The more you imitate, the more likely you are to be a fan.

【Linette: Yes (nods), it's my brother, both his movements and expressions are exactly the same as usual. 】

【Femini: So amazing, it's so lifelike, the creator of this video must be a loyal fan of Lini and others, right? 】

【Lini: Uh, this...】

Lini, who has known the changes in people's hearts since childhood, is a little embarrassed. Imitation is nothing, but imitation is so similar, the fan content is very scary.

Of course, it is not ruled out that I have a more important role in the Fontaine chapter in the game, or I am more popular with players... How do the screenwriters of these games design their own plots? The more I think about it, the more curious I am.

When Linny began to speculate about his image in the outside world and his experience in the game, others also discovered more information.

[Kaeya: Oh, the style of the table and chairs you are sitting on, as well as the decorations in the background of the video, are a little familiar. It seems that they are gifts from the angels of Master Diluk of Mondstadt. ]

[Fischl: Really? ! Will the great magician of Fontaine come to Mondstadt to perform? ]

[Linny: Uh, this, this should be a secondary creation video? After all, Linnet and I have not been to Mondstadt recently. No, it should be said that we have no plans to go abroad. ]

[Linnet: After all, we have just made some names in the magic world of Fontaine. Now is the time to seize the victory and it is unlikely to go abroad. ]

[Fischl: Disappointed... Ahem, it's a pity that we can't declare the splendor of the Pure Land of the Night to magicians from foreign countries. ]

[Oz: The lady means that she hopes Mr. Linny can consider performing in Mondstadt in the future. There are also many children in Mondstadt who like magic. ]

[Fischl: Oz! ]

[Linny: Ahahaha, I, I will consider it. ]

[Ying: Uh, actually I had a question before. In this world with the Eye of God and gods, does magic still have such a big influence? ]

Seeing the traveler's question, Linny, who is not very good at dealing with Chuunibyou, breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took over the conversation.

[Linny: Hum~hum, of course, no matter what kind of world, art always has its fascinating aspects. Or, it is precisely because Teyvat has gods, the Eye of God, and various extraordinary powers that my magic can fascinate people and succeed, which makes people feel more excited! ]

[Linette: My brother is excited. ]

[Ying: Okay, is this video related to that guy Sora? ]

[Sora: At least (wipes sweat), call me brother, right? ]

[Paimon: Wow, Ying, your brother feels so humble now. ]

[Ying: Humph. ]

[Funina: That's what I mean. It's obviously our great magician from Fontaine who is performing magic. Your Highness, the "Prince" of the Abyss, don't mess with me and take advantage of the popularity. ]

Funina, who is suspected to be the leader of the Abyss Cult, is not so friendly and polite.

Over the past few hundred years, the Abyss Cult has done a lot of evil on the continent of Teyvat. The phrase "public enemy of civilized society" is enough to describe the reputation of the Abyss Cult in Teyvat.

The Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat can maintain such a wide alliance in the known world. In addition to the institutional factors that are different from the seven worldly rulers in other worlds, there is also the civilized society of Teyvat. There is indeed a role like an external enemy that threatens them all the time and is completely incompatible with civilized society - the Abyss Cult.

Having a common external enemy is the most powerful guarantee for the seven countries under the Seven Rulers of Teyvat to maintain the covenant.

Although Fernina pretended to be the God of Water and was not the real ruler of water, she was the supreme leader of Fontaine after all, handling government affairs for five hundred years and really led Fontaine through these five hundred years.

It is even because Fernina pretended to be the God of Water, so in a sense, she was more diligent and attentive than other rulers in handling public affairs and state affairs, which led to the current Fontaine, compared with Fontaine five hundred years ago, it is undoubtedly more prosperous.

If it were not for the fact that the currency issuance rights of Teyvat were firmly in the hands of Liyue, she could have tried to challenge Liyue's economic dominance.

In these five hundred years, as the leader of Fontaine, Fernina naturally had many grudges with the Abyss Cult, which always made trouble.

