The video was a joke, but it was a joke.

[Ying: I understand. The purpose of this video is to persecute Paimeng. This screen and I can say that heroes think alike! ]

[Paimeng: Humph, how can there be such a boring hero! ]

[Ying: Alas, Paimeng, you are still too sweet and don’t understand the dangers of the world. ]

[Paimeng: ? ? ? ]

A few question marks appeared on Paimeng’s head. She was so confused that she didn’t really understand what Ying said, but her thinking was immediately interrupted because the screen awarded a reward to Yanfei.

[System: Reward the distinguished four-star user Liyue Luoxiang-Yanfei, the horse spell among the twelve spells. ]

[System: The horse talisman is one of the twelve talismans held by the Holy Lord. It contains some of the powers within the Holy Lord. The horse talisman has the power of healing, which can enable the holder to remove all influences caused by external forces. It can give the holder the ability to cure all diseases, and can also restore damaged still objects to their original state. ]

[System: Friendly reminder, the horse talisman has no effect on mental illnesses caused from the inside out, without any external influence. ]

[Yan Fei: I won’t say much about that suspicious nickname. I guess Luo Xiang or something should be a famous lawyer senior in another world? But my reward is actually a talisman from the same series as the reward Miss Ningguang got? ]

[A Ping: The Holy Lord has 12 talismans. Only two of them represent two powers. How powerful is this Holy Lord himself? ]

[Gan Yu: This healing ability, according to the introduction, seems to be much stronger than the auxiliary fairy magic I have mastered. ]

[Xianyun: I don't know if this healing power is useful for wear and tear...]



The words of Master Liuyunjiefeng made many people who suffered from wear and tear or had friends who suffered from wear and tear brighten up, and some people also found the bright spot.

[Ying: There are also things like poisonous blood invasion, which should also be effective. By the way, did Tevarin get beaten up in vain? ]

[Tevarin: Traveler, for my physical and mental health, you don't have to mention this topic. ]

[Ying: Let's change the topic. The Dragon King Ruotu who kept asking "Morax, I will be your immortal" before, is he saved now? ]

[Rotu Dragon King: Hum, I'm not sick, I'm fine! ]

[Zhongli: Well, it's worth a try - Yanfei. ]

[Yanfei: I'm here, Emperor! ]

[Zhongli: Please accompany me tomorrow. ]

[Yan Fei: Your Majesty, you are too kind. It is my honor. ]

Yan Fei's two scallion-like horns trembled a bit. As a young generation among the Liyue fairy beasts, Yan Fei has not experienced war and is a generation born in peacetime.

Now it is as if Yan Fei heard from her father when she was a child that during the Demon God War, the emperor gave an order and all the fairies followed to fight.

This made Yan Fei, a peace-minded person, inexplicably excited.

The fairies and gods of Liyue can be said to be the first to get the moon. As more people realize the effect of this talisman, the top leaders of other countries have also spoken in the discussion area.

[Nashida: Well, if it is possible, Miss Yan Fei, can I invite you to Xumi later? ]

[Ying: Huh? Nashida, is Xumi also worn out and tortured? Or are there any sequelae of forbidden knowledge? ]

[Nashida: How should I put it? Actually, I just learned about some mess in the desert from the Great Compassion Tree King. In short, ——]

[Apep: I'm not sick! I'm not sick! ]

[Nashida: The problem with the Grass Dragon King is also very serious, especially she doesn't cooperate with the treatment. I can only ask Miss Yanfei for help. ]

[Yanfei: No problem. ]

[Apep: I've said I'm not sick. I'm fine!!! ]

[Buyer: Apep, your symptoms are getting worse. I told you a long time ago not to eat anything casually (helpless). ]

[Apep: Humph, even if it's poisonous, it's the reward I deserve! ]

Although I regret eating the body of the Red King, as one of the oldest known dragon kings, Apep must be hard-mouthed, even in the face of justice.

[Funina: We in Fontaine... emmmmm, sincerely invite Miss Yanfei to visit Fontaine for legal exchanges. ]

[Then Villette: ? ? ? I'm still young, so I don't need it...

