The more you think about it, the more you will understand.

Others are still arguing about the analysis question, but someone has already said the correct answer. We are all creatures of Teyvat, so why are you so good?

After a closer look, oh, it turns out to be the Little Auspicious Grass King, who is known as the God of Wisdom. That's fine.

After all, Teyvat is nominally the god of wisdom. Although everyone may not trust the fighting power of the Grass God, they must trust his mind.

Even if the Church has been trying to downplay the existence of the new god for five hundred years, the impression that the Grass God is the God of Wisdom is not something that the Church can reverse.

So far, there are a total of nine videos. Including this one, Nashida has won two rewards for the questions. After many years, the creatures of Teyvat have once again recalled the memory of being crushed by wisdom.

[Yae God: As expected of the God of Wisdom, when he gets serious about answering, he simply doesn't give others a chance to live. ]

[Doctor: I also thought I was the most likely one, but did the explanation in the question mislead me... I lost my composure. ]

In fact, when he saw the question, the doctor was thinking that the correct answer should be himself, after all, he was responsible for the modulation of the scattered soldiers.

But the question of this question was misleading the doctor. When the doctor saw the part that said "at the cost of his own near death and precious secrets", he thought rationally and ruled himself out.

He knew the God of Grass. No matter how he thought about it, the God of Grass who had not yet grown up could not beat him to the brink of death, and he could not use secrets to exchange for his own survival, right?

It was this kind of thinking that interfered with the doctor's thinking, and Nashida gave the correct answer first.

[Captain: Indeed, if you think about it now, the adjustment and transformation of the scattered soldiers are all your responsibility. ]

[Rich man: I see, is it misleading? The same thing can achieve different effects and impressions with different descriptions. ]

[Doctor: I almost know what I almost fell means. Sorry, I have to deal with some things. It's a bit troublesome. ]

[Rooster: The second-ranked doctor also has the ability to take the Heart of God from the Grass God... Ahem, I mean, if the above situation happens, you, the doctor, do have the ability to complete the task in the question. ]

[Rooster: Of course, we, the Fatui, do not admit the slander of the screen. ]

Today, Uncle Rooster is still working hard for the image of the Fatui.

Although it's useless.

As for the Doctor, he has to deal with the problem of his slices now, otherwise, the whole of Teyvat will stage the first Doctor Cup Chicken Eating Competition, and all the contestants are the kind of Doctor slices.

[Tinari: Uh, I admit that I spoke a little loudly before. ]

[Tinari: If our Xumi videos are still like this in the future, which can make the little lucky grass king easily analyze the correct answer, and others are confused and even misled, I can only say——]

[Tinari: Dear Observatory Excellency, please increase your efforts! ]

[Colai: Master, Master, his tail suddenly stood up? ! ]

[Lisa: Well, I suddenly have an idea. ]

[Lisa: The existence behind this screen, the video about Xumi is all the second creation type. Is it not because of any opinion on Xumi, but the official video is released now, will it have more negative effects on the situation of Xumi? ]

[Ying: That being said, it is not impossible, although I still think that it is more likely that people do not understand the jokes played on this screen. ]

[Ying: I recalled that in yesterday's Footprint PV, Xumi is a country of wisdom. It is also possible that the plot of Xumi is developed from the perspective of a battle of wits, while the plots of the first three countries are more of a battle of martial arts. The actual video and official video showing more information have little impact. ]

[Ying: But Xumi, which is a battle of wits, shows a video with more information, which will make the righteous lose in the battle of wits? ]

[Nashida: It is very likely. After all, wisdom is also very fragile in front of the prophet. ]

[Ying: But Nashida, how did you determine that the Doctor is the correct answer? ]

[Nashida: I am not 100% sure, but combined with the relevant records of the Fatui, the Executive, etc. in the void, I reasonably speculate that the Doctor is the most likely answer among these answers. ]


Shi: Oh, you who can freely travel the void can indeed do these things. 】

【Nashida: Thanks to this video, I finally know what the great sages are going to do. 】

Although I know what the great sages are going to do.

But at this time, Nashida, who has not yet met the traveler and has not been thoroughly inspired by the traveler, actually has some deep-rooted inferiority complex in her heart.

Nashida used to think that she was not mature enough and did not have the wisdom and power of the Great Kindness Tree King, so she was abandoned by the sages. She has been working hard for this silently over the years, absorbing unfamiliar knowledge in the void, and quietly trying her best to rescue the people of Xumi who are in danger.

In the past five hundred years, Nashida can be said to have worked very hard, without a moment of slackness, just to grow into a great and intelligent god of wisdom like the Great Kindness Tree King as soon as possible.

Now she suddenly knows that her efforts are meaningless, and the sages have no patience to wait for her growth.

What they wanted directly was to find another way and create a new god that met their expectations to replace her "unqualified" god.

To be honest, Nashida is really disappointed now. If there were no believers in Xumi City, Nashida would probably give up on herself and fall into a world of autism.

Fortunately, although Nashida did not meet the traveler at this time and did not experience the rescue of everyone in the original work, she saw a fragment of the future.

Although the video just now is a second creation, the first fragment, judging from the style, should be the so-called real machine picture, that is, the real future.

When she saw that she was caught by the scattered soldiers and the traveler had to get up to rescue her even if he struggled, Nashida felt warm in her heart and mustered some energy.

"Yes, that's right. I am also trusted by others. I can't abandon the people in Xumi City. I also have things I can do, and I also have friends who will never leave me."

The meditation device of the Great Compassion Tree King was later modified by the sages into a confinement device to isolate the Little Auspicious Grass King. Nashida's eyes became firm.

