Seeing Qin once again making the conversation serious, Kaiya, as always, played the role of a livelier, took the initiative to step forward and started to tease.

"Oh my, Captain, you are really serious. Miss Ying hasn't had a conflict with the Fatui yet. Why are you talking as if the Fatui will definitely take the initiative to attack Miss Ying?"

Hearing Kaeya's words, Jean blushed and hurriedly explained: "Ah, no, that, I mean, I really express my deep gratitude to the Traveler for taking the initiative to help us."

Ying smiled and kissed Amber: "No, I was helped by Amber first. Besides, Captain Jean, you all promised to help me find my brother. Friends should help each other - but the problem now is..."

As they said this, everyone looked at the bard who was lying next to the wine cabinet pretending to sleep, but his little hand had already touched the dandelion wine in the wine cabinet.

Or rather, he should be called Barbatos.

Diluk's expression remained unchanged, and he stepped forward and slammed the wine cabinet door that was half opened.

Are you kidding? He is Master Diluk of Mondstadt. Even if you are the God of Wind, don't think you can drink his wine for free.

Seeing Senior Diluk's actions, especially the pitiful cat expression that Wendy showed in response to him, Qin twitched the corner of her mouth and helplessly held her forehead: "Lord Barbatos, if you want to drink, I think anyone in Mondstadt is willing to treat you to a drink."

Wendy climbed up from the wine cabinet: "That's why it's boring, otherwise why don't I want to reveal my true identity."

For the shameless God of Wind, it doesn't matter if he cheats to get wine, but because of his identity as the God of Wind, he can't accept the believers offering him sacrifices.

Looking at the unreliable appearance of his own god, Diluk doubted for the first time whether the competition between him and the Fatui for a bottle with the breath of the God of Wind was worth it.

Forget it, what else can I do about my own god.

Diluk looked at the apple wine bottles at the feet of the Wind God, which were full of the breath of the Wind God and might even contain the Wind God's liquid, and decided to trick the Fatui.

"Well, in that case, then, Mr. Wendy?"

Jin tentatively addressed her, and Wendy nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, if Qin could remove the word "Your Excellency", Wendy would be happier, but considering Qin's serious personality, even Wendy felt that this was unlikely. It was a rare progress that the other party could call her by her name.

Qin said boldly: "Then Mr. Wendy, do you have any good suggestions on how to resolve the confusion of the East Wind Guardian?"

"I was in the Whispering Forest and almost solved this problem~."

Wendy explained with a smile, but his eyes drifted to the Traveler and Paimon who were eating melons on the side.

Ying and Paimon looked away guiltily.

"But forget it. Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't fulfilled my duties and my divine power is running low. Even if I can temporarily appease Tevarin, the erosion of Durin's poisonous blood on him is not something I can easily solve. It turns out that a hero is still needed here!"


Faced with Jean's question, Wendy put her hands on her hips and said as a matter of course.

"Hmm~hmm, isn't it always like this in epic narratives? Heroes with special abilities happen to have the ability to solve problems."

Hearing this, Ying took out a crystal filled with an ominous red light from her backpack.

But unexpectedly, this ominous crystal turned into a water drop-shaped blue-green crystal filled with very high-quality wind elemental power in Ying's hands in a short while.

"Sure enough, partner, you have the power to purify Tevarin's pollution! It's so easy to purify a drop of Tevarin's tears!"

Ying looked at her hand thoughtfully. If she felt it right, when the crystal was purified just now, it seemed that a force flowed from the crystal into her body.

"That is to say, my power can purify the pollution on the East Wind Guardian, um, Tevarin. How do we do that? We knock Tevarin down, and then I grab his neck and purify him?"

