After the last sentence slowly emerged and then slowly disappeared, the screen finally turned completely black. The audience all over Teyvat waited for a long time but no Easter eggs appeared, which also announced the end of the video.

[Funina: Okay, the culprit Marcelle has been arrested and is now on the way to trial. We should pay attention to other things. ]

[Linnie: Ahaha, I hope today's Q&A... can be more lenient. ]

Linnie thought of the huge amount of information in the Fontaine video yesterday and the question like a thousand-pound unexploded bomb, and felt a rare fatigue.

Yesterday, Lady Funina's matter of the Eye of God was finally fooled. I hope there will be no similar questions today.

[Question: Where will the water of the primordial fetal sea mentioned in the video first erupt in the subsequent plot? ]

[A. Melo Petersburg]

[B. Opikle Opera House]

[C. Fontaine]

[D. Baisong Town]

[E. Roudeng Port]

[F. Fontaine Academy of Sciences]

[System: The difficulty of this question is medium, and the answer method is to answer quickly. Only users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

[Leosli: Wow, this is considered to be an official announcement that the prophecy will definitely erupt, right? ]

[Leosli: It seems that I have to speed up. ]

[Linnie: It feels like it is not good news no matter where it erupts first. ]

[Funina: There are as many options as yesterday's question, but the difficulty is only medium. ]

[Funina: In other words, one of us has a key clue and can lock the correct answer to this question with a relatively high probability. ]

[Navia: ...Funina, are you okay? You look so strange now.]

[Funina: Huh? What do you mean?]

[Navia: No, that, how should I put it? I always feel that the usual Funina should be more exaggerated, more noisy, more, uh...]

[Funina: You, you are not saying that I am usually stupid, right?]

[Navia: I didn't say that.]

[Funina: Humph, I just took it more seriously. At this critical moment, I, Fukaros, must also show my wisdom and strength, so that I can live up to the name of the God of Fontaine Water.]

[Funina: Okay, let's talk about those details at the celebratory tea party later. Now let's focus on this issue. 】

Yesterday's question and answer question involved too many things, and Funina's answer would easily make people have many bad or unpleasant associations, so Funina has been restraining her impulse to answer quickly.

However, today's question is not related. Although it also involves prophecy and even the final realization of prophecy, there is not much content related to the water god.

Funina, who has decided not to be a simple solo dancer, is in urgent need of strength now, so that if her identity is exposed and her other plan fails, she will have enough strength or backup to save Fontaine.

So for this question, Funina is serious.

To be honest, Funina, who has not been exposed yet, is really prestigious and persuasive.

Seeing that the Lord of Water was serious, the people of Fontaine, who had just been a little flustered by this question, calmed down. When they saw that their current place of residence had become an alternative option, the people of Fontaine were really a little uneasy. However, Funina's performance directly convinced most of the people of Fontaine, and made them raise their arms and cheer for the Lord of Water.

Not only did the people of Fontaine cheer, but also swept away the haze in Fontaine caused by seeing Marcelle and others who had been doing evil for more than 20 years without being brought to justice. Funina's performance also made many other competitors feel like they were facing a great enemy.

Not to mention anything else, even Navrette, who can be said to know Funina's nature best, had to face Funina when he saw that this "Water God" was going to do it for real, not to mention others.

Moreover, Funina was indeed not the mascot-like decoration in the game. Fontaine's intelligence network spread all over the continent. Even the spies of the Fatui could not beat the spies of Fontaine.

Although the original intention was for Funina to collect intelligence and find clues of the so-called greatest trial, Fontaine's intelligence network was indeed in Funina.

’s leadership and has grown to this point.

What’s more...

“Water that can dissolve people, no, it’s a dangerous liquid that can only dissolve Fontaine people... the water of the original fetal sea... I remember that I saw this information hundreds of years ago. Yes, it’s in the D3 area, find it quickly!”

