The next plot also indirectly confirmed the audience's guess.

Following the traveler's line of sight, the picture was given to the anti-aircraft missile with green light that had just fallen in the sea due to the interference of the guided missile.

Inside this anti-aircraft missile that was still bubbling, a large amount of active grass elements were overflowing, reacting with the water elements in the surrounding environment.

After noticing this, Ying's eyes lit up, opened the support interface, and began to frantically click Yaoyao's support button.

For a while, endless yellow Yaoyao brand anti-aircraft missiles appeared in the Hummer, which made Keli beside him stunned.

Ying quickly turned around and told Klee:

"Throw all of these into the sea, quick!"

In the cafeteria, watching the live broadcast of the four-person team - at this time, Yaoyao could no longer care about playing with the heavy-armored Yuegui, and squeezed next to Keqing and the others, leaning in to watch the live broadcast of the ranking task of the traveler sister.

Seeing this scene, she slapped the table in shock and sat up, saying with some confusion and some complaints:

"Ah? What are they doing? Isn't this a waste..."

[Yaoyao: Well, it's not good to waste... But if I can help the traveler sister, it's not impossible. ]

[A Ping: Hahaha, it seems that the producer of this video still doesn't know Yaoyao very well. ]

[Ganyu: Well, Yaoyao is really good at taking care of people. ]

[Xiangling: Speaking of which, Yaoyao seems to have not been to Wanmin Hall for a while. ]

[Yaoyao: Hum~da, Yaoyao will not go until the senior sister admits her mistake. ]

[Yaoyao: Hmm, but if you need my help, you should still tell Yaoyao. ]

[Xiangling: Hmm,'s obviously delicious. ]

[Ying: Hiss, there are such cute little ones in Liyue! ]

[Ying: I can imagine the enthusiasm of those lolita control players in the game. ]

[Alice: I don't want to imagine it, but I want to blow them up. ]

[Nashida: For the first time, I realized that sometimes knowing too much is also very troublesome. ]

[Dolly: This, this, this means~~~If I publish some photos, can I sell them for a lot of money? ! ! ! ]

[Seno: Very good, you go and sell them, and I will arrest both the seller and the buyer at that time. ]

[Kavi: Hahahahaha. ]

[Dolly: This month's arrears. ]

[Kavi:...I'm sorry, I spoke too loudly just now. ]

[Zaoyou: There are so many strange guys. I'd better go to sleep. ]

[Fire Dragon King:... Well, how should I put it? One of my people may also encounter similar troubles at that time. ]

[Ying: There are lolita in Nata (surprise)? ! ]

[Alice: Ahem, your remarks are too easy to be misunderstood. ]

[Alice: By the way, which country would be strange if there were no lolita? ]

[Qin: Can we get over this topic? ]

Keqing, who was watching the live broadcast very seriously, reached out to interrupt Yaoyao's complaints. She carefully observed Ying's operation and gradually had some guesses in her heart.

"Don't worry, I think they have their own plans."

The little Klee on the Hummer was like a screw on an assembly line. With a mysterious smile, she threw the Laurel anti-aircraft missiles into the sea one by one.

In the sea, there were more and more anti-aircraft missiles with green light and bubbles. The elemental reaction under the sea surface had reached a critical point, and it was almost at the stage of explosion.

Finally, Klee had thrown all the anti-aircraft missiles, and she lay on the driver's seat and reported to Ying, who was concentrating on driving to avoid the Apache in front.

"It's all thrown!"

Ying excitedly took out a C4 marked with the wind element logo and handed it to Klee.

"Okay! Put this behind the car!"

After giving the order, Ying once again used Charlotte's support weapon, aimed at the Apache's shield and fired continuously, making the opponent infected with the ice element.

Then she used Keqing's support weapon to hit the thunder element, forming a superconductor with the ice element, and weakened the Apache's shield value as much as possible.

After doing this, Ying began to perform the final operation. She pulled the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator and did not let go, and the speed of the Hummer began to fly.

"Hold on tight!"

Rush all the way up a big slope, aim at the Apache helicopter that is heading towards them, don't dodge or avoid, the bravest will win!

However, this slope is still a bit low, Ying seizes the opportunity to throw out a rock grenade, forming a temporary jump board.

