The best way to play the game is to play the game in a different way.


Yes, in this video, the traveler is still Kong, not Ying.

After all, this is an official video.

[Ying: ···Okay, I knew it. ]

[Kong: Ahem, you can't blame me. ]

[Yaejinko: The official has chosen a male traveler. ]

[Alice: After all, this style of card-drawing game doesn't look like an otome game, and the main consumers are generally male players. Maybe the official thought everyone would choose the male protagonist to bring themselves into it? ]

[Ying: Tsk tsk tsk, the official is still conservative. Male players choose female players, this is the norm. ]

[Yae Miko: You are so sweet, little guy. If the official released a dating task for female characters to cultivate favorability in this situation... are you sure people will still choose you? ]

[Ying: Hmm (thinking), indeed, in this situation, it is more immersive to choose the older brother. ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: Date...]

[Noel: Huh? Huh? Being drawn by the Traveler means that I have to date the Honor Knight? ]

[Lisa: It's just a possibility... But I don't mind going on dates with cute girls. ]

[Xiao Gong: Then I choose to make fireworks together and set them off at the festival! ]

[Klee: Klee is going to fry fish! ]

[Alice:? ? ! ! ! Wait, wait, wait, the official won't be so crazy as to give my precious daughter Klee a dating task, right? ]

[Alice: Then I have no choice but to become a hunter of travelers. ]

[Ying: Ahem, not really. It's a 12+ game after all. The game officials should also pay attention to social impact. ]

[Ying: But instead of worrying about the game officials coming up with crazy tasks, it's better to pray that they don't come up with the theory of original sin of players. I really don't understand why some game companies seem to have a grudge against players. ]

[Yae Shenzi: ...Are all game companies in the outside world so abstract? ]

[Alice: It's just that they don't know their own position, but players will vote with their feet. 】

"Can I... also experience what you call... the [outside world]?"

Krevy asked with great anticipation. The previous night, the traveler and Paimon told Krevy in detail about their journey from Mondstadt to Fontaine. All the stories along the way have made this little girl, who used to have a luxury of even looking at the sun freely, yearn for the outside world.

But unfortunately...

When Kong and Paimon heard this, their eyes lit up at first, but they immediately thought of Krevy's situation, and their expressions immediately became hesitant, as if they dared not look directly into the expectant eyes and turned their eyes away.

Krevy, who was originally very excited, saw the two people's performance and remembered her current real situation. The excited smile on her face gradually disappeared and she lowered her head.

"I almost forgot that I can't grow up anymore."

Krevy's body gradually showed light. She looked at her hands with a little regret and murmured her reality.

However, Krevy was a person who still had hope until the end, and she quickly sorted out her mood.

"But it's really great to see you grow up."

Turning her head to look at the silent Peruvian, Krevy closed her eyes and showed a sweet smile.

Until the end, she didn't want to show any sentimental emotions in front of her friends, just like she had never shed tears in front of Peruvian in the past.

"Peruvian, take care of yourself, goodbye."

The servant was silent for a moment, nodded gently, and whispered in an unprecedentedly soft tone.

"Well, see you in the next life."

Finally, under the servant's gaze, Krevy turned into petals of soft lanterns, spinning and flying high in the sky, flying all over the sky.

[Ying:... God, I, I feel like I need to slow down. The knife is too frequent today, I can't accept it. ]

[Alice: Well, I feel, okay? ]

[Klee: Wow wow wow, mom, Miss Krevy is so pitiful. ]

[Alice: Uh-huh, yes, my baby daughter is right, this is so sad! ]

[Alice: But Klee, don't be sad, don't worry, your uncle on the screen has helped Miss Krevy recover. ]

[Klee: Really, really (sobbing)? ]

[Alice: Really, absolutely really, @servant, right? ]

[Servant: Uh, yes, Krevy will be fine soon. What was playing on the screen just now was just... performance, yes, just a kind of performance similar to taking photos. ]

[Krevy: So, it was just a performance, it scared Krevy. ]

[Alice: @Servant, I will solve the problem of the possession body for you immediately, hurry up, I will use your reward tonight. ]

[Servant: Okay, thank you very much for Ms. Alice's generous sponsorship. ]

However, Krevy is relatively easy to fool, but others will not easily treat everything in the video as fake.