To be honest, if it were not for the original fate, the traveler who was destined to form a "bond and friendship" with her and break the prophecy of heaven together

For Ying's sake, she had already fallen out with the prince of the Abyss Cult.

Dare to be the public enemy of civilized society?

I'll break your asshole!

Well, it's not just Funina. In fact, most of the star users from other countries in the discussion area didn't get too nervous and hostile with Kong in the discussion area for Ying's sake.

However, after Funina pricked Kong lightly, she was shocked to see that on the screen, as Linni performed magic for Linnet, the camera of the video gradually zoomed out until the guests at the next table to Linni were also pulled into the camera.

The true identities of the two guests sitting opposite each other at the next table were undoubtedly very surprising.

They were Kong and Funina who turned their heads to watch Linni perform magic.

From this perspective, the two were still sitting opposite each other very intimately, like a date, sitting on both sides of a double table in the Angel's Gift.

[Funina: ? ? ? ]

[Ying: Look, my brother has appeared, hasn't he? ]

[Navia: So, Furninna, I told you a long time ago that when you become arrogant, you always get beaten. ]

[Sigwen: Huh~ Huh~. ]

[Furninna: Um, wait, wait, this should be, um, yes, it's the kind of secondary creation, and the creator created it according to the if line that the Traveler chose your brother. ]

In her urgency, Furninna still had some quick wits and immediately analyzed that this was definitely a video created in the if line of Sora becoming the Traveler.

It's definitely not that she was too stressed out by pretending to be the God of Water and went on a date with the prince of the Abyss Cult because of mental disorder.

[Ying: Oh, it seems so, then what? ]

[Furninna: Of course, then, as close friends who saved Fontaine together, it's normal to go out for dinner together, right? ]

[Xiawolei: Crossing half of Teyvat and running to Mondstadt's famous tavern for a date is normal? ]

[Funina: Shut up! ]

[Kong: Ahem, this is not certain yet, read on. ]

[Funina: Yes, I completely agree with Mr. Kong this time. It's not even a scratch, why are you drawing conclusions so early? ! ]

[Lisa: I remember there's an old saying in Liyue. ]

[Xingqiu: Don't cry until you see the coffin? ]

[Nashida: So that's how it is, very vivid. ]

For a while, the discussion area was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

It turns out that the law of conservation of smiles is still valid in the vast world.

The smile will not disappear, it will only transfer from one person's face to another's.

As everyone joked, the video continued.

When Linny produced a bright red rose from his magic hat, bowed his head slightly, and handed it to Linnet in a very ceremonial manner, the camera of the video began to slowly focus on the near distance.

The figures of Linny and Linnet gradually blurred, while the figures of Kong and Funina, who had just witnessed Linny's romantic magic, gradually became clear.

At this time, the video also sounded a somewhat ambiguous and lingering BGM, and the song

"How to describe you most appropriately, what can be compared with you to be special."


Funina turned her head, clasped her hands in front of her, and looked at Kong with bright eyes, looking forward to it. That meant, others are so romantic, but you don't show any expression?

Kong turned his head and saw Funina like this, feeling a little helpless.

He looked at Funina lovingly, as if to say "I really can't do anything with you", and then leaned forward and took off Funina's crown hat.

Finnina looked at Sora's hand that took her hat with a strange look, not knowing what he was going to do.

However, after seeing Sora pretend to make a silent gesture to her, Finnina simply gave up thinking and decided to leave everything to her lover and just enjoy herself.

She smiled, rested her hands on her chin, leaned forward slightly, looked at Sora expectantly, and at the same time signaled Sora to start his performance.

