The water spirit, formed by the consciousness of countless sacrificed girls, paused for a moment, as if she was missing something or feeling sad, and finally revealed her identity in a heavy and happy tone.


"Every girl who died in your hands, her consciousness has returned to the original fetal sea as her body dissipated."

"Our consciousness keeps flowing in the fetal sea, no longer scattered, and finally merges into one like a converging stream of water."

[Linnie: So in the end, after the prophecy is fulfilled, will all of us Fontaine people merge into one in the original fetal sea? ]

[Linnie: The prophecy is not about to be called, but is already in progress. 】

【Leosili: Fortunately, we are not completely without any countermeasures now. 】

Mr. Duke, who had already urgently learned about the rewards on the screen yesterday, naturally discovered that even if it was a so-called civilian model, this floating city was terrifyingly powerful.

Apart from anything else, at least in terms of defense, Leosili could not find a way to break through the outer defense barrier of the floating city and threaten the creatures inside.

Combined with the scene he saw now, Leosili had reason to doubt that if 18,000 people were put in, and the protective barrier was opened, the people inside were self-sufficient and completely isolated from all the water of the original fetal sea, would they be able to get away with it and survive this prophecy?

After all, the strength of the protective force field was really amazing. Even Mr. Duke, who ruled the entire Melo Petersburg, could not find any good way to break through the defense of this floating city.

This made people wonder where the colonization of Nesriel was going and why such an extraordinary defense was needed.

Well, let's learn about the Void Storm.

On the screen, the victim's consciousness never stopped, and was still outputting to Vash.

"I am Kressi, I am Limoni, I am Aizena..."

"But only, I am not Vignel."

[Ying: Wuhu, good death. ]

[Ying: I have to say, after knowing what Vash did, this scene is really refreshing. ]

[Funina: Indeed, justice will be served. ]

[Navia: But this justice is a little too late. ]

[Charlotte: Ah, this, how should I put it. ]

[Linnie: After all, most people would not think that people would really dissolve into water. ]

[Naviette: ·······]

Knowing that this pure water elf is not Vignel, both Marcelle in reality and Vash on the screen look very shocked, and their energy and spirit have been consumed a lot.

"Why...what about Weniel?"

Hearing Vasai's anxious question, the pure water elf smiled triumphantly.

"She won't want to see you anymore. Every trace of her consciousness is avoiding you."

"This is the end of your selfishness. You selfishly took away our young lives, saying that you are willing to do everything for her..."

"But you never considered whether she would like to see these things, whether she would be disappointed with you."

Vashie seemed to have never considered this issue before, or he had thought about it before, but deliberately avoided such an idea.

The words of the pure water elf seemed to be a complete denial of his life and struggles in the past twenty years.

In reality, the arrested Vasai was completely lost. He lowered his head, sweating, and muttering to himself.

"No, impossible, everything I did... Weniel, no, don't... I did it all for you... Ahhhhh..."

[Navia: They are right, Marcelle, no, Vash, you are a complete bastard who only cares about your own feelings. ]

[Ying: There are always such villain settings, nothing can be done. ]

[Ying: The more advanced ones, who enter the game with their own hands and can save the loved ones with dignity, are still considered advanced goods. ]

[Ying: This one on the screen... It's not even a youth version, it can only be said to be a low-quality product. ]

[Claulinde: We have taken over the suspect Marcelle, but...]

[Chavore: He seems to be insane. ]

[Funina: Insane? ]

[Funina: Even if he is insane, he will be brought to the Opicolai Opera House. Does he think that he can escape the trial of justice by being insane? ! 】

【That Vielette: There will be a special

Professionals will assess Mr. Marcelle's mental condition. 】

【Navilette: Moreover, the crimes he committed were all committed when he was conscious, and there will be no mental legal circumvention regulations. I will make the most fair judgment. 】

Well, since even Vilette said so, everyone is relieved.

After all, even those who hate this supreme judge the most have to admit that Vilette will never show favoritism. He is the most fair in Fontaine, no, it should be said that he is the one who abides by the rules and regulations the most. He is so fair that he is almost ruthless.

Marcelle in reality will face the most fair trial of Fontaine law, and Vashie on the screen will face the most appropriate and reasonable revenge of the victim.

"I... I..."

Vashie, who was squeezed by the words of the pure water elf and didn't want to face reality at all, was a little speechless.

And the output of the pure water elf continued.

"You are a liar, a murderous demon, and a self-absorbed coward."

"But you are not the lover of Weinel."

This sentence made Marcelle, who was about to be dragged away by Clorinde and Chavore in reality, react. Navia looked at the emotional Marcelle with contempt and said disdainfully.

"They are right. You are a self-absorbed, self-touched coward who has never thought about Weinel's feelings."

This sentence directly made Marcelle, who had just stood up a little, unable to stand up again.

On the screen, the pure water elves, or the victims, have waited for so many years and finally met their enemies. How could they let him go so easily?

They have merged with Viniel, and the consciousness of the victims has been constantly integrated into them for twenty years. In addition to exchanging their experiences of being victimized, they have also exchanged their imaginary experiences of how to retaliate against Vashe when they have the chance in the water of the primordial fetal sea. They have been fantasizing about this moment for more than twenty years, so they naturally know how to deal the greatest blow to Vashe.

"Since the first girl you killed died and her consciousness merged with Viniel, she has hated you."

That is to completely deny all of Vashe's previous efforts, completely deny the feelings between Vashe and Viniel, and finally even completely deprive Vashe of the only light in his heart - Viniel's love for him, to complete their revenge.

However, at this time, the camera suddenly turned to the traveler in the pure blue space on the screen where there were only Vashe and the pure water elf.