·Ms. Funina, do you have any questions now? 】

【Funina: Uh, well, it's good to check whether you are sick or not. Besides, Ms. Yanfei is a famous legal expert in Liyue. It is not advisable to learn from others. There is nothing wrong with more exchanges. 】

【Naviette: Well, you make sense. 】

【Navia: I always feel... forget it. 】

【Wendy: Uh, well, the Wind Flower Festival is actually still lacking a legal advisor. Miss Yanfei, you see...】

【Lei Movie: This... um, uh. 】

【Yae Shenzi: Oh, what a pity, Inazuma is still closed. 】

【Raiden General: ······】

Yanfei suddenly found that after she received the reward of this horse talisman, she became a hot topic in the discussion area.

That's true. Among the top powers of all countries in Teyvat, there are very few short-lived mortals. Most of them are demons and immortals.

The biggest trouble for these long-lived beings in Teyvat is wear and tear.

Wear and tear make people crazy, wear and tear make people forget their relatives, and the evil caused by wear and tear can be said to be innumerable.

If the introduction of the horse talisman on this screen is true, without any discount, then Yan Fei will definitely be one of the most handsome guys in Teyvat from now on.

And he is the kind of miracle doctor who can save people from suffering and is welcomed wherever he goes.

After all, you may offend or make friends with a strong man, but for a peerless miracle doctor, normal people will choose to make friends with him, and even the Fatui are no exception.

"That's great. I, a gold medal lawyer, am about to become a miracle doctor in Teyvat."

Looking at the stone talisman with a horse engraved on it that fell from the sky in his hand, Yan Fei was somewhat amused.

But it's okay. As a descendant of the bloodline of Liyue fairy beasts born in peacetime, Yan Fei's personal strength can't be said to be very bad, but she is definitely not a master.

In the past, she was even spotted by the passing Abyss Cult because she was on a business trip at the foot of the snow mountain, and then she was caught by the other party. She almost got into trouble.

If it weren't for Eula who happened to be taking a routine winter swim nearby, ahem, ice bath, and discovered the trick, and then stepped forward, Yan Fei might not be sure what she is like now.

Now it's good, with this horse charm, let's not talk about how much Yan Fei's combat power has been raised out of thin air by relying on this magical healing ability - mainly in terms of endurance.

Just say that with the horse charm, Yan Fei can completely become a nominal guest of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat and receive the Prime Minister's token of the Seven Kingdoms.

It can be said that in Teyvat, except for the Abyss Cult with brain problems, people from other countries, as long as their brains are normal, will only have goodwill towards her, not hostility.

[Kong: This... Ms. Yan Fei, do you think our Abyss Cult can still be saved? 】

Well, for the sake of the traveler, the Abyss Cult can change its style of doing things.

【Yan Fei: Alas (helpless), I know, I will clear the work on hand in the next two days, and then travel around the world. 】

Although she really wants to stay in Liyue Harbor and be an ordinary gold medal lawyer, as a lawyer, Yan Fei is still very rational, knowing what she should do best after receiving this reward.

Apart from anything else, it is necessary to go through the seven countries of Teyvat first, and it is necessary to go. If you stay in Liyue Harbor, the longer you delay, the easier it is for the other six countries to have bad thoughts about Liyue.

Although there is the Emperor, there will definitely not be any big trouble, but it is so unfair to cause such a big trouble when you have nothing to do.

As for the future, we can talk about it later.

【Yan Fei: Who is this Holy Lord? He has already been hit by two talismans on the screen. He actually has ten such magical talismans? ]

[Nashida: Twelve law-based powers, and it is not certain that these are all the abilities of the Holy Lord. I guess this Holy Lord is also the top existence in their world. ]

[Ying: But the title of Holy Lord... I always feel that he does not sound like a decent person. ]

[Xingqiu: Hmm? Aren't they all good people if they are "Holy Lords"? ]

[Ying: Let me ask you, in martial arts novels, is the Holy Church a decent one? Is the Holy Lady a good person? How many of the characters with the word "holy" in their names are positive characters? ]

[Xingqiu:... You make sense. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Moreover, such a powerful character with a variety of abilities, in addition to being the background boss of the positive side, is more likely to be the biggest enemy of the protagonist. ]

[Alice: The enemy is always described as very powerful and perfect. Otherwise, the work would be much less enjoyable. ]

[Ying: Not really.

