The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

[Nashida: Well, let's exclude me first. Although I can summon the Pure Palace, it is just a shadow reflected in the dream in reality. It has no real meaning in practical application. Even if the Traveler and Paimon live in the house in the dream, it has no effect on their reality. ]

[Ying: Xiaocao's power makes me have no place to complain. If you say it's a bug, it's really unusual. If you say it's powerful, it's actually not that strong. ]

[Nashida: After all, I am still young. However, unless I put down Xumi and accompany the traveler and Paimon on their journey, I can use my power to create houses of grass and trees every night. But if I stay in Jingshan Palace and Ying and Paimon go out to travel, I will be a little powerless. At most, I can let you have a good dream. ]

[Ying: Well, I will definitely be able to draw little Nashida in the game, but it is really unlikely to let the gods of a country travel together in reality. ]

[Xiangling: Well, in this case, it is unlikely for me either. Although I may accompany the traveler on a trip to collect exotic ingredients in Teyvat, I can only ensure that the traveler and Paimon have better meals every day, but the accommodation conditions... hehe. ]

[Yaoyao: Alas, Senior Sister Xiangling can't even take care of herself, and she needs Guoba to help pull the quilt on weekdays. ]

[Xiangling: Hey, Yaoyao, don't say it! ]

[Linnet: It's unlikely, brother. Magic itself is an art that needs to be prepared in advance. Even a magic pocket can only hold a limited amount of items. It's unlikely to prepare a house.]

[Linnet: And judging from this video and the Q&A, this screen clearly means that you, the traveler, can live in a house every day at least when you are in the Xumi Desert. That means you have solved the problem of camping in the wild before coming to Fontaine.]

[Kirara: Meow, although I can give you anything and can also use my magic power to conjure a box... but the traveler and Paimon don't look like they can squeeze into the same box with me.]

[Ying: Huh? This is possible! Qiliangliang, let's try it, squeeze together, don't be so absolute if you haven't tried it.]

[Qirara: No, absolutely not, even across the discussion area, I can hear your smirk, Ying, you are definitely trying to tease me!]

[Chiori: Qiliangliang, have you gained weight again recently? ]

[Qiliangliang: No, absolutely not! It's just that I don't want to squeeze into my box with others, not that there is no room. ]

[Paimeng: Alas, this guy is like this, he gets crazy from time to time. Besides, a box that can hold Qiliangliang's things, we can't get in anyway! ]

[Qiliangliang: It can fit! I'm not fat! ]

[Paimeng:... Uh, okay. ]

[Yanfei: Don't think about it... The answer should be grandma. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

[Ying: Although I know that Xiao may not have any magic to create a large room in the wild, but Yanfei, how can you be sure? ]

[Paimeng: Sure enough, we non-Liyue people don't understand the magic of the immortals? ]

[Aping: It should be the Chenge pot. ]

[Paimeng: Chen, song, pot? ]

[Yanfei: I didn't expect that grandma would give you this. No, it should be a new pot. 】

【Paimon: Are Granny Ping and Yanfei saying that the Traveler and I will live in the same pot every day from now on? 】

Paimon's eyes turned around. Qi Liangliang's box was unlikely to fit her and the Traveler, and now they are saying that they will live in a pot that is much smaller than the box every day?

Is this pot very big?

How can I carry it?

If it is too big, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse to carry a pot every day?

Maybe they noticed Paimon's doubt, or Paimon's doubt is the doubt of most viewers at this moment.

At this time, the screen suddenly lit up and flashed a picture.

It was a video of the Traveler and Paimon meeting Granny Ping at Yujingtai.

In the picture, Granny Ping, who often appeared at Yujingtai and was quite famous in a certain circle, had her back to the camera, while the Traveler and Paimon, who had become very familiar to the audience of Teyvat in the past few days, were facing Granny Ping.

Grandma Ping put her hands behind her back and said slowly: "Alas, my old body makes me slow in finding things. I'm afraid you can't wait..."

Because it has a dialog box below, and even has optional dialogue

So the audience who have experienced the education of the Traveler's alternate world game mode these days also know that this is the so-called real game screen.

