The old man was very angry.

[Alice: Oh my, won't the wind god come out to explain? I can't hide my vest later anyway, why don't I just be quick now? ]

In the angel's gift, Wendy seemed to have not noticed Alice's ridicule in the discussion area. She happily drank the dandelion wine that she had finally obtained from Diluk by honing her shameless skills for thousands of years, and closed her eyes to savor it.

There are benefits to exposing one's identity. At least the upper limit of the wine that she has obtained by cheating by being cute is higher than that of an unknown bard in the past.

Moreover, he doesn't have that idol burden. He usually has nothing in his pocket and relies on singing to earn a living. How can he be afraid that this strange screen will take off his vest?

If it's taken off, then take it off. He believes that his free people will be surprised at most and give him more money in the future. There shouldn't be more... right?

Ahem, he didn't even wear a crown back then, and it won't be the case now.

The only trouble is the fanatical believers like Barbara. He won't be so free in Mondstadt in the future.

But the lady...

Wendy glanced at the discussion area on the screen with her blurred eyes. The lady was fighting with Barbara for 300 rounds, and from time to time, an unqualified nun Rosalia would come in and mess up the mess.

Scratched her cheek, showing a rare embarrassed expression.

To be honest, the lady's resentment towards him is very untenable in the eyes of other normal Teyvatian people.

Your boyfriend was killed by the dragon, and you don't have the ability to kill the dragon alone, but instead blame the gods for not arriving in time. No matter how you look at it, it's a bit far-fetched.

Especially now that the lady should know that the gods of Teyvat were summoned by the law of heaven to fight underground, and Barbatos couldn't get away at all, her resentment towards Wendy is even more unreasonable.

However, if people can always look at problems so rationally and calmly, they are not human.

Not only humans, this sentence applies to all intelligent life.

So just for Wendy and the lady, the lady is resentful of Wendy because of the wolf cub Rustan, and Wendy, a typical wind elf who loves Teyvat, does have a desire to repay the lady.

Yesterday, when Qin and Ying were discussing the possible plot of Mond, Wendy had actually guessed the first play.

If I guess correctly, after rescuing his old friend Tevarin, he should have handed the Heart of God to the lady in a very different way.

Thinking about the possible delivery methods, even Wendy scratched her head in embarrassment.

It would be fine to do it in private to deceive the feelings of the travelers who were unaware of the situation. After all, it was to let the lady who had been holding back for five hundred years vent her anger, but now this scene may be put on the screen for all Teyvat to watch together...

Well, even Wendy felt a little explosive at this moment.

The argument between the lady and Barbara ended in vain.

Regarding the question of whether Barbatos is reliable or not, these two contestants with extremely contrasting views can talk for three days and three nights without rest if no one interrupts them, but the problem is that the screen will not wait for them that long.

Although it is very interesting to watch women tearing each other apart, the screen only delayed for five minutes in the end, which means that the buffered rotating arrow finally lost its stamina, and the video officially started playing.

At the beginning of the video, the screen showed Barbara, Captain Qin, Paimon, Ying and Wendy standing in a circle in front of the underground treasure house of the West Wind Cathedral.

Oh, Paimon doesn't count, she is flying.

[Qin: Strange, my clothes are so, um, strange? ]

[Barbara: Sister... Captain Qin usually wears clothes so fashionable? ]

Looking at her natural clothes from the neck down to the lower hemisphere up, Qin's face suddenly turned red.

She is usually wrapped very tightly.

This is not that Qin has no femininity or doesn't love beauty.

As a girl, even if she is so busy at work, she will secretly read beautiful love novels. She has an instinctive yearning for the romance of girls and likes beautiful

Clothes and shiny accessories.

But as the current acting leader of the Knights of Favonius, her normal attire is strictly regulated.

And her attire must also take protection into consideration, after all, she is a female knight.

Not all female knights in the other world wear such ragged armor.

[Ying: It seems that this is still a card-drawing game. ]

[Qin: Card-drawing game? ]

[Ying: Yes, for a card-drawing game, the character modeling must be good enough to make players willing to pay for it. ]

[Qin: So... my clothes in the video are so fashionable? ]

Qin wanted to say it was bold, after all, the entire upper body was almost exposed, and the pants, although they looked suitable for large movements, were also a bit too tight.

Although her daily clothes were different from those of ordinary Favonius knights, she was not so unique.

[Ying: This is just the beginning. Just be thankful that you are the character who just appeared in the game. I guess there will be more bold characters appearing later. ]

Ying's words startled the audience who were originally looking at the clothes of the people on the screen with a critical eye, especially the girls in the discussion area. After all, according to the news revealed on this screen in the past two days, the probability of them being the so-called card-drawing characters is very high.

For a while, in the discussion area, except for Nilu and Linnet who were originally performing in public, or Shenhe and Qiqi who lacked common sense, they all became a little nervous. Even characters like Yae Shenzi and Ningguang who usually acted as if everything was under control and at ease, couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this time.

To be honest, even they didn't want to see themselves wearing very cool clothes appearing on this screen.

Oh, Ningguang is better. After all, she appeared in the Footprints PV before. Although her outfit was a little different from what she wore in real life, it was still acceptable. Ningguang herself even asked her own tailor to make several similar outfits according to the one on the screen.

However, Yaejinko, who did not see her game image in yesterday's video, was really panicked and quickly changed the subject.

[Yaejinko: This at the bottom of the screen should be the lines spoken by the representative character, right? Let me see, although I don't recognize this text, just like the joke party yesterday, this screen directly conveys the meaning of the text to our brains. ]

[Ying: Yes, it's a very standard dialog box. The dialogue interface in the game is like this. Okay, it further confirms that this is a game. ]

[Barbara: Hmm? So, in this part of the video, is this what I mean? 】

"Okay, so did you bring the Sky Harp?"

