And from the screen, Tevarin's angry roar came at this time.

"Do something, Barbatos——"

This roar was full of emotion, without any acting skills, which made the audience on the continent of Teyvat resonate at this moment.

[Ying: Do something, Barbatos. ]

[Diluk: Do something, Barbatos. ]

[Alice: Do something, Barbatos. ]

[Klee: Wow, do something, Barbatos! ]

[Rosaria: Let's do something serious, Bartobas. ]

[Diona: Stop drinking, Barbatos. ]

[Kaeya: Haha, let's do something serious, Lord Barbatos. ]

[Qin: Eh, do I have to say this here too? ]

[Wendy: No need. By the way, you guys are getting more and more outrageous later. It seems that you are all mixed with personal emotions. ]

[Diona: Humph. ]

[Ying: But by the way, it's really a good video. As expected, Mondstadt, whether it's people or videos, can make people relax a lot. ]

[Kaeya: Although there are many regrets and darkness in Mondstadt, okay, let's not say those spoilers now - yes, I admit that Mondstadt is indeed more relaxed than other countries. ]

[Barbara: Everything is thanks to Lord Barbatos. ]

This time the screen really went completely black, indicating that this video has also been played.

I have to say that Wendy's personal PV is really relaxing, and it relieves many viewers who were nervous and worried because of the previous video.

We all relaxed unconsciously.

Even this screen felt that in this situation, some lighter questions should be provided to ease everyone's mood.

—— So that it will be easier to backstab the audience later.

[Question: Although the wind god Barbatos is suspected of picking up leaks and being appointed, as one of the seven rulers of the world and the wind god of Mondstadt, he is undoubtedly qualified and even excellent. However, even such an excellent god has his own weaknesses. What are the weaknesses of the wind god Barbatos? ]

[A. No withdrawal reaction from drinking alcohol]

[B. No slutty behavior]

[C. Handling Mondstadt official business]

[D. Furry little animals, such as cats]

[E. Seafood, oh, seafood is the enemy of life]

[F. Lonely and cold]

[G. Asmodeus]

[System: This question is of low difficulty, and the answer method is quick answer. Any star-level user can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

[Lady: Tsk, why didn't this question appear earlier? ]

The lady in reality gritted her teeth. If she had seen this question earlier, this trip to Mondstadt would definitely be much smoother than it is now!

As long as she knew Barbatos's weakness, she could design a trap for this weakness at that time. There was no need to make a big fuss like before, and even damaged the diplomatic foundation of Zhidong abroad.

[Barbara: It's actually a question that exposes, ahem, Vendy's weakness. This question is a bit too much?! ]

[Lisa: Don't worry. Looking at the options for this question, it's not so much about exposing a weakness as it is about exposing something Vendy is not good at dealing with. ]

[Kaeya: Ahahahaha, after this question, Vendy has to be more careful when drinking. ]

[Wendy: Hmm, can I still have fun? I always feel like the screen is targeting me. ]

[Ying: Let's not talk about anything else. What the hell is that "Asmodeus" at the end? This guy has appeared for the second time, and he has been suppressed by the screen. Why can he still show his presence in the question? ]

[Kong: Damn, the maintainer of justice is still chasing me! ]

[Nasida: Asmodeus should not be the correct option, because this is a single existence. It should not be a weakness, but a positioning of a strong enemy. ]

[Ying: Barbatos' weakness, I always feel like I've seen it before...]

[Wendy: How about I just answer this question myself and see if the reward I get can overcome this "weakness"? ]

[Ying:... Why do I feel like a lot of people know your weakness, Wendy? ]

[Wendy: After all, when I'm begging for wine in Mondstadt, I occasionally run into cats. I sneeze when I touch a cat, but these cats always like to rub against me... so everyone can see it. ]

[Ying: Cat? ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

[Ying: No, wait, this answer is suddenly correct... Who answered this question? ]

Ying was a little confused. Let's not talk about the dignified wind god. Wendy, whose body is a wind elf, how outrageous would it be to have symptoms like being allergic to cats.

Just say that the way the screen recognizes the answer, is it getting more and more unruly?

