In the discussion area, Alice and Klee almost occupied most of the chat time. In the end, Klee was young and yawned while chatting, which made the leader Qin smile helplessly. She persuaded Klee to talk to her mother here anytime in the future, and finally persuaded Klee to go to bed.

As for other people who are qualified to speak in the discussion area, they are either too vigilant. Because the reward for answering questions is too high, they can participate in answering questions at their discretion, but they will not easily speak for such speeches that are broadcast to the world at any time, such as intelligence workers like Ye Lan.

Or maybe there are too many new and interesting gains today, so three or five friends get together offline and discuss the videos with huge information or magical rewards with great interest. For example, the members of Liyue Youth Group are now gathered in Wanmin Hall and discussing with great interest.

The senior officials of various countries were not idle for a while. After all, this screen that suddenly appeared can be said to be unscrupulous. It can say anything that can be said and cannot be said. It throws it up casually.

Among the five videos today, even the second video that seems to be the most insignificant, the so-called real ice god Senor, this is a completely nonsensical video.

In fact, it almost caused a tense atmosphere between the Kingdom of Winter and Xumi. Even though the misunderstanding was resolved later, there are still a few Fatui executives who are loyal to the Queen of Winter and are dissatisfied with Senor.

This video even exposed the Heart of God, an item that not all Teyvat people know about, representing the throne of the seven ruling gods in the world, which gave the senior officials of the Fatui a headache.

Not to mention the other videos, especially the Footprints PV.

To be honest, there are too many leaked information in the Footprints PV, which has disrupted the plans of too many people.

For example, Zhongli had to modify his test plan overnight and let Ganyu convey his meaning to the emergency meeting of the Liyue Seven Stars that night, so that the Seven Stars would not lose their composure because of some misleading information in the video.

"I said, how could the Emperor be murdered in Liyue, so that's it."

Hearing the full picture of the Emperor's test of human rule from Ganyu's sister, the current Tianshu Star Tianshu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After listening to Ganyu's retelling, the other Seven Stars, including Ningguang, looked at Keqing vaguely.

They will not forget that it was this newly appointed companion who boldly asked the Emperor about similar human rule issues at the God Invitation Ceremony last year.

Could the Emperor's idea of ​​retiring be influenced by Keqing's previous words?

Probably thinking of the same thing, Keqing's face was pale and red, in short, it was very exciting.

Ningguang clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention back, and the topic naturally switched to how to find and excavate the deeds of Liyue's unknown heroes and how to remember and commemorate them. Keqing's problem came to an end temporarily.

Like Liyue, which held an emergency meeting overnight to deal with the various news and big news exposed in today's video, other countries are more or less doing this.

For example, in today's video, there are fewer exposed news, or the news revealed has little impact on their own countries. Basically, the top leaders get together, drink some tea, eat some snacks, and simply talk about this so-called "Genshin Impact" video observatory, just like discussing a hot social issue. It's basically the same as after-dinner entertainment.

Yes, Fontaine did this.

Even if Funina mocked the gods of other countries today, to be honest, the news revealed in today's video has nothing to do with Fontaine.

After all, Fu Nina's outward style is exactly the same as in the video, and everyone in Fontaine has become accustomed to it. On the contrary, the information exposed in other countries is worth mocking.

"Don't worry, my people, as long as I, the demon god Fukalos, am here, Fontaine will always be the prosperous Fontaine!"

What's more, Fu Fu is so confident that she stands at the top of the Opikle Opera House and declares to all the people in Fontaine present.

I don't know what her expression will be if the big news of the death penalty of the water god is played on the screen one day.

Similar to Fontaine, like Nata or Solstice, the news revealed on the screen

In the least countries, except for those high-ranking officials who are qualified to speak in the discussion area and those who are most qualified to answer questions in the discussion area, everyone should fight when they need to fight and drink when they need to drink. Anyway, the sky has not fallen. Even if it does, there are tall people to support it. Why rush?

The ones who are fighting as hard as Liyue are Xumi, Mondstadt and Inazuma.

Among them, Xumi is in a better situation, mainly because most of Xumi's opportunities to show up today are concentrated on their king of cold jokes, Senor, who is famous throughout Teyvat.

People of insight are more concerned about the two sentences "Scholars in the Academy are promoting stupidity" and "Knowledge is the bait floating on the surface of the sea of ​​ignorance".

Why knowledge is bait, why scholars are promoting stupidity, can this unlucky video explain it more clearly, making them think about it now, and it is not right not to think about it.

And the unknown little auspicious grass king, who has the authority to modify the world tree...

In short, for a while, the situation in the upper layer of the entire Xumi became turbulent.

Scholars from different schools, even sages, all had their own little thoughts.

They wooed, they threatened, they looked for.

Those who could speak and answer questions in the discussion area on the screen suddenly became popular.

For someone like Nilu, dancing all day is simply the biggest waste of your star user status. You should use your authority to serve our wisdom!

This is what many sages think now.

Even in their opinion, it seems that the god-making plan proposed by the great sage is not so beautiful now.

In the distant island country, on the territory of Inazuma, what happened was much more intense than Xumi, where gentlemen only talk but don't act.

Inazuma people who believe in force seem to believe in the swords in their hands more than verbal persuasion.

Aratake Ichito and Kuki Shinobu were immediately sent away by Kamisato Ayato in a clever way, away from the vortex of Inazuma Castle.

Kanoin Heizo and others were organized by Kujo Sara with a wry smile, and then...

Then they fought with the Fatui.

