The old man was buried in the grave.


Silence is the current Fontaine, silence is the current opera house.

No one cares about Funina now.

Because everyone's attention has been diverted to Navilette.

Just like in the real world, if you want to prevent Wang Feng from getting the headlines, you can use more explosive things to cover up Wang Feng's concert.

The current situation is the same.

How Funina will save Fontaine in the future through the judgment of "Water God, guilty, death penalty" and the hot topic of deceiving the law of nature is also temporarily covered up by the big news here in Navilette.

Although everyone has long noticed that the highest judge of Fontaine, the usually serious Lord Navilette, treats the Melusin race very specially.

But I never expected that the big man on the screen, who knows everything from ancient times to the present and suppresses the law of nature with one hand, would point it out and even give a corresponding reward.

Now the audience of Fontaine is very curious about what their beloved Supreme Judge has done or what happened that made the big man on the screen bring this matter to the surface.

[Funina: This is really... well, a reward that suits Vilet's preferences. ]

[Sigwen: Wow, great, our compatriots can be increased. ]

Not only Sigwen, all the Melusins ​​who can see this scene, even the consciousness of the giant beast Erinus, are all excited at this time.

After all, the Melusin race was originally born from Erinus' body.

And as Erinus fell asleep, the activity of the remains became more and more inert. In fact, theoretically, the Melusin race can no longer increase their purebred members.

Now there is an opportunity to increase the number of the tribe, and the Melusin is transformed by Lord Navilette, who is beloved by all Melusin. Of course, they are happy.

Even Erinus is not in a hurry to find someone to help him continue to sleep, wanting to see what this beautiful dragon will do in the future.

Melusin and her friends don't have any other thoughts. They are simply happy for the increase in the number of their compatriots and think that they can play games better in the future.

The focus of other people is slightly different from theirs.

[Navia: The increase in Melusin is a good thing, but what the hell is a crying dragon? ]

[Charlotte: Oh, big news, big news, this is still big news that can be broadcast! ]

[Charlotte: Lord Navilette, do you have time to accept a special interview with our Steam Bird News? ]

[Naviette: For interview matters, please go to the corresponding department of Momang Palace to apply and fill out the form in advance. For specific matters, please contact Sedna at the front desk. ]

[Femini: Cry, cry, cry dragon... Could it be that legend? ]

[Linette: There is a water dragon king in Fontaine. It is said that when he cries, heavy rain will fall from the sky. ]

[Femini: When I was little, my mother told me that if I wanted the rain to stop, I should shout to the sky, "Water dragon, water dragon, stop crying." ]

[Linette: Speaking of which (recalling), there are often sudden showers on the days of trials in the opera house. ]

[Funina: Uh, now that you mention it, I remember that although the guys in the Academy of Sciences are sometimes unreliable, they will not always be unreliable... However, the weather forecast in Fontaine, especially the weather forecast here in Fontaine, is always problematic. ]

[Ying: Come on, let us guess, who is the new water dragon king? ]

[Then Villette:...]

It's raining.

Well, the atmosphere in Fontaine has become even more awkward.

[Navia: Ah, it's raining.]

[Funina: Hey, Violet, isn't it? ? ?]

[Vilet: Ahem.]

[Funina: I'm trying not to cry!]

[Fukaros: ... Water Dragon, Water Dragon, stop crying.]

[Vilet: ? ? ! ! ! ]

[Femini: By the way, this rumor seems to have been spread since five hundred years ago, which means that it was Miss Funina who spread it first?]

[Funina: Ah (panicked), um, uh, ahem.]

[Navia: What's wrong with you? Didn't you just say this?]

[Funina: That's right——]

[Vilet: That's right, after I was born, I didn't have any goals. It was the Lord of Water who invited me to become the Supreme Judge of Fontaine, and I have been in this position until now. 】

【That Villette: But I didn't expect this rumor,

It turned out to be a five-hundred-year-old joke and blessing from the Lord of Water and me. 】

【Funina: ······】

That Villette took the initiative to come out to save the situation.

【Paimon: Hmm (thinking), I always feel that the atmosphere in the discussion area just now is so strange. 】

【Ying: Hiss (inhaling). 】

【Leosli: Oh my... Uh cough, there is nothing strange, Paimon. 】

【Linnie: This is really... Lord Funina, you really like to joke, and it is really admirable. 】

【Servant: No wonder. 】

【Charlotte: Hmm? Hmm? What happened? 】

【Alice: Nothing, go and write the news "Shocked, the Supreme Inquisitor intends to use the video reward to turn all the Fontaine people into Melusin", they are just joking now. 】

Obviously, some people reacted and some did not.

Some people who had long speculated that Funina was not the water god soon broke through their thinking habits and realized that the "Fukalos" who had just spoken was the hidden real water god.

Those who had not thought of this would find it difficult to think of this point. No matter how smart they were, it was useless. After all, it was difficult for people to break through their own thinking.

However, some viewers who realized the truth also knew that they could not let this matter stay for too long, and immediately began to change the topic.

Obviously, it is not a good thing to expose here that Lady Funina is not the real water god, and that the water god is someone else. On the contrary, it will make the current situation in Fontaine more complicated.