[System: Reward the distinguished five-star user, Baba Tuosi, with an Endless Wine Gourd. ]

[System: The Endless Wine Gourd was originally created by an old man who was addicted to alcohol in a certain world of immortal cultivation. Its function is as its name suggests, an endless wine gourd. ]

[System: After the localization of the system, the function of the Endless Wine Gourd is that four different kinds of wine can be stored in the wine gourd. The volume of the stored wine is unlimited, and a copy can be made after staying in the wine gourd for 24 hours. There is no upper limit on the copy limit. ]

[System: At the same time, the holder of the wine gourd can specify one of the stored wines for nurturing. The longer the storage time, the higher the quality of the wine. After the storage time exceeds one week, the nurturing wine will have some extraordinary characteristics. Please explore the details by yourself. ]

[Wendy: Wuhu, take off! ]

[Wendy: Although it has no effect on my weaknesses, this reward is even better. ]

[Diona: Ahhhhhh, why is there such a vicious reward? I would have answered it first if I had known! ]

[Wendy: Little Diona, there is no regret medicine in this world, hahahaha, just take it as a lesson. ]

[Lisa: Haha, for little Diona, this reward is a blow. ]

[Diluk: This is really a reward suitable for Lord Wendy. ]

[Jin: But I don’t know if I should be happy for Lord Wendy. ]

[Tevarin: Don’t hesitate, find a time, while he is drunk

, grab the gourd, smash it on the ground, and crush it, and everything will be fine. 】

【Diona: Support, support, support!!! 】

【Lady: Support. 】

【Andrius: Support. 】

【Zhongli: Support. 】

【Barnabas: Support. 】

At this moment, the Barbatos Persecution Group reached a tacit understanding silently.

Seeing this, Wendy, who had just received a wine-red gourd the size of two palms that fell from the sky, gasped and immediately hugged his precious gourd in his arms.

【Albedo: Hmm, is it another reward that can be generated out of thin air? It is obviously a low-level difficulty problem, but the reward items are often beyond common sense. 】

【Beidou: Oh, I also want a reward like this. ]

[Ying: The small reward is full of heaven-defying power... Forget it, I am used to eating the food that Paimon made with the gourmet tablecloth. ]

[Albedo: I am curious about the principle. This is not the same path as the alchemy I am practicing now. It should be very instructive. ]

[Nasida: It seems that some of the powers I am involved in are applied... But this is indeed the most suitable reward for Senior Barbatos. ]

[Paimon: It's a pity that Diona's plan to collapse Mond Wine Industry has become more difficult. ]

[System: Now playing the third video——]

A group of people are still discussing the reward that Wendy has obtained from various angles. When they saw the prompt on the screen, they immediately stopped joking.

Today, let's not talk about anything else. Let's just say that the frequency of playing this video is indeed much faster than the previous few days.

Looking at the sun in the sky, it is not even eight o'clock yet, and even the sun has not risen completely in the winter, but we have already progressed to the third video. This makes the senior officials of various countries wonder whether this screen has made such changes in order to minimize the impact on the normal work and life of the audience.

After all, although the screen has revealed a lot of information and provided many extraordinary rewards since its arrival five days ago, it is undeniable that it has indeed affected the normal lives of most people.

Even the stevedores at the Liyue Harbor docks have to earn a thousand or eight hundred less Mora every day due to the impact of the video, which is enough to show the overall and in-depth impact of the screen on the entire Teyvat continent.

It is also good to shorten the discussion time after some videos, at least it will not disturb everyone.

When the think tank members of various countries analyzed the intention of the screen, the name of the third video of the day also appeared on the screen.

[System-"Genshin Impact" plot PV-"Goddess Splits the View"]

[Ying: Hiss, another plot PV? Is today the official PV broadcast day? All five videos are official PVs? ]

[Funinna: That's a good thing, isn't it? Official PVs contain a lot of information, and they are also very credible, at least more credible than those secondary creations. ]

[Tinari: Official is good, official videos won't have some unreasonable content. ]

[Colai: I always feel like Master seems to have a hidden agenda. ]

[Yelan: It's convenient for intelligence collectors like me. ]

[Kaeya: Oh, the name of this video... Goddess Splitting the View, it feels like a Liyue-style title, is it a Liyue video? ]

[Yunjin: Goddess... Splitting the View... seems to have the same name as a play my father recently made based on a folk legend. This story is also a legend that has just been circulated in recent years. It mainly depicts the legendary story of a goddess who stood up to protect the villagers. However, this play is still in the draft stage and is still being perfected and revised. ]

[Xin Yan: Oh, that's for sure. This should be a video about Yun Jin's future. ]

[Xing Qiu: It's hard to say... From the perspective of novel creation, such a story may be about Yun Jin's story, but it is also possible that it is about the goddess in this story. ]

[Shen He:...]

[Xian Yun: Uh, this. ]

[Li Shui Die Shan: This screen is really full of digging. Did it even dig out this old story? ]

[Xiao Yue Zhu Yang: It's normal. After all, even the story of Fu She five hundred years ago was dug out, not to mention this story that happened more than ten years ago. ]

[Yan Fei: Huh? ]

[Chong Yun: It seems that the legend is not a legend anymore. Even the immortals have appeared to confirm it. ]

[Xian Yun: Hum, I want to see what this video is about. ]

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