The most important thing is to be a good person.

In these five videos today.

The Fool's Play of Winter Night and Song of Ashes have given more viewers a deeper understanding of the Fatui, who were previously seen as a simple villain in the eyes of other countries other than Winter Solstice, and their image has become richer and fuller.

Among them, the Fool's Play of Winter Night is not bad, it is just a collective appearance of a group of executives, and a riddle man by the way, but this simply improves the image of the executives, the upper class of the Fatui, and even the image of some executives is getting worse.

And Song of Ashes makes the overall image of the Fatui more flesh and blood. As long as you are not a cold-blooded person without any feelings, who would not be moved by the friendship between Krewe and Peruvian?

People have a deeper understanding of Hearth House, a rumored institution for training winter spies, advance teams, agents, etc., and they are less afraid and more sympathetic.

The Winds of the Four Directions let people know the real God of Wind - although they had already known each other before, and now it is just an official announcement.

According to surveys, audiences in other countries, except Mondstadt, have greatly increased their confidence and gratitude in their own gods. They all lamented that Mondstadt has such a god and can still be so stable, and the church and the Knights are really talented.

Of course, it is another matter if the Mondstadt people themselves do not think so.

The Goddess Splits the View makes people realize the charm of Liyue opera, and there is a story about a little girl who was finally saved, oh, now she is a big girl.

And the people in the play...

Well, Fontaine is still in the hustle and bustle.

After the hot spots of the story that Villette and the Dragon Lizard have to say have passed, everyone finally picked up the previous explosive matter of the water god being guilty and sentenced to death.

The current Funina is completely different from the Funina in the game.

The future revealed on the screen these days, as well as Funina's powerful performance, have made Funina's reputation among the people of Fontaine even higher.

At this time, Funina no longer has the appearance of being idle in the game in the face of the increasingly intense prophecy.

Knowing that the law of nature was suppressed and that the exposure of her disguise as the water god would at most only lead to her social death, Funina showed her full enthusiasm and killed a lot in the discussion area.

There were 25 videos and 25 rewards in five days, and Funina won two of them alone, both of which were rewards that had a great effect on the prophecy. How could the people of Fontaine not cheer for such a powerful "water god"?

So to be honest, when they first heard that they needed to let Funina, the "water god", die once to fight against the prophecy, 99% of the people of Fontaine resisted.

The remaining 1% proved the diversity of intelligent life species.

Just like the day before, everyone spontaneously gathered at the Momang Palace, walked around and petitioned, hoping to accompany Lady Funina to face the prophecy.

They, humans, can't just sit there and wait to be saved by their own gods by sacrificing themselves.

Of course, the storm soon subsided. Because she was annoyed and wanted to rush to the Opikle Opera House to whip another whip of hers, Funina shouted in the discussion area.

[Funina: Have you forgotten the reward I got before, Kora? ! ]



Silence is the Fontaine at noon.

Oh, yes, it seems that Lady Funina got a resurrection item, the Cross of Rebirth, before. Theoretically, a death sentence doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Oh, yes, there is also the blank throne.

I didn't quite understand the function of that thing before. After all, the throne is something high-end at first glance, and it has nothing to do with ordinary mortals like them. I have never even heard of it before.

That is, Villette and others, dragons, and gods were chatting with each other in the discussion area. Through the information in it, everyone simply analyzed the function of this thing.

Knowing the effect of the Water God Throne on the new Water Dragon King, everyone suddenly realized that they could skip the death penalty process and directly enter the step of Villette restoring the ancient dragon power and pardoning the original sin of the Fontaine people?

Oh, by the way, we still have to give some face to the heaven.

Then let's make a guillotine made of sponge, let Lady Funina pretend to be judged, and then go to the guillotine to play, so as to give the heaven a step to step down.

Realizing the explosive scene of "Water God, guilty, death penalty"

, which happened in the original destiny, and the current reality is unlikely to happen again. The Fontaine people who had just gathered near the Mo Mang Palace for a walk scratched their cheeks in embarrassment.

While laughing and saying "It's a nice day today, it's raining again", some left the Mo Mang Palace for some reason, saying "You need to collect clothes, I need to move bricks".

This made Funina on the top floor of the Mo Mang Palace angry and funny, but thanks to the enthusiastic support of the people of Fontaine for Funina, Funina's tense spirit for hundreds of years because of pretending to be the water god was also relaxed a lot.

Sure enough, my persistence is not meaningless.

Even if in the original destiny, I might be criticized by the same group of Fontaine people downstairs, but this is the Fontaine people.

Funina was silent for a while, and simply ignored the bad future in the original destiny.

After all, fate has been completely smashed, kneaded and rewoven by unreasonable aliens. It would be too idle to worry about the original fate.

And now that Funina has calmed down, she can also use a more objective mindset to think and deduce what the original future will be like.

Excluding the misleading video of her and the traveler being so sweet the day before, Funina thought rationally based on the existing conditions.

Finally, she had to admit that if there was no intervention from the screen, she would probably remain silent in the future, either watching performances or performing in person, or having tea parties and tasting small cakes every day.

And with such an attitude, coupled with the increasingly intense signs of the prophecy, even a second-rate researcher Marcelle can use Les, no, the water of the original fetal sea to dissolve the Fontaine people. Funina can more or less imagine how panicked the atmosphere of Fontaine will be in the future.

In that case, her persistence seems to be inaction.

Then it seems that being brought to the trial by everyone in the end is not something that cannot be understood.

Judging from the previous video, the traveler is the type of good person who likes to meddle in other people's business.

In this case, it is reasonable for her to help her friends and solve their problems.

After everything is settled, she lives in Fontaine as a human being. By chance, she becomes friends with the traveler who had some minor frictions before. It is not something that cannot be understood.

