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[Ying: So it’s like—what the hell? 】

Ying was a little shocked. How could someone be more energetic when she was sleepwalking than when she was awake? In other words, her whole personality had changed, right? !

[Fa Lushan: Oh, interesting, what did our Dafeng Disciplinary Officer say? 】

[Seno: I have already checked. The suspected target is not involved in academic cheating. The rules of the Order do not prohibit the dream self from writing a paper for the waking self. 】

[Ke Lai: Although I don’t understand it a bit, it’s awesome. 】

[Leila: Haha, it’s not that great, but everyone, I hope you can keep it a secret for me, otherwise this kid will get into trouble. 】

[Ying: Easy to talk about. 】

[Leila: I hope I can get a reward that can solve this child's problem in the future. By the way, this should be Xumi's video. 】

[Tinari: It’s really our Sumeru’s video. I hope there won’t be any big trouble this time. 】

[Ying: Is this Xumi’s clothing? It looks quite beautiful. I can buy a few sets when I go to Xumi later. 】

[Dishiya: Haha, I am an expert in this field. Traveler, when you arrive in Xumi City, I will take you to buy clothes and cosmetics. 】

[Ying: Haha, thank you. 】

[Nacida: Is it Dina Zedai...]

[Dishiya: Lord Grass God, the eldest lady said she misses you very much. 】

[Nacida: Well, me too, I miss Dinazede very much too. 】

Just from the opening freeze-frame, the locals of Xumi analyzed a lot of content from the costumes of the characters, the surrounding scenery, and even the angle of the sun. Should it be said that it is truly a country of wisdom?

If this wisdom is used in the right place, it is quite useful.

Laila's situation is also quite surprising. Sumeru people will no longer dream when they grow up, but Laila can still sleepwalk in this situation, and her personality is still so strong in the sleepwalking state. , which is also quite interesting.

To be honest, there are many Sumeru people. Although they say that not dreaming is good and that it is a unique advantage of us Sumeru people, deep down, they are still curious about dreams.

In the picture, Dina Zedei, whom Disiya thought was the eldest daughter of the Humayi family whom she had just started guarding, was sitting on a bench and resting. She seemed to notice something and opened her eyes, but——

[Decia: Well, why are the eldest lady’s eyes all white? 】

[Ying: I think I drew it like this on purpose. After all, the eyes are the most difficult part of a character to draw. It’s easy to draw them simply. And don’t you think this style of painting is quite cute? 】

[Desia: This... This is true. 】

Well, Dina Zedei, who had white eyes and bloody eyes, tilted her head and looked forward in a slightly confused manner. Her very cute expression turned into a surprise the next moment.

He raised his bandaged left hand and waved it happily forward.

"You're back, Traveler."

[Ying: It seems that it was... the time when I left Xumi? 】

[Nacida: It should have been a long time since we left. After all, Dina Zedei was so surprised, which means that the two of you must have been separated for a long time. 】

[Disha: And with this kind of surprise attitude, although the lady is very nice and friendly, it is such a surprise. Traveler, your future relationship with the lady seems to be very good. 】

[Sora: Sister, you really make friends wherever you go. 】

[Ying: Hum, of course. 】

[Paimon: Traveler, traveler (expecting), did you say before that this Miss Dina Zedai is the eldest lady of Sumeru? 】

[Dishiya: Haha, Paimon—hmm, the eldest lady asked me to help convey this. If you two come to Xumi, you must come to Humayi's house as a guest. 】

[Ying: It's easy to talk about. I'll definitely come over and have a meal. 】

Dina Zedei waved her hand to the traveler who might be outside the screen. In the next scene, the screen turned to a dark gray, as if countless smoke was twisting, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling. In such a depressing space In the middle, Dina Zedai, whose color seemed to have disappeared a lot, put her hands in front of her and walked forward heavily.

"My broken wooden box,

filled with withered flowers,

Can't let go, light and soil

and fresh desires.

