The fine she paid is enough to buy a brand new ocean-going ship. Alas, to be honest, if I didn't need to explain something to her, I really didn't want to see her."

As she said this, Ningguang took Ying and Yanfei and flew to Beidou's flagship, the Death Star.

Here, a very heroic sister, who wore an eye mask like Kaia, greeted them with a very heroic smile.

This is the soul of the Southern Cross Fleet, Captain Beidou, who is known as the "Uncrowned Dragon King".

Behind Captain Beidou, there is a man who is blowing leaves like the wind. Seeing Ying and the others, he stopped what he was doing and waved his hand very friendly.

Oh, by the way, when Ningguang and the others got on the boat, they found that behind Beidou and Wanye, there was a very pale warrior who just stood there, sweating profusely, and looked very weak and without a sense of existence.

As expected, this was Wanye's friend, the one who was killed by General Lei Dian with a knife, and then saved in time by the Teyvat fried egg that Wanye got from the screen.

"Well, even if I don't know medical skills, I can see that if an ordinary person is like you, let alone being able to stand, I'm afraid he may die at any time."

After looking at Wanye's friend, Yan Fei was a little embarrassed.

Wanye shrugged: "This is thanks to the magical reward from Mr. Screen. The fried egg can bring people back to life... but it's just bringing people back to life."

It means that you can stay alive, but if you have any headaches or other problems, they will not be responsible.

"After all, it's only 100 HP. The games I play all have HP of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Look at the introduction of those HP-regenerating Teyvat foods. I'm afraid that the lowest HP of our characters in the game is above 1,000."

Ying came over carelessly and patted Wan Ye's shoulder. Not to mention, Wan Ye-

"By the way, you and my brother look alike. I can imagine what it would be like when we first met in the game."

As he said this, Ying skillfully materialized three sweet flower-stuffed chickens, one for Wan Ye's friend, and the other two gestured to Wan Ye. After receiving a reply from Wan Ye that he had already had dinner, they all threw them to Xiao Paimong.

"Haha, I'm going to negotiate some things with Captain Beidou. Please help yourself."

After that, Ningguang took Beidou, who wanted to say something to the traveler, away.

With Ying's sweet flower-stuffed chicken to replenish blood, and the horse charm in Yanfei's hand, Wanye's friends were fine except for feeling particularly bloated. In less than an hour, they became lively and even danced with Wanye to entertain everyone.

By the way, Ying found that Beidou's flagship, like Ningguang's Qun Yu Pavilion, had the feeling of being able to teleport at any time, and couldn't help but hold her forehead.

"Good guy, in the future, I will not only have to look for the Seven Days Statue and teleportation anchor points all over the map, but also look for these landmarks in the game that can be teleported that I don't know about at all?"

"Leave this to us to help."

At some point, Ningguang, who had already finished talking to Beidou, came back.

"As a thank you to the travelers for helping us in Liyue, we should also help the travelers. I will ask Yujingtai to count the more representative and commemorative places in Liyue, and then a special guide will take you there."

Hearing this, little Paimeng loosened his hand holding the chicken leg, and didn't even care about his beloved sweet flower-stuffed chicken falling to the ground, and threw himself on Ying's head in sorrow.

"Wow, I, my only value is also going to be replaced!"

"Uh, don't put oil on my hair, it's hard to wash... Besides, shouldn't your value be food reserves?"

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow..."

Seeing Paimeng crying even louder, Ying pulled the little guy down helplessly.

"Okay, okay, your position as a guide is unshakable, and no one can replace you."

After finally stabilizing little Paimeng who was in a crisis of unemployment, Ying shrugged helplessly.

"Hahahaha, crying is not the best guide. Come on, Paimon, drink this cup, and you will have enough courage!"

As the big sister Beidou joined the battlefield, the atmosphere on the scene changed immediately.

Not to mention Paimon, even Ying was forced to drink at least three bottles of wine.

This is not a game, for various reasons, even the tavern

They will not sell alcohol to players.

