You may not believe it.

The body can actually have self-awareness...

Chen Lusi really didn't want to jump down. He was so tired from the day that it was too late to lie down.

Not to mention turning his hands into blades.

But the body started to move on its own, not obeying his orders at all.

Though my thinking was not affected.

But he was really almost in a vegetative state at the moment. The difference was probably that although his body didn't obey his commands, he could still feel it.

Just like a phantom limb.

And it is precisely because of this situation.

Witnessing the flesh and blood on the front of his right arm spreading forward and gradually forming a thin and long blade... it seemed even more terrifying.

It feels so weird.

Others present heard his shouting and didn't react much.

Everyone just turned their attention to his arm.

After Chen Lusi 'examined' his right arm that had turned into a sharp blade, he looked at the petite girl who rushed towards him at the beginning, and moved his right leg back slightly.

The next second.

He lowered his body and walked straight towards the petite girl.

Although his speed is not as fast as that of a young girl, according to Chen Lusi's own evaluation, he is much faster than a professional sprinter.


In a blink of an eye.

The blade came to the girl's neck.

The girl leaned back, in a position that would have broken her waist if an ordinary person had done it, and barely dodged the blade that was slashing at her.

The sharp blade passed over her face, splitting several hairs into two instantly.

One hit missed.

Chen Lusi flipped his arm, the blade changed from horizontal to vertical, and slashed downwards.

The girl calmly turned her head away again and straightened up.

Chen Lusi, or to be precise, the controlled Chen Lusi was not discouraged and attacked again.

The girl retreated, dodging Chen Lusi's attacks again and again, while looking at Chen Lusi who continued to attack, she murmured: "The arm can turn into a knife, and the blade is unimaginably sharp. Ordinary people can't dodge if they are caught off guard. ...You are extremely dangerous."

"not me."

Chen Lusi heard it and responded.

Yes, the mouth is still his own.

The only thing he can control in his body is his mouth.

The girl ignored Chen Lusi, avoiding the blade while sizing him up. After discovering that he had long hair, her expression became a little complicated.

"Hey, handsome guy, are you still conscious? Can you still talk?"

At this time, Ah Yue in the distance called him: "If you can, please continue talking."

"In this situation?"

Chen Lusi couldn't turn his head, so he could only reply with his back to the other party.

Ah Yue replied: "Yes, this will also allow me to better assess your situation. Don't worry, we will definitely subdue you."


Chen Lusi panted slightly.

Although he said he couldn't control his body, the feeling of exhaustion and breathlessness was all his.

This time he was slashing left and right, and his lungs were burning again.

He held on and breathlessly began to describe his experiences that day: "I went down the mountain while sweeping tombs...and got lost...and then I encountered a stone niche dedicated to the mountain god...the stone was smiling...I chose to leave immediately..."

"Then all the way down the mountain, I didn't encounter any other strange things, but when I was about to reach the bottom of the mountain, I suddenly met a girl in a white dress...The next thing I knew, the person disappeared, and I saw everyone in the security force."

Ah Yue looked back at the person in charge of the security force next to him.

"Yes, I thought he was an ordinary person sweeping the grave, so I didn't ask any more questions." The person in charge nodded.

"Okay, I understand, what's next?"

Ah Yue looked back at Chen Lusi who was still killing people.

"Then, I came back to eat. It was normal at first...but suddenly it rain...the rain became heavier and heavier...I hid in the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall...inexplicably saw a figure in the rain, And there were cries.”

"The crying was getting louder and louder. I felt that I couldn't go on like this, so I walked out... As soon as I walked out, the ancestral hall disappeared and I stood in the rain... Then the girl in a white dress appeared again and said: Bufa stabbed me for no reason."

"Then I lost consciousness. You all know what happened when I woke up. The girl turned into a lolita and is now controlling me to kill people."

"A girl in a white dress, black rain..."

Ah Yue touched his chin, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Apart from the girl in the white dress, is there nothing else in the rain?"

"To be honest, it's enough."

