The big one is a big one, but the big one is a big one.

Fu Nina is almost mad at her teammates.

She promises that if it weren't for the curse that her other self cast on her from the beginning, she could grow normally... Yes, at least a B, look at a C, right?

And what's good about being big? To be honest, being big is very troublesome for people, whether it's sports, fighting, or dancing, it will make the body movements deformed.

It is said that if it is too big, it will cause shoulder pain, so Fu Fu is very satisfied with the current situation and doesn't care about the size at all.

If she really grows up, can she still become the most successful and famous star in Fontaine like she is now?


by screen

When the greatest actor of Fontaine learned the Ah Q-style spiritual victory method without a teacher, the video on the screen continued.

The next famous scene is [Klee's Trial], which is another name that makes people not quite understand the meaning.

Klee and the others know that Mondstadt's highest combat power, ahem, no, start over.

It is a very cute West Wind Knight with a formal knight title in Mondstadt, and the daughter of the famous Ms. Alice.

What does such a cute little angel have to do with the trial?

Is Klee going to judge someone, or who is going to judge Klee?

Mr. Lu broke out in a cold sweat.

To be honest, this has aroused the interest of many people at once.

The video started playing, and everyone saw Klee appearing in the blue water and blue sky... blue water and blue sky?

Look at the surrounding environment, is this an island?

[Bennett: I remember that Ms. Alice seemed to have borrowed the Golden Apple Islands from Lord Wendy before? ]

[Mona: Ahem, Bennett, I don't want to have rocks falling on my head, but bombs falling on my head in the future. I don't need to say anything about the rest. ]

[Bennett: Huh? Why? ]

[Alice: Oh, I'm not that scary. ]

[Alice: I just know how to eliminate the pests that hinder my plan. ]

[Bennett: Oh, I don't know what happened, but I feel like I did something wrong again. ]

[Paimon: It should be just a matter of luck. ]

Standing on a stone pedestal, Klee patted her chest like a little adult and said with great momentum: "Big Devil Dudu, Klee is here to see you! You can... uh... judge, judge... um?"

It can be seen that Klee forgot the words.

The camera pulls back, and everyone can clearly see that standing next to Klee are Jean, who is wearing a cool swimsuit, and Mondstadt idol Barbara, and of course, the guaranteed traveler and Paimon.

The appearance of Jean in swimsuit and Barbara in swimsuit made the whole Mondstadt cheer and howl.

[Barbara: Hmm, what a cute swimsuit! ]

[Lisa: It’s obvious that Barbara chose it. If Jean had chosen it herself...]

[Kaeya: Hello, let me know about the diving suit. ]

[Jin: Ahem, after all, I have some common sense. If I go to the beach, even I will choose to buy a swimsuit. ]

[Amber: Then ask, would Jean buy a swimsuit like the one shown on the screen? ]

[Jin:...Hmm, anyway, it should be more conservative. ]

[Eula: It turned out to be the right choice to let Barbara choose the swimsuit. ]

[Ying: Oh, this is unfair. Why do Jean and Barbara have new clothes? I am still the same old protagonist... Wait, is there no way for the protagonist to change clothes in this crappy game? I have to walk around Teyvat in this set of clothes from hundreds of years ago? ]

[Sora: Ugh, it will stink, right? ]

[Ying: Say it again (smile)? ! ]

[Sora: Uh, I mean my sister always smells good, but the one in the game is just——]

[Ying: Ugh, brother, you are so perverted. ]

[Sora: ······]


Seeing that Klee had forgotten the words, Paimon on the side quickly reminded her.

One dares to say it, the other dares to believe it. Klee immediately crossed her arms, looked sharp, and said confidently: "You can [judge] Klee!"

Paimon was shocked: "Ah——! What is this child talking about!"

Jin was also speechless: "She doesn't understand the meaning of that sentence at all..."

Klee didn't care what the adults said. She received the letter from the Knights and went to this magical island to find the Great Demon King Dudu, just to receive

Be judged, and save Duduko.

As for what is judgment?