Now everyone knows that the minimum age of travelers is 500 or above, and there is no upper limit. They have rich experience. Only Lisa or Yae Shenzi still tease them as "little cutie" and "little guy". In fact, everyone treats them as adults.

As for drinking...

In the real world of Teyvat, it is not so strict.

Xiangling is only a teenager, right? She is a junior high school student, but she tasted cooking wine when she was less than ten years old and learned to cook with her father Master Mao.

Cooking wine also has alcohol.

There is also Mondstadt, the country of poetry and wine. Most of the little guys there have been very curious to get wine to taste since childhood. In other words, the rule of not letting minors drink alcohol was made because the situation of underage drinking in the country was too bad.

In winter or desert areas, no one cares. Even here, if you can't drink, you are not regarded as a human being.

On the first day in Liyue, Ying didn't even settle down in Liyue Port, but ate and drank in Beidou's fleet. In one night, he established good relationships with these heroic men and women on the sea.

The next morning, facing the morning glow, feeling a little headache, the dizzy traveler pushed away Paimeng who was holding his head and drooling, struggled to get up from the deck, and took the opportunity to help Yan Fei who was holding his waist to adjust his sleeping position.

Ying, who was still a little hungover, looked at a huge screen in a daze, which hit him directly in front of his eyes.

[System: Good morning, dear traveler, scumbag "master". ]

[System: "Genshin Impact" video observation station is online. Dear users, we will play today's video in an hour. Please be prepared during this period. ]

Ying observed it dazedly. The first sentence was unique to the screen in front of him, and the second sentence was also on other people's screens.

Observe carefully again, the sailors who accompanied me in fooling around last night and welcomed the travelers from other worlds to Liyue in the way of sea heroes, most of them only had the second sentence on the screen in front of them.

Only Paimon, Beidou, Manye, Yanfei and a few others had their own first welcome words.

Oh, by the way, yesterday, Miss Ningguang saw Captain Beidou moving 17 or 18 jars of wine from the cabin, so she ran back to the Qun Yu Pavilion and flew back to Liyue Port overnight.

"Well, Master... Why is my nickname in the outside world this?"

Ying shook her head, her mind became clearer, and she understood a little. It was probably that the impression of herself in the minds of those players might be slightly different from the real self.

"But that's right, after all, players, if they are not stupid, can they still be called players, especially in this kind of game with funny options, I guess players will choose the funny options."

This makes her look very disdainful.

[Ying: Yahoo, good morning, everyone. It's another beautiful day. ]

[Rooster: I feel bad. I worked overtime all night to deal with the public relations issues of Zhidong's image. ]

[Funina: I feel bad. I worked overtime all night to deal with the remaining issues of the Cardinal of the Enlightenment... and I didn't succeed. ]

Fukaros said that sentence out of nowhere. When Funina rushed over and dispersed the other idlers, leaving only her and Villette, Fukaros refused to come out. No matter whether the Cardinal of the Enlightenment was bribed or threatened, he didn't react at all, as if Fukaros didn't exist.

[Barbara: I feel bad. Although I paid off the wine money owed to Monsieur Wendy last night, I didn't arrest Monsieur Wendy... I mean, invite her to the cathedral. ]

[Hu Tao: I feel very bad. The guest didn't come back last night. This morning I received a bill that is almost equivalent to the guest's full effort in the past month... Can I forward it to the North Country Bank? ]

[Rich man: An invoice signed by Mr. Zhongli will do. ]

[Keqing: Someone is dreaming too much. Emperor... ahem, Mr. Zhongli's autograph has already been sold at an incredible price in Liyue Harbor. Don't even think about it. ]

[Jiu Qi Shinobu: I feel very bad. God knows how much effort I spent last night to make the boss who suddenly came up with many strange ideas temporarily put aside his special invitation activities for the Aradaki faction that he came up with on the spur of the moment. ]

[Ying: Activity... Is it a festival? How are the snack stalls planned? ]

[Jiu Qi Shinobu: Huh? General? ]

[Aradaki Ito: Huh, hu ...