In short, Kujo Sara did not understand why his wise and brave father had such a huge mental fluctuation after seeing Kaedehara Manye really blocked the sword of General Raiden.

It is also unclear why Kujo Takayuki wanted to tear his face with the Fatui and make the most thorough cut at the first time.

However, the one who can really decide the situation in Inazuma is always General Raiden.

That night, Yae Kamiko successfully entered the castle tower and met her friend for the first time, not the puppet.

As for the last country, Mondstadt——

"In short, as the video said, we are the beginning of the story here. If I am not mistaken, the situation here should be the simplest and most direct."

In the Angel's Gift, irrelevant bystanders have been kindly persuaded by Diluk to leave.

The only ones left here are the high-ranking members of the Knights who stayed in Mondstadt, as well as Ying and Paimon who just came to Mondstadt today. Of course, there is also a guy with a higher status in theory sitting here.

But looking at this guy now drinking bottle after bottle of cider, it seems that he has never seen wine in his life.

Even Qin, who usually says "God of the Wind, please guide us", can't bear to look directly at her own god.

By the way, I am glad that I didn't bring Barbara here before. If I really brought my sister who is extremely devout to Barbatos, Barbara might take out a Thompson machine gun from her skirt to reason.

Lisa took over Kaeya's words: "That's right, in an adventure story or a game, the first chapter tends to introduce the overall setting of the whole work, so that players can get familiar with the gameplay of the game. Naturally, it is as simple as possible. To put it bluntly, the prologue in the game is used for teaching."

Recalling the small games she developed when she was bored in Xumi City, Lisa was a little emotional.

I didn't expect that the experience of making games at the time could now be used to analyze reality.

Qin heard her two think tanks and right-hand men say so, and said hesitantly: "Then, in other words, our things here are actually very simple. As long as we can solve the confusion of Fengmo... Dongfeng Guardian, can we solve all the crises?"

Diluk, who was frowning and folding his arms, shook his head: "I don't think it's that simple, Qin, you forgot the other forces that intervened in this matter."

Qin's face was no longer relaxed, and he said solemnly

"Senior, are you talking about the Fatui?"

The Knights' leaders, Diluk and others all looked serious when they mentioned the name Fatui.

On the contrary, Ying and Paimon, who came to Mondstadt for the first time today, were in a relatively relaxed mood. Ying, who didn't even know the Fatui at all, was still asking Amber heartlessly what the Fatui were? Was it a clown organization in a circus?

The reason why Ying and Paimon were here was not because, as in the original work, they just arrived in Mondstadt and happened to encounter the Wind Dragon attacking the city, and then with the secret assistance of Venti, they showed their power in the air battle and drove away Tevarin, and then were valued by the Knights and became honorary knights.

This time, they didn't happen to encounter Tevarin attacking the city.

Because of the screen, especially the description of the confusion of the East Wind Guardian in the Footprints PV, when Tevarin heard the paragraph "Is freedom commanded by God still freedom?", he woke up from his endless hatred and mania, turned around on the spot, and returned to the ruins of the Wind Dragon to think about life.

She is not an honorary knight of the Knights of Favonius, nor did she save Mondstadt at the beginning. She is here because the screen revealed today that she is the protagonist of the game "Genshin Impact".

Although Qin, Kaeya, and Lisa have no idea how they met and knew Ying on the original fate line, it is conceivable that she was likely to help their Knights solve the problem of the Wind Dragon, so their original relationship must have been good.

Based on this understanding, Ying and Paimon, who were being treated by Amber and eating a lot in the Deer Hunter, were invited over.

But after inviting her over, they also discovered that this traveler lady really has an inexplicable charm. When getting along with her, even those who are scheming - Kaeya looked away - will unconsciously want to get close to Ying and open their hearts to her.

This person can get along.

This is almost a sentence that everyone present, including Diluk, Kaeya, and Eula, who don't easily open their hearts to others, agree with from the bottom of their hearts.

So, when Ying raised her hand and said she wanted to speak, everyone also tacitly stopped arguing and wanted to see what the protagonist had to say.

"Just now I asked what kind of organization the Fatui is. Now I have figured it out. It turns out that this is a large organization with influence all over Teyvat."

Ying touched the head of little Paimon who was holding a cake and eating it in big mouthfuls.

"According to my past experience of playing games, this kind of long RPG game usually has a huge organization that runs through the whole story and feeds the protagonist one by one. The situation should be very simple now. Mondstadt is the prologue. The problem to be solved on the surface is the confusion of the East Wind Guardian, and the problem to be dealt with secretly is the intervention of the Fatui."

In fact, there is also the problem of the Abyss Cult.

However, after Kong knew that his sister was going to intervene in Mondstadt earlier than the original work, he gritted his teeth and thought about it, and finally withdrew most of his power, temporarily putting aside the original purpose of "turning Mondstadt East Wind Guardian into a fighting machine of the Abyss and a part of the Destiny Loom Plan".

Although there are still a few Abyss Mages in Mondstadt, who can be used as idle pieces, there is no high-level combat power at the level of Abyss Apostles.

Kong gave up any possibility of running into his good sister in Mondstadt.

"As for the Fatui, Ying, don't worry. Although the main force of our Knights has gone on an expedition, this is our home ground after all. As the acting leader, I promise you that we will bear the pressure from the Fatui. We will never let our benefactors of the Knights be persecuted by the Fatui in Mondstadt!"

I hope that when Jean sees the scene in the future, which is likely to be played on the screen, at the entrance of the West Wind Cathedral, where the Fatui executive took out the Heart of the God of Wind without paying attention to others, her heart will still beat normally.

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