I don't know what she thought of, but now Ying is suddenly eager to try. If Wendy agrees, she will go to the Wind Dragon Ruins the next moment, beat Tevarin down, and take him back to do... cough cough, detoxification


Even the unreliable Wendy shed a cold sweat at this time: "Well, there is no need to be so cruel. As long as we purify enough tears and then use these tears to replenish the wind elemental power of the Sky Harp, I can appease Tevarin, and then you can dissolve the pollution on Tevarin at close range."

"I still think it is easier to beat Tevarin down and then purify him."

The people present showed an awkward but polite smile.

Paimon swallowed the last piece of pizza in his hand and said to Wendy bluntly: "Well, singing, where can we find this tear? Ying and I only have this one tear."

"Singing?" Wendy was stunned when she heard Paimon's overly polite words, but immediately smiled: "Hey, I like this name, um, don't worry, Tevarin has been flying around Mondstadt these days, and these tears must be indispensable, but it may be a bit troublesome to collect them, so we have to ask the Knights who have a lot of manpower here."

Jin and Diluk nodded to each other, and then Jin stood up: "Then things will be easy, I will be responsible for getting the tears from the church The Sky Harp is out. Senior Diluc, Eula, and Amber, you are responsible for leading the team to find the Tears of the Wind Dragon. Kaeya is temporarily responsible for negotiating with the Fatui, and Lisa provides technical assistance. "

Paimon watched Qin assign the tasks neatly, and looked at the leader Qin with stars in his eyes: "Oh, you are worthy of being the leader of the Knights of Favonius, so amazing, right, what are Ying and I going to do?"

Qin smiled: "For now, please ask Xiao Paimon and Ying to have a good rest. Of course, there is another problem that you two need to pay more attention to."

As she said this, Qin looked up and looked out the window.

Unconsciously, the sky has brightened, and Teyvat has ushered in the morning of the next day.

This also means.

[System: The "Genshin Impact" video observation station is online. Dear users, we will play today's video in an hour. Please be prepared during this period. 】

"I always feel that if this screen continues to exist, it will have a great impact on the daily routines and work of the people in Mondstadt."

Lisa patted Qin's shoulder: "Don't worry, Qin."

Qin turned to look at Lisa.

Lisa continued: "The residents of Mondstadt have long been giant babies who can't live without you. Now there is a screen to share attention, which is actually a good thing."


Lisa's big truth made Qin laugh and cry. For a moment, she didn't know whether to be happy or sigh for Mondstadt to this point.

The screen was back online, and the discussion area that had been quiet became lively.

[Xiangling: Here I come, ahaha, I just happened to enter Mondstadt~! ]

[Mona: Strange, the divination should have been waiting in Liyue before, why... Well, forget it, anyway, Xiangling's food is delicious, and it's not bad to come to Mondstadt now. ]

[Xingqiu: Um, from what you said, you two are together? ]

[Xiangling: That's right, I just happened to meet Miss Mona lying on the side of the road yesterday, and then we went on the last journey together. Don't worry, I will be back to Liyue soon, and then I will show you the results of my training journey! ]

[Chongyun: I already have a bad feeling. ]

[Xingqiu: Don't worry, I will accompany you then. ]

[Chongyun: Don't give me that, you are the one who tricks me the most every time! ]

Chongyun thought of Xingqiu's solemn promise to let him eat those suspicious dishes, saying that there were no spicy ingredients in them, but every time there was Jueyun pepper...

No, Chongyun no longer wants to recall the black historical scene of "Mr. Chongyun paid for the whole meal".

[Xiaogong: Good morning everyone, today is another energetic day! ]

[Klee: Good morning, Xiaogong. My escape plan went smoothly this morning. I have fried several fish. Please eat them, Xiaogong! ]

[Xiaogong: Haha, thank you, little Klee. ]

[Qin: Klee...]

Qin remembers that she changed ten new locks on the confinement room yesterday. How did Klee escape?

