The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Keqing shouted, picked up the five-star dragon knife on the chopping board, and flew into the sky with the beef offal, relying on her own surging thunder elemental power and the elemental combat skills she had already mastered.

How could the crowd of spectators who had already formed a circle below miss the public acrobatics of such a big shot as the Liyue Seven Stars...ah, it was a performance. They followed the beautiful figure and raised their heads one after another, but there was a flash of holy light in the air. When everyone shouted "Blind", they vaguely heard the voice from above.

"Sword light is like me, cut off all the beef offal!"

In mid-air, Keqing, who danced with the beef offal briefly, blushed slightly and shouted out her elemental burst (modified) in shame and anger.

Unlike the past when she burst out with the fastest speed and the most damage in the shortest time, this time, Keqing had to slow down the speed of flying and flashing to make her movements more spectacular. At the same time, she had to control the lightning elemental force to hold herself and the beef offal up and play acrobatics in the air.

Keqing held her breath and stayed in the air for seventeen seconds, far exceeding her previous three-second regular time.

Ye Lan saw the right time and hit a bowl of beef offal soup. Keqing quickly put the beef offal that had been chopped and cooked by the lightning elemental force into the soup without leaving any. Her superb skills and control even made the beef offal soup in the bowl not spill out during this process.

[Ying: I feel that this moment has become an art. ]

[Xiangling: Master Yuhengxing is such a great cook! ]

[Xingqiu: Uh, although I think this has nothing to do with cooking. ]

[Young Master: You are indeed a Liyue person. ]

[Rich man: Even if you compliment him now, you will not pay a penny less. ]

[Ningguang: It's hard to imagine that this is your first time making beef offal... What do you think of beef offal? Your knife skills are so smooth? ]

[Beidou: Haha, it's a really clean and neat swordsmanship. You must have killed a lot of people before, right? ]

[Ningguang: ·······]

Keqing was so focused at the moment that she didn't have the time to deal with the harassment in the discussion area. She was completely focused on this bowl of beef offal soup.

Relying on the last bite of thunder elemental power, Keqing lifted the freshly baked flying beef offal filled with thunder elemental power, descended from the sky, and placed the beef offal on the snack stand. Finally, she stumbled and was a little unstable.

"Huh, huh... This, this is really, a huge challenge."

Feeling the discomfort caused by the overdrawn elemental power in her body in a short period of time, and the strain on her body caused by forcibly staying in the air and flying quickly for seventeen seconds, Keqing couldn't help but feel fortunate.

Fortunately, she didn't take it too seriously, but directly asked for help and asked for auxiliary secret medicine.

Although she may not be able to use her strength in the next few days, it is better than failing again and again and having more and more sunk costs.

[System: Congratulations to the distinguished five-star user Miss Yuhengxing Keqing for completing the punishment of stage one. Please keep up the good work. I wish you a prosperous business and a lot of money. ]

As the system prompt ended, the live broadcast of Master Ke's flying beef offal performance across the continent ended. In the end, the screen actually put a picture of Keqing standing behind the beef offal shop, with a row of people in front of her queuing up to buy beef offal as a congratulation.

[Ying: Good guy, I saw Captain Qin also queuing up to buy beef offal. ]

[Hu Tao: Guest, guest, you are standing in the first place~! ]

[Ningguang: The second one, that's me? ]

[Beidou: Hahaha, the third one is me. When I go back, I must support the show. The beef offal with lightning elemental power must be awesome! ]

[Amber: Eula, Eula, you are here too. ]

[Eula: Not only me, but Yanfei is here too. ]

[Yanfei: Hehe, I'll join in the fun too. ]

[Gongzi: Uh, okay, you brought me along again. I'm used to it. At least the main target of the persecution this time is not me, which is good enough. 】

This little scene on the screen is not enough for Keqing.

For this practical lady who has personally been to court and worked in the mines, the most difficult part of this punishment is the public demonstration of the production process of the flying beef offal. As for the subsequent three days of selling beef offal, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

——The premise is that no one is blind enough to deliberately make trouble and dare to ask Yuheng, one of the seven stars of Liyue, to make flying beef offal in Liyue Harbor.