[Ying: By the way, then, Vilet, aren't you too unqualified as the water dragon king? ]

[Vilet: What do you mean by that? ]

[Ying: Look, even the big screen thinks that you have forced the dragon lizards of Fontaine into what... What did you do to the dragon lizards of Fontaine? ]

[Vilet: This, I don't know much about it. I don't think I did anything to the dragon lizards. ]

【Lord of the Dragons: No, this is the key point. You are a newborn water dragon king, but you don't know much about the situation of the dragon lizards? The biggest problem is that you don't do anything for your own family! 】

【Apep: Humph, you are so weak to appear in a cowardly and tiny body. Show your dragon form! 】

【Tevarin: Should I say something about this situation? 】

【Ying:...So what happened? 】

【Leosli: I don't know much about the dragon lizards, but our Supreme Judge is very partial to Melusin. This is basically a consensus in Fontaine. 】

【Sigwen: After all, it is Lord Navilette. 】

【Ying: So the screen thinks that Navilette, as a newborn water dragon king, ignored his original dragon lizards and had a special liking for Melusin born in Erinus, so he gave this reward? 】

【Ying: I always feel that there is some key information missing? 】

As a veteran player, Ying was keenly aware that there must be something she didn't understand, otherwise this reason alone would not be enough for the screen to give such a special and targeted reward.

It was probably a certain task in the original game, or it might be because of a certain plot, which was well-known among outside players.

The screen was considerate, especially for my questions, He always answered them in the first time.

So the screen, which was about to turn off after playing the five videos today, lit up again.

But this time, there was no video, but a close-up image of a purple, simply dressed Meilushin.

Well, although Meilushin in Hailu Village was already dressed very simply, this purple Meilushin was dressed even more simply than her "companions" in Hailu Village.

The screen was like playing an electronic photo album, with pictures of her cutely swaying her body when she was happy, pictures of her hiding behind the traveler and trembling when she was afraid, and pictures of her leaning forward to the traveler and Paimon, showing a little admiring expression.

Although this Melusine is somewhat special, no one understands what it means at this time.

[Ying: Strange, what's wrong with this Melusine? ]

[Paimon: Looks like a friend we'll meet on our future trips? ]

[Navia: Well, at first glance, it seems to be fine. ]

[Naviette: Uh...]

[Sigwen: Hmm? Is it a companion I haven't seen before? ]

The Melusines in Fontaine opened their eyes wide with curiosity, looking at the screen strangely. They had never seen Melusine in their hometown, Hailu Village.

As everyone knows, all Melusines were born in the body of Erinus and lived in Hailu Village. Since they have never seen it, it means


[Alice: New Melusin? Strange, I remember Melusin shouldn't have... Wait, could it be? ? ! ! ! ]

[Ying: What do you want to say? ]

[Alice: Hiss, take a look at the last sentence of the reward description. ]

[Ruotu: I thought I had seen everything in the past few thousand years... I really haven't seen this (shame). ]

[Apep: !!! This is ridiculous! ! ! ]

[Ying: Um, the last sentence... Pfft, cough cough, could it be? ! ]

[Alice: That's right, this is the dragon lizard in Fontaine now. ]

[Albedo: Deep-sea dragon lizards, I seem to have done similar research and read related research materials. It seems that one of their characteristics is that they are extremely adaptable to the environment and are good at changing and evolving. ]

[Ruotu: Yes, so the dragons on earth now are completely different from the original dragons before, but this...]

[Ying: Hiss, this evolutionary ability is so powerful, I, I want this, I want to raise a dragon lizard! ]

[Paimon: Wake up! ]

Not to mention the star users in the discussion area, even the audience on the entire Teyvat continent opened their mouths wide, looking at the cute, even trembling purple Melusin on the screen, no, it should be the dragon lizard Percival. Many people rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.

Now who still remembers the death penalty for the water god, who still remembers what Fukaros said in the discussion area, all attention is on this novel dragon lizard.

Even the screen added fuel to the fire, and next to Percival, there was a deep-sea dragon lizard that roared to the sky, which looked extremely ferocious and could kill 17 or 18 Melusins ​​in one bite.

Then it was marked in bold and slashed boldface -

Villatte, look at what you've done to the dragon lizards of Fontaine? !

【Ying: Pfft, cough cough, this is indeed a bit too much. 】

【Xinhai: I remember that there seems to be some research data on deep-sea dragon lizards in the Yuanxia Palace... Water Dragon King, um. 】

【Yae Shenzi: Good guy, if the water-attributed dragon lizards other than Fontaine knew that their dragon king had this habit, would they change their elemental attributes overnight? 】

【Alice: It's hard to say, I always feel that changing elemental attributes is easier than evolving into Melusin. 】

【Sigwen: But now that Lord Vilatte has the Melusin potion, everyone can easily become Melusin. 】

【Sigwen: A big increase in companions, a big victory~!!! 】

【Funina: In short, compared to the crazy dragon lizards in Fontaine, it seems that it would be better if they all became Melusin... Forget it, Villette, you should use it with caution. 】

With Funina's words, the reward storm of Villette finally came to an end temporarily.

As for whether there will be another storm in the future, it depends on whether the number of Melusin in Fontaine will increase abnormally in the future.

But I think the people of Fontaine should be very happy and happy to see this situation.

After all, now is different from the past when there was no reform or the early stage of reform, when the old nobles and old forces were still very powerful.

At that time, the people of Fontaine were wary and questioning of Melusin, but now, it has been subtly influenced for hundreds of years.

The people of Fontaine have long regarded Melusin as their own people, and they are still the kind of people who are very popular and will protect Melusin if something happens.

Well, they should also be very happy to see that the number of Melusin, which has only decreased over the years, has started to increase again.

As the discussion in the discussion area became less and less, the mood of the audience on the entire continent also stabilized, and the screen finally gave a prompt that today's broadcast was over.

[System: Today's video Q&A and reward and punishment distribution have all been completed. Dear users, we will see you tomorrow. ]

As the information of the temporary closure of the observatory appeared on the screen again, at this moment, I don’t know how many viewers on the continent of Teyvat subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed their tense shoulders.

After all, today's five videos are all official videos.

As for official videos, everyone knows that except for a few light-hearted videos, the rest are endorsements with huge amounts of information.

God knows how many times everyone's spirits have experienced tension and relaxation in just over two hours this morning.

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