How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 103 - Allspice Flower

-Malia's POV-

It had been 3 hours since Jace asked Naz to the dance. I looked at the clock ticking in front of the classroom. The lesson drained on in a slow agonizing pace and I found myself sweating in my hoodie. I shook the top of it exhaling and trying to let some air in.

'How long are you going to damage yourself like this?! Do you want to die?!' Nina yelled, trying to convince me to give her back my body.

'Just until the dance.' I reassured her, feeling my body temperature rising. 

Sara sat next to me, twirling her pen between her fingers while looking at the chalkboard with math symbols written all over it. I shifted in my seat, looking out of the window to check if it was open. 

It was. It was wide open. Yet I felt like the first time I was about to shift.

The room started to blur and I felt as if the floor was moving up and down like a seesaw. I tried to control my breathing, holding onto Sara so I don't lose my balance at the dizzy illusion.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale… Inhale...Exh-


My eyes shot wide open as my vision cleared. The teacher looked at me with a furious glare and all the students were now facing me. I stood up, holding myself up with all my will. Sara gave me a look of concern as to which I ignored, facing up at the teacher.

"Yes sir?" I replied weakly.

"The question on the board, Miss Stronghold. Please solve it."

I looked at the board for a second before looking back at him. "6986…" I deadpanned, before earning a nod from him. Sara pulled me down as I sat down again.

"Are you okay?" she whispered, feeling my forehead.

"I feel really hot." I sighed, leaning into her cold hand on my forehead.

"Malia, you're cold to the touch." Sara's eyebrows furrowed, leaning over me to close the window.

My eyes widened as I held her wrist with a swift movement. "Dont." I growled, looking at her with a glare.

Her hand started to shake as she took in a big gulp, looking around. "Your eyes…" she reminded me as I tilted my head before shaking myself out of whatever trance I was in.  I loosened my grip on her wrist and she sat herself back down, rubbing the red mark I had accidently made.


The bell rang as the teacher hurried out of the classroom, not wanting to be stuck in a hall full of students. The others in the class hurried out after him, nearly jumping over the poor teacher whilst I waited for Sara to pack her things.

I held my back but Sara took it off of me. "I'll hold it for you. Let's go to the infirmary." she said, holding my bag like a baby while holding my wrist.

"I don't think the nurse can treat ancient spirit wolves." I said but Sara didn't listen, dragging me into the filled hallway.

People moved out of our way like they always did when they saw me. I was well known in this school not only for my looks but because of last year's tournament where I let Sara win. I was the strongest girl in the school apparently and had many senior friends. People gave me friendly smiles, making some space for Sara and I to walk through as I thanked them.

We walked past Jace, Naz and Zeref but they were on the opposite side of the hallway. I made eye contact with Zeref and mouthed 'one sec' before he disappeared from my sight.


We entered the nurse's room which smelt like lavenders and tea. The nurse walked up to us from behind a white curtain with a glass of half drunken water in her hands.

"Oh dearie! Hello Malia and Princess Saraphina. How may I help you?" she smiled with her cheeks pink from working. I smiled, letting Sara do the talking.

"Malia is feeling a little dizzy. May we borrow a bed for an hour?" Sara smiled as the nurse nodded.

"Well of course dear. Follow me." she said, waddling her 5ft small body towards a white curtain near the cabinets. "Here you are. I'll bring you some water."

Sara and I entered the room, sitting on the bed while the nurse scurried out.

As soon as the curtains closed, Sara zoomed into the cabinet searching through the bottles.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, walking to the cabinet.

"Looking for a crushed allspice flower." she whispered.

"Isn't that poisonous?" 

"Not to spirit wolves. It helps strengthen and recharge you." she said, still looking past all the labelled glass bottles.

I reached down, helping her until I found a bottle labeled 'Crushed Calycanthus occidentalis'. I picked it up, handing it to her to which she quickly shoved it into her pocket and rushed us back to the bed.

We waited a few minutes before the nurse came back with a glass of water which I gulped down quickly.

"Thank you!" Sara said before holding my shoulders and pushing me out of the nurses room with her.


We sat in the bathroom next to the sink as Sara shook her water bottle with the crushed allspice flower inside.

I watched her carefully. That flower was poisonous. Could I trust her?

She handed it to me and as soon as I sniffed it, my dizziness disappeared making my eyes widen.

'OMG OMG DRINK IT MALIA!' Nina urged as I hesitantly put the bottle against my lips and took a large gulp.

"Don't drink too much. It's a rare flower." Sara smiled as I put the bottle cap back on and handed it to her.

"No, it's fine. You keep it. It'll kill me if I drink it hehe." she pushed the bottle back towards me.

"Thank you."

One of the stalls emitted a loud flush before the door opened.

"Oh hey Malia!" a girl with pigtails walked out. She looked to be in a younger year and was super small and cute.

"Hey," I smiled. I didn't know her name so I just waved slightly as she washed her hands.

"I'm voting for you as Valentine Queen-"

"Of course you are. Now run along kid." Sara rolled her eyes, shooing the girl away.

I smiled at her one last time before she was pushed out of the bathroom.

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