How can we help our beloved Lady Funinna?

Of course, we have to change the subject.

[Leosley: Let's stop here with the disorderly reasoning. After all, the known information is limited, but the possible inferences are infinite. Instead of guessing here, why not think about the answer to this question? ]

[Claulinde: I support the Duke's idea. Lady Funinna is the hero who saved Fontaine. We just need to recognize this point. Other speculations are irrelevant at the moment. We should focus on the question and answer. 】

【Funina: Clorinde...】

【Ying: Then I exclude E and H. Although there are some funny and funny contents in the game, after all, games are generally entertainment means to bring people joy and smiles, but this is obviously the most serious moment in the main storyline. Normal screenwriters should not play bad jokes or make trouble here, and these two options are funny at first glance. 】

Seeing the traveler say this, think about it, the prophecy is approaching step by step, the signs are becoming more and more obvious, and even from time to time, the people of Fontaine will be dissolved in water.

The atmosphere in Fontaine from top to bottom is getting more and more tense, and the people of Fontaine are even forced to send the beloved Lady Funina to the trial seat.

In this case, if the cardinal of the oracle gives some irrelevant and outrageous judgments, it will not only fail to make people smile, but will make people's blood pressure rise more.

[Yae Shenzi: When creating literary works, the most taboo is a sudden turn without a trace of foreshadowing. This will not make people feel that the creator is full of creativity, but only feel that it is inexplicable. ]

[Charlotte: This... Indeed, whether it is that Lady Funina can only eat macaroni in the future, or that little Paimon can only eat one bowl of rice... It doesn't seem like a decision that the Cardinal of the Oracle can make, nor does it seem like something that can happen in reality. ]

After all, whether it is that the big eater Paimon can only live on three bowls of rice a day, or Funina, who can't live without dessert every day, can only live on macaroni, it is a bit beyond people's imagination.

[Navia: Well, then add option A that was just eliminated, uh, option A is eliminated... Now there are a total of three options eliminated. ]

[Navilet: Well, based on what Ms. Funina told me these two days, plus the information I know, B, C, F and G are not very likely. According to the speculation of Ms. Funina and me, in order to deceive the law of nature and protect the people of Fontaine on the premise of completing the prophecy, the "Water God" must die once. ]

[Funina: To be precise, it is related to the reward I got before... It should have been water... I destroyed the throne of the Water God in some way and returned the power he lacked to Navilet, so that he could forgive the original sin of the people of Fontaine. ]

These two days, it was not just Funina who saw the law of nature being suppressed by the screen, and at the same time held two major rewards in her hands, and then she felt relieved to find Navilet and told him about her fake water god.

Similarly, Navilet, who was quite touched and understood humans in advance and understood why Fukaros asked him to be the highest judge of Fontaine, also told Funina about the power of the ancient dragon.

Especially the fact that he had previously deduced that if the ancient dragon's power was restored, the sins of all the people of Fontaine could be forgiven.

Navilet did not hide anything and told everything to Funina.

This was not only because Navilet was also a fan of Funina and was impressed by her performance on the stage, but also because he was shocked by Funina's persistence for five hundred years.

And the two of them were two of the three most critical people in the original plot.

With the two of them communicating with each other, even if Fukaros was still hiding in the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment, watching the screen revealing the secrets of the video and distributing rewards in the past few days, he felt very embarrassed and didn't know how to face Funina and Navilet when he saw that he didn't have to break the throne to deal with the prophecy.

But Funina and Navilet had already supplemented the missing part of the information, so naturally they knew how they had originally solved the prophecy.

Before, Funina told Ying that they had made a plan to solve the prophecy, and only the last few preparations were needed.

In fact, the only thing missing is that one man and one dragon are worried about how to pull out Fukaros, who has been sharpening his sword for five hundred years but suddenly found that his efforts were in vain and started to get upset for no reason, and hid in the Cardinal of the Oracle.

To be honest, Fu Ning

Na wanted to whip her other self properly in the future, she didn't want her other self to die heroically.

[Ying: Okay, the reason why this question is easy has been found. It seems that you two have already deduced the correct answer? ]

[Navierte: That's right, traveler, the correct answer is D. ]

[Funina: Water God, guilty, death penalty. ]

[Navia:...Fu, Funina, you, you actually——]

[Charlotte: This, I don't want this big news, Lady Funina. ]

[Leosli: Death penalty... Well, it seems that it is similar to the previous speculation. If you want to deal with the prophecy under the eyes of heaven, you must not take the usual path. But why is it the death penalty of the water god... Hiss, is it the previous reward? ]

[Linnie: The truth of the prophecy is actually like this... Lady Funina, you, you are really great. ]

[Servant: I take back my previous underestimation of you, Master Furninna, you are a genuine and respectable god. ]

It is not easy to get the Fatui to express their recognition and praise for the rulers other than the Queen of Winter.

Look at their attitudes towards the gods of wind and rock in other countries. The lady either slaps them or jumps in their faces, and the doctor treats the God of Grass as nothing.

In the eyes of the executive, only the Queen of Winter, who has raised the banner of rebellion against the law of nature, is the real god. The other rulers are just running dogs of the law of nature who dare not even express their dissatisfaction.

But look now.

Good guy, it turns out that the Queen is not alone, and there is also a friendly army, Furninna, who would rather destroy one of the ruling bases of the law of nature on the continent of Teyvat than fool and fight against the law of nature and protect the people. This, this is too queen, too Fatui.

No wonder the Queen had such a special opinion of Funina before, and even specifically ordered that the plan here could be delayed.

Or maybe we could just summon the Water Goddess of Fontaine to join the Fatui, because she is particularly suitable to be an executive officer. Now that the original six scattered soldiers have defected, they need someone to take over. Otherwise, we could invite Lady Funina.