Watch the Traveler and choose the answer.

[We can find it ourselves. ]

[I learned to find things from the leader of the Knights of Favonius. ]

Many viewers who don't know the cause and effect of this question have question marks on their heads.

[Ying: Uh, let's not talk about what this video that suddenly popped up is about, nor what we are looking for with Grandma Ping... Leader of the Knights of Favonius, Qin? Um, Qin, do you have any special skills to find things? ]

[Qin: emmmm, it should be that I always encounter commissions to find things on weekdays, or I can't find what I need. At this time, my experience is that I don't care about it, and then you can find what you are looking for inadvertently. ]

[Amber: ······]

[Lisa: ······]

[Eula: ······]

[Qin: I, did I say anything strange? ]

[Klee: No! Klee also looks for things this way. If she wants to find something, she will find what she has at hand... Ah, except for fish. ]

[Kaeya: Forget it. I'll set up a post at the entrance of the Knights' Order to screen the tasks submitted by the citizens. I can't really let the acting leader look for cats and dogs. ]

[Ying:...Okay, let's put aside the little tricks of finding things for Captain Jean. What are Paimon and I looking for? ]

[Zhongli: Well, it should be the Dust Cleansing Bell. This video clip is probably what we did after offering the ointment before. Well, I see. Indeed, if it was me at that time, it would not be convenient for me to do it myself. I can only ask Traveler and Paimon. ]

[Ah Ping: Hehe, that Dust Cleansing Bell is also an important prop used in the Immortal Sending Ceremony. It is also the bell you saw in the previous video. It was originally in Guizhong's hands and finally kept by me. ]

[Paimeng: It's linked to the previous video... But why is this video suddenly on the screen? ]

[A Ping: I think it's to show you why the answer to this question is me. ]

[Paimeng: Huh? ]

[Yan Fei: Hey, little Paimeng, you'll know if you watch it. I guarantee you'll be surprised. ]

After hearing Yan Fei say this, Paimeng's curiosity also rose, and he suppressed his temper and continued to watch the video.

In the video, the traveler chose the first option, and Paimeng also said.

"Yes, grandma, we will accompany you home, and then we will find it ourselves."

"We can also... We can also help you clean up the house."

[Ying: Sometimes, Paimeng is unexpectedly polite. ]

[A Ping: They are all good children, they are all good children. I know why I will give you a pot later. ]

[Yan Fei: Ah, I'm a little envious. This is a pot that even grandma's apprentices didn't give. 】

[Xiangling: Huh? ]

[Yaoyao: Hmm? ]

[Ah Ping: Ahem, well, now the materials for making the Chen Ge pot are getting harder and harder to find, so...]

Grandma Ping was a little embarrassed, especially when her apprentice who was devoted to studying cooking just complained about the living conditions in the wild.

But it is obvious that this highlights how much Grandma Ping in the video likes a polite little guy like Paimon, or the future traveler and Paimon, who have helped Liyue so much and have such a wide face, otherwise she would not give away a treasure that her apprentice does not even have.

"Okay, kids, I didn't put the bell far away, so don't worry too much."

Hearing what Grandma Ping said, Paimeng put his hands behind his back and tilted his head in confusion: "Huh? Grandma, is your home nearby? Wow... This is Yujingtai, so rich..."

[Xianyun: Humph, Gechenlangshi Zhenjun lives in Yujingtai, which raises the value of Yujingtai, not that Yujingtai can be called immortal. ]

[A Ping: Oh, this place is actually pretty good, drinking tea and appreciating flowers every day, Xianyun, you can also come and live such a life when you have time. ]

[Xianyun: Humph. ]

Seeing what was said in the discussion area, many wealthy people in Liyue Port are ready to snap up properties in Yujingtai.

After all, for the people of Liyue, the word "immortal fate" is a very ethereal and tempting word. Now that they know that there has been an immortal in Yujingtai for many years, how can they not want to rush to buy a nearby property, hoping to get the moon first?

Grandma Ping on the screen didn't know that she was planning to change a place to enjoy flowers and drink tea in reality. She laughed: "Haha, I can't afford it.