"The guarantee of the acting leader is not unlimited. The cardinal has been urging for a while..."

Looking at Barbara on the screen with her hands on her hips and a somewhat impolite tone, Barbara in reality was stunned.

"Strange, sister wants to borrow the Sky Harp?"

Although she was a little reluctant, it was her beloved sister who wanted to borrow it after all, and her sister must have a very important reason. If she just borrowed it, even the Sky Harp would not be a problem.

On the screen, the view turned to Paimon's front. Paimon held his forehead with one hand and spoke hesitantly.

"I did bring it, but... um... this... is a little..."

This tone sounded wrong.

Barbara in the video hadn't noticed anything wrong, but Barbara in reality, because she was watching the video, noticed some problems and her heart was immediately raised.

Barbara spread her hands: "Hmm? Don't worry, we won't charge you rent. The church has always had special offerings."

[Lady: Pfft, you little nun, haven't you figured it out yet? There must be something wrong with that broken piano. ]

[Barbara: It's the Sky Piano, not some broken piano! ]

Although Barbara protested, everyone could see that Barbara was obviously at a disadvantage in this round of confrontation. After all, even she, from a bystander's perspective, could see that things were not going well.

Oh my God, that was one of the few treasures that could be guaranteed to be handed down from the hands of Lord Barbatos, the god of the wind. If there was something wrong with the Sky Piano, it would not be enough for Barbara to pay it back with her whole life.

While Mond's little angel was thinking in panic, the screen went black. Everyone had become accustomed to this familiar transition method, and even some senior directors of Fontaine were commenting on the frequency and interval of this method.

The scene appeared again, and Ying was holding a broken and shabby piano in both hands.

, several strings are broken——The Sky Harp, presented to you.

Barbara, whether in reality or on the screen, is very synchronized, leaning back in surprise.


Paimon embarrassedly pointed at it with his index fingers, his eyes wandering.


Wendy embarrassedly lowered her head and scratched the back of her head: "Uh."

The screen moved up, Barbara clasped her hands together, leaned forward, and stared at the Sky Harp.

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey——!! Sky Harp!!!"

As if she had finally accepted this fact, Barbara's body softened and she knelt on the ground.

"Ah, Lord Barbatos, even if Barbara spends the rest of her life to atone for your sins..."

Barbara looked at the inside of the church in the most standard prayer posture: "It's not enough!!"

It was obviously a question, but Barbara was lamenting in a very affirmative tone.

Wendy put his hands on his hips, lowered his head and sighed: "Alas."

The green-clad bard reached out to the traveler: "Forget it, give me the Sky Harp."

Wendy took the Sky Harp, closed his eyes, and let go of his hands. The originally solemn cathedral seemed to be illuminated by the green wind element. The broken Sky Harp floated slightly, countless wind elements gathered, and a flash of light flashed, and the Sky Harp was restored to its original state.

[Barbara: How, how could it be, could it be that...]

Unlike Barbara in the game who was kneeling on the ground praying for the damage to the Sky Harp, the real Barbara watched from the perspective of a bystander how the Sky Harp was restored to its original state.

Originally, the "Genshin Impact" plot PV-"The Breeze and the Boy" yesterday had actually made many people speculate about the true identity of Wendy, the bard who always begs for wine in Mondstadt. Now this grand scene of repairing the Sky Harp basically confirmed the speculation that the other party is the wind god Barbatos himself.

After all, the Sky Harp is the artifact of the wind god. Who else can repair a broken Sky Harp so easily except the wind god himself.

[Barbara: Wen... No, Barbatos, is it you? ]

[Wendy: Alas, I can't drink peacefully in the future. ]

Although Wendy did not directly respond to Barbara's question, anyone can see the meaning behind her words, and Barbara is no exception.

[Barbara: It's really Barbatos! Barbatos, I am your most loyal believer Barbara! ]

【Rosalia: Uh... I am your loyal believer, Rosalia. 】

【Paimon: Why are you hesitating? ! 】

【Rosalia: Well, I am repenting. I am repenting that I forgot to pray this morning. 】

【Paimon: Ah, so perfunctory. It is obvious that I just thought of a reason. 】

【Rosalia: But it is true that I forgot to pray this morning. 】

Rosalia's sincere explanation made Paimon cover his head in distress.

【Paimon: Well, this, this is said in front of the god you believe in, is it okay? 】

【Wendy: Hey, it's okay, it's okay, in fact, it's okay even if you drink in front of my statue, I am even happy to accompany the believers to drink. 】

【Paimon: Hey, what does he mean! 】

On the screen, the sound of the Sky Harp being restored finally alarmed Barbara. Barbara got up from the ground and just saw the scene where the Sky Harp fell down after being restored.

"Huh?" Barbara ran over and hugged the Sky Harp: "Why... Sky Harp?!"

Paimon, a curious little boy, flew over and wanted to see the Sky Harp in Barbara's hand: "Huh? Let me see!"

Barbara didn't dare to let the restored Sky Harp be damaged again at this time, and quickly hid the Sky Harp behind her: "No, no! Although I don't understand how it was repaired, I can't let you touch it again!"

Saying this, Barbara raised her head proudly, and then ran back quickly.

[Barbara: Uh~~~, um, Lord Barbatos, I'm so sorry, I'm so rude on this screen, Lord Barbatos is right in front of me, but I...]

[Wendy: It's okay, it's okay, after all, um, I'm a little embarrassed about this.]

[Ying: Hmm?]

[Wendy: Forget it, you'll know if you keep watching.]

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