Oh, Klee said she was still young and hadn't learned the word yet.

At this time, the name of the famous scene also became [Klee apologizes].

Seeing that the big devil she identified, a puppet sword ghost made by Inazuma craftsmen, still maintained the ghost mask and sat there motionless, Klee's voice became a little aggrieved.

"Hey, big devil! Why don't you pay attention to me?"

Mistakenly thinking that she came too late, the big devil was angry, Klee apologized politely.

"Did Klee come too late and make you angry? Then... I'm sorry!"

[Alice:... It seems that before giving Klee a surprise, you must first let Klee learn the meaning and function of some words, otherwise the effect of the surprise will be much worse. ]

[Klee: Learn, learn (horrified)? ! ]

[Qin: At least she apologized to the "Big Devil". Well, we don't have to worry about her being polite. ]

[Worō: Ah, that "Big Devil". Why does he look more and more like the puppet sword ghost wandering around Bayin Island? ]

[Ying: I remember this thing. Well, it's quite interesting. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Next time, don't be so excited about the prey. Just chop up the puppets that others have worked so hard to build. ]

[Guobeng: Tsk. ]

[Yae Shenzi: But did this thing end up on the Golden Apple Islands? It was even repaired. ]

[Xinhai: Ended up on the Golden Apple Islands... In other words, there are more puppets of this kind than the one on Bayin Island? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Yes, there are more than one, and I remember that Ying seemed to have strengthened one of the puppet sword ghosts, so that this puppet can split into two long-lasting phantom clones... Even if I encounter it, I will find it very troublesome. ]

[Yae Shenzi: By the way, due to various reasons, the first unit in this batch of puppets was chopped up... and then swept away by the wind and waves. ]

[Ying: Umm, ah, so cruel, who did it? ]

[Konzai Palace: ·······]

[Ying: At least leave a souvenir, um, @Qiliangliang, I remember you are a courier? ]

[Qiliangliang: Yes? Yes (cat tail straightened)! ]

[Ying: After that, you will also go to the Golden Apple Islands with us and transport this puppet back. ]

[Qiliangliang: Huh? Me, me? ]

Qiliangliang looked at the hideous magic puppet sword ghost on the screen.

Do I have to defeat the other party first to bring this thing back?

Then, I beat this puppet sword ghost?


The fox fairy said that this thing is very troublesome.

[Shadow: Is there a problem? ]

[Qiliangliang: Wow, no problem. ]

Even if there is, I dare not say it.

In front of the powerful aura of the country girl general, the little cat monster has no courage to protest.

After all, it is a cat monster, and it has the Eye of God. In the island environment, if it uses the grass element, it is still possible to win, right?

Qiliangliang thought so.

And the next famous scene is much more familiar to everyone, called [May the wind god fool you].

As expected, it is the scene that was played before, the traveler, the captain of the piano, and the wind god Wendy himself came to the West Wind Cathedral to return the sky piano.

This is a famous scene. After all, in this world, it is too explosive for a god to use illusion to deceive his own fanatics.

"This is the church's commissioner in charge of recovering the Sky Harp, the prayer priest Barbara."

[Lady: I ​​was fooled by you at the beginning... This little nun is not a prayer priest, she is more like a combat nun. ]

[Rosaria: Good idea, I will be a prayer priest in the future. ]

[Barbara:... Just in case, let me ask you, Sister Rosaria, what are you going to do after becoming a prayer priest? ]

[Rosaria: Pray every day. ]

[Barbara: How to pray? ]

[Rosaria: Close your eyes and pray to the great wind god Bartobas in your dream. ]

[Barbara:... ]

[Wendy: Oh, you are a free nun. ]

[Wendy: I ​​hope the wind god fools you. 】

At the same time, Barbara in the video also blessed everyone in the discussion area in sync with her own god.

"May the wind god fool you."

Obviously, Barbara's lines were changed.

Blessing became fooling.

However, Barbara, a fanatic believer of the wind god, had no opinion on this.

If you want to know why, well, it may be because their own god always talks about fooling.

