The old man was very angry, but he was still very happy.

Seeing that Navia, who had never been polite to her from the beginning, was now so concerned about her and tried to pull Fukaros out in front of the cardinal of the Opiclay Opera House, Fufu scratched her cheeks a little embarrassedly.

She certainly knew that Navia was dissatisfied with her, Navillatte, and Fontaine.

After all, the other party's father, Mr. Carres, who was involved in the serial disappearance of girls and was well-known in Fontaine, died in a duel with Clorinde because of the incompetence of their Fontaine.

And think about the attitude of the people of Fontaine towards Mr. Carres before he fell into suspicion.

Think about the attitude of the people of Fontaine towards this respectable gentleman after Carres fell into suspicion.

Fufu was silent.

If nothing unexpected happened, her original fate should be very similar to that of Mr. Carres.

Thinking of this, Funina suddenly felt that Navia was very kind.

[Funina: Ah~ah, I am also very happy to hear this from you, but how to say this...]

[That Villette: It is indeed not suitable for outsiders to understand. ]

[Charlotte: What? Is the Supreme Judge really planning to turn all the people of Fontaine into Melusin to avoid the prophecy? ]

[Alice:... Why can a news headline I mentioned to you casually yesterday make you think of so many messes? ]

[Charlotte: If you can't make up your mind, you are not a good reporter (righteously). ]

[Funina: The way you make up your mind to fight against the prophecy is too strange, a little too abstract. ]

[Sigwen: Hmm? Will it be like this? If everyone becomes Melusin, it would be nice. ]

[Claulinde: I really want to, is that okay? ]

[Navia: A future where everyone becomes Melusin? ]

[Chiori: If that happens, my work will increase again. ]

[Leosli: Well, I imagined a little bit, the future becomes Melusin, and the scene of happily drinking the head nurse's milkshake... Oh, Lord Supreme Judge, please stick to the moral bottom line. ]

Being able to drink stinky tofu juice, canned herring juice, blue cheese, and Laoshan white snake grass water in one gulp without changing your expression, and still say that this thing is so sweet, such a future, Leosli feels dizzy as long as he thinks about it.

Food is one of the pleasures of human life. If this thing is distorted, then this life is too sad.

Milushin is good, but it's this taste and perspective that are so different from humans that makes him a little uncomfortable.

Just when the Fontaine people were successfully diverted by Charlotte's words to the important field of philosophy of thinking, whether life is more important or self-awareness is more important, the video on the screen finally finished buffering.

The second creation is different from the official video. There is no bilibili game or miHoYo logo at the beginning.

The opening is a cartoon style that anyone with a discerning eye can see, which is a little cute and a little funny. A person wearing the uniform of the Ordination College closes his eyes anxiously, uses his hands as a loudspeaker, and shouts loudly at the Puspa Cafe:

"Run! The crazy official is here!!"

[Seno: Very good, which college is this student from? He even called my job title wrong. I think he wants to be locked up for a while! ]

[Tinari: I think it's very appropriate. If I just describe you, there seems to be nothing wrong with using the words crazy and sent. ]

[Ying: Am I the only one who cares about the following two subtitles? Although I don't know what language they are in, thanks to the real-time translation on the screen, I can understand the meaning... Is there some subtle difference in the translation given by these two subtitles? ]

[Alice: Pfft, the big crazy judge, the big crazy judge, this is too faithful and elegant. ]

[Nasida: Well, my wisdom tells me that the subtitle below is not a prophecy. ]

[Elhaisen: Although a qualified scholar of the Order Academy should be proficient in 20 languages ​​before graduation, mixing different languages ​​together like this...]

[Falusan: Oh, I really don't know what the young people nowadays are thinking about. ]

[Leila: Well, 20... languages. ]

[Colai: This, this matter has not been debunked? ]


Da: This, it seems that this is also an important reference item in the annual evaluation of outstanding graduates. ]

[Lisa: I had an advantage in this aspect that year. ]

[Xiangling: Xumi is so scary. ]

[Fimini: But going to school together, it seems to be very interesting. ]

[Linnie: Femini...]