I know if these twelve spells will be picked up by the screen as rewards in the end. 】

[Xiangling: Well, even if the Saint Lord is a villain, I feel a little sorry for him. 】

After sighing about the great life and...death of the Saint Lord whom I had never met, everyone had a great debate on how many ways the horse spell in Yanfei's hand could be used.

Even Hu Tao suggested on the spot that we should just try it directly on Xiao the Great Sage. If we can directly clear away the karma of the Great Sage, wouldn't that be a big profit?

As for Xiao's karma being completely cleared, is the previously rewarded Merit Immortal Life Release Machine 2.0 still useful...

Of course it is still useful.

After all, as long as Xiao continues to fulfill his contract with Zhongli and hoes the land in Liyue every night with high intensity, his karma will still accumulate bit by bit.

After all, the horse charm is Yan Fei's treasure. Even if she cleans Xiao regularly in the future, it will be a bit troublesome. It is better to use the Merit Immortal Release Machine 2.0 to brush merit every day.

After all, merit is a thing. You don't know when it will be useful and what it can be used for. Merit can be said to be a versatile thing. It is not just a simple way to eliminate karma. It may also be very useful in other mysterious places.

Anyway, Xiao brushes merit every day, except for wasting some fish. There are many benefits.

And Yan Fei doesn't have to worry about how much karma Xiao has accumulated all the time, and she lives a relaxed and free life.

However, this discussion is just the beginning. Before it started, a new prompt appeared on the screen. Today's fourth video appeared.

[System: Now playing the fourth video-Kong, your magic is a bit exaggerated... eh? ? ! ]

[Ying: ? ? ? Brother's video? ]

[Kong: I don't know (confused). ]

[Linnie: Magic? Haha, when it comes to magic, I'm a professional. ]

[Linette: I always feel that my brother will have a role in this video. ]

[Femini: Yes, yes, it will definitely be. ]

[Servant: ······]

[Funina: Hum~hum, magic show? Then let me, the most famous star in Fontaine, come and appreciate it! ]

[Navia: Funina, do you feel that every time you get arrogant, you will be defeated immediately? ]

[Funina: Huh? How could this happen? It's impossible! ]

[Xiawolei: This, Lady Funina······]

[Claurinde: Actually, you don't have to be so confident······]

[Funina: Ha, whose side are you on? 】

Although Funina said so on the surface, in fact, after being reminded by Navia just now, she also felt a little uneasy.

After all, it is hard to say whether it has been like this before, but with this screen that is always watching the fun, it is very likely to be like this in the future.

Does this guy think that I am easy to bully? !

Funina had the urge to bite the handkerchief overflowing with water elements.

However, the beginning of the video still made Funina feel relieved.

Because after the buffering on the screen was completed, the first person to appear in the video, although the camera did not show the whole body, from the mysterious lower half of the face, or from the signature poker, and the very distinctive clothes, everyone recognized that the person who was fiddling with the poker was Linni, the magician who was recently becoming famous in Fontaine.

This mysterious genius magician who was born as an orphan can be said to be a topic of some importance in Fontaine recently.

He has just debuted, but his influence is not small. He has the momentum to step on the old magicians of Fontaine. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he will become the most popular magician in Fontaine in the near future.

In the video, Linny picked up three magic playing cards, smiled mysteriously at the camera, and then took off the hat on his head with his other hand. After a while of playing, Linny's magic hat slid from left to right and fell very smoothly on the oak table with a sense of age.

After Linny gestured, he threw the three playing cards into the hat.

After all the preparations were completed, Linnet, who was drinking coffee calmly across the table, seemed not to care about what Linny was doing at all, snapped his fingers.

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