Haha, I designed the most delicious roasted violet squash by myself, and it is available in unlimited quantities. How about it? Are you looking forward to it? ! ]

[Shadow:...Thank you for your hard work, Miss Shinobu Kuki. ]

[Shinobu Kuki: I am overwhelmed, General. ]

[Yae Kamiko: Oh, the little guy of the Kamisato family, do you understand? ]

[Ayato Kamisato: A-choo, a-choo... cough cough, I understand, I understand, I will arrange it right away, and I promise that the next festival will be our Inazuma delicacies, no, a collection of sweets. ]

[Ying: Uh, my relatives and brothers, what's wrong with you? ]

[Ayato Kamisato: Uh, this, how should I put it...]

[Ayato Kamisato: Yes (sweet), how should I put it, Brother-sama. ]

[Ayato Kamisato: I was busy with official duties, and I accidentally caught a cold. ]

[Ying: Hiss, does Linghua still have the attribute of a yandere? This, this is simply——]

[Ying: I can't wait to go to Inazuma. ]

[Tinari: I feel that yesterday was quite beautiful. There was neither Xumi's video nor Seno telling cold jokes all over the world. It was really beautiful. ]

[System: Now playing the first video of today——[Genshin Impact] Run! Seno is playing cards again! ! ! ]

[Tinari: ······Can I take back what I said before? ]

Tinari feels that Mr. Screen is messing with his mentality, but he has no evidence.

[Kavi: Give up. ]

[Elhaisen: Ha. ]

[Faroshan: Hmm, this generation's great disciplinary officer, I am really interested in learning more. ]

[Laila: ┭┮﹏┭┮, I, I don't want to see the Grand Disciplinary Officer again during the official time. ]

[Nashida: Haha, Seno's jokes are quite interesting. If you savor them carefully, you can also feel the humor in Seno's words. ]

[Seno: Thank you for your understanding, Lord Grass God. In this cold Xumi City, only Lord Grass God's words have some warmth. ]

[Ying: Da. ]

[Nashida: Da, Da? ? ? ]

Seeing her new name, Nashida couldn't hold it in.

I always feel that if Ying continues like this, one day he will call me Cabbage, or invite me to the Badminton Festival.

[Ying: I always feel that you are setting a flag for yourself. I'm afraid that there will be a clip of you appearing in this video later. ]

[Buyer: Oh (rubbing hands), I have to watch it now. ]

[Nashida: ······]

[Seno: Don't worry, Lord Grass God, that won't happen (thumbs-up)! ]

Looking at such a Seno, Nashida suddenly felt that her own great disciplinary officer was not reliable.

However, the screen boss was free to play any video he wanted, and it was difficult for them to intervene.

No, it's not that they can't intervene. If they put down their reserve and acted coquettishly and cutely in a tone that would give them goosebumps, and in cute clothes, according to Nashida's inference, the screen boss should also consider their opinions.

It just feels that it doesn't fit her image as the new Grass God.

[Lisa: So, this is a secondary creation video? ]

[Yae Shenzi: And it looks like a funny secondary creation video. ]

[Hu Tao: Could it be that the screen is pitying me and making me happy because it saw me, Tao Tao, who had a debt that ordinary people couldn't pay off in their lifetime so early in the morning? ]

[Young Master: Come on, you've already sent all your bills to me! Can we still have some trust in each other? ]

[Walnut: After all, you're in the punishment phase now. It would be a waste if I didn't give you the guest's bills. ]

[Rich Man: Well, I need to think of a way to delay Young Master's reimbursement by three months. ]

[Young Master: Why... Hey? ! ]

[Navia: I always feel that yesterday's video was too tense, so today is another day to relax? ]

[Charlotte: And then like the day before yesterday, come up with a big one at the end, so that we can fully experience the beauty of contrast? ]

[Funina: This is also a way of suppressing before praising, a very normal creative method. 】

【Navia: By the way, I heard that all the court hearings today have been postponed, performances have been suspended, and the opera house has been closed for a day...Funina, I won't ask you what you are doing, but——】

【Navia: Don't try to hold on by yourself, we are all here, and we can fight with you at any time. 】

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