[Kamiri Ayaka: Going to school... Going to school with everyone, going to school with peers, experiencing sadness and sweat together... Well, I also want to go. ]

[Kamiri Ayato:... A-choo. ]

Everyone was still lamenting the heavy workload of the teaching academy, and the video on the screen continued.

After the student finished shouting, the screen turned to the table of two teaching academy students who were playing cards.

Seno folded his hands on his chest, and suddenly rose from under the table with a smug look on his face, and the two teaching academy students were stunned.

"Hmph, Barbara is released under fire, the difficulty coefficient is 9.8."

After saying this, Seno pointed to the boy on the right and made a judgment.


After successfully piercing the boy with words, Seno flashed and appeared at the game table on the other side, where he had already noticed something was wrong, began to sweat coldly, and covered his face with cards.

"Hmph, the instant kill deck has no initiative, it's better to take turns with three nurses."

After making this evaluation, Seno pointed to the man on the left with one hand and made his own judgment.


[Ying: Uh, I understand why the student in front called him the crazy Jiguan. ]

[Xingqiu: Hiss, this, in our Liyue, there is a saying that a true gentleman watches chess without saying a word. ]

[Tinari: Give up, it's even harder to make Seno shut up when he sees the Seven Summonings than for him to stop telling a joke one day. ]

[Kaeya: As expected of the crazy Jiguan... By the way, is the Seven Summonings that fun? I always feel like I just heard about this game in Mondstadt, and I don't see many people playing it. ]

[Xingqiu: It's similar in Liyue, it seems to have been introduced from Xumi, and it's only been here for a short time. ]

[Navia: It seems to have been introduced in Fontaine, and it seems to be very popular in Gray River recently. ]

[Xinhai: Hmm, the situation in Haiji Island before... I haven't heard of this game before. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Yes, it seems necessary to introduce it. ]

[Raiden General: Shenzi, you are not allowed to do things that threaten eternity. ]

[Ying: Huh? A card game, there shouldn't be any problem, right? ]

[Raiden General:... Before introducing it, I'll check it carefully. ]

[Barbara: No, before that, why did you mention me? ]

[Alice: It should be when I made this video, there was a card of Barbara in the game Seven Summonings, and it seems to be used quite frequently. ]

[Barbara: How come... Hey, wait a minute, then, will there be a card for Lord Wendy? Will there be a card for my sister, ahem, Captain Jean? Will there be a card for the Honor Knight? ]

[Ying: All the characters should be there, but there is probably a difference in which ones are released first and which ones are released later. ]

[Barbara: I, I strongly request that the Wind God deck and the Knights deck be promoted in Mondstadt! ]

[Jin: Calm down, Barbara, before that, we must first promote the Seven Summonings. ]

[Kujo Sara: Here, can I reserve a set of Thunder God deck? ]

[Ningguang: Well, then we have to consider releasing a set of Emperor deck. ]

[Keqing: I... Well, I, I want a set, and I can reflect on myself at any time, right? ]

[Ying: Oh~~~ (smirk). ]

[Keqing: No, it's nothing strange, right? ! ]

[Prince: I am pessimistic about the existence of the Queen's deck. ]

[Fire Dragon King: +1, I am also pessimistic about the existence of my deck. ]

[Ying: You two don't need to be pessimistic. It is impossible for characters that have not appeared in the game to have cards. But this is reality. Can't you print a deck on the spot? ]

[Prince:? ? ! ! ! ]

[Fire Dragon King: Can it be solved this way? ! ]

[Alice: Generally, as long as you make cards according to the rules and don't make any super-model decks, there should be no problem. ]

Just when the audiences from various countries were thinking about making a deck of their own gods, on the screen, Seno continued to output.

After picking two tables for playing cards, Seno appeared for the third time in front of the table of two Gilded Brigade who were nervously drinking coffee.

Because of the glorious performance of Seno, the two gilded brigades who were just watching the show asked with some guilt.

"Eh? What... what are we doing? We are not playing cards!"

Seno crossed his arms and smiled, turning his weapon into

came out, and even his face and tone became official, pointing at the bearded man and said.