At this time

At that time, the enemy also noticed something was wrong. Although they didn't fully understand what the traveler was going to do, it was obvious that the other party wanted to launch a Jedi counterattack.

Although the control AI of this Apache was a bit dull, it at least knew to destroy what the enemy was going to do, so it wanted to retreat and distance itself from the traveler and the others.

However, it was too late to realize this at this time.

The traveler stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, and the speed of the car suddenly increased. After confirming that the direction was correct, Ying urgently ordered:


Although it was the first time for Klee to play the ranked mission, she had fully demonstrated her talent during this period of time.

Without hesitation or questioning, Klee and Ying jumped out of the car almost at the same time.

[Wendy: Flying is faster than running, right? ]

[Alice: Look, the car is flying. ]

[Ying: I don't know why, but I suddenly want to say, why do birds fly, why do islands fly? ]

[Noel: Well, is it because it is a sky island? ]

[Keqing: Is it the Mingxia floating stone? ]

[Ningguang: Is it the chicken spell? ]

[Funingna: Is it because of the absurd experiment of the Academy of Sciences? ]

[Ying: I don't know why I suddenly want to say this, but it shouldn't be about Sky Island or other issues. It may be about the persecuted people in other worlds? ]

Watching the Hummer flying high, Ying seized the opportunity to press the detonator, and the wind element C4 placed behind the car exploded directly. A huge wind element pushed the heavy Hummer to a higher level and directly broke through the last defense of the Apache attack helicopter whose shield was already in danger.

The music became more and more exciting and faster. Ying held Keqing's thunder element submachine guns and ran quickly.

He aimed at the anti-aircraft missiles that had just been thrown into the sea and fired.

Grass + water + mine.

This question is the second time I have done this video.

Countless anti-aircraft missiles that were triggered directly evolved into submarine-launched missiles, and they were the kind with tracking.

Emerging from the water, with guidance, they flew towards the Apache, which was confused and doubting that its shield was broken by a car.

A brilliant green flame exploded, and the final enemy was defeated.

[Xiao Gong: Good, so beautiful~! ]

[Xiao Gong: Ying, you and Klee are simply natural fireworks creators! ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: It's really beautiful. ]

[Klee: If it can turn red, it will definitely look better. ]

[Alice: It's okay, not as good as the time I played in the Wind Dragon Ruins. ]

[Tvarin:... Come on, come on, tell me, why is this place called the Wind Dragon Ruins-Ruins! ]

[Alice: Damn, I don't know~. ]

[Wendy: Tevarin, you'd better be careful. Who knows, Ms. Alice might suddenly have a whim and set up an artifact production line. ]

[Tevarin: ? ? ? ]

[Alice: Good idea, @Tevarin, let's work together. I'll provide the technology and channels, and you'll provide the raw materials. Let's become bigger and stronger and dominate the artifact wholesale market in Teyvat. ]

[Tevarin: ! ! ! ]

[Dolly: Please leave the market in Xumi to me! ]

[Alice: Sure, sure. ]

[Ruota: Phew, we are so lucky that Liyue doesn't have this Ms. Alice. ]

[Zhongli: From a universal rational point of view, if I hadn't been there to take care of Ms. Alice when she came to Liyue...]

[Jiaming: Thank you for the emperor's blessing. ]

[Xingqiu: Thank you for the emperor's blessing. ]

[Xianyun: Thank you for the Emperor's blessing. ]

[Lei Yingying: This guy also wants to help me transform the general. ]

[General Raiden: !!! ]

[General Raiden: Inner, I understand gratitude for the first time. Thank you for protecting me under pressure. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Let me see, Ms. Alice came to Inazuma, Xiao Linghua declined to join the idol group for the sixth time, and the little guy Jiujo had half of his wings blown off...]

[Nasida: Xumi is fine, Ms. Alice just provided some very novel goods. ]

[Funina: !!! ]

[Funina: No, wait a minute... So, it should be our turn in Fontaine next? ]

[Alice: Although the Academy of Sciences in Fontaine is very rigid and boring, it still has some skills. I plan to give some pointers. 】

【Seno: Pfft, just click——】

【Tinari: Shut up, you're being expelled and you still can't keep your mouth shut? 】

【Seno: I can fly all over Teyvat, I'm just going out to play cards and promote the Seven Summonings. 】

Ying and Klee stared blankly at the green flames falling into the sea bit by bit, the two of them talking to each other in tacit understanding

After a glance, they all jumped up to celebrate.

