The first time, the last time.

Looking at the flying Lannaroos on the screen, the cute appearance touched the hearts of many girls.

【Ying: They look cute. I've decided that when the matter of Xumi is resolved, I will go find these Lannaroos to play with. 】

【Paimon: I always feel that my position is in jeopardy. 】

【Ying: Don't worry, Paimon, the initial Pokémon will definitely run through the whole show, you don't have to worry. 】

【Paimon: Hmm, the traveler is saying something I don't understand again. 】

【Kong: ······】

【Ying: Hmm? Brother, what's wrong with you? 】

【Kong: No, it's just... Alas, I miss it a little. ]

[Ying: Wait, brother, don't tell me that you have already become friends with these cute little guys? ]

[Kong: Don't worry, Ying, you will also become their good Nala. ]

[Ying: Nala? ]

[Kong: You will know after you have your own journey in Xumi. ]

[Ying:...Riddler, let me die? ]

Ying gritted his teeth, showing his little canine teeth, and wanted to bite something.

This brother, other things are fine, but why is this kind of thing that obviously doesn't need to be kept secret so tightly covered? !

The screen changed again, and this time the singer was changed to Nashida again. The soft and sticky voice made people feel as if even the soul was purified.

The picture on the screen was different from the previous one. Dina Zedai was walking happily, and Nashida, who had not changed, walked between the beautiful mountains and rivers of Xumi.

"A thousand nightmares,

for a thousand thieves,

is it enough, is it enough,

to steal your sadness?

When we met,

the hourglass was turned upside down,

no need to say, to be engraved,

whether it is long or long."

The next moment, the blue sky and the green grass disappeared, and the two of them strolled in the depressing and dull space again. As they walked, Nashida disappeared, leaving only Dina Zedai walking alone.

"It is said that when you grow up, you will forget fairy tales,

when you wake up, you will forget dreams,

but especially on a rainy afternoon,

you will want to meet you again."

[Cole: I have seen... um, I remember, I have heard that it seems that only children can see Lanaro. Is this lyric referring to this? ]

[Nashida: They are all very cute and friendly beings, but because of the special nature of their existence, only children can see them in Xumi now, and when children grow up, they will gradually forget them. ]

[Colai: Well, it's a bit regretful. ]

[Nashida: Don't be regretful, just like the crown of thorns crocodile and the toothpick bird, just like the big tree and the vine, even if you can't see each other anymore, you are still friends. ]

[Ying: It appears, Nashida's wonderful metaphor. ]

[Colai: That being said, it would still be a pity if you can't see your friends anymore. ]

[Faroshan: Yes, it is true, it is a pity that you can't actually study this magical creature. ]

[Tinari: No, senior, I don't think Colai meant that...]

Dina Zedai, who was walking forward alone and lonely, gradually stopped. After being enlightened and helped by her friends, she is no longer the little girl who could only cry alone in the room.

Dina Zedai, who has become strong, quickly sorted out her mood and showed a very gentle smile to the camera.

The whole screen seemed to become cheerful and warm along with her mood.

Nashida's figure reappeared, and the two walked again in the dreamlike fairyland just now. This time, there was even a Lanaro lying on Nashida's head, and another Lanaro was held in the arms of the smiling Dina Zedai.

The beautiful children's chorus sounded on the screen again.

"Is it you? On the way home, sprinkle the moonlight to light up the stamens.

It's you! Play the ancient chords, drive away the nightmare, and accompany me to sleep.

Is it you? Weave the rain on your head into a blue eaves.

It's a promise! When we all grow up, we will take risks again and pursue the spread of dreams."