Everyone knows that if there is no screen, this scene in front of us is what will happen in the future.

The tragedy of the servant and Krevy has not been compensated, just like if the screen has not come, all the regrets that were compensated before will happen in the future or in the past.

However, due to the power of Ms. Alice, even a little girl like Cole did not vent her emotions in the discussion area this time. She just wiped her tears silently under the screen. For a while, the discussion area fell into a rare silence, with only a few people speaking here and expressing their feelings.

[Ying: To be honest, it seems that these five videos today will all be official videos. I am not saying that official videos are not good. After all, if you want to talk about credible news, official videos are more credible, even if they may mislead you through various methods. ]

[Funina: But in the official videos, these heavy videos or serious videos should occupy the majority. ]

[Ying: That's right, after all, it is an official video, and it is estimated that only a small part is relatively relaxed and happy... But to be honest, big screen, can you have a relaxing video for your last video today? I have tasted enough of Daozi today. ]

[Yae Shenzi: If you want to talk about relaxing and funny videos, you still have to watch the fan works made by others, right? ]

[Alice: This kind of thing is generally called secondary creation by the outside world. Among secondary creations, funny and light-hearted ones account for a relatively large proportion, but relatively speaking, secondary creation videos are more ruthless when it comes to sending knives. ]

[Ye Lan: Well, I feel it's okay. After all, the official videos collect intelligence, and the energy required for sorting and distinguishing them afterwards is much less. ]

[Kaiya: I support it. ]

[Kamisato Ayato: Indeed. ]

[Seno: Well, it would be better if there were more videos of playing cards. ]

[Leosli: It would save me a lot of effort. ]

[Charlotte: Well, I... I'm a little difficult to decide. ]

Most of the star users in other countries who are responsible for intelligence have expressed their affirmation and love for the official videos. Of course, some people have inevitably suffered some unexpected blows, such as -

[Kamisato Ayaka: Wuwuwu, brother, brother, you are not allowed to sleep in the room tonight! ]

[Kamisato Ayato: Wait, wait, Ayaka, brother was just joking! ]

[Ningguang: Ahem, Yelan, you should pay attention to your image and reputation. ]

[Yelan: Uh, I understand, I won't say anything more. ]

[Amber: Kaeya is really annoying sometimes. ]

[Eula: Indeed. ]

[Cole: Indeed. ]

[Lisa: Indeed. ]

[Diluk: Humph, you're right. ]

[Kaeya:... Hey! ]

[Tinari: Seno. ]

[Seno: You don't want to criticize me, do you? I'm just telling the truth. ]

[Tinari: No, I'm just sure of you (thumbs-up). As long as you don't tell your damn jokes, the rest doesn't matter. ]

What saved Kamisato Ayato, who not only had to sleep outside tonight but might have to kneel on the washboard, and Kaeya, who was surrounded and denounced by all his colleagues, close friends, and even brothers, was the news of the fifth and last video of the day that lit up on the screen.

[System: Now playing the fifth video of the day - "Genshin Impact" Fu Nina character PV - "Player"]

[Ying: Sofa... Wait, this is Fu Fu's character PV? Great, Fu Fu is such an interesting child, her videos must be very sweet, right? Thanks to the screen. ]

[Alice: Not necessarily, the more persecuted and funny the person in the game is on the surface, the greater the darkness and tragedy he actually bears. Isn't this a common method? ]

[Chongyun: Just looking at the name "Player", I thought it was Master Yun's play. ]

[Yanfei: Oh, the kingdom of justice, the queen of Fontaine, the video of the water god, I want to take a good look! 】