Chen Lusi smiled bitterly and panted: "If a few more people come, I guess they won't be hacked, and I'll be in doubt as to who I am now."

"That makes sense."

Ah Yue smiled and then looked around: "But it always feels a bit inconsistent. A single legend in a place like this should logically not have such a big battle."

"Could it be a legend traced back to its source?"

The head of the garrison thought for a while and asked.

"If it were this kind of existence, the danger level would not be so low, and I wouldn't have time to chat with you now. Although I don't deny the possibility of misplaced authority, it's not like it. How could it be so simple and crude to just cut with a knife? Human.”

Ah Yue smiled and said: "Besides, no matter how unreliable Kunlun's side is, this won't be all wrong."

"They can do anything wrong." The head of the garrison said with a sullen face.

"Haha, he is indeed a good brother of our Tiance Mansion."

Ayue patted him on the shoulder: "What you say is what you listen to."

The person in charge of the garrison did not reply, but looked at Chen Lusi who was slashing the man again, and asked: "What should we do now?"

"Well... lend me a gun."

Ah Yue thought for a moment and stretched out his hand.

The person in charge of the garrison handed over the dagger in his hand without saying a word.

"Not really."

Ah Yue glanced at Lin Ying who was standing quietly not far away, looked at Lin Ying here, and said helplessly: "This is an acquaintance of Lin Ying, a person with mental abilities that I finally found, and I don't want him to give up his job." , so I have to borrow people everywhere again.

Lao Li, you don’t want your wife not to recognize you when you go back, but think you are the family dog ​​and serve you a bowl of dog food, right? A pistol, a pistol will do. "


The person in charge twitched his eyes, put away his short sword, pulled out the pistol from his waist and handed it over.

Ah Yue took the gun, weighed it for a moment, then raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at Chen Lusi's head, who was constantly moving around.

Then, the muzzle of the gun slowly moved down, aiming at the flank.

This position avoids major organs, so there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Ah Yue's index finger exerted force and directly pulled the trigger.


Smoke slowly spurted out from the muzzle, along with tiny sparks.

The bullet rotated in the barrel of the gun, flew out of the muzzle along the rifling, tore through the air, and flew towards Chen Lusi.

Chen Lusi, who was still working tirelessly to kill people, suddenly stopped suddenly when the trigger was pulled, turned around suddenly, spun around, and swung his left arm back hard.

A cold light appears.

As if frozen in time.

The bullet in mid-air collided with the thin blade accurately.

Sparks burst out.

The bullet followed the thin blade and split into two.

Immediately afterwards.



The air waves blew Chen Lusi's hair.

Two voices came.

The former is the sound of bullets hitting iron.

The latter came from Chen Lusi's arm.


He showed a pained expression and took a deep breath.


Ah Yue handed the gun back to the person in charge, shook his head and smiled: "It must have been dislocated..."

"The other hand can also become... more dangerous."

the other side.

The petite girl seized the opportunity, came behind Chen Lusi in an instant, and said these words.

Without waiting for Chen Lusi to react.

She directly hit Chen Lusi on the back of the head with a powerful and heavy knife.

Chen Lusi's vision went dark, he instantly lost consciousness and fell backwards.

At the same time, both arms quickly returned to normal.

The petite girl is a master who cares about killing and not burying him. After knocking Chen Lusi unconscious, although she caught him, she only helped him connect his dislocated shoulder, pushed him forward, turned around and left.

Lin Ying had already come forward to meet him. She immediately took a few steps and reached out to catch Chen Lusi.

But a grown man seemed too heavy for her.

Although she caught Chen Lusi, she failed to stand and fell to her knees on the ground.


The petite girl turned around to leave, but suddenly she felt a chill behind her... She turned her head in confusion, looked at Lin Ying who was hugging Chen Lusi, and asked curiously: "Lin Ying, what's wrong?"


Lin Ying knelt on the ground, let Chen Lusi lean into her arms, and then smiled brightly at her.

Like a flower.

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