[Tinari: I didn't realize it just now, but the lines of the children's chorus here should refer to the grass god and the Lanaros who have been silently protecting the Xumi people and accompanying the children of Xumi in the past, right? ]

[Elhaisen: The Order Institute has received information about "Lanna" for hundreds of years, but because it has never been able to

It is impossible to observe and investigate the real objects, so these matters have always been limited work. 】

【Falushan: Friends who will be forgotten when they grow up, well, it is indeed a bit sad. 】

【Kavi: There is also a promise... But when the children grow up, they are destined to forget their past friends Lanna Luo. The promise that can never be fulfilled is still very sad now. 】

【Laila: I should have such a friend in the past, but I don’t know when, I gradually can’t see my friends, and even forget my friends. Even now, I am not sure if I really had a friend like Lanna Luo when I was young. 】

Seeing this, the Xumi people, whether they care or not, subconsciously began to search their memories in their minds, trying to find the friend whose memory is vague and even whose figure has disappeared.

Unfortunately, most people can’t even be sure whether they have such a friend, let alone any promise.

Only a few people, who either still retain a bit of their childhood innocence or rely on their childhood diaries and other records, can be sure that they had a friend like Lanaro when they were young.

At this time, the screen changed again, but this time, the singer was not Nashida or Dina Zede, and no one even appeared on the screen, only the lyrics appeared on the screen.

"Who crossed a sea of ​​flowers?"

[Nashida: What is this voice? ! ]

[Tinari: It feels familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere before. ]

[Elhaisen: I should have vaguely heard this voice when I was practicing in the forest before, in the forest dwelling crazy talk period. ]

[Kavi: Ha, idiot Elhaisen, has your memory faded? You actually use such vague words to describe it at this time. ]

[Elhaisen: Hum, idiot, if I heard it clearly or remembered it clearly, I would have become a crazy scholar long ago. 】

【Tinari: So it was that voice. I remember a scholar had heard a relatively clear content, and then the record in the Order House was——】

【Nashida: The world...forgot me...】

【Nashida: It was the echo left by the Great Compassion Tree King in the World Tree. 】

【Falushan: In other words, the one singing in the video now is the Great Compassion Tree King? ! 】

This speculation really surprised and excited many people in Xumi.

Thanks to the Order House for downplaying Nashida's existence for the past five hundred years and always emphasizing the former Grass God Great Compassion Tree King, even though the Great Compassion Tree King has fallen for five hundred years, there are still many places in Xumi that still think the current Grass God is the Great Compassion Tree King, and don't know Nashida.

Even with the high-intensity promotion of Nashida's reputation on the screen these two days, at this moment, Xumi is still known as the Great Compassion Tree King, which is much higher than Nashida.

Now, hearing that it was the Great Compassion Tree King who was singing in the video, the audience in Xumi suddenly raised their expectations, staring at the screen without blinking.

The next moment, a woman with long hair, pointed elf ears, and extremely gentle appearance appeared on the screen, covering the upper half of her face, but she could vaguely see that she was singing with tolerance.

"Who is coming towards me?

Who still remembers my unfulfilled wish?"

The camera pulled away, and everyone could finally see the full appearance of the singing woman.

An adult gentle woman who was very similar to Nashida who used the second stage transformation, with her hands crossed at her neck, seemed to calm people down just by seeing it.

The Great Compassion Tree King opened his eyes, and tears flashed in his eyes.

"Is it you? Wearing a garland on your head, holding the purest branches."

[Nashida: Branches...]

[Tinari: Is it really the Great Compassion Tree King? ! 】

【Falushan: The Great Compassion Tree King appears in this song. Does that mean that in the original plot, we will revive the Great Compassion Tree King later? 】

【Nashida: This...】

Nashida sighed, not knowing how to say it in the discussion area.

After all, combined with her previous speculation and the existing conditions, in the original destiny, the Great Compassion Tree King, let alone revival, in such a bad situation, it would be difficult to save Xumi without completely deleting the Great Compassion Tree King.

Alas, "unfulfilled wishes".

Seeing this lyric, Nashida felt a little heavy. What unfulfilled wishes could the Great Compassion Tree King have?

Nashida, who already possessed the power of the grown-up World Tree, naturally knew that the best way to solve the current Xumi problem was for her to completely delete everything about the Great Compassion Tree King in the World Tree.

This should also be the original plan of the Great Compassion Tree King. The sun and the moon, the Great Compassion Tree King is the incarnation of the World Tree.

The body of the Great Compassion Tree King, and she is the branch that the other party broke off. Such a heavy burden is really unbearable.

