The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried in the grave.

In the picture, behind Barbara running back to the underground treasure house where the Sky Harp is stored, the traveler Ying, Paimon and the leader of the piano looked at each other in confusion. I don’t know why the Sky Harp, which Wendy said she was helpless before, was repaired in an instant.

If you have the ability to repair this thing earlier, do we still need to run to the ruins of the wind dragon to solve puzzles and fight in the air?

Perhaps Wendy noticed the doubts of her friends behind her, and turned around coolly and said shamelessly.

"Then, let's run away!"

"After all, the illusion I used to 'repair' the Sky Harp... no, the spell——"

Wendy pretended to tell you secretly, but in fact everyone could hear her and continued.

"It's not 100% reliable."

[Lady: Ha, what a ridiculous scene, the believers who claim to have great faith in God, but in front of God, they lose sight of the main point and only care about holding on to the dead object, but ignore the God in front of them. ]

[Lady: The ridiculous God is using his own power to deceive his loyal believers again, all just for his own convenience, haha, what a great cooperation. ]

[Barbara: Nonsense, it is obviously the kind Lord Barbatos who personally repaired the Sky Harp in order to prevent the believers from crying, and the so-called illusion is obviously also Lord Barbatos's humor, the Sky Harp was repaired by Lord Barbatos! 】

【Lady: ······】

Good fellow, even a lady was silenced by Barbara's strong faith.

【Wendy: ······】

How embarrassed you are.

Wendy thought that if this broken piano was still accidentally broken, it would be better to repair it completely. Even if she had to sleep in Fengqidi for a few months, it would be better than the few pangs of conscience.

As for the one on the screen, well, others couldn't understand it, but Wendy saw it clearly.

Although she didn't really use the so-called illusion to cover the damaged Sky Harp on the screen, it was obvious that she only restored the shell of the Sky Harp to its original state. The Sky Harp had no real power and authority. It was just a souvenir.

Facing Barbara, who was still looking for reasons to speak for the gods even though she knew she was being fooled, she felt a little guilty now.

That's why I don't want to reveal my true identity, and I don't want to wear a crown.

Wendy drank the dandelion wine in his hand in one breath and let out a long sigh.

"Another glass!"

However, on the screen, Captain Jean, Paimon and the traveler Ying obviously believed what Wendy said.


Looking at the surprised movement of several people leaning back, more than one person slapped himself in the face in reality.

[Kaeya: Well, I'm very curious now. Before this, how did Lord Wendy get along with the captain and the others? After that scene just now, they simply believed that Lord Wendy used "illusion". ]

For God's mercy, didn't you see the huge wind elemental force that gathered from the center of the wind god's faith, the Cathedral of West Wind, when the wind god restored the sky harp?

That level of power can be explained by a simple illusion?

[Diluk: Look at what he is doing now, you can almost guess it. ]

[Kaeya: Uh, okay, Venti is a big shot. ]

[Barbara: Hmm (elemental awareness)? Captain Kaeya (sweet), where are you now? ]

[Kaeya: ······]

What should I do? Kaeya doesn't want to be rushed by the eight million Barbara fans in Mondstadt.

But I feel that if I sell out the God of Wind like this, he may slip and fall into the wine lake at any time in the future.

On the screen, Venti doesn't care how much trouble she has caused Kaeya. After she finished speaking, she took the lead and ran out of the cathedral first, making Paimon so angry that he shouted with all his strength: "Singing for money!"

[Lady: What a fitting name. I'm beginning to like you. Do you want to work for the Fatui? ]

[Ying: Huh, an unimaginable path! ]

[Paimon: You're not really going to the Fatui? ]

[Ying: No, um, for now. 】

The screen went black, and everyone knew that the scene was about to change.

When the screen reappeared, Wendy seemed to be running in front of him unconsciously, and a dark mass appeared behind him, and two Fatui debtors jumped out of it.

Deal with people, and attack the young man who is now basically confirmed to be the God of Wind from behind.

This scene made people all over the continent stunned.

