The two of us are so close.

[Kong: No, can we talk some sense? What kind of reunion is this? ! ]

[Ying: Then put aside your conspiracy and tricks, leave the abyss and follow me! ]

[Kong: No, before the abyss submerges the throne, the only way for me and Tianli is to go to war! ]

[Ying: Then I will break your legs! ]

[Kong: What you are doing is...]

[Yae Shenzi: ... I am not trying to sabotage, but now Tianli is in a state that is almost like a vegetable. Why don't you, the cult, just go straight in? Why are you harming our seven countries? ]

[Yuan Shang: Yes, I found the blind spot. ]

[Yuan Shang: Your Excellency, let's do it (inciting)! ]


[Ying: OK, let's act out the sequel to this video now. ]

The sequel to the video?

When I first saw the traveler's words, everyone hadn't reacted yet.

Two or three seconds passed.


By the way, at the end of the video just now, it was obvious that the brother and sister were on different sides. The positive side - the sister in the eyes of the people of Teyvat - was bound to defeat the negative side - the abyss in the eyes of the people of Teyvat - and save her brother.

Isn't this the sequel to this video?

Good guy, watching the video on the screen is not enough, this time we will directly show the real version.

[Kong:... Although, let's get back to the essence, I just sent that guy over to investigate some secrets, and now making such a big thing is not in the cult's plan...]

[Yuan Shang: Wait, Your Highness, what do you want to say? 】

【Kong: Yuanshang, you wish you luck and come back alive. 】

In order to avoid the limelight temporarily, Kong decided to hide from his good sister who has become more and more mentally abnormal since the advent of the screen.

【Ying: Tsk, she is avoiding again. 】

In response, Ying decisively said that the riddle man is really annoying.

Of course, the local bigwigs of Inazuma, such as Lei Ying, will not let them off because of their deep brotherly love.

After all, the Abyss Cult has jumped into the face now, let alone General Lei Dian, even Ying, who has some good feelings for the traveler, will not let them off.

And the Abyss, if you don't block it at the beginning, it will be like a burst sewer pipe, not only disgusting, but also directly pollute a piece of land.

Although there is no such extreme operation as Tianli throwing nails to kill a piece of earth veins at any time, the best way for Lei Dianying and the others to deal with it themselves is to use the maximum power of Wuxiang's sword to cut off the connection between the completely polluted Yuanxia Palace and Inazuma.

In the past, when Haigi Island obeyed orders but not announcements, it was not a big deal to do so. After all, Inazuma had two main islands that had been abandoned because of Ying's autism and General Leidian's AI governance. It was not a big deal to abandon another Yuanxia Palace with only ruins and various troubles.

Even if Haigi Island will gradually sink until it sinks to the bottom of the sea because of the loss of its base, for Inazuma and the shogunate, it is just a little less rebellious.

After all, Haigi Island, a poor and remote place, has always been the source of the rise of Inazuma pirates. If there is a little less fishing and less harvest at sea, the heroes of Haigi Island will hold harpoons, board their beloved boats, go to the sea to make a living freely, and look for one piece.

But it's different now.

Although Xinhai may not think that being a dress-changing doll and a reserve shrine maiden for Yae God in the castle tower is not as dignified as her previous position as a shrine maiden on Haigi Island, it is the best choice after rational thinking.

This is the pledge of allegiance.

After realizing that General Raiden is no longer like the past, who doesn't care about worldly affairs except for Eternity.

Haigi Island changed its previous slogan of wanting to go to Luo to clean up the emperor's side, and surrendered decisively.

Even the person in charge, Xinhai, has mixed with General Raiden, and can speak to the emperor at any time.

Although freedom is gone, and sometimes they even have to act as a toy of a fox, the people of Haigi Island live better than before. Even the shogunate that used to bully them casually now has to restrain themselves and be more polite to Haigi Island because Xinhai is by the side of the general.

Correspondingly, the Umijima Island, which has completely become the people of the Ina family, and the general Raiden whose thoughts have changed, cannot be abandoned casually.