If you can fly,

Go to high places,

Cast a net of dreams

Collect the echoes of love. "

The music is great, Dinaze

Dai's voice was also very gentle, but everyone who heard it could hear the depression and low mood from the lyrics and melody.

[Dixia: The eldest lady... Oh, forget it, Traveler, wait for you to come to Xumi and see the young lady and you will know. ]

[Nashida: I will soon be able to complete the things that I couldn't help Dina Zedai with back then. ]

[Ying: I understand, anyway, it's the problem of my Xumi main line, right? ]

[Nashida: Main line... Well, it should be about the same? ]

Nashida instantly understood what Ying meant by the main line. After thinking about it, it is estimated that solving the Demon Scale Disease, especially the root cause of the Demon Scale Disease, is indeed one of the most serious problems facing Xumi at present.

But this should be the main trouble that the Traveler deals with in Xumi, which is also referred to as the main line, right?

Looking at the screen, Dina Zedai's wrist wrapped in bandages, Nashida's eyes also revealed a sense of heartache.

Dina Zedai was not only one of her few believers in Xumi before, but also one of Nashida's few friends.

In the past, she was too weak to help Dina Zedai, who had contracted the magic scale disease in her childhood, but now, with the accelerated transformation device, she must completely solve the problem of her friend.

"Does this song also contain some news that we don't know yet, or confirm some of my previous speculations?"

Thinking so, Nashida stared at the screen more attentively.

At this time, the music on the screen just happened to be a transitional tune. Not only did Dina Zedai seem to have more colors, but even the gray fog-like background just now turned green, and Dina Zedai's feet also turned into green grass.

Accompanied by the humming like an aria, Dina Zedai stepped to the side of the feet in front of her, and quickly followed another pair of tender bare feet that seemed to make people want to protect them.

"Are you listening too,

Lonely child,

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid

The night won't be too long.

The flowers on the cliff,

Let me pick them for you,

Count one petal, drop one petal

There will be one less sorrow."

The screen changed, and the one who just caught up with Dina Zedai was, as expected, the petite grass goddess Nashida, holding her chest with both hands, following Dina Zedai step by step.

At this time, the person singing on the screen has changed from Dina Zedai to Nashida. Nashida's inexplicably reassuring voice came faintly, as if it was a baptism for the ears.

Dots of petals fell from the sky, and the two stopped. Nashida looked out of the screen curiously, as if she was watching all the listeners.

[Ying: A close-up with clear meaning, this shot understands people's hearts too well. ]

[Xiangling: Hmm? Traveler, what are you talking about? ]

[Ying: Ah, it's the taboo knowledge that Xiangling can't know yet. ]

[Alice: I'm curious about your life before coming to Teyvat. It's too full of evil.]

[Ying: No, no, your Excellency is no less.]

[Nashida: I suddenly feel that sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.]

[Paimon: Huh (melancholy), Nashida, you have to get used to it. At least I'm used to it.]

The picture on the screen changed again. This time it became a picture of Dina Zeda and Nashida standing on the grass, with their backs to the screen, looking at the distant Xumi City.

"The grass and gravel have no mouths,

They will never lie,

They let the wind remind me that there is a light,

Falling on my shoulders."

Dina Zeda's affirmative singing came from the screen. Feeling this peaceful atmosphere, she gently opened her eyes, stretched out her bandaged hand, and invited the travelers outside the screen.

[Ying: A city built on a tree? ]

[Leila: That's right, this is our Xumi's sacred tree - but the one in the picture, um, is much smaller than the sacred tree in reality. ]

[Ying: What on earth did your sacred tree grow on, Jin Ke La? ]

[Leila: Current research shows that it grew so big under the power radiation emitted unconsciously by the demon god. After all, there is a grass god living here, and it has grown so big over the years. ]

[Ying: Well, okay, let's stop joking for now, what is Dina Zedai's hand? ]

[Cole: It's the demon lin disease, um, the same as me. ]

[Amber: Cole (worried). ]