Looking at the image of the void selected in the game, thinking in a contemplative manner,

"It seems that when I first came here, I didn't see Weniel. They were originally planning to lead Marcelle here through me..."

[Ying: No, brother, when did you become so naive? ? ? ]

[Ying: No, that's not important. What name did this player give his brother? ]

[Ying: The nimble dog in the mountains? ]

Seeing the player's name displayed on the screen, Ying couldn't hold it in.

[Seno: The nimble dog in the mountains... Kamisato Ayaka's dog? ]

[Albedo: Hmm? I see, is it borrowed from the five-star user Kamisato Ayaka in the discussion area? ]

[Thomas: ? ? ? Hmm? I don't understand, what does it mean? ]

[Tinari: This, this should be a homophonic pun in Liyue language, right? ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: Huh? ]

[Colai: I am more concerned about why Mr. Senor and the teacher know Liyue language? ]

[Elhaisen: Every young person should learn at least 20 languages ​​before graduation, right? ]

[Leila: Huh? Huh? Is there such a rule now? ]

[Falusan: Yes, this is also a glorious tradition of the Order. ]

[Tinari:... I still hope you two don't fool people. Colai really believed it and is holding her head in pain. ]

[Paimon: Oh my God... What a hellish place the Order is. I get a headache when I see the textbooks. ]

[Ying: Paimon, being unlearned is not a good thing, but this player name...]

[Ying: Pu, it should be this homonym. ]

[Ying: Linghua, it seems that in the outside world, the players like you very much. What did you perform? 】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I, I don’t know either. 】

【Kamisato Ayato: Hahaha, it seems that my sister’s charm is also widely recognized. 】

Kamisato Ayaka was confused. She suddenly felt the same way as the young master. They were watching the show and diving without saying a word. How come this melon fell on their heads, and it was so unexpected.

Why do players want to become

For his dog? Didn't he already have a Taromaru? Or did Taromaru have any special performance afterwards, making players want to become Taromaru?

Kamisato Ayaka was confused, but Kamisato Ayato was very happy and patted his confused sister's head.

"Aiya, Ayaka, don't worry, this is everyone's recognition of you, yes, recognition that you are willing to become a dog."


In reality, Kamisato Ayaka was seriously thinking about whether to use a combo of "There is no place for you in this family" on her brother. On the screen, Marcelle's defense line in her heart had been completely broken.

"No... Weniel, she hates me... Don't... let me see her, please..."

In the face of Vash's plea, the pure water elf said impatiently.

"Don't you understand? I once said, don't let you come to me. This is what the real Weniel meant. She really doesn't want to see you..."

"But there is another meaning at the same time, which is the last bit of pity she has for you."

"Because she knows...if you come here, we...will never let you go."

As the words of the pure water elf fell, countless Fontaine girls appeared in this space. They glared at Vashie, whispered Vashie's name, and their voices were entangled with countless resentments.

"Vashie... Vashie... Vashie... Vashie... Vashie..."

The only thing in the voices of countless different girls is that they are filled with hatred and resentment towards Vashie.

The sound of tearing filled this pure water space, and the hatred seemed to be transformed into substance.

Surrounded by the figures of countless girls who had been ruthlessly killed by him, Vashie could no longer remain calm. He covered his head and hid his body backwards, as if he could avoid his punishment in this way.

"Go to hell."

Finally, all the girls appeared at the same time, and they all said their only wish to Vashe.

They had tasted enough mental torture and pleasure, and what was left was the most thorough physical annihilation of their enemies.


Vashey's pupils trembled, and he was pressed step by step by the girls. After a continuous scream, the screen gradually turned black.

[Ying: Ah, this should be the plot that is not suitable for children, so I just briefly summarized it with words. ]

[Ying: After all, this is just a 12+ game. ]

[Funina: Ah~, I hope she can really make some 12+ plots. Since it is a game suitable for 12-year-olds, don't make some dark and cruel plots. The people of a country are all wiped out because of a prophecy. This is too unsuitable for children to play. ]

Funina couldn't help but complain. In her opinion, even the most cult fairy tale book of Fontaine didn't have such a 12+ plot.

[Ying: Maybe the game rating system in that world is so magical. ]

Although everyone is a little curious about the game system in the outside world, it is at least not as tempting as Fontaine's prediction of the destruction of the country.

After the screen turned black, the video did not end completely, but some content like a situation description appeared on the black screen.

"Later, the security team found that Marcelle, the culprit of the serial disappearance of girls, seemed to have lost his soul, but in the end the doctor still concluded that he died of excessive shock."

This sentence is the final portrayal of Marcelle's life.

[Funina: Ah, is this doctor joking? ! I want to revoke this guy's medical license! ]

[Xiawolei: Lady Funina, calm down. Maybe this doctor can't stand Marcelle, or his relatives have been affected by Marcelle, so he is taking a little revenge. ]

[Sigwen: But the real Marcelle should be sent to our Melo Petersburg, right? Fufufu, how should I entertain him~. ]

[Ying: Huh? Is Sigwen set to be a bit sinister? ]

[Sigwen: Ah, how should I put it? Our Melosin has a different perspective from you humans, so sometimes our performance and attitude may offend you, please forgive me~. ]

[Ying: Melosin? ]

[Sigwen: Yes, my race is Melosin, and our Melosin is a special race in Fontaine. Hehe, Traveler, you are so cute. When you come to Fontaine, you are welcome to visit Melosin's hometown, Haimo Village. ]

[Sigwen: I would also like to meet Traveler and Paimon, but I work in Melo Petersburg, so it may be a little troublesome for you to come here. ]

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