[Ying: Oh, Sora, your eyes and expression give me goose bumps! ]

[Finnina: Ah, I don't admit it! This is absolutely not true! ! ! ! ]

[Claurinde: Lady Finnina buried her head in the pillow to escape reality. ]

[Charlotte: Ah, how should I put it, I can already hear people throwing things and cursing outside the newspaper office, it's normal for Lady Finnina to be upset. ]

[Finnina: It's decided, let's launch a great expedition against the Abyss Cult! 】

【Kong: Why? Do I have to suffer this misfortune? 】

【Funina: I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care! 】


Lei: What should we do now? ]

[Navia: It's okay, look at me - Fernina, I don't know whether you should be thankful or regretful now. ]

[Fernina: You, what are you talking about (tearful eyes). ]

[Xiawolei: Fortunately, in our world, the traveler is Ying, not Sora, so the relationship that gradually deteriorates after fighting together will not appear, and the date after the elopement will not happen... Well, I should (not sure). ]

[Fernina: It will definitely not happen! Why are you unsure? ! ]

[Xiawolei: What if Lady Fernina likes Mr. Sora (whispering)? ]

[Chiori: Let me guess, the regret should be that at least you in that world over there met a beautiful love, right? ]

[Fernina: ·······]

[Fernina: No (powerless), forget it, Fontaine can't be saved, how can I have a home. ]

[Kong: Indeed, how can we start a family if the law of nature is not destroyed! ]

[Ying: Wait? You dare to overturn the law of nature, and really want to stay in Teyvat to start a family? What about our trip? What about our brother and sister's dependence on each other? ! ]

[Kong: Uh, this, we always have enough time, leaving a few hundred or a thousand——]

[Ying: Okay, Paimon, let's divide the luggage and go our separate ways. I'm going to leave Teyvat and find a new home alone. ]

[Kong: Wait, I'm kidding! I just saw that the atmosphere was there and wanted to liven it up? ! ]

[Ying: Humph. ]

[Funina: Mr. Kong, we are not suitable, really (sincerely). ]

[Kong: I didn't ask you (mad)! 】

Although the relationship between Funina and Kong in the discussion area is becoming more and more tense and strange, the two people in the video are still very sweet, so sweet that many people simply put down their rice spoons, knives, forks and chopsticks because they feel they are full.

Even the locals of Fontaine have already clamored to launch a great expedition against the Abyss Cult. Funina is not only the water god in the eyes of the Fontaine people, but also a big star and mascot that the Fontaine people love and are proud of.

Get involved with Funina?

Little guy, I think you don't want to mix.

So it was just that Funina's angry words just now were fooled by Navia and the others, otherwise Fontaine could really start preparing for war now.

Just like what the traveler said in the discussion area before, at this moment, the performance of Kong and Funina in the video is really sweet enough to make people's teeth fall out.

"My feelings for you are strong, but I don't know much, just relying on intuition~"

The lyrics representing the hazy love are still ringing.

Funina sat opposite Sora, watching Sora rummaging in and out of his hat, with a little bit of anticipation and a little bit of trepidation on her face, swaying her body cutely.

Sora pretended to rummage in his hat, and then took his hand out of the hat just like Lini had conjured up a red rose before.

But this time, Sora's hands were empty, he just made a half heart shape with his hands and stretched them out towards Funina.

This rustic way of expressing love made the experienced Funina burst out laughing, but after laughing, Funina was not angry because Sora didn't conjure anything, and was still ready to cooperate with Sora to complete his performance.

Turning her head, she saw Sora reaching his hand forward further, and this time Funina had an expression of "I really can't do anything with you", and then she honestly stretched out her hand, ready to complete a heart gesture with Sora.

Looking at Sora and Funina, who seemed to be completely immersed in their own world, Linnet, who noticed the movement and turned her head to look at them without even drinking her coffee, looked like the most ordinary and passionate couples that can be seen everywhere in Teyvat, making a heart shape in the air, and the discussion area was silent for three seconds.

[Ying: Sweet, too sweet, so sweet that my teeth hurt. ]

[Navilette: Ms. Funina, as the water god of Fontaine, I suggest you think about your emotional problems properly. ]

[Funina: I told you that it wasn't me! Even if it's from a parallel world, it can't be me. This is definitely a more inexplicable secondary creation than that of the ice god Xeno! ]

[Tinari: Xumi was caught in the crossfire for no reason. ]

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