How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 127 The Wonderful Use Of Beidou Satellites

"Strange, why is there no network signal?"

"Yes, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing. Not only is there no network signal, I can't even make calls. I still have hundreds of millions of business to discuss with the young lady."

"Put it down. Who doesn't know that your business is not serious? But it is strange that there is no signal. I have been in Wufeng City for several years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. Forget it, forget it. It’ll probably be fine in a while.”


Inside Wufeng City.

The vast majority of the public has discovered signal problems.

While they were talking about it, they did not see the essence of the matter.

City Lord's Mansion.

Wu Qifeng also discovered this problem.

But compared to those ordinary people.

Wu Qifeng obviously found that the problem was not that simple...

Communication signals are set up by the federation.

Major cities need to pay high communication fees for various communication levels before they can obtain authorization from the federal government.

Although Wu Fengcheng has the lowest level of communication authorization.

But a full thirteen years have passed since the authorization was obtained.

There has never been a situation where the signal failed to work.

Although this may be an accidental event, Wu Qifeng had a bad premonition in his heart...

And it was at this time.

A guard ran in from the door in a panic: "City Lord, something serious has happened!"

"What's going on? You're so panicked!"

Wu Qifeng was originally in an annoyed mood, but when he saw the guard in such a panic, he said something even more impatiently.

The guard didn't care that Wu Qifeng was angry. He said with a horrified look: "It's a tide of beasts, a group of Haoyue-level soul beasts, surrounding our Wufeng City!!"


When Wu Qifeng heard this, his whole body suddenly went crazy. He staggered a little and asked, "How many...are there?"

"At least five hundred..."

As soon as he heard the guard's words, Wu Qifeng's whole body instantly collapsed to the ground, and he muttered a little lost his temper: "God is going to destroy my Wufeng City..."

What is the concept of being besieged by more than five hundred bright moon level soul beasts?

Wu Qifeng himself is only the ninth level of Haoyue.

There are only more than two hundred people in the Haoyue level in Wufeng City...

And most of them are extraordinary beings of the first and second levels of Haoyue.

If it was one to one, there might be a chance of winning.

But the soul beast army has a number that is more than twice the strength of Wufeng City! !

This is a perfect situation to destroy the city! !

But soon.

Wu Qifeng discovered another problem.

That is, there are not so many Bright Moon level soul beasts near Wufeng City.

Where did these Haoyue level soul beasts come from?

How could such a huge beast tide pass through other cities without receiving any news from our side?

"Could it be..."

Recalling that the signal was blocked just now, Wu Qifeng suddenly had a terrifying thought in his mind...

All of this is not unrelated.

Instead, they artificially blocked the signal, and then artificially controlled the beast tide to siege the city...



If it is not controlled by humans, then why are the soul beasts not attacking the city but just besieging it! ?

And just when this idea appeared in Wu Qifeng's mind.

Another guard ran in from the door in a panic: "Report... There is a transcendent outside the city wall who wants to see you..."

Extraordinary people, outside the city walls.

These two words completely confirmed Wu Qifeng's conjecture just now.

He sighed slightly, then stood up from the ground and said, "Let's go and see this gentleman."

In Wu Qifeng's heart, someone who can do such a thing is definitely someone he can't afford to offend...

No matter what the other party's purpose is, he must go and see it.

As soon as Wu Qifeng walked out of the door, he saw an extraordinary young man waving a pair of black wings in the sky above the city wall in the distance, hovering in the sky outside the city wall of Wufeng City.

This person is none other than Lu Yuan!

Wu Qifeng ran up to Lu Yuan's body, cupped his hands and apologized: "I'm Wu Qifeng, the lord of Wufeng City. I don't know that there is a noble person passing by today, and I don't know how to greet him from afar. I don't know how to call him, so I will arrange the city immediately." The chef will take care of you, your noble lord."

"Just pick up the wind and wash away the dust. I'm not here to do good deeds."

Speaking of which.

Like a king, Lu Yuan looked down at Wu Qifeng below and said with an indifferent expression: "Now I give you two choices. One is to hand over the city lord's seal and let Wufeng City become my subject. The other is to become mine." Enemy, the army of soul beasts under my command will destroy Wufeng City, now the choice is yours."

Lu Yuan's voice was not loud, but everyone present heard it clearly...

As soon as everyone heard Lu Yuan's words, everyone panicked.

Because they may ruin their lives because of Wu Qifeng's words...

For a while.

Everyone was telling Wu Qifeng to calm down and think clearly before speaking.

As the center of pressure, Wu Qifeng was already sweating profusely.

He didn't expect it at all.

The purpose of this young man's visit was to gain control of Wufeng City.

But he didn't understand why someone with such strength would want control of a third-level force.

He didn't understand if Lu Yuan was really a powerful person.

With just one sentence, you can easily win any third-level city.

Why go to all this trouble to surround the city with so many soul beasts and force yourself?

Although Wu Qifeng was full of doubts.

But he didn't dare to bet on whether Lu Yuan dared to destroy the city.

But in the face of fate and power, he naturally knows what to choose.

The thought of this.

Wu Qifeng sighed and took out the City Lord's Seal from the space ornaments: "This is the City Lord's Seal of Wufeng City. I hope you can keep your promise and not harm the people in the city."

See this.

Lu Yuan slowly fell from the sky and came to Wu Qifeng's side.

Looking at Wu Qifeng who was half kneeling on the ground, expressing his surrender.

Lu Yuan smiled with satisfaction and took the City Lord's Seal from his hand.

After the city lord seal is obtained.

Lu Yuan's card has an additional one-time tax of 1.52 billion.

at the same time.

The entire people of Wufeng City were all affected by the effect of [King's Territory] at this moment, and all of them were loyal to Lu Yuan from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing that Wufeng City had returned to normal, Lu Yuan smiled with great satisfaction, looked at Wu Qifeng who was still kneeling in front of him and ordered: "Get up, Wufeng City will still be managed by you from now on. Now let's take care of the city's affairs first. Hand over the small treasury to me."

"Okay, City Lord."

Wu Qifeng agreed and immediately took out his digital card and started transferring money.

It didn't take long.

Lu Yuan received another transfer of 4.7 billion on his card.


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