The next scene was a gorgeous scene of a young girl, and the screen was very respectful.

As Funina's announcement came to an end, the screen showed Funina in gorgeous clothes, wearing a blue crown hat, and showing off her long white legs.

With the citizens on both sides looking at Funina with malicious, hostile and vigilant attitudes like a background board, Funina walked forward.

The spotlight on the stage was on Funina, the absolute protagonist, which also confirmed from another angle that this video was about an opera.

No, it should be said to be a musical.

[Funina: Hmm, very good, it seems that I was in a very good state at that time, my voice was also very crisp, and my expression management was also in place. ]

[Funina: But this plot is not the play I remember, so it should be an opera that will be performed in the future. No, if singing is the main performance method, it should be a musical. ]

[Navia: I didn't expect to be able to see Funina's future musical for free in advance. Is this considered a profit? ]

Funina is the hottest star in Fontaine at present. Her appearance fee is sky-high, and tickets for operas and other plays she personally performs are even more difficult to get.

Ordinary Fontaine citizens who want to see the performance of their lovely water god can generally only hope for Funina's impromptu performance.

And this kind of opportunity is actually quite common for the people of Fontaine. After all, Funina likes to show off for various reasons.

[Linnie: Strange, the traveler said that this kind of cutscene is to enhance the expression of the plot, so is there anything special about this musical? ]

[Ying: Maybe it will reveal Funina's unknown secrets (laughs). 】

Seeing the traveler's teasing in the discussion area, Funina's heart skipped a beat.

She has too many secrets.

And most of the secrets, if investigated, will eventually reveal the ultimate secret that she is not the real water god.

Even if it is impossible to deduce that "Funina is not the real water god" for a while due to the lack of information, other exposed aspects will also bring a lot of trouble to the other self in the mirror.

Woo woo woo, I hope to expose the secret that I secretly get up in the middle of the night to eat small cakes.

Under Funina's prayer, her sweet and long singing voice came out from the screen.

"Ah, if I turn into water and return to the road,

Let my hometown be the same day and night,

Ah mother, can you forgive me?"

As Funina sang with a hint of sadness and joy, the perspective gradually zoomed in, and from Funina's left eye, which seemed to have blue water drops, a clear spring was reflected, coming into the world ignorantly from among the waters.

[Alice: Oh, this is really interesting. The screenwriter who wrote this musical is really a talent. ]

[Alice: The first sentence is a king bomb. ]

[Ying: ? ? ? ]

[Alice: Although I am usually lawless and self-centered, I still won’t say too much here. ]

[Then Villette: ······]

[Servant: ······]

[Ying: Well, it seems that only locals know the joke? I, a foreigner, can’t understand it. ]

[Linnie: Well, actually I didn’t quite understand it. The first line of the lyrics seems to reflect many legends of Fontaine, but Fontaine’s operas usually refer to local legends. ]

[Funina: Well, it’s just a normal line. Don’t worry about it. Besides, this is just a musical. ]

Funina is trying her best to make up for it.

She already had some bad premonitions, so now she felt that if she didn't take precautions in advance, she might not be able to make it right later.

While Funina was trying to minimize the impact of the lyrics, she continued to sing on the screen.

Her voice, which was usually proud and complacent, made Funina feel irritated for the first time.

"Tracing back to the four seasons, leading all sounds to rush

Everywhere it passes, all wastes are revived

It also fills the lake of beloved heart"

Endless springs flowed down from the sky, filling the thirsty lakes and moistening the dry earth.

The town has regained its vitality, flowers bloom on the land, and children can play in the countryside simply and innocently.

Under the waterfall, the blond young man held the spring in his hands and told, or persuaded, the spirit of pure water.

"What about your wish?!"

[Diona: Strange, why do I feel a sense of déjà vu? ]

[Lisa: Oh, there are some "Heart of the Spring"

I feel like it, but it should be just the beginning that is similar. After all, the elves in the legend of Qingquan Town should be pure water elves. 】

[Mona: Fontaine is the hometown of pure water elves. There must be more stories about pure water elves in the local area. It is normal for the plot to collide. 】

When some star-rated users from other countries curiously asked what kind of story "Heart of Qingquan" was, the warm and happy scene on the screen had disappeared, and the dead earth reappeared on the screen.

For the selfishness of people, under the ugly faces of the townspeople, the simple pure water elves dedicated themselves, bringing vitality and joy, but in the process of saving, the only thing they forgot seemed to be herself.

Hearing the man's inquiry, the beautiful fantasy just now was torn apart. In the reality of death and thirst, Funina looked up in confusion.

"My... wish?"

Seeing the performance of this opera on the screen so far, Funina sighed silently in her heart. She can now basically confirm that this is definitely the so-called outsider, or the official "Genshin Impact" metaphor for itself.

It doesn't matter if others don't know or only know half of it, but as a person who bears everything and has been insisting on this one-man show from five hundred years ago to now, Funina has seen her own shadow in the opera.

From the first line of the lyrics of this musical to the plot of this musical, although it seems to be true, without exception, all of them are all alluding to everything that Funina has insisted on from five hundred years ago to now.

So, at the beginning, she gave a vaccination that this is just a musical. Although some people may not be fooled, most people, relying on her prestige for five hundred years, should still be able to fool them.

And other people don't know as much as she does. If it's just these, they can't analyze anything. At most, they will have some doubts and doubts. But in this way, she can still hold on for now.

The problem is, don't make any big news in the following videos.