"Son of God, the matter of answering questions in the future will be left to you. I will go to Yuanxia Palace now!"

Having said that, Raiden

Shadow controlled the doll's body, and quickly rushed to Kaiji Island with the help of Inazuma's ubiquitous thunder pole and his supreme thunder element authority.

[Question: Before this work was released, a prequel work of the same series had been released, called "The Times... Have Changed?" ", then the question is, guess where and when this prequel takes place? 】

[A. Mondstadt Chapter-Angel's Gift Bar]

[B. Liyue Chapter-Crescent Xuan]

[C. Rice Wife Chapter-Wu Youting]

[D. Sumeru Chapter-Lambard Tavern]

【E.Fontaine Chapter-Debord Hotel】

[System: The difficulty of this question is medium. The answer method is rush answer. Users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5,4...]


[Ying: No, wait a minute? 】

[Ying: Does this question have anything to do with this video? 】

[Ying: Screen boss, don’t engage in this abstract faction problem again! 】

[Alice: Why doesn’t it matter? Didn't you see it? It was said that this video has a prequel. Asking about the prequel... the prequel is originally related to this article. 】

[Ying: But why can’t I ask the time and place where this video took place? Why ask about the prequel? I don’t know what happened in the prequel either! 】

[Miko Yae: At least it’s still somewhat relevant. It’s much better than when the screen first appeared in the two days when the title had nothing to do with the video. 】

[Funina: So, otherwise, why do you think the difficulty is medium? 】

[Ke Qing: Does this screen mean that the difficulty of our recent questions is all easy, so we came up with such a medium difficulty question? 】

[Yan Fei: I feel that it is more likely to be revenge for your mocking of the screen error in the previous question. 】

[Alice: That article hasn’t passed yet? ? ? 】

[Nacita: Calm down. After all, the difficulty is medium, not high. This shows that we at least have some ideas. 】

The God of Wisdom appeared, and the atmosphere in the discussion area gradually calmed down.

After all, they are well-informed people to begin with, but the last few questions have been of easy difficulty, and now they suddenly have a medium difficulty level, which makes everyone a little bit upset.

[Kaiya: Medium difficulty... In other words, Mr. Screen thinks that we can determine the correct answer through analysis and observation, or at least narrow down the range of alternative answers? 】

[Ying: Then I have some ideas. Generally speaking, this kind of second-generation video with plot and big scenes takes a relatively long time, is well-produced, and is even 3D, so it takes a long time. . 】

[Alice: In other words, if there is a prequel, as long as it is not released after the main video, the prequel in question should be released at least half a year before this video. 】

[Miko Yae: Well, the title has been marked. This prequel was posted before this video. 】

[Charlotte: I remember that Traveler said before that this "Genshin Impact" game was released according to the version, and the current game progress should be the Fontaine chapter...]

[Servant: And this is when I just became a so-called autonomous character. 】

[Qianori: It hasn’t been long since I became an autonomous character. It should have been in the previous version. 】

[Xianyun: I should have updated it before. Well, according to analysis, it is the version of the Hai Lantern Festival? 】

[Ying: The plot of the Sea Lantern Festival must be in response to the Chinese New Year, so let’s break it out first. In other words, in fact, even the plot of Fontaine is not over yet, at least not completely. 】

[Funina: What the traveler means is that because Charlotte appears in this video, the option of Fontaine should be eliminated at the time of the prequel? 】

[Ying: It is also possible that Fontaine has just started, but judging from the time of the video itself, it has to be further ahead. 】

After all, the time between making a video and publishing it is enough for one or two versions.

Moreover, the title refers to the time node when the video occurred, not the time node when the video was released. This difference is still very big.

[Kaia: In my opinion, not only Fontaine, but also Mondstadt, and even Liyue have a high probability to be ruled out. 】

[Tinari: Yes, at this point in time, it won’t be too far back, but it won’t be too far forward either. 】

[Ke Lai: I, I'm dizzy. I can barely understand the exclusion of Fontaine. Why should Mond and Liyue be excluded too? 】

[Miko Yae: Because it is necessary to attract a creator with sufficient technical skills to invest so much energy and financial resources into producing such an excellent secondary creation.

