How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 131 Unlock The God-Level Skill Again - Space Dominance

Seeing the human being in front of me resurrected without any injuries.

The Crocodile Lord is really scared this time...

It swore that in all its life, it had never seen such an outrageous human being.

His head was obviously chewed up by himself, and it was obviously eaten by himself...

Why is it still resurrected intact? !


Still the same as before.

As soon as Lu Yuan was resurrected, he used telekinesis and target weakness on it.

As a result, the crocodile lord had no way to escape.

Lu Yuan caught up and hit the crocodile lord's scales with another slash...


This time it was the sound of scales cracking.

The proud scales of the Crocodile Lord were finally broken by Daxia's third slash! !

Blood splattered.

Although the wound is not deep, it has definitely broken the defense! !

See here.

Lu Yuan smiled wickedly: "It seems that your defense is not indestructible."

It is Lu Yuan who kills people and kills people.

The crocodile lord was so angry that he became furious.

It waved its tail and whipped Lu Yuan quickly.

But this time.

Lu Yuan did not let Tai get close.

Because he understood that the purpose of the crocodile lord was not to kill him, but to use the power of his tail to fly him a certain distance so that it could escape!

Think of this.

Lu Yuan suddenly shouted loudly: "Energy barrier!"

With these words fell.

Several energy barriers appeared on the tail's attack line.

One may not be able to block it, but several can block it perfectly!

In fact, it was just as Lu Yuan thought.

The Crocodile Lord's attack broke three energy barriers in one breath.

But in front of the fifth barrier, it has lost all its power.

at this time.

Lu Yuan was not idle either.

The Daxia in his hand suddenly came out and quickly slashed towards the Crocodile Lord.

Sword attack.

This is Lu Yuan's extended ability using telekinesis.

Under Lu Yuan's control, Daxia was like a seasoned swordsman.

Even though the Crocodile Lord tried his best to dodge, he was still hit several times.

With every attack hit.

The scales of the Crocodile Lord are completely useless!

at this time.

The Crocodile Lord is covered in blood.

It no longer had the majesty it had before. It wanted to escape but couldn't.

Lu Yuan's superpower still couldn't hurt it, but it had no problem at all in slowing it down.

There is a stalemate here.

Lu Yuan then looked at the more than a hundred fish-men.

The stalemate stage just now has passed for five minutes.

At this time, all the fishmen trapped in the water hell were suffocated by gravity.

Lu Yuan also felt that his energy was about to bottom out.

So he waved his hand and canceled the water hell.

It was just canceled here.

The next second.

More than a hundred fishmen fell to the ground in unison.


"Bah bang bang——!!"


Countless sounds of body breaking sounded near the lake.

The fish-men who were originally jumping around were all crushed into pieces of meat pie by the unbearable gravity the moment they landed...

Countless prompts also popped up in front of Lu Yuan's eyes.

That's the soul beads entering the divine space one after another, and that's the sound of the water hell being upgraded again and again!

Less than a minute.

Lu Yuan's water flow hell has reached the full level of level 100! !

[It was detected that the host increased the ability to full level for the first time, triggering specific conditions. 】

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the god-level skill - Space Master. Please continue to work hard to unlock more skills. 】

[Space Dominance: From now on, you can dominate space, including but not limited to: Any space power will fail in front of you, no one can escape your space blockade, and your space teleportation (line of sight) cannot be blocked anywhere. , or within the range of the teleportation array) and other effects. 】

"Sure enough, it's here!"

Lu Yuan looked at the prompts that appeared in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

The effect of this skill is not introduced much, but the actual effect is very awesome.

simply put.

It means that Lu Yuan has an all-powerful space power above full level.

What does it mean to be above full level?

In general.

The power level represents the priority of the power.

Energy level represents the power and range of the ability.

For example, everyone is an extraordinary person who can control the elements of space.

The party with a higher level of superpower can deprive the party with a lower level of superpower of space energy...

This is easy to understand.

The stronger party absorbs all the surrounding space energy, and the weaker party naturally cannot use space elements.

That is if everyone has full-level abilities.

The two sides will be evenly matched, and no one can limit the attack of the other. The competition will be the understanding and use of superpowers, as well as other factors such as energy levels.

But Lu Yuan was different.

In front of him, even the top master of the space department.

There is no way to use the energy of the space system to hurt Lu Yuan's hair.

Lu Yuan could even drain away all the space energy with a single thought, causing this top master to completely lose his space powers...

Such an awesome effect is only the first effect.

In general.

Powers also have different effects.

For example, water flow hell and gravity water are both water-based abilities.

But the effect is different.

But the space master that Lu Yuan got is a top-level space power with full capabilities.

That is to say, it includes the top abilities of all space systems.

It can be said that this [Space Master] is indeed worthy of being a magical skill! !

"Okay, now it's time to deal with you seriously."

Lu Yuan focused his attention on the already scarred Crocodile Lord.

When he was thinking just now, he did not give up his attack on the Crocodile Lord.

So much so that the Crocodile Lord has gone from an advantage to an even match, and finally to a disadvantage...

at this time.

The crocodile lord could no longer move his legs and could only lie on the ground and gasp for air.

Lu Yuan stopped attacking, picked up Daxia and came to the Crocodile Lord. He said with a smile: "You are very strong and I like it very much. See you later."


Lu Yuan used Daxia to directly cut off the Crocodile Lord's head.

[Congratulations on killing the lord-level soul beast, the superpower - energy scale armor has been automatically extracted for you! 】

[Energy Scale Armor: Use energy to generate a fully covering scale armor on the surface of your body, which can effectively reduce physical damage and supernatural damage. 】

[To resurrect the target, you need to pay 480 million. Is it necessary to resurrect the target? 】

"This has doubled..."

Lu Yuan didn't know whether it was the lord-level soul beast that was so expensive, or the ninth-level Haoyue level soul beast that was so expensive.

But it should be said or not.

The Crocodile Lord's combat power is indeed exaggerated, and it is indeed worth the money.

So Lu Yuan just complained and immediately resuscitated the Crocodile Lord.


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