【Charlotte: Uh, well, I think Lady Funina’s videos may not have much legal content, probably more drama and cakes, right? 】

【Funina: How rude, I also do my job well, okay? ! 】

[Navia: Speaking of which (covering her face), if this video hadn't reminded me, I would have almost forgotten that Funina was also an actor. ]

[Sigwen: Hehe, it's Lady Funina's video. Many of my compatriots like to watch Lady Funina's dramas. ]

[Leosli: The PV video about your own role is called a person in the play... Tsk, it gives me a bad feeling. ]

[Claurinde: Are you overthinking it? Lady Funina is a little... exaggerated on weekdays, but she is actually very reliable, right? ]

Claurinde's words made the audience of Fontaine subconsciously recall Funina's performance in the past few days, not just the few days when the screen came down, but also their previous experiences with Funina by chance.

It must be said that although Funina is usually very interesting, as if she can't hide her thoughts, sometimes people with eyes can see that this water god is holding on, but at the critical moment, she is still very reliable.

Apart from anything else, five hundred years ago, after the previous generation of water god gave himself a wave, Fontaine at that time was corrupted by the old nobles inside, surrounded by the abyss, monsters and other external enemies outside, and even the water that was vital to Fontaine became bitter at that time.

At this time, the person who supported the dilapidated house of Fontaine, the brave and resolute bold reform, especially the person who discovered Villette, the highest judge of Fontaine, or the god, was none other than Funina herself.

It can be said that Funina was the most critical initial driving force for the prosperity of Fontaine today. Even if she was not the most popular star in Fontaine, everyone actually respected her very much.

Although the prophecy has become more and more intense during this period, Funina herself seems to have no countermeasures, which makes some people criticize the Lord of Water.

But in the past few days since the screen came, Funina's performance has won unanimous praise from the people of Fontaine.

Apart from other things, the blank Water Throne, which seemed to be crucial in dealing with the prophecy, and the Cross of Rebirth, were both beautifully won by Funina from the elites of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat.

It can be said that at this time, Funina not only swept away the shadow of the decline in reputation caused by her inaction in dealing with the prophecy, but also pushed her reputation to a higher level through the sudden screen video and Q&A.

So, after Clorinde finished speaking, Funina, who was in the Momang Palace, looked at the eyes of the people around her who suddenly became fanatical and loving, and felt uncomfortable as if there were many caterpillars crawling on her body.

After all, only she herself knew how big the things she concealed were, and she dared not imagine what expressions would be on the faces of the people who were looking at her with fanatical and loving eyes after the matter of pretending to be the Water God was exposed.

‘The only thing to be thankful for is that I have confronted Villette these past two days and have initially designed a plan to save Fontaine. I should not be disgraced... But if I think about the feeling of being exposed in public... I feel so embarrassed. ’

Under the confused gazes of others, Fu Fu sighed. For some reason, she suddenly felt a sense of sympathy with Hu Tao, who was far away in Liyue and had experienced helplessness and necessity in the past few days when the screen came down, but still had a smile on her face and was relaxed.

It’s just that Hu Tao has the blessing and assistance of Zhongli, the recognized strongest of the Seven Gods, the God of War and the God of Rock Morax, while I...

Uh, I seem to have the assistance of my father-in-law, Villette.



Could it be that the person in this world who is most like me is Liyue’s Wangsheng Hall Master Hu?

When Fu Nina had already started to think wildly and her thoughts were wild, the video was officially buffered and started playing.

At the beginning, the logos of 12+, bilibili games, miHoYo, etc. flashed, and a video camera image of Fu Nina performing on the stage with her legs raised freely appeared on the screen.

Seeing this scene, Fu Nina could even think of a smile in the midst of suffering, and she found something in common between herself and Master Hu.

This pair of white legs has the same characteristics.

As for the thickness of the biological armor on the upper body, Fu Fu has already ignored it gorgeously.

"Drama is an art between truth and falsehood."

A voice that Fu Fu is extremely familiar with sounded.

Yes, it is her own voice.

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