Although most people cannot distinguish their real voices, after all, the voice they speak is different from the actual sound effect.

But Fufu is different, as an actor and a big star.

Whether it was honing her acting skills in the early days of pretending to be the water god, or later devoting herself to art and becoming a household name, she never neglected to practice her acting skills.

Fufu performed in front of the mirror more than once, reciting her lines, and then listened to the playback of the recording equipment over and over again, trying to find her shortcomings and improve them.

So Fufu can be said to know her own voice best.

However, unlike her usual exaggerated, confident, proud and high-spirited voice, the voice of herself in this video revealed a sense of fatigue and sadness, which made her feel very strange, but also somewhat familiar, as if...

'It's as if I took off my disguise and turned back to the me of five hundred years ago... No, it's still a little different. Even if I no longer play the role of the water god, five hundred years have passed and I can no longer find the me of the past. '

The previous painting of the water god kicking was removed, the next one was the picture of the water god pouring tea on the stage, and the next one was the picture of the water god greeting and cheering. The self in the video was still narrating the riddler slowly.

"Because the story is false, but--"

The camera pulled away, and Funina sat on the beach, with her hands on her chin, and casually pulled the top picture of the superimposed painting out of boredom.

"For the characters in the play, their fate is real."

[Leosli: Oh, Lord Water God, I feel that you in the video have something to say. ]

[Funina: Um, do you have any other opinions on my evaluation of art? ]

[Ying: Fufu, sometimes you should give up. After lying down, you will find that the sky is open. ]

[Funina:... What do you want to say? ]

[Ying: Look at Wendy and Zhongli. They were just like you at the beginning. When the video about them was just played, they were also very stubborn, but in the end, they all lay down and gave up. ]

[Wendy: Oh, I'm just a poor, weak and helpless bard. Why do you persecute me like this? ]

[Zhongli: Everything is set. Futile resistance has no practical meaning. It can be said that it is a very easy way to adapt to the times and find a new way out. ]

[Wendy: Of course, this is the philosophy of life of two tired old salted fish like us. You are worthy of respect. You don't need to learn from us. ]

[Zhongli: You have your own path, go on firmly. ]

[Shadow: Barbatos, Morax, what are you two talking about suddenly? I don't quite understand. ]

[Nashida: ······]

[Funina: Uh, so? ]

[Ying: Hum~, you are also hiding something like these two guys, and secretly planning something, Fufu, hurry up and confess the truth. Anyway, even if this video doesn't reveal your past, I guess this screen will definitely reveal your past in the next few days. ]

At this time, the traveler still thought that Funina was the real water god, so with the two wrong examples of Wendy and Zhongli in front of him, Ying now thought that Funina was actually the same as Wendy and Zhongli, hiding some of their own little plans.

It's like Venti gave away his God's Heart to make up for his guilt.

It's also like Zhongli took the opportunity to test the Seven Stars of Liyue, wanting to retire and become an old man walking his bird.

Does this water god who has been a big star for 500 years have any small plans belonging to the gods besides dealing with the prophecy?

[Funina: I, I have nothing to hide (panic), I, I, yes, that sentence goes like this - my heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice! ]

[Ying: ···Hmm? It seems that Fufu has a big secret. ]

[Leosli: Obviously there is a big problem. ]

[Sigwen: Huhu~, Miss Funina is hiding something~. ]

[Navilette: Yes, it is indeed very big. ]

[Funina: Hey, Naavilette, you can't say it! 】

That Villette said that since Sigwen and Melusin had spoken, she should of course express her opinion.

[That Villette: Don't worry, Ms. Funina, I know the priorities. ]

[That Villette: Before everything is settled, I won't say anything that shouldn't be said. ]

[Funina: ··

·What does this mean? You can tell me after the dust settles? 】

【That Villette: ······】

【Ying: Think about it, even if the Supreme Judge doesn't say it, the screen will probably say it. 】

【Funina: Hmm...】

Funina's attitude that she almost made it clear that she was hiding something made many people's curiosity unbearable.

Of course, it was not purely curiosity, because in their view, the things that Funina concealed were closely related to Fontaine's prophecy and the future life and death of their relatives and friends, so they couldn't help but want to test it.

【Linnie: Hmm, I really want to investigate...】

【Funina: If you dare to investigate, go to Melo Petersburg to knock the screws! 】

【Navia: Funina, the more you do this, the more curious we will be. 】

【Funina: In short, don't be curious, I promise I have a way to deal with the prophecy. ]

[Charlotte: Ah, this, this is too difficult for a reporter like me to find out big news but not be able to ask about it. ]

[Funina: Hold it in. ]

[Xiawolei: Oh, there is nothing I can do (shrugs), since Lady Funina has made her attitude so clear. ]

[Claurinde: Then we have no choice but to trust Lady Funina. ]

[Servant: Hmm... It seems that we need to adjust the strategy of Fontaine. ]

[Funina: Wait? What are you going to do? ! ]

[Servant: Don't worry, I will be gentle. ]

[Funina: No~~~~~~]

On the continent of Teyvat, many viewers, even including a considerable number of star users, looked at Funina in the discussion area in a panic, unable to hide her thoughts, and almost using a loud speaker to tell everyone "I have a secret, I have a big secret".

I looked up at the extremely mature and steady Funina in the video. Although it can be seen that she is hiding a secret, she uses the riddler method to fascinate everyone and make everyone fall in love with her unconsciously.

······Could it be that this water god was really divided into the divine side and the human side later?

No matter how I look at it, I feel that Funina in the video is more like a god than the one in the discussion area. She is mysterious, powerful, charming, and most importantly, she can be a riddler.

