The last video of the day was about to be played, and the atmosphere in the discussion area immediately began to change. The slightly heavy things before were also turned over.

【Linnie: Okay, okay, why is the atmosphere so heavy all of a sudden? This is the last video, let's relax a little. 】

【Funina: Yes, that's right, you have to smile when watching videos. 】

【Ying: Fufu, you didn't say that before... What if the next video is the sequel of you and your brother? 】

【Funina: Then I will send troops to the Abyss tonight to fight the cult. 】

【Kong: Uh, to be honest, the current Fontaine should not be able to beat us. 】

【Funina: It's okay, I will tie a Ying in front of me. ]

[Sora: Hiss, you are too mean, aren't you? ]

[Funina: Same here. ]

[Ying: No, what about my opinion? ]

[Funina: I won't listen, I reject it. ]

Funina rolled her eyes coquettishly. She has gradually become accustomed to this level of teasing. To be honest, even if Ying was wearing pajamas and asked her to get close to her at night, Funina would probably just shout "yes, yes" and then hold Ying's hand intimately and walk to the bed.

It's just a fight. Whoever is scared first is the granddaughter!

However, it didn't take long for the daily fight with Sora, and even the teasing of Ying in return was not long, and the system officially brought out the last video of the day.

[System: - "Burn it, my rotten life"]

[Navia:... This title makes me feel very uncomfortable. ]

[Funina: What a coincidence, me too. ]

[Alice: Well, thank you both for sharing your experiences. Although I haven't seen the content yet, it should be Fontaine's video. ]

[Linnie: Haha, this is too arbitrary. It is also possible that Lady Funina is wrong and is simply unhappy with the content of the text. ]

[Servant: Linnie, although intelligence work must be rational... But I will teach you a piece of experience. ]

[Linnie: Please go ahead, father. ]

[Servant: In this world, some existences are unreasonable, and the premonitions of gods cannot be ignored. ]

[Linnie: I understand, father. ]

[Funina: Ah, that, uh, actually there is no need to be so formal (guilty). ]

Seeing the servant say this, Funina herself lost confidence.

However, the facts have proved that Navia and Funina's sixth sense is still correct.

After the video buffering was completed, Paimon with funny beard and glasses appeared on the screen, holding his chin with one hand, and said thoughtfully:

"If there is a way to turn people into water..."

Hearing this, the audience of Fontaine was stunned, and then said that they knew this question, absolutely, it was the water of the original fetal sea.

Since this topic was mentioned, it was naturally the plot of Fontaine.

As expected of the Lord of Water, this sixth sense is really accurate.

At this time, the song sounded, and Marcelle's trembling pupils appeared on the screen.

"Who will kill that giant baby, sucking neon~ and alcohol."

The music that suddenly sounded was a good reflection of the attitude of most Fontaine audiences towards the people on the screen at this moment.

On the screen, it was a familiar clip to all the audience, the culprit of the serial girls' disappearance case, Marcelle, in the previous video "I Can't Dissolve", when facing the trial, the hysterical and self-touching clip.

Even though a few days had passed, the audience felt sick again when they saw Marcelle scolding the audience below and drinking the water of the original fetal sea to move herself.

"I can't dissolve!"

Marcelle's words, which were completely self-moved and formed like an obsession, sounded again.

But the strange thing is that this time, compared with the previous video that focused on Marcelle's twisted and funny reaction, the camera was more focused on the reaction of the Fontaine audience watching the trial below.

The audience from other countries in Teyvat watched the video, on one side, there was an emotional scene facing the trial above, and on the other side, there were Fontaine audiences who were excited and couldn't help but stand up and cheer.

A strange feeling began to gradually fill the hearts of the audience from other countries.

[Xiangling: Strange, I always feel that this scene is a little...]

[Yanfei: This is a little different from what I expected, the Fontaine justice trial. ]

[Yae Shenzi

: Oh, the atmosphere of Fontaine is quite suitable for me~. ]

[Xinhai: Because Yae-miya is the most entertaining person in Inazuma. ]

[Konosaimiya: Please call him Fun Fox. ]

[Qin: Why does the sacred judgment feel like a drama? ]

[Kaeya: This is really... well, some fun. ]

[Charlotte: Oh, I don't know since when, in Fontaine, judgment and drama are almost equal, so this is it. ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: This, this... is a judgment, it should be very sacred. ]

[Fukaros: In short... it's my fault. ]

[Fukaros: In order to deal with the prophecy, I needed to collect the maximum amount of law compensation energy before, so I deliberately let this situation develop from the beginning. ]

[Naviette: Well, I am also responsible in this regard. In the past, I only focused on my duties. As for things outside the judgment, I think they are irrelevant. 】

【Buyer: Fontaine and Xumi are similar. I mean, because of the creation of the gods, some bad things have to happen. 】

【Nasida: So I decided to close the void. 】

【Fukaros: The oracle ruling cardinals do not need to be closed, but this way of watching the trial needs to be standardized. 】

The gods of Xumi and Fontaine have decided to change the current bad situation in their countries, and the video on the screen is still going on.

"Who will judge his crimes? Ignorance of justice has become a laughing stock."

The lyrics of the background music of the video seem to be mocking the weird atmosphere of the trial in Fontaine, and also seem to be mocking the plaintiff or the defendant, or the judge and gods who are high above.

"What kind of grandiose trial is this? Pursuing justice and farce! Viniel is dead. I made an appointment with her to go together no matter where we go. This is the agreement we have always made!"

Listening to Marcelle, or rather Vashé, accusing all the people of Fontaine during the trial on the screen, coupled with the self-examination of their own God and the Supreme Judge in the discussion area just now, the audience of Fontaine was really confused for a while.

Is there really a problem with our attitude towards the trial before?

