The truth is, the truth is.

Seeing the traveler, who is recognized as the protagonist of this world, say this, others may still take it as a joke, but Funina herself was shocked.

Although she was not told by Fukaros the specific way to solve the prophecy, Fufu was not waiting for the so-called grand trial for five hundred years. She was also doing her best to search for information and even sent spies to the entire Teyvat to try to find a way to solve the prophecy by her own strength.

Over the years, Funina also had some guesses about the way to solve the prophecy, and "the water god sacrificed himself" was one of her guesses.

So, now the question is, if the water god really needs to be sacrificed to solve the prophecy, then who is this "water god" who is sacrificed?

Knowing that she would definitely have a grand trial, Funina fell into deep thought.

[Servant: ······]

[Ying: Uh, this servant sister, you have been silent and bubbling since just now, what exactly is going on? ]

[Servant: I am just silently analyzing the actions of the Lord Water God. ]

The servant frowned and watched Funina's performance on the screen, which was no different from any ordinary performance in the past.

Funina in the picture was no different from Funina on the stage, as if this was a very ordinary performance that the water god Funina had performed countless times in the opera house in the past five hundred years.

But the servant would not simply treat the content in the video as an ordinary musical.

Because this performance was specially picked out by the screen and broadcast to the whole continent, it means that it must contain unknown secrets like the previous videos.

And judging from the order of these videos today, this video should contain the secrets of the water god.

"Interesting, I thought he was just a god without any sense of responsibility, who only cared about his own enjoyment and ignored the prophecy that had already shown signs. Now it seems that there must be something hidden in this?"

For various reasons, the servant who has many connections with Fontaine and at least does not want to see Fontaine destroyed as the prophecy said, decided to slightly change his policy when conducting diplomatic or intelligence work in Fontaine.

However, in order to confirm his guess, he will try to test Lady Funina's reaction later.

The servant decided so.

Funina's singing sounded more and more like telling something, making the audience fall deeply into it unconsciously.

"Love, I will be in the past and the future

Watching the wonderful world

Nothing has changed, nothing has changed..."

The blond young man looked at everything around him blankly, friends were arm in arm, lovers held hands under the cheers of the crowd, and photographers recorded this beautiful moment for people.

The only thing missing was the elf who sacrificed his pure water.

At the end of the scene, Funina walked to the edge of the cliff in front of everyone, looked back and looked silently.

In the sky, a water elemental god's eye in the style of the Fontaine region, under the light shining through the gaps in the dark clouds, descended in front of the relieved Funina.

Funina looked up and silently watched the arrival of the god's eye, as if she had let go of something, turned into a ball of clear water, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Funina also confirmed her previous guess.

If this future musical is a metaphor for her, then this last scene, Funina turned into flowing water and sacrificed herself for the happiness of everyone, which should represent the sacrifice of "Funina" when solving the prophecy.

Moreover, she was given the God's Eye?

Funina silently glanced at her hands.

All the people in Fontaine believed that Funina was the water god, and she only needed to wave her hands to burst out incredible power.

But only Funina herself knows that she is just an ordinary human who doesn't even have the Eye of God. Apart from this long curse of immortality, she has no extraordinary power at all.

If the future self obtains the Eye of God, does it mean that the one who makes the sacrifice in the end is the self in the mirror?

It has been so many years, and she is no longer the ignorant Funina who was fooled by others and played a one-man show for five hundred years. Naturally, she has realized in these years that the self in the mirror should be the real water god Fukalos.

In other words, the one who solves the prophecy in the future through unknown methods should be Fukalos who sacrificed himself, right?

Then who gave her this Eye of God?

After figuring out one question, Funina immediately fell into another thought.

As for the fact that she was given the Eye of God and it was released to the public, would anyone speculate that she was not a god but a human? Funina had been shocked too much today, and her brain was already somewhat single-threaded, and now she could not care about these "small problems".

At the end of the video, Funina's crown hat was placed on the oak floor, and there was a Water Element Eye of God flashing underneath.

As the curtain closed from both sides, the video was finally played.

[Arataki Ito: Hmm? Hmm, it's over? That's it? ! ]

[Arataki Ito: Hahahahahahaha, now I, Arataki, am the best in the world, and I have also tasted the high-end art of Fontaine! ]

[Kyuki Shinobu: Boss (speechless), is this all you feel? ]

[Arataki Ito: What else? Although I didn't quite understand it, but, um, anyway, it's about the blue woman sacrificing herself for others, right? ]

[Arata Ichito: The music is nice, but I don't like this plot. I don't like others sacrificing themselves. If I ever encounter this, I'll make her shut up! ]

[Kyuki Shinobu: I'm sorry, everyone in Fontaine, the boss is often missing a string in his head, please don't mind it. ]

[Funina: Hahaha, it doesn't matter. In art, I'm very generous and can humbly accept different opinions, even if they are opinions that contradict me. A good actor should also listen humbly. ]

[Navia: That's right, we admire this about Funina. ]

[Funina: Then you can call me Lady Funina! ]

[Navia: No way! ]

Looking at the quarrel between Funina and Navia about the name in the discussion area, the people of Fontaine all smiled kindly.

After all, the country of Fontaine is quite special.

Although it is not to say that there are no people who are fanatical about believing in gods, most of the people of Fontaine now treat Funina as a big star, or even a mascot, more than a god.

And even if it is a god, the people of Fontaine are not afraid of these trivial matters.

After all, the law only stipulates that those who steal Funina's cake or name their pets "Funina" will be imprisoned in Melo Petersburg or fined, but it does not say that calling Funina's name directly is also a crime.