How can a qualified god not be a riddler?

Inazuma's Thunder God is a negative example. He is almost kept in captivity by his own family.

The countless portraits of Funina who bloomed on the stage that were removed from the superimposed painting fell to the ground. The huge difference between Funina in the picture and Funina in the camera seemed to hint at something.

A gust of wind blew, and Funina, with her eyes drooping, seemed to finally get some interest and stood up from her seat.

Step by step, with hands behind her back, she walked forward slowly with cute movements but mature temperament, full of contradictions.

"Then the question is, are you and I the spectators?"

The pull rope that appeared out of nowhere was pulled by Funina.

"Or the people in the play?"

Funina pulled the pull rope on the stage, and the background that looked like the seaside just now changed into a stage curtain under the spotlight.

Funina forced a smile, and stood under the spotlight with her arms open and chest out as usual.

"No one can confirm this, after all..."

Funina smiled at the camera and raised one hand.

"Nothing is more deceptive than [senses]."


I don't know if it was the camera or the mirror, accompanied by the sound of glass breaking, some cracks appeared on the screen.

Frames flashed by, as if telling the audience in front of the screen that all this was just a play by the water god.

Fernina reappeared in the center of the screen, and the smile on her face was gone.

"But the only thing I can confirm is that the prophecy is true."

[Navia: Good fellow, Fernina, if you had said this five or six days earlier, the whole of Fontaine would have been in a panic. ]

[Fernina: No, no, what does what Fernina on the screen said have to do with me. ]

[Linnie: Ahaha (scratching face), does this count as the Lord of Water personally admitting the authenticity of the prophecy? Well, the first official confirmation of the prophecy? ]

[Linnet: Although in fact everyone has already recognized the authenticity of the prophecy. ]

[Servant: There is still a big difference between general spontaneous recognition and official recognition, Linnie, you should pay attention to this in the future. ]

[Linnie: Yes, father. ]

[Xiawolei: Yes, the prophecy is true. This is not the case in these days. We have seen so many stories about Fontaine.

Is it one of the consensus reached after watching Dan's video? ]

[Charlotte: Uh, the love story between Lady Funina and Mr. Sora should be excluded. ]

[Sora: Why is it that one day after that outrageous video, is there still someone mentioning it? ? ? ]

[Ying: I can use that video to make fun of you for the rest of your life, Sora. ]

[Chizhi: The past was the past, and the present is now. Even if a certain god personally acknowledges the prophecy now, Fontaine is still very quiet. ]

Chizhi put away her hands that were cutting and looked out the window expressionlessly.

As she said, even if the authenticity of the prophecy was personally certified by her own god, Fontaine is still as calm as ever.

It's not that there is no sound in the entire Fontaine.

After all, this is the most prosperous city in Fontaine. Even in the most ordinary daily life, all kinds of shouting, the roar of machines, and the sound of gears turning will fill the ears.

But there is no riot.

To be honest, this is not in line with the exaggerated character of the people of Fontaine, who are noisy and always parade and walk.

However, the reason is not difficult to guess.

[Servant: After all, now Ms. Funina should have all the keys to solve the prophecy in her hands, right? ]

[Funina: Yes, um, that's natural. ]

[Leosli: Haha, the transformation here is also going smoothly. Even if there is a problem with the Lord of Water, I can guarantee to save most people. ]

Yes, as the place with the highest average education level in Fontaine, even the illiterate people here have actively and passively absorbed a lot of knowledge on weekdays, and their horizons are broader than those of people in other countries.

After having enough buffer, the ordinary people of Fontaine, who account for the vast majority of the population, are not like the original work, as if they were suddenly told that the prophecy is true, and they are about to face it, and they are panicked and speak ill of Funina.

With enough buffer from the previous five days of videos, the people of Fontaine have accepted the fact that the prophecy will happen. More importantly, they also know that their lovely and charming god has obtained a trump card that can save them from this magical screen.

So what are they afraid of? !

This is what most people in Fontaine think now.

That's why they are so calm, and it's also the reason why the situation is completely opposite to that in the game.

But in contrast, in the original work, they realized early that the prophecy was true and tried to save the people of Fontaine through various methods and channels - most of them were star users.

Instead, they frowned unconsciously.

Something is wrong. Why is Funina's reaction different from what they expected?

Through the videos of the past few days, they did find that Funina, the recognized water god, had some problems, but they just thought that Funina's original destiny was to pay a huge price to deal with the prophecy.

But what's going on now?

Why do you feel that Funina has some inexplicable guilt and embarrassment?

There must be something that they didn't guess, which led to the current situation.

For a moment, from the children of the Fireplace House in the Buffati Mansion in Fontaine to the Duke of Melo Peterburg, they all showed some interest in further investigation.

When some star users of Fontaine found something wrong, the video on the screen continued.

Funina walked forward, picked up a lens, closed one eye, and used her right eye to observe the world outside the lens through the lens.

"Because in this drama, prophecy is part of the fate of all the characters."

After saying this sentence that made some people's faces change, Funina squatted down, supported her side face with one hand, and had a faint smile on her face.

"Huh? You don't believe it? Haha, haven't you noticed yet? I'm not talking at all."

Funina lifted her hair. This Funina, who was completely different from her usual style, captured the hearts of countless Fontaine people at once.

"It's just a recording in your mind."

The screen flashed, and in the close-up of Funina's mouth, a few bubbles surged upwards as Funina's mouth opened and closed several times.

Is this... underwater?

The camera pulled away again, and everyone could see clearly this time, the sunlight shining through the water, the rippling water, Funina was indeed in the water.

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