"We did it!"

Ying hugged Klee and lifted her up high: "My rank is saved! Here comes my winning streak reward!"

Klee was very excited: "That's so cool! Let's play again? Okay~?!"

Ying completely forgot what Jean had told him before, without even a second thought.

Who wouldn't want such a talented and skilled teammate?

"Of course, we'll beat all the bad guys to a pulp!"

After that, the two smiled as innocently as a child, hugged each other, and celebrated.

[Jin: ·······Honorary Knight. ]

[Ying: I, I'm here. ]

[Jin: Alas (tired), next time I ask you to watch Klee, I'll find more people. ]

[Alice: I think it's more likely that no matter how many people you recruit, Jean, they will all end up in the same boat. ]

[Noelle: So this is the solution? The wisdom of the seniors is really powerful. I have learned it. 】

[Eula: Ahem, you don't need to learn this. 】

The scene changed, and Jean was sitting in the conference room, with a helpless look on her face, one hand supporting her side face, and the other holding the playback device, silently watching the scene of the two celebrating their victory.

In front of her, with her hands behind her back, Ying stood straight, with a firm face and looked at Jean with a little flattery.

[Ying: Oh, it's over. 】

[Amber: Oh, Jean caught me red-handed. 】

[Keqing: After all, I can see the live broadcast of the Traveler, so this Captain Jean should not be unable to see it. 】

[Kaeya: Ahem, do you need me to put two more beds in the confinement room? 】

[Jin: Let's just expand the confinement room. 】

[Captain: Hahahahahahahahaha. ]

[Eula: Sooner or later, the battle plan and year-end meeting of the Knights will all be held in the confinement room. ]

[Diluk: Humph, the orthodoxy of the Knights is in the confinement room, what a funny joke. ]

[Albedo: Hmm (thinking), it seems that it is not impossible. ]

Seeing Qin's death stare, Ying forced a smile and tried to get away with it.

Qin sighed with all kinds of emotions and pinched the corners of her eyes.

"I told you not to drag her into this."

But now there is business, Qin quickly put this "little thing" aside, and said to the uneasy Ying in a serious tone:

"We will talk about this later, as for now..."

Qin handed Ying a document with a bright photo on it, which was obviously taken secretly.

There, multiple Abyss Apostles were guarding a blond boy who looked very similar to Ying, and the blond boy's eyes seemed to have noticed something, and he met Ying's eyes through the camera.

Ying looked at the photo of her long-missing brother, especially the situation of the other party in the Abyss Cult, and the excitement just now was completely gone, and the corners of her mouth fell.

Qin crossed her arms and said seriously:

"We have a mission to do."

At this point, the video ended.

[Ying: Huh, it's finally over. ]

[Kong: I can see that the players outside, regardless of the official settings, are determined to make me the villain. ]

[Ying: Aren't you a villain now? ]

[Kong: ······]

[Yuan Shang: This is embarrassing, isn't it? ]

[Kong: Shut up, is the toilet repaired? ! ]

[Yuan Shang: Ahem, it's repaired, and I also added some modifications that are more Abyss elements. ]

[Xinhai: ? ? ? ]

[Xinhai: What did you do to the Abyss Palace? ]

[Goro: Uh, Lord Coral Palace, isn't it a bit bad to just assume that the Abyss Palace is a toilet? ]

[Xinhai: I can't help it. I put myself in his shoes. If I were a player, I would also think that it was a toilet when I arrived at the Abyss Palace. ]

[Xinhai: However, the Abyss Palace is an extremely important part of our Umi Island. We can't let the Abyss Cult do whatever it wants, so——]

[Sora: Although I also think that this guy Abyss has done some unnecessary things, what do you want to do? ]

[Xinhai: Your Majesty, the Great Palace of the Lord Takenami, please help Umi Island (Dogeza)! ]

[King: Fighting the Abyss is my duty. What's more, what the Abyss Cult is doing now will definitely threaten eternity. ]

[Raiden General: I will kill him! 】

【Ying: Tsk, I'm here to help too. This stinky old man won't learn a lesson. Don't let me run into you. I promise that I'll be with you again even if I break your legs! 】

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