How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 104 - Asked To The Dance

-Malia's POV-

"Damn, why are you so annoyed?" I scoffed.

"Ugh." Sara rolled her eyes, as we both walked out of the bathroom.

I giggled, putting the bottle in my bag. She watched me intently before speaking, "Who else knows?"

I froze, looking up at her with sad eyes.

"Just you and this other girl called Dianmu." I smiled, the guilt rising in me. I looked into her eyes, doubting if I could confide in her. "I think I'm going to die…"

Her smile dropped as everything went silent. "What?"


I told everything. I needed to. I couldn't keep my secret in anymore. 

I told her about Nina's life, my recovery and the risks I was taking right now. I told her why I acted like a predator around her and what happened the day I shifted.

She sat opposite me as we sat on the side of the empty hallway. Sara's eyes watered as she nodded at the overwhelming information.

"Sorry for overwhelming you. I just felt so guilty for hiding it from the ones I love." I curled up in a ball, tucking my head in between my knees and trying not to cry.

I felt like I'd been placed in a black vortex. An empty void.

I spent months in my own shell with no power over myself and now that I finally did, I felt no better.

I have nothing right now. 

I have a memory of my past life living inside me and I have what's left of my broken self.

Why? Why would the monarchs give me a power that would just kill me in the end. That would break me. That would separate me from the ones I loved most.

"You're not going to die. I'll figure something out. The royal wolf family has a lot of remedies. I'll find something." Sara rubbed my back, shaking and sniffling.

"We just made up. I haven't appreciated you enough. Please don't leave..." she hugged me, wrapping her arms around my curled up figure. 

I sat with her cradling me for a while before I got up, wiping my puffy eyes. I blinked rapidly, trying to alleviate the redness.

"We should go." I sniffled.

She followed my actions before we both swung our bags over our shoulders and walked to the canteen. The hunger got to us.


I walked past the queue, jumping in front of someone and grabbing an apple. 

"Thanks." I nodded at the person who I pushed in front of, biting a chunk of my apple.

We found our group at the usual table.

"Where were you?" Jace asked, pouting at me.

"Infirmary. I felt dizzy." I smiled. 

Zeref pulled my arm down, sitting me down next to him. My eyes widened. Since when did he get so touchy and stuff?

'So glad I don't have to put up with it anymore,' Nina gagged while I blushed, staring at Zeref's concerned face.

He put his hand to my forehead, checking for a fever.

"You should eat more than an apple then," Jace tutted, scooping rice into his spoon and offering the bite to me.

I smirked, taking the bite and shoving Zeref's hand off my forehead.

"I'm okay. The nurse gave me some water." I said after swallowing the bite.

Naz tutted, shaking her head. "You have been having mood swings recently. Are you sure you're ok?"

I nodded.

"Do you guys have a date to the dance yet?" Sara sighed.

Jace and Naz nodded but Zeref and I shook our heads. Sara looked up at me with a smirk.

"Malia wanna go together?" she cooed sarcastically, winking.

"Oh Ha. Ha." I mocked causing her to roll her eyes playfully.

"What about you Zeref?" Sara laughed. Everyone's attention turned to Zeref who was half taking a bite of his rice. He swallowed awkwardly.

"I'm planning on asking somebody already." he chuckled awkwardly, causing Sara to sigh.

"Bummer. I guess I'll have to find someone."

I patted Sara's back, "Don't worry. The dance is quite a long while away."

She groaned, taking a chug out of her juice box.


Jace dragged me down the hall. School was over but instead of walking home with Zeref and I, he insisted on showing me something. He held my wrist, running past rooms and swerving corners. I kept up with him, still confused about the urgency.

"Jaaaace!" I yelled, needing an answer.

We stopped a few halls away from Xanxus's office. This hall was strictly forbidden to students. Jace stood in front of a wall and mumbled, "Assasinsrule123."

The wall shifted, as a door started to shuffle out of the bricks.

'Cool.' Nina said my exact thoughts.

Fog came out from under the creak of the door and ivy surrounded the door like a curtain to a window.

"Do you trust me?" Jace whispered, staring at the door with a nervous expression.

'No.' Nina scoffed, 'Is this some romance scene? Whack his head and ask what the hell is going on!' 

I mentally rolled my eyes at Nina's comment.

"Jace, of course I do… but I better not die." I warned as he opened the door for me.

Fog rushed out of the door before it cleared up and a mystical garden was shown. 

The ceiling looked so high and had stars like the night sky. The garden was fancy with a beautiful clear pond glowing at the side. There was a lovely stone pathway to walk, leading to a fancy white gazebo. The grass was an emerald green and looked so dazzling to the point I thought it was fake.

The pond had tiny mini waterfalls and steam coming from it and there were heart shaped stones everywhere, creating light. Rose petals were sprinkled down the pathway as I finally stepped in, feeling the door close behind me.

A part of me was panicked but the other was curious.

'Curiosity kills the cat,' Nina reminded me.


I followed the rose petals to the gazebo, looking around. I stepped into the gazebo, my eyes widening to see Zeref waiting for me.

My face went noticeably red as he smiled up at me.

"Zeref? What's going on?" I tried not to stumble over my words, keeping myself cool.

He walked towards me while maintaining eye contact. Butterflies swirled in my stomach as I looked up at him.

He brushed my hair back, staring at me with a gentle look on his face.

"Malia Stronghold. Would you like to go to the dance with me?" he smiled, offering me a dark blue rose. 

I couldn't contain my smile as I took the rose from him. "You did all this just to ask me to some dance?" I smirked, grabbing his shirt in my fist and pulling him closer to my face.

He looked surprised for a second before innocently grabbing my nape and pulling our faces even closer. "I wanted to go all out." he whispered, his tongue on the fringe of his lips.

'How does one look so harmless while doing such actions?!' Nina yelled.

"Then I guess I'll have to say yes." I mused as we both pulled away at the same time. I looked up at him to see his face was slightly red.

"Are you blushing?!" I gasped in disbelief.

"What- n-no. You are!" he exclaimed, going even redder. I tried to hold in my laugh, my mouth wide open from disbelief.

"Cute." I giggled, twirling the rose in between my fingers while my chest rose slightly from the malignant desire to tell him how I really felt about him.

I let my breath go as I realised he was staring at me..

"What?" I looked up at him.

"Your beauty is rare." he smirked, trying to sound poetic.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "You know what isn't rare though?"

He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Liars." I smirked.

He let out a melodic laugh, shaking his head. "I wish you could see what I see."

"Oh and what do you see?" I mocked, smirking.

"A rare beauty. Inside and out."

I dropped to the floor, closing my eyes.


I gasped, reaching into the air. "I-I'm dying of cringe! T-Tell Naz I love h-her!" I placed my hand over my heart before faking dead.

Zeref burst out laughing, flicking my head.

"Ow!" I rubbed my head, getting back up. "That's enough playing. Let's go home!" I pouted, crossing my arms and leaving towards the door.

Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around my waist. Zeref yanked me back into his torso causing me to squeak from shock.

"Do not walk away from me." he rumbled into my hair. I swear he could feel and see the heat radiating off of my face. I chuckled nervously as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the pathway. He swung open the door to see Jace and Naz arguing right outside.

They froze midsentence, smiling and gawking at our hands.

"Sooooo, how'd it go?" Naz smiled.

"She said yes." Zeref smirked, pushing past them and dragging me behind him.

Why was he being like that?!

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