After getting the money.

Lu Yuan's assets have returned to 5.52 billion.

This is still just the beginning.

Lu Yuan's goal today is to capture all nearby third-level cities.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step.

After taking down these third-level forces, we can target the fourth-level forces.

According to Lu Yuan's understanding of the fourth-level forces.

The rulers of the fourth-level forces are basically around the third level of Yaori.

Then there are about one thousand to two thousand Haoyue-level armed forces in the city.

These people are basically at the sixth or seventh level of Haoyue.

With the current size of the undead soul beast army, they can actually be consumed to death.

Because the soul beast army will not die, as long as the battle lasts long enough, it is not impossible for the fourth-level forces to win.

But here's the thing.

The time for this kind of action should definitely not be too long.

Otherwise, people in Qingcheng and other cities will find out, and Lu Yuan may be wanted worldwide.

So Lu Yuan was not particularly anxious.

Anyway, according to the current speed of making money...

It won't be long before he can enter the Shining Sun level.

After giving instructions to Wu Qifeng, let him work hard to make money.

Lu Yuan then led the army to the next place.

The destination this time is the city closest to Wufeng City.

Lu Yuan took the same approach.

Block the signal, use soul beasts to siege the city, and then force the opponent to hand over the city master's seal. After completing the handover, collect the money, and then continue to the next city, and the cycle starts again...

Lu Yuan went very smoothly along the way.

Because no one who can become a ruler would be called a fool...

In the face of life and power, everyone knows what is important.

Everyone cooperated very well and handed over the city lord's seal.

It’s time to retire for the night.

Including Wufeng City, Lu Yuan already controls ten third-level cities! !

And a one-time tax of 18.3 billion was collected, and the city's small treasury was 56 billion...

Counting some fractions, Lu Yuan's wealth hit a record high again, reaching a terrifying 80 billion! !

at this time.

Lu Yuan was resting in the last city he had conquered.

He took out the map and looked at it carefully.

There are a total of twenty third-level cities in the territory under Qingcheng's jurisdiction.

Ten of them have been taken under his command.

Among the remaining ten, nine are next to Qingcheng.

It would be risky to attack such a city, so Lu Yuan decided to do this for the time being after thinking about it for a while.

Based on the calculation, a city can provide an average of 13 billion in funds per month...

Lu Yuan currently has twelve third-level cities under his command, which can provide 156 billion in funds in one month.

He only needs to wait for a month, or at most two months, and he can basically push the fourth-level forces and attack Qingcheng directly! !

So Lu Yuan planned to change his thinking next time.

Next, in addition to hunting higher-level soul beasts, I also have to level up.


Early the next morning.

Lu Yuan left the city and went to the Neon Island Ruins, the place with the highest level of soul beasts in this area.

This place is said to have previously released nuclear sewage, which caused public outrage in other countries.

In the end, it was covered by countless firepower and completely reduced to a deserted island.

A few decades later.

The polluted monsters in the sea turned into soul beasts.

Thus, he has always occupied this island.

The level of the soul beasts on the island is around the fifth to ninth level of Haoyue.

Soul beasts of this level have basically learned skills.

In addition, this place has been shrouded in radiation for a long time.

As a result, the bodies of the soul beasts have undergone some special changes, becoming more powerful than the same level of soul beasts outside.

Also because of radiation.

Under normal circumstances, extraordinary beings would not dare to come here to hunt soul beasts.

This fact gave Lu Yuan a good hunting environment.

Others were afraid of radiation, but he was not afraid at all.

Use the Beidou satellite to confirm that there is no one around.

Lu Yuan fell from the sky and arrived at the infamous Neon Island.

As soon as it hit the ground.

There were more than ten strange-looking soul beasts, surrounding Lu Yuan from all directions.

They stand on two legs like humans, but they have a disgusting pig head.

There are four sharp fangs at the corners of the mouth.

It looks very difficult to mess with...

He has never seen these soul beasts before.

But after a closer look, the all-seeing eye gave a hint.

[Mutated fang warriors have been corroded by radiation for a long time, resulting in mutations in their bodies. Their energy level has reached the seventh level of Haoyue. Their actual physical fitness is comparable to that of humans at the ninth level of Haoyue. Moreover, because their bodies are full of radiation, injuries caused by attacks are not difficult. Healing, of course you are an accident...]

[Skills: War trample, brutal collision. 】

The All-Seeing Eye has just given a hint.

The next second.

The group of fanged warriors launched a savage charge towards Lu Yuan at the same time!

Skills and abilities are a little different.

Skill is a fixed form of effect, and if it is an active skill, it cannot be used continuously.

Just like the brutal collision of these fanged warriors.

When they activate this skill, their sprint speed will be greatly increased and the penetration of their fangs will be enhanced. However, once this skill is activated, they must use their fangs to collide with Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan did not escape.

Let these fang warriors pierce their sharp fangs into their own bodies.

After they were all pierced, Lu Yuan smiled at them: "You have finished attacking, now it is my turn."

"Fire from heaven comes to the world."

Lu Yuan gently uttered four words.

The next second.

The bodies of all the fang warriors were burned by the inextinguishable heavenly fire.

They are very smart.

Knowing that if you want to stop the supernatural power, you need to kill the human being in front of you.

So they attacked Lu Yuan one by one frantically...

But no matter how hard you try.

Lu Yuandu stood there as if nothing was wrong.

Their proud fangs and radiation can do nothing to Lu Yuan!

On the contrary, those fang warriors were constantly burned by the sky fire.

One by one they began to fall down, until they were finally burned to coke...

A few minutes later.

More than a dozen fanged warriors were all burned to death.

[Congratulations on killing the soul beast, the superpower has been automatically extracted for you - Beast Transformation·Fang Warrior! 】x15

"What rubbish..."

Lu Yuan looked at this prompt and couldn't help but complain.

There was absolutely no way he could accept it if he turned into this pig-headed person...

It's better to leave this ability to gather dust.

Shaked his head.

Lu Yuan knelt down and resuscitated them.

[To resurrect the target, you need to pay 120 million. Is it necessary to resurrect the target? 】

"The price has increased a lot, but this mutant fang warrior is more powerful than the ordinary Haoyue ninth-level soul beast. It only charges the Haoyue seventh-level fee, which is completely acceptable."

Think of this.

Lu Yuan did not hesitate and immediately resuscitated the mutated fang warrior.


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