Oh, by the way, maybe the Qinglian stage play was arranged by the traveler.


Sighing, patting her face, and regaining the energetic, contemptuous, and world-class water god form, Funina began to do business.

She led the guard Clorinde and the honor guard headed by Xiawolei to head towards the Opikle Opera House.

Now that the last piece of the puzzle has been obtained, it is time to get things done.

In short, first control the Cardinal Oracle, and then pull out the self in the mirror, that is, the real water god, Fukalos.


How did Fufu know that Fukalos was with the Cardinal Oracle?

Please, Fufu just looks silly and easy to deceive, but she is actually very smart, okay?

In the past five hundred years, the Cardinal Oracle in the opera house has accumulated a huge amount of legal compensation energy that is enough to blow up Fontaine and achieve shoulder to shoulder with Sky Island.

This huge and steady energy is settled there safely, without any movement, and it is not under the control of Villette.

Who can control them?

The answer is simple, of course it is Fukalos.

"Come on, another me, let's settle the score now. You are going to die on your own, and you have to pay me back for not telling me the length of the schedule of pretending to be the water god."

Funina smiled happily.

As for the next step, Funina is going to compile a new drama called "The Death of the Water God".

After all, we still have to give justice some face. Let's go through the process of the prophecy for you, so that everyone can step down. In the future, you go your way and I go my way. It would be better if everyone is peaceful.

On the other side, Ying, who has stayed in Xumi for more than two days, finally let go of the soft and helpless Nashida with tears in her eyes, and reluctantly said goodbye to Leila, Nilu, Falushan, Dishia, Dina Zedai, Cole, etc., and simply waved to Tinari, Kavi, Senor, Elhaisen and others. Ying and Paimon climbed onto Tevarin's back and found a comfortable place to sit down.

After all, in the discussion area, Wanye and Beidou said that their ship was about to arrive at Liyue Port. Ying, who had already made an appointment with Wanye in the discussion area, still had to go there.


Taking Teyvat's fastest flight, Tevarin, we flew to Liyue Harbor with lightning and sparks. Like Xumi, Ying, the most talked-about traveler in the discussion area, has been shining on the screen for the past five days and has been warmly welcomed by everyone in Liyue.

"Traveler, welcome to Liyue."

Standing in front of everyone is Zhongli, a tall figure who looks very young but gives people a sense of heaviness and precipitation.

And a little girl wearing a blue Liyue girl's clothes, who looks very cute but looks inexplicably serious and majestic.

Behind them are the Liyue Seven Stars and a group of immortals. Standing between them is a confused blue-haired girl wearing black silk and a one-third upper body coat. Her dress is extremely bold even in the outside world.

And another lively girl with light red hair wearing a fiery red summer dress, with her belly and thighs open for people to admire, leaving a deep impression.

Wow, Liyue's clothes are really bold.

But didn't they both say that this was a special dress that was rarely worn?

Or was it because this dress was specially designed by their respective elders, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Grandma Ping, so today, in a formal occasion with the elders present, they had to suppress their shyness and wear it?

The simple idea went around in her mind, and Ying looked at the positions of the people in front of her.

Well, there are people on the left, immortals on the right, and it is reasonable for the semi-immortals to stand in the middle.

Oh, I didn't expect that Liyue's welcome was so grand, even the immortals in the deep mountains and old forests were all pulled out to welcome...

Wait a minute?

"Uh, how did you know I was in Liyue now?"

Ying was a little surprised. Although the Tevarin flight was jokingly called a flight, it was not a real punctual flight.

Even this time when she came to Liyue, she originally wanted to sneak over first, experience the traditional Liyue style without being affected, and go to places like Chunxiang Kiln for a good stroll.

After all, knowing that her brother was not in danger of death, Ying was already very relaxed.

In addition, both her brother and others hoped that she could have her own trip first, and then consider other things.

So at this time, Ying really wanted to enjoy a normal trip to her heart's content.

So the question is, since the specific time was not informed in advance, how did everyone gather together so neatly and run to the top of Tianheng Mountain to welcome her?

"Well, this is a bit complicated."

Yan Fei laughed dryly and scratched her cheek embarrassedly.

"Actually, Yan Fei and I went to treat Ruo Tuo, and when we came back, we also took Liu Yun and the others with us, wanting to accompany Ruo Tuo back to take a good look at the current scenery of Liyue."

Zhongli explained calmly, and Ningguang took over the rest of the conversation.

"The Emperor and the immortals came to visit Liyue Harbor. Although we know that the Emperor doesn't want to attract too much attention, we, the Seven Stars, still have to come out to welcome them. So we compromised and took my Qunyu Pavilion to give a simple reception at the top of Tianheng Mountain."

"Then at this time, the Emperor said that the followers of the God of Wind were flying towards Liyue Harbor, so we..."

Ganyu touched the back of her head and said a little embarrassedly.

Okay, it turns out that I was just being sentimental.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Although it is true that we welcome the Emperor and Miss Yanfei, it is also true that the Emperor suggested that we welcome you."

Keqing stood up and welcomed the Traveler and Paimong in a friendly manner.

After all, in the video of Don't Let Me Worry, in the travel photos of Liyue, there was a picture of the Traveler Paimong and Keqing standing together in a friendly and intimate manner to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

It's not that Keqing brags about herself. She is still very clear about how "annoying" she is in her daily work.

Normally, except for those who have just met her and only see her appearance but don’t know her personality, they may naturally have a good impression of her.

Those who work with her, who doesn’t avoid her? So far, no one who can work with me has worked for more than three months.

In the future, I can be so close and friendly with each other, and even recognize each other and celebrate the New Year together. I guess the traveler must be a companion who can agree with my ideal, right?

Keqing thought so.

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