If it really comes to that, let alone others, even she will forget the Great Compassion Tree King, and the whole Teyvat will erase all traces of the Great Compassion Tree King.

At that time, the only ones who can remember the Great Compassion Tree King may be the adventers who come from outside the world and are not affected by the World Tree.

"Is this also the meaning of Ying's journey?"

Nasida seemed to realize something and murmured to herself in a low voice.

On the screen, Nashida and Dina Zede are still walking carefree in the fairy tale dreamland of Huanalana, but this time, behind them, the Great Compassion Tree King, whose figure is slightly illusory, looks at them kindly and follows them step by step, while Nashida and Dina Zede seem to be unaware of it.

The children's chorus came from the screen again.

"Is it you? Tear off a piece of colorful clothes, let me light up the flower in the box.

Is it you, who disappeared silently in the distant spring one day?

But I remember everything about you, I will not forget, I will not forget."

The Great Ci Tree King took the purple flower handed over by a bearded Lanaro who seemed to be very old. Dina Zedai and Nashida walked farther and farther in front of him, and the figure of the Great Ci Tree King seemed to be erased by an eraser, and gradually only some lines remained.

[Ying: Hiss, emphasizing "I will not forget" all the time like this, but it makes me feel ominous. Who will we forget in the game in the end? ]

[Nashida: For Lanaros, memory is their power. If they want to protect Nala who is in danger, they will burn their own memory. ]

[Kole: What (shocked), not only will we forget Lanaro when we grow up, but Lanaro will also forget us if he uses his power to protect us. ]

[Kavi: What is this, what is this two-way rush? ? ! ! ]

[Ying:... Well, I have a feeling that I will encounter many knives in Xumi. ]

[Nashida: Well, but, maybe more than that. ]

[Ying: What? There is a big job? ]

[Nashida: This...]

[Nilu: Well, there are many things I don't understand, but there is one thing I care about. ]

[Ying: Please tell me, Nilu's wife. ]

[Nilu: Stop joking, traveler, I mean, that purple flower looks like...]

[Farusan: It's Patisaran, but the purple Patisaran should have been extinct. ]

[Nilu: Yes, there are no purple Patisaran in Xumi now, but when the flower god first descended on Xumi, her feet were full of these Patisaran. ]

[Ying: Wow, this fairy, the ground she steps on will be full of flowers... Wait, Xiaocao, can you do this too? ]

[Nashida: Hmm? Well, before, I could control the grass element in my body and this wouldn't happen, but after the transformation, I can't control the overflowing grass element, so it might...]

[Ying: Got it, I'll be there soon! ]

[Nashida: ? ? ? ]

[Bai Shu: Strange, why did you suddenly shiver? ]

[Changsheng: You need treatment. ]

Nashida was really confused. What was the traveler going to do? Was there anything exciting in what she said just now?

When Nashida Baisi was puzzled, the song on the screen had entered its final stage.

The camera gave a close-up of the face of the already very illusory Daci Tree King. At this time, the Daci Tree King, who was about to disappear, seemed to realize something. At the last moment, he smiled slightly and waved goodbye to the people outside the screen.

"Is it you? On the way home, the moonlight was sprinkled all over the flower stamens.

Is it you? Playing the ancient chords, driving away nightmares, and accompanying me to sleep."

[Ying: How should I put it? Although I don’t understand the matter of Xumi, I can see that this song looks like a fairy tale, but it is actually full of metaphors. ]

[Tinari: This (covering his head), I can’t refute it. ]

[Ying: I always feel that after a while, Mr. Seno will come up with such a cold joke. ]

[Tinari: ? ? ? ]

[Ying: Why doesn’t the compass work in Xumi? ]

[Seno: Yes, because the Daci Tree King disappeared? ]

[Tinari:... Why can you connect so smoothly? ]

[Seno: Sorry, subconsciously. 】

【Seno: Actually, the reason for the Traveler's joke is——】

【Tinari: Okay, you can shut up now. 】

【Albedo: I see, is the "magnetism" gone? 】

【Tinari: ······】

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