The wise men of Xumi began to think about the real situation of Xumi.

In the video, the young master who heard Nashida's explanation in a low voice did not reduce his anger at all, but interrupted Nashida's words directly.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm asking you when you used the dream power!"

Faced with the young master's questioning, Nashida, who only showed the lower half of her face in the picture, asked calmly.

"Then I'll ask you too--"

The video's perspective was appropriately raised, showing the face of the invincible Nashida, who lowered her eyes and looked indifferent, as if mocking and not caring.

Nashida's tone slowed down, as if she was showing pity, giving these fools who still didn't understand the situation time to react.

"Since when did you have the illusion that I didn't use the power of dreams?"

Many of the audience in front of the screen swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

For the first time, Azar began to face up to a fact, that is, since the new grass god was locked in the meditation device by the Order Institute five hundred years ago, how long have they not confirmed the growth of this new grass god?

A demon god who has been wandering in the void with all the knowledge and wisdom of Xumi for five hundred years without restrictions, and who has grown wildly, and is also a demon god known for his wisdom, is he really still so weak now?

"We should confirm it, but we must take good precautions. Tsk, why didn't we realize this problem before? Is this also in your calculation, little auspicious grass king!"

【Ying: Hiss, too classic, this is too classic, the classic setting of a charming villain with high IQ! ]

[Yae Shenzi: Well, it's really good. The authors of Yae-do should also be reading it. You should study it well. You will need it for the next Yae-do essay contest~. ]

[Funina: I have inspiration too. Hehehe, look forward to my next big work! ]

[Nilu: Although this little lucky grass king is a little different from what I thought, but, but, I think this little lucky grass king is also very handsome! ]

[Farusan: That's true. ]

[Kavi: This sentence gave me goosebumps. I always feel a sense of déjà vu...]

[Kavi: Ah, I remember that Elhaisen is such a scary guy. ]

[Elhaisen: You use scary to describe our gods. Is your brain really broken? ]

[Kavi: I'm not saying that Grass God is scary. I'm talking about you, bastard! 】

Unexpectedly, Nashida, who played a villain, actually made many people happy.

Nashida literally had a question mark on her head, "looking" at the numerous Xumi people in the void, enthusiastically expressing their support for such a Grass God.

People were not afraid of the Grass God playing with the enemy in the video, but felt at ease because of such a powerful Grass God.

This was completely different from what Nashida had thought before.

"So people are longing for such a god? Not a simple lover, but a god who is strong enough to protect people, even if he has to do everything he can..."

Nashida fell into deep thought.

Fortunately, just when the young demon Nashida was about to get too obsessed with her own ideas, someone in the discussion area temporarily pulled her thoughts back.

【Candice: This feeling of elemental power... Little Auspicious Grass King, have you been watching us? ]

[Dixia: ? ? ? ]

[Candice: There have always been many crazy scholars exiled to Aru Village, but recently the villagers of Aru Village have another name for them. ]

[Candice: Village Guardians. ]

[Candice: As far as I know, it has happened more than once in this period of time that crazy scholars suddenly protect the villagers of Aru Village who are in danger. ]

[Nasida: Well, I am still very weak now, so I can only do this much. ]

[Seno: It's really ironic that people have forgotten the gods, but the gods are always by our side. ]

[Tinari: I always feel that I need to go back to Xumi City to take a look. ]

The audience did not have any bad thoughts because of Nashida's performance in this second creation video, which seemed like a villain boss. After all, everyone is rational. Even if they had some doubts before, after hearing what Candice said about the village guards.


I'm afraid that even the suspicious Elhaisen had to admit it.

Lord Little Auspicious Grass King is a respectable god who is absolutely no less than Lord Great Compassion Tree King, and treats all the people in Xumi equally, whether in the rainforest or the desert.

Even in Aru Village far away in the desert, the terminal boundary covered by the void, Lord Little Auspicious Grass King used his power to protect the desert people who believe in the Red King without regard for consumption.

Gods who can do this without everyone knowing are definitely not bad people.

Now they are somewhat fortunate that the fourth video today, in their Xumi, is a secondary creation video instead of the so-called official video or actual game screen.

After all, unlike Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma, whose gods are very powerful, their own gods are indeed still a little young and weak.

At a time when the Fatui must have intentions on the God's Heart of God of various countries, the less information their own grass gods reveal, the better, so that they can still have room to maneuver in the face of the Fatui's threats and conspiracies.

The gods have done enough, and now it's their turn to protect the gods.

In the video, when the young master heard Nashida's oppressive question, his pupils trembled, and he was obviously frightened.

Sanbing fell to the ground with the severely injured God of Righteousness in his arms. Hearing the weak God of Righteousness Nina calling his name, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

[Sanbing: Humph, boring, why would I show such an expression. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh, this is quite suitable for you, isn't it? ]

[Yae Shenzi: I still remember when you were just "born" as a child, I changed your clothes into women's clothes. ]

[Sanbing: Huh? ? ? ]

[Sanbing: Impossible! There is no such memory in my memory bank! ]

[Yae Shenzi: It happened before I activated you~. ]

Well, now even Sanbing himself is not sure whether this happened.

When he was just created and was still sleeping, was he treated like this by this cunning fox woman?

If it was someone else, Sanbing would just laugh it off, but this pink-haired fox...

No matter how he thought about it, it felt like something she could do.

Now, even Sanbing, who always looked down on others, was sweating coldly.

Fortunately, Kujo Sara jumped out at this time, and Sanbing found an opportunity to fool the son of God.