Anything is allowed unless prohibited by law.

Fontaine is a country of justice, unlike some barbaric countries that will be punished by heaven just for offending.

Ah, we are definitely not alluding to a certain island country, so you can relax.

In addition to what Navia's family encountered some time ago, everyone can still understand Navia's current attitude psychologically.

To be honest, Navia is so cheerful now, and even has the mood to argue with Funina, instead of changing her personality and keeping silent. In fact, everyone admires Navia more.

[Linnie: Hmm, is it my illusion? I always feel that the water element's God's Eye that fell from the sky at the end of the previous video seems a bit out of place. ]

[Paimon: Hmm (spreading his hands)? Isn't it normal to feel out of place? After all, it should be just a prop in the musical, right? ]

[Linnet: Indeed, brother, you are wrong (affirmed). ]

[Linnet: Lady Funina is the God of Water, and gods will not get the God's Eye in turn. ]

[Femini: This, this should be just a musical. ]

[Linnet: That's right, everything is just for the stage, just like the props we need for the magic we perform, that God's Eye is also just a prop. 】

Linnie pulled Linni's hand and shook her head at him. Linni immediately realized that he'd better not say anything about this in the discussion area.

[Charlotte: What's more, it's the God's Eye of the Water Element. It can't be that the Water God Fukaros has obtained the God's Eye of the Water Element. ]

[Charlotte: Well, bad, I feel that this title is very exciting. ]

[Seno: Indeed, I'll write it down. ]

[Tinari: ? ? ? ]

[Tinari: Why are you writing this down? ]

[Seno: It can provide me with inspiration. ]

[Tinari: Okay (powerless), I won't ask what the inspiration is. ]

Although the topic has turned to Seno's cold joke, which is a famous joke in Teyvat today.

However, there are still some people who pay attention to what Linni said.

In fact, now that Lini has taken out the God's Eyes of himself and his sisters and brothers and carefully compared them with the God's Eyes in his memory and the video just now, he has already regretted saying these words.

He still

Some care makes him confused.

Although he is a member of the Hearth House of the Fatui, Linny still cares about his motherland Fontaine.

The prophecy circulating in Fontaine can be said to have always been a thorn in Linny's heart.

So when facing this screen that can answer his questions, Linny has somewhat lost his usual calmness.

Linnet, who just pulled Linny in time, looked at Linny with some worry, holding the Eye of God with her and Femini, with a serious expression.

Although she didn't notice anything before, she noticed that Linny's state was not right, so she stopped him in time.

Now Linny's expression obviously shows that he has discovered something incredible.

"Brother, what happened?"

"The style of the Eye of God is wrong!"

Linnie responded: "The Eye of God of Water Element on the screen just now is different from the Eye of God we have now. It has four horns around it that look like the sharp teeth of some creature."

Looking at everyone chatting happily in the discussion area, Linnie gritted his teeth and still did not post this discovery to the discussion area, but chose to send it to their "father" through secret channels first.

"In this way, the fragment of the Eye of God distributed by the Water God that Lady Funina obtained cannot be simply regarded as the plot of the musical."

Linnie smiled bitterly. For the first time, he was a little worried that as a magician, his good eye for details was not a good thing.

There were also some other viewers who were more careful in observation, and even simply paid attention to this aspect under Linnie's reminder. For various reasons, they did not openly say this matter in the discussion area.

After all, this matter is a bit too big. As we all know, Funina is the current water god, and after two days of video baptism, everyone also knows that gods are different from humans. The elemental external organ possessed by humans is called the Eye of God, while the one possessed by gods should be called the Heart of God.

It has never been said that gods obtain the Eye of God in turn.

To be honest, even those viewers who noticed the problem of the Eye of God are constantly questioning whether they are overthinking in their subsequent thinking.

It is really because, as just said in the discussion area, it is too ridiculous for Lady Funina to obtain the Eye of God awarded by the water god.

If this matter is not ridiculous...

Fontaine is going to change!

Whether it is to ensure the stability of the Fontaine area or not to cause panic, the star users who discovered this have kept silent and chose to study it on their own.

For a moment, the discussion area seemed to be like the audiences who gathered in groups in front of the opera house to discuss the impact of the new opera after the Fontaine Opera ended, which made Funina feel a sense of familiarity.

But Funina knew it was an illusion.

The video just now almost revealed the things she had hidden so far, and even the things that might happen in the future.

Not to mention that others could find many things wrong from this video, even Funina herself could figure out some things that she had never thought of or couldn't figure out before through this video.

If this video hadn't been broadcast in the form of a musical from the beginning.

If this video hadn't lacked too much information before and after, it would have been impossible to make a self-consistent inference about the metaphors in it.

If she hadn't been calm enough and exaggerated enough...

In short, Funina knew that she had survived again. Although some people must have begun to doubt her identity, as long as this matter was not made public, she would be confident that she could temporarily suppress the doubts with her prestige for five hundred years.

Anyway, although the last video today has a lot of problems, Funina won as always, just like the nearly 200,000 scenes of the past one-man show, and survived the new day.

I hope there will be no Fontaine video tomorrow.

Funina thought so in a self-destructive way, but then she thought that this would not work.

The reward on the screen can be said to be an opportunity beyond the law of nature. It is not good to let Fontaine miss such an opportunity just because she is afraid of being exposed.

So let's go.

At worst, I hope that Villette will be as powerful as always, and the reward of this video is enough to meet my expectations.

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