Hasn't Fontaine been like this for a long time?

Trial is like a drama. Except for the parties involved, everyone is looking forward to the turning point and the outbreak. Is this a problem?

From childhood to adulthood, people of Fontaine have always lived in such an environment. They have already formed a fixed mindset in their minds. Except for a few who can jump out of this circle and look at it with normal thinking, it is difficult for others to perceive any problem in it.

Because they don't think it is a problem at all. It has been like this since childhood. How can it be a problem?

"So be lost!

No one listens to your shouts.

So turn back!

There is no destiny on the other side.

So stop!

No access to the exit.

So give up!

Ideals become bubbles."

The song on the screen is not only a true portrayal of Marcelle, but also the accusation of many people who have sat in the plaintiff and defendant seats in the courts.

The people of Fontaine are not actually concerned about the justice in the trial. They just pay attention to the excitement and what they want to see in the name of justice and trial.

In the end, Weiniel, no, it should be the mixed voice of all the victimized girls, "Vashie" full of various emotions, which brought this weird distortion to the extreme.

[Ying: This video... Isn't it the kind of video that makes people think from the plot of the game, and it is very profound? ]

[Alice: Maybe it is. ]

[Navia: Although I hate Marcelle so much, I agree with him on one point, that is, Fontaine's current distorted concept of justice really needs to be corrected. ]

[Fukaros: Don't urge me, don't urge me, I'm already changing it. ]

[Navia: Humph, Funina, isn't it because you didn't do it well at the beginning, and then you hired Villette as the Supreme Judge and then acted as the boss? ]

[Funina: Uh...]

[Villette: Ahem. ]

[Fukaros:... Actually, it seems to be right. ]

[Leosli: Ah, how should I put it, well, Master Funina, you have worked hard. ]

[Servant: To be honest, the situation Fontaine faced before was indeed very critical, and the expedient measure was also a last resort. ]

[Puppet: Agree. 】

The video continues, and the camera has come to Navia.

Navia stood in the rain, holding an umbrella in one hand and stretching out the other hand to catch the water drops falling from the sky.

"Remember when my father got into trouble

On the day of the incident, it also rained heavily. "

In the pouring rain, the voice of Violet sounded.

"On the day of the incident, all the guests heard two gunshots outside the house. When everyone arrived, the suspect Carres was holding a gun and did not defend himself. The suspect was defeated by the duel agent Clorinde and died."

Looking at the expressionless Clorinde on the screen who stimulated her own thunder elemental power, Navia in reality closed her eyes and raised her head, and her thoughts seemed to return to the day her father died.

[Clorinde:... I'm sorry.]

[Vilet: I'm sorry.]

[Navia: Why can the case be judged so frivolously when there are still some strange things in it?]

[Vukalos:... I'm sorry for making such an oracle to judge the cardinal.]

[Navia: Forget it, I have personally received the reward for resurrecting my father, and not only my father, I will also resurrect my mother.]

I can only say , now with the existence of the screen, Navia, who saw another hope, did not grow up according to the original future in the game.

Of course, with both parents in the future, Navia was not forced to be strong. Compared with the original future, it is hard to say which future is better.

And after Carles and others were resurrected, Navia, who had no knot in her heart, should not be as paranoid about Clorinde and others as she was at the beginning of the original plot.

In the end, what will Navia look like in the future? It can only be said that it is very worth looking forward to.

"You clearly told me that you also felt that the case was still strange. Why didn't you stop him at that time? Why did you let him die with a bad name? "

However, watching the video, Navia, who had always faced the world with confidence and laughter, had tears in her eyes for the first time and shouted emotionally, it turned out that the guilt could not be eliminated.

In contrast, compared with Navilla, who had begun to understand humans and had more emotions in reality, the Navilla in the video obviously had not yet realized the impact of the four hundred years of trial on himself. He just said in a businesslike manner with no sincerity:

"I'm sorry, Miss Navia, his death is really regrettable."

"His death is really regrettable" Nine bright red words appeared on the dark screen, which was so sarcastic, and with the background music that never stopped, this so-called just trial of Fontaine was questioned and discussed by everyone in the entire Teyvat.

"There is no emotion in your words at all, you just think you should say this at this moment. "

Navia shook her head and looked at Navilla with a resolute expression. Even though she said "sorry" and "regret", there was no trace of that on her face.

"Covering my black eyes,

Giving me a dirty crime,

All desires are like illusions,

The absurd dream collapsed and roared! ”

Just as the song goes, the trial in Fontaine seems fair and just, but the judgments of the Cardinal and the Supreme Judge are sometimes not so accurate.

Now only the unjust case of Carres has been exposed. How many cases in the past four hundred years were wrongly judged by both parties under the influence of the emotions of the Fontaine audience who watched the trial?

[Fukalos: Uh, that, although the original Navilet may not be able to see it on the surface, he really feels sorry.]

[Funinna: Yes, that's right, didn't you see it raining outside?]

[Xiawolei: Ah, it's really raining.]

[Navia: ······Okay, I can tell the difference between the video and Reality, I can also adjust my mood. ]

[Ying: Partner, wait for me, I will rush over after I finish my work here! ]

[Villatte: Oh, I am really sorry now. ]

[Charlotte: Oh, tomorrow's news is out, "The Supreme Judge questions the current trial system of Fontaine" or "Shock! The Supreme Judge, Lord Villette, vows to overthrow the 500-year-old ancestral law of Lady Funinna"? ]

[Villatte: Wait for me. ]

[Mona: Will the Steambird Newspaper be banned by Fontaine starting tomorrow? Then will I have any money for my manuscripts in the future? Without the manuscripts, I might really starve to death! ]

[Ying: Don't worry, Mona, you will definitely have a meal if you follow me and Paimon. ]

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