[Klee: Ah, that, Klee was actually dreaming in the confinement room just now. ]

[Zaoyu: So noisy, um, I can't sleep. ]

[Aratake Ichito: Ha, the little raccoon cat is sleeping again. ]

[Kirara Ryo: Ah, I just happened to have a package from Mr. Ichito. Where should it be sent? ]

[Kuki Shinobu: I'll receive it. Um, is Hanamizaka okay? ]

[Kirara Ryo: Okay, please give a five-star rating. ]


Wei: Ah, Elhaisen, where did you put your keys again? ! ]

[Elhaisen:... This system should provide a do not disturb function. ]

[Linnie: Ah, Linnet, I'm just going to leave for a while, why did you ask for so many cakes again? ]

[Linnet: It's okay, I'll use the full power mode later, and I can consume this amount of calories immediately. ]


[Dixia: Candice, I found a new type of cosmetics in Xumi City, and I'll bring you a set. ]

[Candice: Actually, I...]

An hour passed in a flash, and the discussion area was always lively. Some countries were responsible for popularizing their basic information in the discussion area, as planned yesterday, and some people were chatting about daily life, and some even reached some cross-border transactions in the discussion area.

At least the Mora of the Emperor in Dolly's hand had found a generous buyer in the one hour of the morning, so that Keqing, under the jealous eyes of biting her handkerchief, signed the purchase contract with Ningguang with a smile.

Today is the second day that the screen has appeared. The residents of Teyvat have begun to get used to the existence of this screen, and it is no longer as strange as yesterday.

After all, the residents of Teyvat have a big heart. Even if they are travelers from another world who have just met, they will sigh and then send tasks as soon as they should, without any hesitation.

For everyone, although this screen that always reveals news always brings surprises or shocks, life is not just about the screen. They still have to work during the day. After all, a little bit of news and touching can't be eaten.

For more residents of Teyvat, they may just turn their attention to the screen during the few minutes when the video is played. As for the rest, it is better to leave it to the heads of the countries they trust to worry about.

Five videos a day, together, may take less than half an hour, so although the screen is active for four or five hours a day, it does not affect the normal life of Teyvat residents.

[System: Now playing the first video - May the wind god fool you]

[Barbara: This, this is disrespectful, it is clearly a blessing! ]

[Qin: Uh, this...]

Qin looked at the wind god who was playing rogue next to him and trying to get some wine from Diluk, and suddenly felt that she seemed to have guessed what this video would say.

"Forget it, I hope Barbara can bear it better."

[Lady: Humph, I think this video is right! ]

[Rosaria: Oh, do you need me, a nun from Barbatos, to debate with you? ]

[Barbara: Sister Rosaria (powerless), at least please remember the name of Lord Barbatos. 】

【Lady: Hahaha, she is a nun that really matches Barbatos, hum. 】

"This lady is really too much!"

Although her own god is actually very unreliable, Jean's admiration for the God of Wind has not changed.

For her, believing in the God of Wind is because of his noble qualities. Whether it is that after becoming the God of Wind, he allowed people to build a free city-state without a king, or that he spent divine power to blow away the ice and snow, making Mondstadt spring all year round, these are the reasons why Jean believes in Barbatos.

As for Wendy herself, she is so unreliable and doesn't look like a God of Wind at all...

For Jean, isn't such a God of Wind pretty good?

Thinking of this, it seems that there is no need to worry that her sister will be heartbroken if she really sees the real Wendy, because Barbara's reason for believing in the God of Wind is the same as hers, and even her firmness of faith is better than her, the acting leader.

On the contrary, the leader of the Fatui delegation, the lady who has been in Mondstadt recently and has caused her a lot of trouble, is behaving a bit strangely now.

Just like the last video yesterday was a special video for Liyue, this video is obviously also a special video for Mondstadt.

Except for this lady of the Fatui who suddenly became very emotional for some reason and personally engaged in a verbal battle with a group of Wind God believers as if she had taken gunpowder, people from other countries rarely interrupted, and even if they spoke in the comment section, they would only express one or two sentences of emotion, doubt, etc.

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