[Kujo Sara: You are a wicked party who offended the general. Don't let me catch you. ]

[Sanbing: Ha, children should not interrupt when adults are talking. ]

[Kujo Sara: What did you say? ! ]

[Sanbing: I said you are too young, shout louder, otherwise I can't hear you! ]

[Kujo Sara: Damn it, if you dare to come to Inazuma, you will definitely not have a good result. ]

[Sanbing: Unfortunately, I'm in Inazuma right now. ]

[Lei Movie: Oh? Where is it? Tell me. ]

[Sanbing:...Baalzebub, do you think I'm stupid? ]

Sanbing's scalp was tingling.

Although he was keen on making some small moves in various places in Inazuma and self-righteously made things difficult for Lei Movie, Sanbing was still very confident when he really faced his creator.

That was a sure death.

However, looking at the stubborn Tengu who became arrogant after Lei Movie spoke in the discussion area, Sanbing gritted his teeth.

Sooner or later, I will kill you with a knife.

But now...

Sanbing sensed something was wrong from Lei Dianying's unusual questioning of his location, and immediately gave up his plan to come to Inazuma without saying anything. He just got off the boat and went back to the boat. He ignored the captain's doubts and ordered the boat to leave Inazuma immediately.

Sanbing on the boat stared at the screen that could be seen clearly even underwater. He was definitely not wrong. The person on the screen definitely had the Heart of Thunder God that he had been thinking about day and night.

He finally got the Heart of Thunder God in the future, and finally had his own heart!

In the end, it was his victory!

What is the Eightfold Son of God, what is Baalzebub, in the end he still won, hahahahahahaha——

[Question: After three hundred rounds of battle between Thunder Cannon and Buyer, Thunder Cannon finally lost the Heart of Thunder God in the sneak attack of the despicable traveler. The Grass God who intended to occupy the throne above the sky finally had two God Hearts. Which of the following Fatui executives turned the tide, almost perished, and at the cost of precious secrets, not only regained the Heart of Thunder God, but also exchanged the Grass God Heart under the fear of the Grass God:]

[A. Lady]

[B. Girl]

[C. Servant]

[D. Prince]

[E. Doctor]

[F. Captain]


System: This question is difficult, and the answering method is to answer quickly. Only users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]


Sanbing stared at the screen in disbelief.

Could it be that in his future reality, he also lost his Thunder God Heart like this second creation?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

For a moment, Sanbing was possessed like the young master yesterday.

Other star users didn't know that Sanbing was now shocked. Their attention was focused on this new question.

[Ying: Damn it, how dare you call me a "despicable traveler"? I will remember this grudge! ]

[Eula:...? ? ? ? ]

[Tinari: I always feel that the existence behind this screen seems to really have some opinion about our Xumi. Is it my illusion? ]

[Falushan: Looking at the description of this question and the previous spoof video, it should be correct, but why? ]

[Ying: Uh, you may have thought too much. This is an illusion caused by different perspectives. I think these two videos are simply because the locals of Teyvat can't catch the funny jokes. ]

[Ying: But it is possible that the other party has some opinions about Xumi. I wonder if it is because Xumi changed the script that the screen is like this? ]

[Nashida: ? ? ? ]

[Ying: This kind of thing often happens. A game obviously starts well, but the more it goes on, the more the game's producers and screenwriters can't recognize themselves. ]

[Ying: Especially some game companies, under the operation of capital, I don't know what they are crazy about, and they have to go against the players. ]

[Ying: So I guess, is it the game "Genshin Impact" that suddenly changed the production team in Xumi, and then... ]

[Linnie: Uh, according to the introduction of the previous footprint PV, our Fontaine is still after Xumi. I have a bad feeling. ]

[Ying: No, the situation may be better in your place, because this kind of big change in game plan and screenwriter is actually the capital observing whether the players accept it. ]

[Ying: If the Xumi chapter does not perform well and the players do not buy it, the capital will teach those literary and artistic production teams how to behave. So if the Xumi chapter has a bad reputation, the quality of your Fontaine chapter will improve. ]

[Alice: Okay, let us thank Miss Traveler for popularizing the taboo knowledge of the other world that will be useless in the future. ]

[Seno: Hmm (alert), taboo knowledge? ! ]

[Tinari: Okay, you can take a break. ]

[Kavi: However, in this question, which executive finally snatched the two God's Hearts back from the little auspicious grass king? ]

[Dolly: Wow wow wow wow wow wow, it's obviously so, it looks like it's worth a lot of Mora's treasures, hey hey hey, it's actually exchanged for some secrets. ]

[Leila: I feel that knowledge is more important than Mora. After all, my thesis has been weighing me down for several days without a good sleep. If possible, I really want to use all my Mora to exchange for the data required for this thesis. ]

[Falusan: As a senior of the Order Institute, I have to remind young people nowadays not to try to buy papers with Mora, otherwise they will be caught by the disciplinary officer and their lives will be ruined. ]

[Leila: Huh? ! Then, then I have a friend who doesn't spend Mora, but every time she falls asleep, she finds that her project and thesis are completed when she wakes up. How should this be calculated? ]

[Falusan: Okay, @Senuo. ]

[Leila: Hey hey hey hey? ? ? Why do you want to @ the great disciplinary officer? ]

[Faroshan: From my experience, your situation requires the intervention of the disciplinary officer, whether from the perspective of discipline or your personal safety. ]

[Leila: Is it that serious? ]

[Faroshan: Of course, just trust me, senior! ]

[Leila: OK, OK. ]

[Kavi: So, are we off topic? ]

[Sanbing: Humph, that is, I am not in the options, otherwise I would have turned the tables. ]

[Kaiya: Okay, the executive officer upstairs who is still stubborn after cremation, why don’t you be generous and tell us who you usually work with? ]

[Sanbing: Ha, do you think I will tell you? ]

[Nashida: Doctor. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

[Kaiya: ? ? ? ]

[Ying: ? ? ? 】

【Kavi: ???】

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