This is the entrance of the Cathedral of Favonius, right?

[Bennett: Huh? I remember when I went to the church to heal my wounds, the entrance was very quiet and peaceful, but there were still nuns and guards there? ]

Bennett's words made the high-ranking members of the Knights of Favonius in the tavern blush, and Diluk snorted disdainfully.

They guessed what was wrong, and it was obviously the work of the Fatui.

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone had finished dealing with the Wind Dragon incident and were mentally relaxed, they used some noise to lead away the West Wind Knights guarding the gate and the nuns outside the gate...

"This is a bit wrong. After all, the guards at the gate of West Wind Cathedral cannot all be led away?! According to the regulations, at least one knight must be left at the gate of the cathedral, and no matter what happens, they cannot leave their posts without permission..."

"Do you think that the remaining bunch of crooked people in the city can remember the requirements of the Knights' Manual if they really encounter an emergency?"

Faced with the merciless ridicule of Senior Diluc, Jean covered her face in pain. Although she had long known that her colleagues and subordinates were somewhat unreliable, she did not expect them to be so unreliable.

According to the work rules of the West Wind Knights and the emergency handling regulations, it is impossible for their own Wind God to be attacked by the Fatui at the gate of West Wind Cathedral.

Who is the leader of the team guarding the gate of West Wind Cathedral?

"After the Grand Master's expedition, the guy responsible for guarding the church entrance should be Otto."

Hearing what Kaeya said, Jean also remembered that it was indeed Otto, who led a team of Favonius Knights to be responsible for the security and guarding of the cathedral.

It has been decided that Otto will be trained well later. It is obvious that he is not proficient in his business.

Jean helplessly held his forehead.

The senior leaders of the Favonius Knights were worried about the problems of their own knights' business, while most of the general audiences in other countries did not think so much, but only focused on the Fatui's attack on the God of Wind.

Although the countries of Teyvat, because of the existence of Sky Island and the special system of the Seven Rulings of the Earthly World, are theoretically allies who help each other in attack and defense.

But your armed forces are openly attacking the gods of another country in the core area of ​​another country. This is already the most insulting declaration of war.

However, for the Wendy in the picture, who seemed to be about to be attacked, everyone had no worries at all. After all, this was a god. Their emotions were basically directed towards the Fatui.

And most of them were mocking.

You Fatui are very brave. Two unknown pawns dared to attack the gods of a country so carelessly.

What's the matter? Do you really think that the tragic war of the demons thousands of years ago was nonsense?

The demons fought and changed the mountains and rivers, the rivers flowed backwards, and even the terrain of the continent was changed. More than one race was exterminated. Facing the winner of this tragic war of the demons, you now let two debt collectors who have been trained for more than ten years to attack from behind...

If you succeed, how will those losers who died in the war of the demons feel? !

Just when everyone wanted to see the jokes of the Fatui.

In the picture, facing the sneak attack of the debt collectors, Wendy did not attack, and seemed to be a little dazed. Instead, the traveler took the initiative to attack and knocked away the two debt collectors.

What Wendy and the traveler did not know was that behind them, a jailer wearing high heels appeared, and then there was a snap of fingers, and an endless ice storm appeared.

Wendy used the wind element to block part of the storm, but when she looked down, she found that her legs had been frozen.

This scene made almost all the audiences in the continent drop their jaws.

This, this is the wind god who controls the wind element?

Frozen by the ice storm?

What's the difference between this and the water god drowning in the fruit wine lake?

[Funina: Hey, Barbatos, what are you doing? ! ]

Funina shouted loudly, but she was very scared in her heart.

I'm going to die.

How can the Fatui be so powerful?

How can this random guy suppress the gods?

Oh no, did she piss off the Ice God Barnabas yesterday?

Did he say anything else afterwards?

Changing the order... Ah, could it be that they are changing the order of attacking the gods of the other six countries?

In the video, they attacked Mondstadt's Wind God first, so now, could it be that they are going to attack her, the fake Water God, first?

Wouldn't she be broken with just one poke? She can't even beat the salted fish on the screen who can at least struggle a few times.