Funina directed the staff to search in her own exclusive study room, regardless of whether it would destroy the precious information and books here.

This question can be said to be right in front of Funina’s strengths. The various information she has collected over the past few hundred years is complicated and diverse, but every piece of information has been read by Funina herself.

At this time, only Funina, the “human water god” who has been cursed to live for five hundred years, can easily find relevant information in the shortest time.

"Found it, let me see... The forbidden experiment of the sinner René... The secret investigation of the Shadow Chaser... The investigation of the whereabouts of the sinner Jacob... The sealed experimental records of Alan Guillotin... The investigation of the valve of Melo Petersburg?"

Among the numerous intelligences, Funina found a very strange existence.

Among the piles of experimental records and criminal investigations, there was a Melo Petersburg valve investigation record. No matter how you look at it, it is very strange and eye-catching.

Funina naturally took out the document at the first time, slowly opened it, and read it carefully. The more she read, the brighter her eyes became.

"Although I can't be sure, but that's the case. If that's the case, it all makes sense. Melo Petersburg didn't exist as a prison at the beginning. In other words, Lady Egolia thought that it was the weakest area of ​​Fontaine, so she needed a Melo Petersburg to guard and warn?"

Living long and seeing a lot of things is still very useful.

Others can only have some fragmentary information, but Funina can connect these seemingly unrelated information together and make reasonable speculations and associations.

"I see, so the key figure is the Duke? Did you not answer first to give me, the water god, face or... Never mind, I can't care about it anymore. It would be ridiculous if I don't speak up and someone else answers first."

【Funina: I choose Melo Petersburg. 】

【Leosili: Oh, you are worthy of our Lord Water God. Ah, that's right, you used to be a follower of Lord Egolia, so you know the original purpose of the establishment of Melo Petersburg. 】

Seeing Leosili's words, Funina blushed for a moment.

Her memory started from in front of a mirror. Even the fact that she would play the role of the water god in the future was told to her by herself in the mirror. Before that, what happened between the real Fukaros and the previous generation of the water god Egolia, and what memories they had, Funina really didn't know.

The reason she could come up with the answer of Melo Petersburg was entirely due to the intelligence accumulated over the past five hundred years and her own wisdom.

[Funina: Uh, that's natural. That's the weakest area of ​​Fontaine. If we talk about the place where the outbreak might happen first, there is the greatest hope there - but as a duke, you didn't even answer first. Are you letting me? ]

[Leosli: Oh, I don't have that idea at all. It's just that no one can be sure that the answer to this kind of question is correct, no matter how much you know. I already have a guarantee, so I have to be more cautious. ]

[Funina: Okay, I'll take it seriously. ]

[Navia: So the person you said who knew the key information turned out to be you? ]

[Funina: Ah, well, there's nothing I can do about it. I used to be a follower of Lady Egolia. It's normal to know these things. ]

The process was all wrong, but it seemed that the answer was right. Funina wiped the cold sweat when no one noticed.

How could she know whether Egolia had told Fukaros the secret of Melo Petersburg? She was just guessing. Well, not completely guessing, but there were indeed more guesses.

As the person who played the role of the water god, even if Funina's understanding of Egolia was the same as that of the current Fontaine people, all from books and legends, but in theory, "she" had been a follower of Egolia before, and could inherit the position of the water god later.

Then Funina naturally had to act as if she was very familiar with Egolia and knew many of Egolia's secrets.

[System: The answer is correct. ]

Seeing the correct prompt pop up on the screen, Funina breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, although I felt very confident, but when I really confirmed that this question was correct, Funina herself was still quietly relieved.

What? I am quite capable when I am serious!

Funina was a little complacent, and at the same time, she was looking forward to the reward for this question.

Wouldn't it be related to solving the prophecy of Fontaine?

[Navia: I didn't expect it, no, it's not that I didn't expect it, but you got it right, which is really surprising...]