The house in the city - look at this pot, all my belongings are in it. "

As Grandma Ping said this, the traveler and Paimeng turned their heads, and the camera also gave the table with tea sets and pots on the side.

Paimeng was a little confused and touched his chin: "All my belongings..."

Ying on the side remained calm, and three options appeared next to him.

[You mean, put the key to the house in it?]

[Is your only belonging a bell?]

[Paimeng, go into the pot and take a look.]

[Amber: Wow, this, this I know, it's the fairy story of Liyue that my grandfather told me in the past This is a scene that often appears in the story. ]

[Eula: At this time, the first or second choice should be generally chosen... But. ]

[Ying: Needless to say, I choose the third one. ]

[Paimon: I can't get in (stomps my feet), I can't get in no matter how I think about it! ]

I can only say that he is worthy of being the real person.

The player's choice in the game is exactly the same as Ying in reality, and Paimon's reaction is the same.

Hearing what the traveler said, Paimon stamped his feet in frustration: "I can't get in! I can't get in no matter how I think about it?!"

[Qiliangliang: Haha, it's exactly the same reaction as when I said I live in my little box before! ]

[Paimon: That's right, the traveler always teases me. ]

[Ying: Because little Paimon's reaction is very interesting. ]

After protesting, Paimon put his hands on his hips and looked directly at the traveler.

"And why do you want me to go in? Can't you just open the lid and take a look!? "

Grandma Ping laughed when she saw the two people's friendly interaction: "Hehehe... Children, anyway, the bell is in this pot. If you want to find the bell, just go and have a look yourself."

After saying this, the Traveler and Paimeng responded a few words, and tentatively touched the pot on the table. Unexpectedly, the two of them opened and closed their eyes and came to a fairy cave.

[Yan Fei: Oh, it seems that grandma really likes you. It is obvious that this is the first time you have met grandma, and grandma allowed you to enter the Chenge Pot so easily.]

[Ganyu: Because Miss Traveler and Paimeng are both very good people.]

[Xiangling: Well, I testify that Ying and I have only known each other for a few days, and we are very good friends!]

[Ying: Hehe, I am almost embarrassed by your praise.]

[Kong: Still so social ······】

[Ying: Do you have any opinions? ]

[Sora: No (weakly). ]

[Yuan Shang: Hmm (eyes shining)? ! Oh, Miss Traveler, how about I surrender to you, and you will be our princess in the future! ]

[Sora: Yuan Shang, didn’t you clean the toilet enough? ]

[Yuan Shang: See (sigh), it’s not easy to do this job under the command of His Royal Highness the Prince. Oh, I absolutely don’t mean to complain, I just simply put forward some trivial opinions out of the ethics of an Abyss Apostle. ]

[Ying:······Are all the monsters of the Abyss Cult as optimistic and talkative as this one? ]

[Kong: He is a special case (helpless). ]

[Kaeya: Haha, after all, fire elements, except for a few abnormal ones, are all so cheerful. ]

[Diluk: Humph. ]

[Paimon: Wow, this pot is amazing, there is such a large space inside, hehe, will Grandma Ping give us this pot in the future? ]

[A Ping: Hehe, I think I should ask Yan Fei or Gan Yu... No, I should ask Yan Fei for help and make a new pot for you. ]

[Yan Fei: After all, although I am busy, Gan Yu is obviously busier than me, but now the materials for making the Chen Ge pot are becoming more and more scarce, it is difficult to make a pot. I have already found it. I guess by then——】

[Ying: I understand. It must be a special task. And if I am not mistaken, this Dust Song Pot should have opened the home system in the game. ]

[Alice:... You are really a genius. ]

After the video was played, everyone knew why the correct answer was Grandma Ping.

Although more than one viewer noticed that the screen suddenly released a video that seemed to explain the correct answer, it was not because, or not entirely because of explaining why Grandma Ping was the correct answer.

This video is probably more for that part.

"I can't get in! I can't get in no matter how I think about it, right?!"

The scene of Paimon's hair getting angry should be the essence of this video. Even the people of Teyvat who have not experienced the baptism of spoof videos have some basic awareness of tasting videos after these few days of influence.

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