In this way, even if this screen

The punishment of the curtain made Keqing agree to make flying beef offal, but the Qianyan Army, who were surrounded by a circle and all had friendly smiles on their faces, would definitely talk to you about the reason.

Keqing even just took a breath, suppressed the discomfort in her body, and ran to the back of the snack stand skillfully, set up a big pot, and started selling beef offal.

Ye Lan, who had just come to assist, was not polite. Taking advantage of the advantage of being close to the water and the moon, he ate directly. While eating, his body was shining from time to time.

[Ye Lan: It looks good, and it looks full of power. Except that you drank up the three-day potion I prepared for you at once, there is nothing wrong. ]

[Keqing: What? ! That's the amount for three days? I thought it was drunk at once! ]

[Ye Lan: Ahem, anyway, the result is good. I specially found a milder medicine. There will be no other symptoms except being particularly tired. ]

[Ye Lan: Slurp, not bad, this flying beef offal is interesting. Although it is not traditionally spicy, the numbness brought by the thunder element is also quite to my taste. ]

[Ying: Uh, does Sister Ye Lan usually play so big? ]

[Lisa: Oh, traveler, do you want numbness too? ]

[Xiangling: Sister Ye Lan can eat spicy food, I can testify! ]

[Ningguang: Ye Lan, bring me a portion of beef offal when you come back later. ]

[Beidou: Haha, you don’t even want to buy beef offal. ]

[Ningguang: I call this the rational use of resources. ]

[Fu Ningna: Are we off topic? Can we continue to answer now? ]

[Ningguang: Hello, yes, so I choose the third option. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

[Fu Ningna: ·······]

Tsk, I was careless.

Fu Nina felt that she had just been tricked, and was unknowingly led by these cunning Liyue people into the rhythm of conversation they were good at.

Forget it, after all, it was about the most powerful martial god Morax among the seven gods. If she didn't get it, she didn't get it. Later, she could bully the shameless wind god and squeeze the other party's special question and answer reward.

Or she could bear the pain of conscience and bully the little grass god. Anyway, after this level is passed, the worst thing is to go to Xumi in person to compensate the other party.

[System: Reward the distinguished four-star user Tianquanxing Ningguang with the chicken talisman among the twelve talismans. ]

[System: The chicken talisman is one of the twelve talismans held by the Holy Lord. It contains some of the power in the Holy Lord. Among them, the chicken talisman has the power of floating, which can make the holder control the floating of objects. ]

[System: Friendly reminder, the chicken talisman only provides floating ability. If you want to cover the seven countries with certain items, please provide the power source yourself. ]

[Ningguang:... This is really the reward that best meets my inner needs. ]

[Paimon: Eh, Ningguang wants to make something float? ]

[Ningguang: Of course there is, and I have already made my old friend float over Liyue Harbor, but...]

[Keqing: But someone is not satisfied with this, she wants more. ]

[Ningguang: Haha, of course, my heart is more than that. ]

[Ningguang: One day, I will let the shadow of the Jade Pavilion cover the Seven Kingdoms. ]

[Paimon: Jade Pavilion? ! ]

[Paimon: Ah, I have heard that it is the legendary sky palace hovering above Liyue Harbor, and it is the private palace of Tianquan Ningguang among the Seven Stars of Liyue! ]

[Funina: I don’t have any opinion on personal ideals, but do you also have to consider the issue of airspace? ]

[Nashida: So that's how it is. It is indeed a very suitable reward for Miss Ningguang. ]

[Ningguang: You two gods are too kind. ]

[Ningguang: Traveler, Paimon, if you come to Liyue, you are welcome to visit the Jade Pavilion. As for you, I welcome you here anytime. ]

[Ying: Okay, rich woman, ahem, I mean Miss Ningguang. ]

Ying almost subconsciously typed "rich woman, hungry, food".

Ningguang, who was receiving the reward on the screen, smiled in the direction of the "camera". I don't know how many people in Teyvat who didn't want to work hard were fascinated by her, and how many people gave up their efforts and just wanted to hug Ningguang's thighs.