"You two are suspected of reselling bottled knowledge, come with me."

[Tinari: ···I just almost forgot that Seno's job is to do this. ]

[Kavi: Ah, yes, Mr. Seno is still a major disciplinary officer. ]

[Ying: Hmm, I completely forgot. ]

[Paimon: I forgot too! ]

[Dixia: Hahahaha, don't blame these two guys, I forgot that Seno does this. ]

[Candice: Hmm (covering her head), my first thought just now was how these two people would be guided by Seno to play cards. ]

Don't say that the audience only realized at this time that Seno's job is to enforce discipline, not to guide playing cards, even the characters on the screen think so.

"Tsk! Forgot that he was originally doing this!"

The Gilded Brigade, whose hands were tied by Seno and dragged along the sacred tree, tsk-tsk in dissatisfaction, only then realized that they were caught.

It's a pity that they were just watching the show calmly.

There was another chaotic transition, and a very familiar student of the School of Religion was shouting at the top of his lungs in the library of the School of Religion with the same posture and action as before.

"Run! The big crazy official is here again!!"

The scene turned and came to the comic characters that obviously represented Paimon and the Traveler.

However, the Traveler here is the brother Sora, not the sister Ying.

Paimon, whose style is slightly simple and linear, floated to Sora, who looked up and pouted.

"Oh no, Sora is going to point fingers again!"

Sora smiled and said confidently.

"It's okay! Let's take the cards and see what he does?"

As soon as Kong finished speaking, Seno folded his arms and appeared beside him smoothly, looking at the slightly flustered Kong and Paimon with his eyes slanted.


Seno sighed and said with emotion: "I am the champion just to share some game experience with you. You are like this, it's really Klee leading the team to go out and play-"

[Klee: Hmm? Does this strange big brother know Klee? ]

[Alice: I really heard my lovely daughter's name in an unexpected place. ]

[Tinari: Was Seno the champion at that time? What champion? The cold joke champion? ]

[Seno: Hum, obviously, the Seven Summoning Battle Champion! ]

[Kaeya: Good guy, this game was so popular at that time that it started to hold national-level competitions? ]

[Ying: I seem to see a large version designed specifically for playing cards... Maybe the origin of this game will appear, and there will be a touching story or something. ]

In Xumi, Gulab, who was lying on the bed, was already very weak. Seeing the game he and his friends invented together, and that so many people would like it in the future, he still smiled from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Kavebi, who had already locked himself up at home to avoid reality, looked at this scene with a very complicated expression, and inevitably had some hope in his heart.

[Chongyun: This sentence structure... always feels like a two-part allegorical saying. ]

[Kaeya: Hahahaha, come on, let's guess, what follows this two-part allegorical saying? ]

[Diluk: Well, the voice in it seems to be Liyue language, not Common language. I am not very good at Liyue language. ]

[Xingqiu: I am good at Liyue language, but I am not good at the deeds of this Miss Klee in Mondstadt. ]

[Amber: Hehehe, I have to take action here! ]

[Kole: Yes, yes, as for Amber, I remember that she has Liyue blood. ]

[Eula: This guy has not been to Liyue very often, but he has made an effort to learn Liyue language for a while. I don’t know how to evaluate him. ]

[Yanfei: I have also learned Mondish for a while recently... Well, what is needed is the relevant deeds of Miss Klee, then it’s fine. ]

[Amber: Uh-huh, let me think, Klee went out to play——]

[Klee: Wow, fried fish! ]

[Amber: Yes, fried fish... Wait, you can’t fry fish, otherwise Jean will become very scary! ]

[Jin: ·······]

[Lisa: Hehehe, a certain little guy, be careful with your salary this month. ]

[Amber: Wow wow wow, sorry sorry, I was wrong, Captain Jean! ]

[Jin: No, wait a minute, I always feel that this allegorical saying may have something to do with me? ]

[Kaeya: This is a lucky coincidence. ]

[Xingqiu: Hmm? Now I can guess. In this situation, if I were Mr. Senor, I would be so. ]

[Ying: Brother, you are really ungrateful. ]

[Hutao: I am not grateful, I am not grateful, haha, very


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