No, she doesn't want to die yet!

At least she can't die before her duty is completed!

In the screen, Ying, who was blocking the storm, was accidentally pressed to the ground by two debt collectors. Wendy turned her head to take a look, but immediately turned back and looked at the enemy.

A scene with clear meaning, which made many Teyvat LSPS criticize and appreciate it, passed, and the owner of the foot also appeared completely.

"Oh, I finally found my hamster back at home."


[Eleventh Executor of the Fatui]

[Eighth Seat]

The identity information of the visitor was also given on the screen in a timely manner.

[Ying: So big, ah, no, it's so strong! ]

[Ying: Is this the lady? I always feel that the previous suggestions can be carefully considered! ]

[Paimon: Wake up! ]

[Paimon: Huh? Where did I go? ]

[Jin: Madam, we in Mond need an explanation. Your Fatui's executive officer attacked our Lord of the Wind in front of our Mond Cathedral. Do you want to provoke a war between Mond and Solstice? ]

[Lisa: By the way, with such a big commotion, why hasn't anyone else come to check? ]

[Jin:... I'm also curious. According to the previous video, I should be in the church at this time, right? ]

[Eula: Now we are not discussing who is derelict in their duty, but the Fatui attacked the Lord of the Wind in front of our West Wind Cathedral, right? ! ]

[Jin: Yes, that's right, the Fatui must give an explanation today! ]

Although the current Knights of Favonius look weak, with only a few leaders such as Jin, Kaeya, Lisa, and Eula, the Knights of Favonius are actually quite powerful, but their main force is in the Grand Master who launched the expedition.

The lady attacked the wind god, and attacked the wind god at the door of the cathedral. This rampant scene made Jean furious, and even the distant captain and the ordinary people in Mondstadt were furious.

Everyone may be freer on weekdays, but this does not mean that their worship of the gods is fake.

For the sake of the gods, Mondstadt can always find a swastika flag to play with.

See if Winter Solstice is a broken wooden house, and what will happen if you kick it.

[Lady: Humph, I will not admit the slander of me by the acting captain. In fact, I did nothing. Could it be that you trust this suspicious screen more than your traditional ally Winter Solstice of Mondstadt? ]

Seeing the lady's reply, Jean gritted her teeth.

Now the key to the problem is here. This screen that suddenly appeared is originally a very suspicious object. According to common sense, a very suspicious screen is compared with Winter Solstice, which has a traditional friendship with Mondstadt and has cooperated with it in the past. Naturally, the words of the envoy of Winter Solstice are more convincing.

But the problem is not here. Although everyone is still saying that they should be alert to this screen, beware of the destruction of the seven countries of Teyvat by the strange screen, and don't trust the benefits given by the screen, it is best for you to send all the suspicious rewards to my house for identification...

The top leaders of various countries are not fools. They say that the seven countries should keep consistent, but in fact they have secretly taken out small notebooks and recorded the information revealed on the screen, even the so-called secondary creation videos, one by one. They even specially provide training for those who are qualified to speak in the discussion area. A war without gunpowder has been launched between the seven countries.

What's more, the relationship between Mondstadt and Solstice is no longer as harmonious and friendly as before. Since their children went to Solstice and most of them have no news, the relationship between the two countries has taken a sharp turn for the worse.

Recently, the aggressive attitude of the Solstice Envoys in Mondstadt has cast a shadow on the relationship between the two countries.

Originally, Captain Jean and the others thought that it was the increasingly arrogant nature of the Fatui that made them more and more rampant in their dealings with Mondstadt. Now it seems that their original purpose was to target their own gods.

[Jin: I will keep a close eye on you. ]

After all, all this is just the images played on the screen, not what really happened in reality.

And Jean has not seen the more explosive clips later. She still thinks that Lord Barbatos will show his power and turn defeat into victory.

Moreover, Jean has not forgotten that the name of this video is called "Wind God "Fooling" You".

Lord Barbatos, he should have been able to do things with ease, so he has the room to fool people, right?

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