[Cole: It's okay, Amber, after your encouragement, I can already look at myself. ]

[Doctor: Yes, you should cherish the opportunity I gave you out of pity. ]

[Cole: Ah (gritting teeth), one day, I will use my own power to seek justice. 】


Alas, it is really a depressing thing that my hard work is not understood by mediocre people. ]

[Ying: Well, although I don’t quite understand it, this demon lin disease seems to be a very difficult disease to deal with? ]

[Nashida: Yes, and only Xumi people will get the demon lin disease, and it is completely random, and so far, there is no example of complete eradication. ]

[Ying: I understand. In this matter, I, Xiaoying, must help the place. I can’t let such a young girl die so young. This is too unhappy. ]

In reality, Dishiya, who was shopping with Dina Zedai in the Grand Bazaar, looked at the young lady on the screen in the sky with some relief. Her eyes were shining and she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

Although Dishiya and Dina Zedai have only known each other for a few days, Dishiya has completely recognized this young lady who makes people pity and sympathize.

Suffering from a terminal illness since childhood and born in such a wealthy family, Dina Zedai not only did not give up on herself, but was also so kind. This is really rare, and it also makes Dixia want to protect her from the bottom of her heart.

"Don't worry, Miss, didn't the Traveler say that after dealing with Mondstadt's affairs, he would come to our Xumi first."

Dina Zedai nodded vigorously: "Well, when the time comes, I must drag the Traveler to see Nilu's dance. By the way, it will be the Flower God's Birthday Festival this year in a while. Now those unreasonable sages have been killed. At that time, Nilu will also dance the Flower God's Dance. We can make an appointment with the Traveler and let's all watch it together."

"Yes, I will, Miss."

Dina Zedai, who made a good wish, looked back at the screen. The more lovely self on the screen, the expression on her face was so relieved, so gentle, and so yearning for Dina Zedai, who was now tortured by pain.

The scene on the screen changed again. This time, Dina Zedai and Nashida were walking together in a dreamy fairyland. Beside them, a group of cute elves in the jungle were flying.

At this time, the singer on the screen had changed from Dina Zedai to a children's chorus.

"Is it you? On the way home, sprinkle the moonlight on the flower stamens.

It's you! Play the ancient chords, drive away the nightmare, and accompany me to sleep.

Is it you? Weave the rain on your head into a blue eaves.

It's a promise! When we grow up, we will meet again, and it will be more beautiful than now."

Looking at Dina Zedai's unprecedented smile on the screen, looking up at the sky, and Nashida's smile that seemed to be very relieved, and the wreath held by Lanaro, many viewers seemed to be infected by this sudden song.

[Ying: It's really a fairy-tale dreamy and beautiful scene. ]

[Funina: Ah, how should I put it, this is a bit of a 12+ fairy tale style. ]

[Alice: Xumi is like this. How should I put it? No matter how you look at it, it has a fairy-tale style. ]

[Colai: Those floating ones, uh, are Lanaro? ]

[Tinari: They are creatures that only exist in legends. Many children have said that their friends in the jungle look like this. ]

[Colai: Then, that (excited and expectant), little Jixiang Grass King, do Lanaro really exist, or are they just fairy tales? ]

[Nasida: Hehe, they are real. They exist in the forest, on mushrooms, next to flowers, and in our dreams. ]

[Colai: Well, yes, I don’t understand some of it, but that means Lanaro does exist. ]

[Nasida: Yes, Lanaro, it really exists. ]

[Xiaogong: So cute, but it’s a pity that I can’t go to Xumi, otherwise I really want to see these cute little creatures. 】

【Xiangling: Strange, why didn't I find these cute little guys when I went to Xumi to look for food last time. 】

All over Teyvat, many female viewers who saw Lanaro, and even a few male viewers, expressed their love for Lanaro.

Many people have even decided at this time that after the video is finished today, they will immediately start packing their luggage and go to Xumi for a holy land tour to see if they can have a fateful encounter with these cute little creatures.

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