After the live broadcast of her award-winning video disappeared, the business smile on Ningguang's face disappeared. Looking at the chicken charm with a stick-drawn rooster symbol in her hand, she fell into deep thought.

"To build the Jade Pavilion, three items are indispensable, namely the Mingxia Fusheng Stone, the Qianqi Core and the Immortal Talisman. With my current power and financial resources, I can accumulate the latter two slowly, but the first one..."

The Mingxia floating life stones that have been clearly recorded have basically been mined out, which means that this is basically a non-renewable resource, and it is really a matter of using less and less.

She was able to expand the Qunyu Pavilion from the size of a room at the beginning to a huge floating palace like now, basically using all the floating stones that she, a mortal, could find on it.

"Most of the remaining Mingxia floating life stones are private collections of various families, or in the hands of those immortals, but even if there are still some stocks, all the remaining Mingxia floating life stones are added together, and it is estimated that it is only possible to build another Qunyu Pavilion as it is now."

Although her words "One day, I will let the shadow of the Qunyu Pavilion cover the seven countries" actually refer more to letting her power and reputation cover the seven countries together with the Qunyu Pavilion, rather than letting the Qunyu Pavilion cover the seven countries in a physical sense.

But after all, there are only two floating buildings the size of the Qunyu Pavilion, which is still a bit unworthy of her ambitions.

Now, with this chicken spell, she can build the Jade Pavilion as big as she wants, as many as she wants, and even use it as her final resort, smashing it down at will, and playing with it according to her mood.

It is rumored that the emperor has a style called "Heavenly Star", so she can also do "This is the Heavenly Palace".

Let's do it this way. Now Ningguang has to worry about the other two essential materials, the production of Qianqi Core and Xianjia Talisman.

In addition, the giant Jade Pavilion may fly a little slower than before.

[System: Now playing the fourth video——]

[Arakaki Ito: Haha, even I have discovered the pattern. The next one should be our Inazuma's, or the video of that Sumeru, right? ]

[Kuki Shinobu: Boss (speechless), no one has explicitly said there is such a rule, and...]

[Tadtaglia: And you really don't take our Winter Solstice and Nata seriously, right? ]

[Bennett: Strange, why do I feel that there are very few star users on Nata's side? ]

[Tadtaglia: Indeed, even our Winter Solstice has more star users than Nata, it can't be that Nata is the last country that the traveler wants to go to, right? ]

[Ying: No, I think the last country I will go to must be your Winter Solstice. ]

[Ying: The reason why there are few star users in your two countries is naturally because the version has not been opened to your side, but I guess the Fatui are the villains throughout the whole story, so their appearance rate in other countries is also very high, so there are more star users than Nata. ]

[Linnie: Villain... This kind of role positioning that is set by others is really not very beautiful. ]

[System: ——I have never forgotten | To you who are traveling]

[Ying: Great, it's a new video. ]

[Linnie: ······]

[Linnet: My brother is depressed, let's have a small cake. ]

[Femini: Ah, ah, that, I'll go make a cup of coffee. ]

Obviously, a heartless, bloodless and tearless traveler accidentally hit the great magician of Fontaine.

Linnie went to receive the comfort of his brothers and sisters, Ningguang was still thinking about the expansion of the Qunyu Pavilion and the construction of the orbital defense system of Liyue Port, and the traveler was looking forward to the new video. At this time, there was light and shadow on the screen.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was a girl wearing obvious Xumi-style clothing, sitting on a Xumi-style bench and taking a nap with her eyes closed.

Judging from the girl's accessories and clothes, the girl's family should be good.

[Dixia: Miss? ! ]

[Dixia: Although it is a little distorted, this should be the eldest lady. The clothing style and decorations are the same as those of a young lady! ]

[Leila: This bench, and the railing behind it, combined with the angle of the sunlight, well, if I am not mistaken, this should be the small platform next to the Barand Tavern, right? ]

[Falusan: After all, the students of the Order Academy are still quite capable now. Their mental arithmetic speed is acceptable, no, it is excellent. ]

[Leila: Thank you for the compliment~. ]

[Ying: Strange, why do I feel that Leila's reaction now is a little different from before? ]

[Leila: What's the difference? I am still me, but I am sleepwalking now. ]

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