[Funina: What, what you said. ]

[Funina: But I'm in a very good mood now, so I won't bother with you. ]

[Leosili: Oh, I'm a little troubled here, I'm going to 'comfort' the prisoners in Melo Petersburg. ]

Knowing that Melo Petersburg will be the first place where the prophecy breaks out, the prisoners and guards in this underwater prison are naturally the most affected.

But fortunately, yesterday the Duke got a "small" floating city that can accommodate the entire Melo Petersburg. No matter whether this thing is useful in the face of the prophecy in the end, it is indeed able to calm people's hearts now.

Leosili just showed up for a while, and with the floating city on the water, the prisoners who were still a little agitated, calmed down all of a sudden.

That is to say, with the Duke here and the floating city, everyone has a ticket to the end of the world, so what is there to worry about?

Thinking this way, not only did Melo Petersburg regain its peace, but everyone was even more motivated to screw.

The prisoners on the seabed calmed down, but some people in other places were worried.

However, the reason for this worry was a little bit unique.

[Charlotte: Oh, on the third day of the strange screen, the second god who received the reward appeared. Hmm, this title is suspenseful enough! ]

[Colai: But, but, isn’t this screen broadcast to the whole continent? Can this title really be suspenseful? ]

[Charlotte: ······]

[Ying: Poof, Colai is amazing, he hit the key point right away. ]

[Charlotte: Wrong decision···But if this happens, will I be unemployed in the future? ]

Charlotte finally realized how much of a blow to their newspaper industry was a big screen that was broadcasted to the whole continent and broadcast all kinds of big news, allowing big figures and topic figures from all over the world to speak freely.

[Alice: Don't worry, I just mailed some new inventions to Dolly recently, which may help you Fontaine, or even the whole of Teyvat, enter the TV era in advance. ]

[Mona: Ah, Steambird Daily must not go bankrupt, otherwise if I don't get my royalties, I won't be able to buy the astrology book I had my eye on before. ]

[Ying: Hmm? Mona, do you want to buy a book? How much Mora, tell me, I'll buy it for you! ]

Seeing that Mona, who had been getting free sweet flower chicken and free lemonade from the angel's gift from yesterday, actually had the book she wanted, Ying decided to help out, definitely not out of a preference for the astrologer's special clothing that Teyvat continent praised so much.

Although she has only regained normal consciousness for a short time, most of the money she had saved by bullying the hillbillies in the wild has gone into Paimon's mouth.

But since Mona, who is so poor that she can't even afford salad, has the confidence to buy the book, it should be very cheap.

[Mona: This, this is not good, right? ]

[Ying: Just treat it as helping a friend. At worst, you can return it to me when you have more money in the future. ]

This way, at least two interactions can be generated. If there is borrowing and returning, the two parties will be more familiar with each other, right?

Ying's little tricks are well thought out.

[Mona: This, mainly because the book is a rare copy from 700 years ago, and it is handwritten. The store wants 2 million Mora...]


Good guy, a book costs 2 million Mora, which really makes Ying's butt stab with a knife - I'm open-minded.

Even if she can now summon infinite sweet flower stuffed chickens and monopolize the chicken market in Teyvat, it is still difficult to collect these 2 million Mora.

Moreover, although the sweet flower stuffed chickens rewarded on the screen can be summoned infinitely, without the restriction of only using them for personal use like the beast bone ramen of Yidou, the problem is that it takes 15 seconds for Ying to summon a sweet flower stuffed chicken, and she can only summon a maximum of four per minute. In other words, even if she stays up all day and uses all her time to summon...

, she can only summon 5760 sweet flower stuffed chickens.

The prices in Teyvat in reality are not as confusing as in the game. The price of a sweet flower stuffed chicken is only between 200 and 2000 Mora, depending on the region, grade and season.

This is already a very good price. After all, a luxurious Liyue dish that makes the big profiteer Dolly in Xumi feel distressed is only 30,000 Mora.

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