Funina, sitting in the VIP seat of the Opikle Opera House, quietly clenched her fists and prayed in her heart.

'Please, don't reveal anything that shouldn't be exposed. ’

[Funina: Ha, ha, well, even I have to praise myself for participating in this musical in the future. My voice and emotions are very full. ]

[Navia:...Funina, has anyone told you that when you want to hide something, it is really obvious. ]

[Funina: Huh? ! What do I need to hide? I am the most righteous demon god Fukaros. My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice. ]


[Navilette: Ms. Funina, today's trial is not over yet, please don't disturb the order in the courtroom. ]

Funina gritted her teeth and glanced at the Supreme Judge Navilette who was looking at her expressionlessly.

In any case, Navilette's words, which usually made her feel very boring, really saved her this time.

Taking this opportunity, Funina quickly sorted out her slightly unstable mood.

As the greatest actor in Fontaine who has been playing the role of the water god and performing this one-man show for five hundred years, it is her instinct to adjust her mood.

Just now, she was panicked for a while because her secret was very likely to be chosen by this fearless screen that exposed the secrets of the country and became the protagonist of the video.

Now after taking a breath, Funina quickly adjusted her mood.

Listening to the suddenly tragic music on the screen, looking at the ruined town due to the lack of water, and the men and women standing together.

Even if she heard——

"Becoming a human..."

"It means hiding secrets, experiencing pain, and being accompanied by loneliness..."

"Even so, are you willing?"

It can almost be said that the creator behind the video is saying "I know you are actually just a human, not a water god", "I also know that you have become a human and have been hiding secrets for all these years", "You have worked hard for five hundred years", and other subtexts, Funina can also be calm on the surface, and even comment on herself performing in the picture with ease.

But what she was actually thinking...

‘I’m going to die, I’m going to die, this screen really knows!!!’

‘Ahhhhh, what should I do, I must not expose myself, otherwise all my efforts in the mirror will be in vain.’

‘I must save everyone!’

The more this happened, the calmer Fu Nina became.

Because there was no traveler from outer space here, no one in the world who could tell her secrets

Secret, share your pressure, and don't have to worry about the existence of another plan that will break down. Instead, Funina's heart was not shaken at all.

After all, she was a great actor who persisted in 182375 scenes in the original work. Even if Funina was about to collapse in pain and her water element was overflowing, she would not be defeated by a video.

In short.

Try to limit this video to just a very exciting musical that can highlight your charm.

If you can't...

Funina's eyes became firm.

Then try your best to compete for the reward for this question.

After all, judging from the previous nine videos and the rewards for the questions and answers after these nine videos.

Although the existence behind this screen may have some bad taste, its nature is still inclined to justice.

Such an existence can't just watch so many people in Fontaine being drowned and dissolved in the sea.

This doesn't fit the other party's performance style.

So, either this video doesn't have to worry about the biggest secret being exposed for the time being.

Or, the question-and-answer reward for this video can allow her to find a way to solve it, or at least delay the progress of the prophecy.

It may be because everyone knows that this is a musical at the beginning of this video, which is a work of art in itself, and is fundamentally different from the official PV, secondary creation or real machine screen in front.

Although it is known that the video that can be put on the screen must contain very remarkable information, because of the preconceived concept of musical implanted by Funina, the information in the video should be viewed from the perspective of looking at a work of art.

So for a while, the discussion about this musical in the discussion area was not as intense as the previous video.

At most, some star users with the identity of artists will sigh about the performance of this musical or the success of the music itself.

Or more simply, like Douzige, "What a pity that I have no culture, and I can travel the world with a sentence of "wow", I just sigh that the music is so good, the performance is so beautiful, can I watch it for free?

And so on.

As for the plot of "Funina disguised as a human" just now, everyone just simply regarded it as the setting of the musical itself.

Only a very small number of people may think more.

After all, so far, the videos played on this screen have exposed a lot of very effective content. Even the second creation of the Ice God Seno the day before was the first time to expose the information of the Heart of God to the public.

So now this musical is really just a screen to watch everyone's mood jump up and down these two days. Thank you for your hard work. Play a musical for you to relax?

No way.

Since it can't, it means that the existence behind this screen at least believes that some of the content in this musical can be a metaphor for the secrets of Fontaine and even the God of Water.

And looking at the panic of the God of Water Funina who almost lost her composure before, it is obvious that the God of Water is also hiding something.

It's just that the existing information is too little, and everyone really can't make any reasonable and effective inferences.

It can't be that the God of Water is really a human (laugh)? !

Even Seno wouldn't make this joke.

I can only record the contents of this video in various ways for the time being, waiting for the water god himself to reveal a few words in the discussion area in the future, or simply the screen will expose some videos that can be linked later, then we will know.

The sacrifice of the pure water spirit brought the rebirth of the earth.

Or, the sacrifice of Funina brought people's laughter.

"Love, bury this deep dream

Farewell is like a blooming flower

Like you and I, happy and sad"

The water representing Funina flows through the dead mountains and rivers, through the dried-up rivers, and through the dilapidated towns.

Bringing vitality and vitality to these places.

The originally empty town, around the blond young man, the people who left, returned with laughter and joy, enjoying their beautiful life.

Love, friendship, family affection...

Satire or just as the pure water spirit hopes, it will be performed on this land that has regained vitality.

[Navia: It’s strange, I always feel that the plot of this musical...]

[Ying: I understand. ]

[Ying: So you guys at Fontaine won’t come up with a scenario where the water god sacrifices himself to resolve the prophecy, right? ]

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