[System: Reward the distinguished five-star user Nashida with an Activated Magic Transformation Stick. ]

[System: Activated Magic Transformation Stick (Screen Special Edition), a transformation device made according to "Higher Element Reaction Theory", based on the original activation reaction and super activation reaction of grass element and thunder element, provides special thunder element to act on grass element power users, and provides grass element power users with two-stage transformation home travel essential equipment. ]

[System: When the grass element power user uses this product for the first time, he will enter the original activation state, increase a certain amount of strength and power. According to the current physical condition of the distinguished five-star user Nashida, the best daily duration of the first stage of transformation should be controlled within two hours as much as possible. ]

[System: Grass elemental power users will enter a super-excited state when using this product for the second time based on the first-stage transformation, and will realize the maximum power limit that grass elemental power users should have. According to the current physical condition of the distinguished five-star user Nashida, the best daily duration of the second-stage transformation should be controlled within five minutes. ]

[Tinari: Ah, this... That is to say, our Lord Grass God can have the power equivalent to the Great Kindness Tree King for two hours every day? ]

[Falushan: You think too beautifully. I don’t know if the Little Auspicious Grass King after the first-stage transformation can really be the same as the Great Kindness Tree King in the past. But there is also the second-stage transformation...]

[Leila: But according to the previous speculation, it doesn’t mean that the rewards given on this screen are all suitable for the answerer... Uh, Lord Little Auspicious Grass King, it seems that he really needs power. ]

[Kavi: In this way, even if Little Auspicious Grass King is targeted by the Fatui like in the video, he will be able to handle it more easily, right? ]

[Rooster: Protest, everything in the video is a conspiracy of this screen. We Fatui have always been friendly and helpful to all countries. We even sent advance teams to help our allies solve the monster crisis in their territories. ]

[Ying: I always feel that this magic transformation stick seems to have been seen in other worlds before? ]

[Ying: Nashida, Nashida, demonstrate it before this reward screen ends. ]

If it was someone else's request, Nashida might still refuse.

But it was the words of the traveler who risked his life to save her in the video before, and encouraged Nashida who was lost after realizing the true purpose of the sages.

Nashida thought about it and went straight to

Then he used this strange transformation stick, which was pink in color and had a red beak with white feathers like a bird's beak.

"Well, the transformation spell is...henshin?"

As Nashida's lovely voice fell, a burst of thunder elemental power comparable to that of General Raiden burst out in the small meditation device.

Although it was a thunder elemental power of such high quality, it did not give people a sense of danger. It was completely opposite to the thunder elemental power that General Raiden had previously burst out. This thunder elemental power seemed to be full of vitality.

After a burst of inexplicable smoke, Nashida, who was in the form of a little girl just now, disappeared. Instead, she was replaced by a cute girl Nashida who looked at her hands with a little curiosity.

[Ying: Good, great, this, this is definitely the best reward given by this screen in the past two days! ]

[Ying: Hurry up, use the super-excited mode again! ]

[Alice: Although I really want to tell Traveler to calm down... But this time I support you! 】

[Alice: Come on, second stage transformation! 】

Ying, who had already guessed what the super-excited transformation was from the original transformation, couldn't wait to urge it, and even Alice expressed her support.

In other words, it was not only Alice, but for a moment, there were countless viewers on the continent of Teyvat who were in tune with the traveler and Alice at this time, silently cheering for it.

This is the tacit understanding of gentlemen, this is a moment that can be understood without explicit words!

Feeling the vigorous vitality and grass elemental power contained in her body, Nashida did not hesitate. After all, curiosity is the greatest characteristic of this god of wisdom. She is also very curious about what the second stage transformation is like.

With such curiosity, Nashida, who is still unaware of the dangers of the world, directly used the second stage transformation.

Another flash of lightning flashed, and a sudden smog obscured the view from the outside world, making Ying and countless viewers "tsk" dissatisfied.

When the smoke cleared, an adult woman wearing a slightly ill-fitting robe, with long white hair, a gentle face, and eyes full of compassion and warmth, appeared in the small confinement device, as if her mere existence could soothe people's hearts.

[Tinari: Lord Daci Tree King? ! ]

[Falusan: So when Lord Little Auspicious Grass King grows up, will he be exactly the same as Lord Daci Tree King? ]

[Kavi: This is really... Well, it makes sense. ]

[Dixia: Uh, Miss, what's wrong with you? ]

[Dixia: Strange, Miss suddenly fainted after watching the scene just now, and her face is so red. Is she sick? ]

[Falusan: Ahem, Dixia, just help your lady to the shade to calm down, she should be fine. ]

[Seno: So using the element of thunder to stimulate Lord Little Auspicious Grass King can make him grow up early, that's it. ]

[Tinari: No, I think the general lightning elemental power does not have this effect. ]

[Ying: Oh, I'm fine! ]

[Alice: Okay, crazy traveler above, you can stop it, there are children in the discussion area. ]

[Ying: Indeed, we can't teach Klee and the others bad things. ]

[Ying: So why doesn't this screen have a private chat function? ]

[Alice: If you open a private chat, won't the performance effect be weakened a lot? ]

[Ying: That's right. ]

The screen of the system awarding rewards ended after Nashida performed the second stage of transformation.

At this time, Nashida did not pay too much attention to the disturbances in the discussion area. Her attention was almost entirely involved in the changes in her body and strength.

The balance problem that suddenly became difficult to control due to the huge change in the armor of a certain creature was actually easy to deal with. Nashida only slightly adapted to it for a few seconds and then restored her physical balance. After all, it was her own body. It would be a joke if a demon like this fell because of the lack of coordination.

Although Nashida felt a little strange because of the sudden increase in the burden on her chest, all this could not catch up with the surprise brought by the huge change in her own strength and power.

"Sure enough, everyone in the discussion area was not wrong. The rewards given on this screen are all targeted."

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