The next famous scene is called [Hey Hey], which everyone guessed is

The plot of the wind god Barbatos, who goes by the alias Wendy. After all, this wind god has been cute in the discussion area more than once.

The location is Angel's Gift - by the way, Diluk feels that he should turn on this screen when he gets home.

Since the screen came, his Angel's Gift bar has been doing better and better business.

The main reason is that the residents of Mondstadt know that their beloved wind god Barbatos often drinks here, so they like to come here to hang out and try their luck to see if they can treat the god to a drink.

However, in addition to the residents of Mondstadt, even people from abroad who come to Mondstadt for tourism or work now like to come to Angel's Gift to drink.

The reason is nothing else. It is really that the frequency of the appearance of Angel's Gift in the videos these days is too high, far higher than other places in Mondstadt.

This creates a kind of suggestion effect, making foreign tourists who come to Mondstadt subconsciously think of going to the popular bar Angel's Gift to check in and spend money.

Standing in Angel's Gift, facing the doubts of everyone, the Wind God tried to get away with it by being cute: "Hey~."

Miss Paimon, who is so arrogant even when facing gods, glared at her rudely.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

[Shinobu Kuki: I, a local Inazuma, will translate this. Paimon's words mean "What does hey mean?" ]

[Xiao Gong: But I always feel like I saw this scene last night...]

[Albedo: Well, I should have seen it in "Mondstadt News". ]

[Ying: The first six episodes of Mondstadt News have already spoiled most of the things that happened to Paimon and I during our trip to Mondstadt and Liyue. ]

[Keqing: Why is the plot on Liyue stuck halfway? ]

[Yae Shinko: It should not be released at that time. ]

[Alice: Okay, this famous scene has been tasted, next one. ]

The next famous scene is [Can this be eaten?] The audience originally thought it was a famous scene related to food, but seeing Xiangling, Paimeng and Ying appearing on the screen, everyone guessed what this famous scene was.

Just kidding, not to mention "Mond News", even in this discussion area, Xiangling had a bad intention towards Paimeng at the beginning, and the traveler has more than once called Paimeng a spare ingredient.

In the wilderness, beside the lit bonfire and the traveler Ying, Paimeng greeted Xiangling, who met for the first time, very friendly.

After all, it is well known that when facing unfamiliar people, Paimeng is still very polite. Only after getting familiar with them, this little guy doesn't care whether the other party is a god or an immortal, the Seven Stars of Liyue or the general of the shogunate, and jokes and nicknames them equally.

"Hello, I'm Paimong."

Xiangling saw such a magical creature for the first time, and all she could think about were "Can I eat this?" and "Is this delicious?".

She approached Paimong excitedly: "Paimong!"

This strange reaction made Paimong very confused: "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly staring at me?"

Xiangling did not answer Paimong's question, but looked at Ying beside her and asked: "What a wonderful creature, can I eat this?"

The traveler faced two options -

[She is my good friend. ]

[Of course. ]

Without even hesitation, he decisively chose the second one.

[Paimong: Ah ah (stomping feet), I'm so angry, Ying is like this, and the players outside are like this too, is it fun to tease me one by one? ]

[Ying: Fun (very loud)! ]

[Xiangling: After all, Paimong looks really wonderful at first glance. ]

[Hu Tao: Oops, Xiangling is not kidding, Paimong, I will help you deal with the aftermath. ]

[Paimon: Humph, Paimon doesn't need it! ]

[Yae Shinko: As expected of a poster girl, she is so skilled. ]

[Xinhai: No pretense, natural, she is indeed a natural poster girl. ]

[Funina: This can be regarded as a true performance. ]

[Paimon: ? ? ? ]

Paimon doesn't understand what they are talking about at all, is there anything strange about his reaction?

The next famous scene, uh, well, the audience doesn't know if this is a famous scene.

Because it is different from the previous one, after the transition, there is no name of the famous scene on the screen this time, it is just the player controlling Manye to run.

But the location of this running made many people's eyelids jump.

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