How come you have such strong superpowers?

Chapter 4 The atmosphere has been enhanced to this point, but it is not dead.

Dreams are a very magical existence.

When you are in it, no matter how weird the content is, you don't realize that it is a dream.

But after waking up, it was difficult to remember the details clearly.

The dazzling sunlight shines on the face.

Chen Lusi's eyelids moved and he slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he opened them halfway, he couldn't help but raise his hand to block the sunlight.

It's too glaring.

He felt that he had just had a long, long dream.

But after suddenly waking up, I couldn't remember anything.


Chen Lusi gradually adapted to the sunshine, moved the hand in front of her eyes, looked at the blue sky, recalled for a while, and sat up suddenly.

"Hey...are you awake?"

And just sat up.

He heard a familiar voice, turned around and saw... a simple and decent white shirt, and an amazing chest wrapped in the white shirt.

Chen Lusi paused, then slowly moved his eyes upward.

A beautiful and dignified face appeared in sight.

With natural affinity.

Lin Ying lowered her head and looked at him, gently shook her casually tied ponytail, and said with a chuckle: "Won't you look at him for a little longer?"

"Why are you here?"

Chen Lusi ignored her and asked, lifting up his clothes and looking down at his chest.

No wounds.


There is a scar... extending from the right shoulder to the left abdomen.

This means that what just happened was not a dream.

But if it wasn't a dream, the wound that almost cut him in half would now only have a scar left... How long have you been sleeping?

Think of this.

Chen Lusi raised his head: "Have I been asleep for a long time?"

"Probably soon."

Lin Ying seemed to know what he was thinking, and raised her arm to let him look at the old watch on her white wrist.

Three forty.

Less than an hour has passed.

After checking the time clearly.

Chen Lusi fell silent and looked down at his chest again.

"what's on your mind?"

"I was thinking that the atmosphere was heightened, but I didn't die. It was a bit embarrassing..."


Lin Ying stretched out her voice, lowered her head and looked at Chen Lusi's profile, then pulled a high chair and sat down beside him, sighing: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that asking you to sweep the tomb can solve the problem. You are involved... Have you gone to pay your respects to your parents?"

Chen Lusi subconsciously replied: "Well, I helped my uncle and aunt clean up the weeds. Anyway, I did everything I had to do..."

The reason why he went up the mountain was because of this person's entrustment.

But he soon realized something was wrong, turned around and asked curiously: "What are you apologizing for?"

"...Actually, I didn't work in a foreign trade company, so I lied."

Lin Ying's friendly white face showed an apologetic expression.

As she spoke, she raised her hand, untied Chen Lusi's ponytail, tied his hair, and at the same time pulled his head away to make him look to the other side.

At this time.

Only then did Chen Lusi notice.

On the other side, there was a group of people staring directly at him.

The leader was a tall man...really tall, nearly two meters tall by visual inspection. Although his figure was not strong, his height alone was very oppressive.

And there was a girl standing next to him.

Wearing simple casual pants and a T-shirt, he looks young, wears a pair of round glasses, and has a pretty short hair that just blocks the snow neck.

quite pretty.

I don’t know if it’s because of the tall man next to me.

She looked extremely petite.

Of course, conversely, it can also be said that she makes the man look taller.

Behind the two people, there were more than ten people.

They were wearing police uniforms, and they were the same group of people Chen Lusi met when he went down the mountain.

But they are not as easy to talk to now as they were then.

All holding guns.

He was staring at Chen Lusi warily.

"I thought you were going to chat for a long time...Hello, my name is Xia Yue, you can call me Ah Yue."

The tall man noticed Chen Lusi's gaze, raised his head, and showed a sunny smile.

Just like meeting a like-minded friend while playing baseball, he introduced himself naturally.


Chen Lusi looked up at the sky.

"The yue of the sword, the axe, the yue...forget it, as long as the pronunciation is correct."

Ah Yue explained, but he seemed to have encountered this kind of thing a lot. Halfway through, he waved his hand and did not continue to explain, but said: "Please tell me what happened today, especially you." What I experienced an hour ago, the strange things I encountered, the specific process... Anyway, try to be as detailed as possible."

"Is it true that superpowers are unfolding?" Chen Lusi couldn't help but ask.

"You can use it as a super power. We will inform you of the specific situation later, but now..."

Ah Yue smiled and made a gesture of invitation: "You should speak first."

Beside him, the petite girl took out a thick notebook from nowhere and looked at Chen Lusi as well.


Chen Lusi took a deep breath. Although he still didn't understand the situation, he still planned to explain it to these professional-looking people: "When I was sweeping the tomb and going down the mountain, I met..."

"Whose child is this?"

But as soon as he started, he was interrupted by Lin Ying, who was helping him tie his hair.

Chen Lusi couldn't help but turn his head, and then froze in place.

Not far away, a lolita wearing a long white dress was slowly walking towards this side.

She has a cute, doll-like face, and long, silky black hair that almost reaches her ankles.

Although expressionless.

But anyone who sees it will say it’s cute.

Except Chen Lusi.

Although it has been reduced across the board.

Became a lolita.

But as Chen Lusi, who had just had a caesarean relationship with the other party, he still recognized who this loli was at a glance.

The girl who had just stabbed herself.

"Ayue...the person involved is here."

Chen Lusi grabbed Lin Ying, who was about to stand up to greet her, and then looked back at the tall man who called himself Ah Yue.


Ah Yue looked at Loli, who was walking non-stop, with some surprise.

Others also glanced at Loli, and then... all turned their heads and looked at Chen Lusi suspiciously.

They don't believe it.


The little girl came to Lin Ying, faced Lin Ying who was about to speak, and raised her hand.

She raised her arms as if to touch Lin Ying's face with her little hands.

But the next second.


A strand of black hair fell to the ground.

The tip of her harmless little hand suddenly turned into a sharp blade blooming with cold light. The blade directly rubbed Lin Ying's face and appeared in front of Chen Lusi.


The little girl raised her upper part, although it was still an arm, but the lower part had turned into a slender, sharp-edged arm, and stared at Lin Ying indifferently.

Lin Ying seemed to be blocking her way.


Everyone who had just suspected Chen Lusi, as if facing a formidable enemy, picked up their guns and turned on the safety.

The petite girl next to Ah Yue reacted the fastest.

The moment the blade appears.


Her expression changed, and she immediately threw the notebook at Ah Yue, and then rushed towards the little girl's location like a cannonball.

The strong wind picked up the clothes of Ah Yue and others.

Chen Lusi didn't wait for a reaction.

The next moment.

The petite girl appeared above the little girl and reached out to grab her little head.

In an almost frozen time.

The little girl's dark eyes moved slightly, glanced above, and then turned her gaze to Chen Lusi. Her body suddenly turned into a faint starlight, and slowly disappeared into Chen Lusi's body like smoke.

The petite girl in mid-air loosened her hands, did a backflip, and landed on the ground. Her eyes passed over Lin Ying, and she frowned slightly and looked at Chen Lusi.

Chen Lusi's body stiffened, and he suddenly let go of Lin Ying's hand, jumped off the round table, and raised his right arm.


At the front of the arm, a long and thin sharp blade appeared.

Very weird.

But with a weird beauty.

But Chen Lusi didn't care about the sense of beauty. He widened his eyes and shouted directly.

" body started to move on its own!"

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