The servant looked at the screen and nodded approvingly.

[Xiawolei: Well, Lady Funina, you actually... Is there any other way? The Water God's death penalty is too cruel to counter the prophecy. ]

[Leosli: Sure enough, whether it is the gods or... Alas, we Fontaine people have always been taken care of by the Water God. ]

As expected, after seeing the correct answer, whether it was the discussion area or the Fontaine Court, the people of Fontaine were all blown up.

The way to counter the prophecy was to let their beloved Water God die first?

Isn't this too much of a joke in hell?

But seeing what Lord Villet meant, Lord Water God would not be able to fight against the prophecy unless he died once, which confused the people of Fontaine, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

The people of Fontaine even split into two groups on the spot. One group did not want Lord Funina to sacrifice herself to save Fontaine, and the other group thought that what you said was right, but it was not enough. The people of Fontaine should support Lord Funina more firmly, stand on Lord Funina's side, and bravely fight against the law of nature.

Funina had a headache. Sure enough, just as the traveler said, with the existence of the mysterious Lord on the screen, she should have given up resistance earlier like the Wind God of Mondstadt and the Rock God of Liyue, right?

Good guy, she tried every means to hide as much as possible before, but the next second, a question declared all her previous efforts useless.

Doesn't this make her, who was hesitant in the discussion area before, look like a clown.

Although no one would laugh at her, she was embarrassed.

Forget it, I'm tired, let's destroy it.

Fu Fu lay weakly on her soft 12-square-meter velvet silk mattress, her whole body soft like a salted fish without bones.

Well, she has no temper now, and has been pulled back and forth like this, ready for the Fontaine military salute.

[Claulinde: Water God... Death penalty? ]

[Navia: Is there no other way? Although Funina is like this and that, but, I really don't want Funina to be executed. ]

[Funina: Hey, what do you mean? ! ]

[Navia: Ah, that, I'm not... In short, Funina, not only me, but everyone in the Thorn Rose Society, and the people of Fontaine, don't want you to save us in this way. 】

【Xiawolei: Well, speaking of which, Lady Funina should have a way to separate her divinity and humanity. After all, looking at the previous video, after dealing with the prophecy, Lady Funina is still alive and has obtained the Eye of God given by Lady Vilet. 】

Navia: But even so, Funina's sacrifice is too great. ]

[Xiawolei: How did Lady Funina accept the trial? ]

[Alice: Of course, she was sent to the court by the yellow-haired man and his accomplices, and was judged by Villette, and then she sacrificed herself to save Fontaine~. ]

[Alice: Come on, let's have a fun guess. In addition to a certain yellow-haired man, who else worked together to send Funina to the court for trial? ]

Seeing the witch who likes to eat melons and not mind the big things, the star users of Fontaine showed an embarrassed but polite expression.

Clorinde, who is still working part-time as Funina's daily guard, was the first to stand up and shout "I will always support Lady Funina".

However, Clorinde, who has a very calm personality, suppressed this impulse first and thought calmly.

The original future must be different from the current situation.

This was Clorinde's first thought.

Lady Funina is very popular now, because after the screen came, she changed her previous idle style and ignored the prophecy, and began to actively participate in the question-and-answer session to strive for the reward of saving Fontaine.

So, in the original destiny, that is, the game of "Genshin Impact", if Lady Funina still maintained the attitude of not caring about the prophecy at all and had no countermeasures at all, would she still firmly and unconditionally support Lady Funina like now?

Clorinde felt very worried, especially when the prophecy was about to break out and the signs became more and more obvious, and there was a group of guys around who were actively trying to deal with the prophecy.

She might get excited and really team up with the traveler who was causing trouble in various countries to use the court trial duel to force Funina to tell the truth, or at least be more proactive.

After all, even the orphans of the Hearth House are trying to save their hometown. If Lady Funina, the water god, does nothing on the surface, as if she is doing nothing, it is indeed easy to make people lose their balance.

Similar to Clorinde, most of the other Fontaine star users have similar ideas, so for a while, no one can say whether they will send Funina to the court of trial in the future, and the discussion area suddenly became quiet.

After a long time, a star user of Fontaine made an awkward speech in the discussion area.

[Charlotte: I think, this, I thought about it roughly, if it really develops according to the original situation, I, I might provide some help to the traveler. ]

[Claurinde: I... a little uncertain. ]

[Linnie: Uh, this, Lady Funina, you know us, we brothers and sisters should put dealing with the prophecy first. ]

[Navia: Ahahaha, this, Funina, you also know my attitude towards Fontaine before...]

[Funina:...I can see that you all think I'm easy to bully, and you all want to send me up, right? ! ]

[Ying: Calm down, calm down... Big screen, hurry up and save me. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

Good guy, it seems that you have been watching the show just now, right?

This finally made you have fun, right?

A group of Fontaine audiences looked at the screen with complicated expressions, but the screen was like an emotionless machine at this time, calmly issuing rewards.

[System: Reward the distinguished five-star user Crying Dragon Navilette with the Melusin Potion (1/1). ]

[System: Melusin, a species born from the flesh and blood of the "behemoth" Erinus. Erinus is a gentle father who taught Melusin how to survive in this world like a child. But later, Erinus' voice gradually became inaudible to Melusin, so Melusin asked Navilet to take them to live in Fontaine. This is the most favored race of the newly born Water Dragon King of Fontaine. 】

【System: Melusin potion, a potion specially used for dragon lizards in the Fontaine area. Each use can transform a dragon lizard into a Melusin. The potion can be used once a day and reset at midnight every day. 】

【System: Navilet, look at how far you have pushed the dragon lizards of Fontaine! 】

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