The so-called god-making is difficult because before it succeeds, not only ordinary researchers, but even the sages who advocate the plan are not sure whether they can succeed.

Failures again and again have made the participants of this plan almost desperate. Otherwise, when they were working on the original work, they would not have introduced the power of the Fatui in this plan related to the future of Xumi, and even introduced it on a large scale, so that they lost the dominance of the god-making plan without knowing it.

Just like before the Americans made the first big killer, even the scientists who led the project could not guarantee whether it would succeed in the end, or how it would succeed. Even the power of the atomic bomb made in the end was different from the results they calculated.

But after the first atomic bomb was built, its greatest role was to tell the world that this road would definitely work, as long as they worked unswervingly in this direction.

It is the same now. This video has told them that at some point in the near future, their god-making plan has been successful. They have successfully created a powerful god belonging to their own Xumi people. This is the greatest achievement.

After that, just be careful not to let the forces of the Fatui intervene too much, set up a strong enough back-up to prevent the artificial gods from getting out of control, and find a way to control the Heart of God that maintains the void, so as to avoid the future in which the weak god in the picture gives away the Heart of God...

Well, it seems that there are a lot of problems in this plan.

The great sage wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and decided to revise the plan to cooperate with the Fatui later.

Just when almost all the audience who saw the scene of Sanbing's heart being taken out thought that the young grass god would be like Barbatos, the wind god at the door of the West Wind Cathedral, and be forcibly plundered by the executive officer of the Fatui in his own church.

In the picture, a shocking reversal occurred.

Nashida, who lowered her head as if she had suffered a heavy blow, grabbed Sanbing's right arm with her left hand.

"The data has been collected almost."

Nashida, who lowered her head helplessly, raised her head, opened her eyes shining with divine light, and looked directly at Sanbing.

"Do you know how many times you have tried to take my heart?"

[Ying: Wow, wow, this big boss turned around. 】

[Ying: So Nashida is the real boss of Xumi? ]

Looking at his brother who fell to the ground in the video, and seeing Nashida's shocking reversal, the completely genuine and confused expression on his face, it is obvious that the traveler in the picture did not expect this development.

[Yae Godson: After all, he is a god. It would be foolish to hastily make a conclusion about a god based on his external body. ]

[Wendy: After all, he is the god in charge of wisdom. If the heart of the god was taken away so easily, he would not be the Seven Lords of the Earth. ]

[Ying: Uh, Wendy, could it be that you are the god who should not say this at this time? ]

[Wendy: Hey, after all, I am the weakest now. ]

[Alice: Yes, the weakest. If I hadn't seen that the snow in Mondstadt hadn't returned until today, and my sisters were ruthlessly played and teased by a certain unscrupulous wind god, I would have really believed it. ]

[Ying: Fooling, continue to fooling. ]

[Wendy: Uh, I didn't do that, the Witch Club members are really difficult to deal with.]

[Mona: Hmm? Old lady... cough, cough, cough, cough.]

[Xiangling: Wow, noodles suddenly came out of Mona's nostrils? ! I made rice? ? ? ]

[Nashida: I see.]

[Ying: Hmm? Little Nashida, do you understand?]

[Nashida: Hmm, I guess I'll explain it later, so I'll just say it here, I should have used my dream power, so Mr. Sanbing should still be in a dream now.]

Nashida's explanation made everyone understand what was going on with this shocking reversal on the screen.

So the power of the God of Grass is dreams?

This really surprised most ordinary Teyvatians. Even the strong Fatui's executive officers were caught in the rumor that they had not grown up and were not strong enough, and the power of the Grass God was temporarily managed by the Ministry of the Order on behalf of Xumi without knowing it.

Is this still weak?

[Ying: Poof, Scattered Soldiers, can you perform again?

That? ]

[Ying: Baalzebub, I have ascended to godhood! ]

[Sanbing: Tsk! ]

[Tinari: Huh, I am relieved. ]

[Dixia: Yes, the lady almost fainted just now. ]

[Nilu: I am glad that the Little Auspicious Grass King is okay. ]

[Falusan: It seems that there are more followers of the Little Auspicious Grass King in this era than in our time? Is it an illusion? ]

[Nasida: It should be that among the Xumi users who can speak in the discussion area, the proportion of my followers happens to be larger. This is a classic illusion caused by small-scale data. ]

[Falusan: I see, I have learned a lesson. ]

Just when everyone thought that this video was about the gods performing a shocking reversal, the picture on the screen broke their three views again.

Behind Nashida, whose eyes and leaves on her hair were emitting green light, the space seemed to be cut into pieces of broken mirrors, with more and more cracks, and then suddenly shattered.

After the dream was broken, the surrounding environment suddenly turned into Inazuma's castle tower. Sanbing's hand froze in mid-air, looking at the "God of Grass" pierced by him in disbelief.

No, that was not the God of Grass, but the God of Righteousness who appeared in front of Sanbing at some point and became the same size as a normal person.

[Ying: This picture quality, it really has become a second creation again? Or is it a spoof? ]

[Tinari: It's completely different from the previous picture quality. ]

[Tinari: Does the existence behind this screen have any opinion on our Xumi? Why do I feel that he is targeting our Xumi. ]

[Gongzi: I always have an ominous premonition that the image of our Fatui executive is about to explode. ]

[Doctor: I have seen me, so which me is this? ]

[Cole:... (angry)]

[Amber: Cole. ]

[Cole: I'm fine, Amber. ]

The doctor obviously didn't remember Cole, the past test subject, at this time. He looked at the screen, and saw his face was a little too round, as if he had gained weight, and showed a surprised expression.

"Interesting, even if it is the so-called secondary creation, there should be some useful information, so let me see it."