, it is necessary that the game itself has been running for a period of time, accumulated enough reputation, and enough topicality before it is possible. ]

[Ying: Looking at the production sophistication of this video, creators of this level would not spend so much energy to make videos of this level unless they have been playing this game from the beginning and have been addicted to it as soon as the game is launched. ]

[Alice: And generally there will not be two videos of the same series, or the relationship between the previous and the next, with a long interval in between. Since this video is released at the beginning of the guaranteed Fontaine, the time of the previous work should not be before the Inazuma chapter. ]

[Charlotte: I see, I see, write it down. ]

[Gongzi: Okay, two of the five alternative answers have been completely eliminated, and three are likely to be eliminated. Now it's just a matter of choosing one of the two. ]

[Arataki Ito: Hahahahaha, it's my turn——]

[Funina: Then I choose Inazuma. ]

[Arataki Ito: ? ? ? 】

Funina did not respond to Aratake Ichito's idea at all.

She was just answering the question.

Although the key to saving Fontaine is almost complete, theoretically speaking, she doesn't need to answer the question so actively.


It's rare to have a question that is not designated for a specific user to answer, and the difficulty is relatively appropriate. Everyone can answer the question based on their ability. Funina feels a little guilty if she doesn't answer it.

And the most important thing is that Funina herself needs some help from the screen now.

Yes, the actor who has selflessly dedicated five hundred years of solo dance to Fontaine wants to do something for herself when everything is about to settle.

There is no other meaning.

Funina just feels a little ashamed.

Whenever she thought about her true identity being revealed, and the fact that she had been playing the role of the water god for five hundred years being exposed, Funina felt a shudder rushing to her head, making her unconsciously tremble all over, as if every cell in her body was shouting "quickly retreat, quick retreat".

Although because of her excellent performance during this period, the people of Fontaine may not be willing to publicly judge her as the water god as in the original future of the game, but Funina herself can't stand the feeling of revealing the dark history after the biggest secret is exposed.

When she thought of such a future, she wanted to use her attractive toes to dig out a Mo Mang Palace on the ground.

'So the almighty screen, if I really answered correctly, reward me with a reward that allows me to hide from others at any time, or simply hide outside of Teyvat. '

That's right, Funina wanted to quietly run away with a bucket after she became successful.

As for choosing Inazuma, the reason was also very simple.

It was just drawing lots.

Yes, without any thought or consideration, it was already very good to be able to narrow down the alternative answers to Inazuma and Xumi. As for which one was the correct answer, Funina really had no idea for a while.

And seeing that the Inazuma ghost clan, the wrong option maker, was about to come out to disrupt the game again, Funina didn't care about anything else, just randomly drew a lot, and then chose Inazuma.

However, maybe the smooth sailing during this period temporarily exhausted Funina's character and luck accumulated in the past five hundred years. Funina's prayer to the screen in her heart had no effect at all. Even before she finished praying, the system's error prompt sound rang mercilessly.

[System: Wrong answer. ]

Funina was stunned for two seconds, then sighed with a little regret, but she was gambling on luck, so she didn't regret it too much.

Besides, now, as long as she was not rewarded by this screen, Funina said that other punishments didn't matter.

Even the screen will directly play the video of her being judged in the next second, letting her play shameful play in public, and Furninna has made some psychological preparations in advance.

At worst, she will leave early, find a place where no one is, and stay at home forever.

Come on, let the punishment be more severe.

Thinking of this, Furninna straightened the vast plain of her chest that was exposed at a glance.

Oh, why does it feel a little concave?

[System: Punish the distinguished five-star user, endless solo dance - Furninna, all Teyvat will play "You ate the ring? ... Hmm? ! " ten times. ]

[Furninna: Hmm... Hmm? ? ? ]

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