How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 132 Massacre Of The Island, Rapid Upgrade

After Su gave birth to Crocodile Lord.

Lu Yuan revived the 125 dead fish-men.

Among these murlocs, 73 are at the seventh level of Bright Moon and 52 are at the eighth level.

The number of the seventh-level Haoyue is still 120 million, and the number of the eighth-level Haoyue has doubled to 240 million...

After all these were revived, Lu Yuan spent 21.72 billion.

At present, Lu Yuan has spent a total of 27.52 billion, with 52.48 billion remaining.

This money was used by Lu Yuan to form an army.

So it’s not too distressing to spend the money.

After Su gave birth to these fishmen, Lu Yuan had no intention of taking action himself.

He asked Lord Crocodile and Armor Daxia to lead the team and kill all the soul beasts they saw on the island.


Battle Armor Daxia and Crocodile Lord set off with their army of soul beasts.

Wait until they are gone.

Lu Yuan began to quietly absorb the soul beads.

After the duel with the Crocodile Lord just now, Lu Yuan understood that his current level was not enough.

So he planned to start upgrading crazily in the next few days.

There are many soul beasts on this island. With the [Absolute Explosion Rate], Lu Yuan estimates that when the soul beast army bulldozes the island, he should be able to reach the ninth level of Haoyue smoothly.

When the time comes, use [Universal Strengthening] to break through to the first level of Yaoyang.


Lu Yuan began to quietly absorb the soul beads.

There is no one to disturb this island, so it is very nice.

Lu Yuan sat by the lake and absorbed it for a whole day.

Because the army of undead soul beasts in front were killing like crazy, Lu Yuan could not absorb the soul beads at the same speed as he could...

have to say.

This [Absolute Explosion Rate] is definitely a magical skill among magical skills.

So much so that after Lu Yuan sat there all day, he still had hundreds of mithril soul beads in his backpack.

Can’t be used up.

Can't use it up at all...

Now Lu Yuan's level has changed from the third level of Haoyue to the fourth level.

Because I think killing like this is too slow.

Lu Yuan also used the Beidou satellite to find the bodies killed by the undead soul beast army during the day.

A thought.

The whole person quickly disappeared and came to the place seen using the Beidou satellite.

Looking at the corpses here, Lu Yuan began to resuscitate him again.

This went back and forth several times.

Lu Yuan resurrected 150 Haoyue seventh-level soul beasts, 80 Haoyue eighth-level soul beasts, and 3 Haoyue ninth-level lord-level soul beasts. A total of 38.64 billion was spent, and 13.84 billion was left. .

After Su gave birth.

Lu Yuan ordered them to set off in another direction.

This way.

Neon Island, which was originally expected to take five days to clear, can now be cleared in almost three days.

Do it all.

Lu Yuan continued to use the soul beads again.

Because there were too many soul beads, he even took some for Devouring Heaven to use.

One person and one wolf absorbed it like this.

But even this consumption speed is completely unable to compare with the killing speed of the two soul beast legions.

When the time came on the night of the third day.

The soul beasts on the entire Neon Island have been completely wiped out by the army of soul beasts who do not know fatigue and death...

at this time.

Lu Yuan's level has also reached the seventh level of Haoyue, and Xiantian's level has reached the fifth level of Haoyue.

There are at least ten thousand to several thousand more secret silver soul beads in the God's Space...

"Is it already extinct?"

Lu Yuan looked at the quiet Neon Island and smiled happily.

After destroying these soul beasts.

Lu Yuan not only received a large number of soul beads, but also received a large number of power enhancements.

Except for the water hell, which was maxed out early.

The coming of heavenly fire, the power of thunder, the hand of corrosion, the beastly roc bird, the beastly bull demon king, the funeral of ice, the blessing of the wind god, the energy scale armor, these abilities are all after using so many soul beasts. Reached full level...

There are also various other useless beast transformations, all of which have reached full level.

After killing so many soul beasts, Lu Yuan's number of superpowers also reached 40.

In addition to the previous 27 abilities, there are 13 more abilities.

Here, the energy scale armor is of some use, and the rest are just garbage animal transformations...

I can’t say it’s all rubbish.

For example, the fish-man's beast transformation allows Lu Yuan to breathe in the water.

It can only be said that it is usually useless, but it may be useful under certain circumstances.

This time, the profit is still very high.

Lu Yuan did not continue to absorb soul beads here.

The mission of the Immortal Soul Beast Legion was completed, now it was his turn to work.

using Beidou satellites.

Lu Yuan constantly shuttled between the corpses of soul beasts from various places.

Fortunately, because of the skill [Space Master], now Lu Yuan no longer has to touch and put them into the God's Space one by one. He only needs to use the space ability to bring the corpses from all over the place into the God's Space at once.


This method is ineffective for targets that will resist, and can only collect targets that will not resist in batches.

Even though it is so convenient, there are too many corpses and they are scattered quite scattered...

By the time Lu Yuan collected all the corpses into the God's Space, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

After putting the last soul beast corpse into the divine space, Lu Yuan let out a long breath: "It would be great if there was a magical skill that could kill monsters and automatically resurrect them in the future. It would be too troublesome to do it one by one. .....”

Complaints are complaints.

But Lu Yuan was actually very happy.

Because there were 37,000 carcasses harvested this time...

If they were all revived, the scene would be exciting just thinking about it!

The thought of this.

Lu Yuan felt that it was worth it to be a little tired.

After cleaning up these corpses, Lu Yuan put away his living dead puppets.


He used the Beidou satellite's field of view to return to Wufeng City in the blink of an eye.

I don’t know how far the distance is from Neon Island to Wufeng City...

Lu Yuan estimated that it would take at least a day and a night by flying.

But now, Lu Yuan only needs a second.

You can easily cross this distance.

It’s time to say it or not.

This skill is really awesome.

After returning to Wufeng City, Lu Yuan asked Wu Qifeng not to disturb him, then returned to his exclusive city lord's room and began to absorb the soul beads with peace of mind...

This process took Lu Yuan five full days.

Among them, there was also a bloody killing once a month, but because Lu Yuan had told Wu Qifeng not to disturb him.

In addition, Lu Yuan captured the city and there was no large-scale killing.

So after the bloody massacre came, every city under Lu Yuan's jurisdiction survived safely.

This afternoon.

The levels of Lu Yuan and Shi Tian reached the ninth level of Haoyue at the same time.

There were originally 17,800 soul beads, but now there are still 6,300 left.

Seeing that his level had reached the ninth level of Haoyue, Lu Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured excitedly: "I wonder if I can get another organ mutation with this enhancement, I'm really looking forward to it!!"


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