The doctor was obviously very generous about being spoofed. After all, he was a researcher in this slice. Compared with the loss of his reputation, the unknown information fascinated him more.

In the video, after Sanbing found that he was pierced by the God of Righteousness, the shocked doctor, the lady, Sanbing and the son appeared on the screen.

[Son: Why is there something about me here? ]

[Kaia: Oh, this is really a rare sight in reality. ]

[Ye Lan: Indeed, I also find it hard to imagine multiple executives showing such expressions at the same time. I feel that this scene alone is enough for me to eat two large bowls of rice with Jueyun peppers in the evening. ]

[Chongyun: Hiss, Jueyun peppers go well with rice... so scary. ]

[Barbara: It sounds spicy, and it sounds delicious. ]

[Paimon: Wow, Miss Barbara looks so, uh, how should I put it, it just feels that this preference is very different from her image. ]

[Barbara: Hehe, I didn't get used to it at first, but the more I tried, the more I felt addicted. After practicing the song, I took a big sip of my own special spicy drink, which was still very good. ]

[Paimon: Hmm, hard, hard to imagine. ]

[Ying: Strange, I always feel like I've seen this scene somewhere. ]

[Xiao Gong: It's like the character in the Yaetang novel I read last time, who I thought was the protagonist, suddenly became the mastermind. ]

[Ying: Yes, that's right, it seems to be developing in this direction. ]

[Nilu: Eh? Is Little Auspicious Grass King the villain? ]

[Nasida: Hmm, I should still be a decent person in reality? ]

[Tinari: Uh, although I think under normal circumstances, no one should discuss whether they are decent or villain. ]

[Ying: That's right, Miss Nilu, this is just a second creation. ]

As people in the discussion area speculated, the video continued to play.

The frightened young master seemed to have noticed something and shouted: "Asshole!"

On the other side, hearing the young master's warning, the two Fatui realized something was wrong, but they only had time to turn around. The next moment, a knife flashed, and the debt collector and the Wind Fist Vanguard fell to the ground.

[Lei Movie: Umm (chewing), um, Xumi's new grass god is also a knife master? 】

【Yaejinko: No (helpless), Ying, you didn't read what everyone said before, it's just a joke, it's fake. 】

Lei Yingying: Then it's not (confused)? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Uh, I can't say, I don't know if the little Jixiangcao King is good at swordsmanship. ]

[Nashida: Well, how should I put it, as the God of Wisdom, fighting in person is a bit...]

[Lei Yingying: Oh (got it), that's about the same as the Great Compassion Tree King. ]

Thinking of the weak god who was comparable to his sister, Lei Yingying, who had gone to Liyue with her and participated in the Seven Gods Gathering before, rarely showed a trace of nostalgia.

——That was a rare kind god who would feed himself sweet snacks at the right time.

In the video, after two Fatui soldiers were killed in an instant, Nashida, who stretched out her hand knife, had no expression on her face, only her eyes were slightly glowing green, and she looked very oppressive, standing in front of everyone.

The close-up of the expression on her face, which seemed to be a smile, but also like a mockery, made many viewers feel the huge contrast between before and after.

Is this the same existence as the weak god who was lifted up powerlessly in front?

The young master looked at the grass god in panic: "When did it start... When did it start?!"

[Young master: No, I don't admit that it was me. Even if I was knocked down for a while, I would never show this expression! ]

[Silk: Hmm? But didn't you often show this expression before? ]

[Silk: When I was training you. ]

[Young master: Master? ! ! ! ]

[Ying: So what exactly are you talking about when did it start? ]

Before the young master could reply to Ying, the low voice of the grass god in the picture came out first.

"When did it start... When did it start?"

"This question is ridiculous, you should know it."

"My dream power is completely hypnotic, and I can completely control the five senses at any time."

"I can make people have illusions under any circumstances."

[Ying:... To be honest, I'm a little scared now. ]

[Nashida: Uh, that, although my power is like this, well, it should only be theoretically possible to do this. ]

[Nashida: In fact, I am still very immature now, and I should not be able to do this... I should. ]

As she spoke, Nashida herself was actually a little uncertain.

[Paimon: Wow, will Paimon encounter a situation in the future where he thinks he is having a big meal, but in fact he is just chewing at the air and has not eaten anything? ]

[Paimon: But it seems that this way I can ignore my stomach capacity and keep eating different delicacies. Hmm, it's so difficult to choose. ]

[Lisa: Dreams? I remember that Sumerians will not dream after they become adults. ]

[Kavi: That's right, and most Sumerians are quite proud of this, although I really want to experience the feeling of a beautiful dream. ]

[Dolly: Ha, even if you really dream, you can't reduce the interest this month! 】

【Kavi: ······】

Seeing the power of dreams, Elhaisen, as well as Tinari and Senor, who had occasionally spoken before, all looked a little serious.

They were not like ordinary Xumi people, who were really proud of not dreaming.

They knew rationally that this was abnormal, but they had only temporarily left it alone because everyone was like this before, and there had been no obvious bad developments.

But now, combined with the power of Lord Grass God, and thinking of the existence of the void, and vaguely aware that the Order Institute was secretly making a big move, they couldn't help but have a lot of associations.

Speaking of which, secondary creation, secondary creation.

The so-called secondary creation should also be a creation based on the original foundation.

That is to say, the original author of this secondary creation video thinks that the power of Grass God is very terrible?

Or does the other party know something that they don't know?

To be honest, this information asymmetry is really tormenting, and sometimes even makes them wonder whether Lord Grass God is evil.

However, the demon god of Teyvat is a very strange creature, and its core is "love".

Although the way of loving is different, gods like Lord Grass God should not have anything to do with evil.

Instead of thinking about those outrageous things, it is better to think carefully about how to solve the problem of Xumi.

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