How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 143 I Finally Believed You Once, But You Made Me Lose So Completely, Zhuo


Surrender is the only way out for these people.

They won't necessarily die if they surrender.

But if they don't surrender, they will definitely die! !

Only now did they understand the situation of the battle.

From the beginning, the invaders did not use all their strength.

Otherwise, relying on the terrifying strength of these invading parties...

Qingcheng may have completed the owner change without even realizing it! !

Lu Yuan looked at the extraordinary beings kneeling below and spread his hands in a somewhat bored manner: "It always turns out like this. Being invincible is really too lonely."

This is not a pretense on his part, but a fact.

Every time these people resisted, they would surrender after knowing their own strength.

It’s not that it’s bad.

It just made Lu Yuan feel that it was too easy...

But still the same sentence.

He has no interest in killing these people and then resurrecting them.

So when the extraordinary beings below surrendered, Lu Yuan signaled the Immortal Soul Orb Army to stop attacking.

at this time.

The people below breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that Lu Yuan was a murderous maniac and would massacre the entire Qingcheng at the slightest disagreement.

But luckily they made the right bet.

Seeing that his men had given up resistance, Xia Houlong couldn't hold on any longer. He sighed heavily: "I also surrender. I hope this sir can spare my life!"

"I reject."

Lu Yuan refused Xia Houlong's surrender without even thinking about it.

It's not that he has any grudge against Xia Houlong.

But Lu Yuan fell in love with Xia Houlong's top-notch superpower!

"Don't bully others too much!!"

As soon as Xia Houlong heard that Lu Yuan refused his surrender, he immediately became very angry.


Now he is more like roaring incompetently.

Because he couldn't break free from Lu Yuan's water hell, let alone continue fighting with Lu Yuan.

After hearing Xia Houlong's threat, Lu Yuan sneered angrily and said in a contemptuous tone: "Do you think that as long as you don't attack me, I won't be able to hurt you?"

"how do you know......"

Xia Houlong looked at Lu Yuan in shock.

This was what he was thinking about just now.

The only injury he suffered was from the rebound attack when he hit Lu Yuan just now.

In Xia Houlong's view.

As long as he doesn't fight with Lu Yuan, he can leave if he wants to.

So he felt very angry that Lu Yuan refused his surrender...

But he didn't expect that Lu Yuan would see through his thoughts at a glance.

Looking at the shocked Xia Houlong, Lu Yuan had no unnecessary nonsense, and immediately a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The next second.

Xia Houlong, who was trapped by the water hell, suddenly struggled violently.

"Why, why is my blood flowing back to my bladder!!"

This time Xia Houlong was really scared.

He could clearly feel that the blood in his body was flowing rapidly to his bladder.

Originally, blood would not flow like this. It was obviously Lu Yuan's fault.

To this.

Lu Yuan just smiled faintly: "Let me see if your bladder is elastic."

"What do you mean...ahhhh!! Stop, it's going to explode, it's really going to explode!!"

Xia Houlong hasn't finished speaking yet.

Lu Yuan once again controlled the blood and quickly flowed to Xia Houlong's bladder.

Visible to the naked eye.

Xia Houlong's abdomen swelled rapidly.

The next second.

A muffled sound came from Xia Houlong's abdomen.

Along with this muffled sound, Xia Houlong suddenly vomited blood and became incontinent on his buttocks.

He was wrapped up in the watery hell, and even his feces and urine couldn't get out...

So the entire water hell suddenly became turbid.

"It stinks..."

Lu Yuan couldn't stand it anymore and immediately canceled the effect of the water flow hell.

at this time.

Xia Houlong, whose bladder was bursting, fell hard to the ground under the acceleration of gravity.

Even though he had the best physical defense, this hit caused him to spit out blood...

Xia Houlong's face turned pale to the naked eye.

Dragging his extremely heavy body, he climbed up from the ground and yelled at Lu Yuan like crazy: "I want to kill you, I must kill you, even if I am a ghost, I will kill you!!"

"Why are you so noisy?"

Lu Yuan snorted coldly.

In the next second, huge mental power emerged.

Xia Houlong's bloody mouth opened passively, and then his tongue was deeply pulled out by Lu Yuan using telekinesis! !

Xia Houlong, who was now in a weak state, was no match for Lu Yuan.

So with just a thought, Lu Yuan could easily hurt him.

Looking at Xia Houlong who was lying on the ground like a bereaved dog, Lu Yuan teleported in front of him and said murderously: "You think I can't hurt you. In fact, it's just that I'm too lazy to do it, not that you can do it yourself." How awesome.”

Finish this sentence.

Lu Yuan put his hand on Xia Houlong's body.

The next second.

Xiahou Long's transformed form quickly disappeared and he returned to his weak human form.

At this moment.

Xia Houlong was really scared.

Because he now truly understands that what Lu Yuan said is completely true.

If he used teleportation and this move from the beginning to forcefully release his transformation state...

Then why should I be arrogant in front of him? ? ?

"Now, let's see how you block my attack?"

Lu Yuan suddenly smiled and pointed his finger at the sky.

In an instant.

The horrific scene reappears.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky again, a terrifying scene of the end of the world!

The power of thunder at full level can already cause strange phenomena in the world.

To know.

Full-level superpowers are exclusive to world-destroying level extraordinary beings.

What is the world-destroying level?

He is an extraordinary person with the power to destroy the world! !

If Lu Yuan didn't have insufficient energy in his body, this simple blow could easily destroy the entire Qingcheng.

But even so.

The destructive power of Lu Yuan's attack was also astonishing.

Xia Houlong wanted to beg for mercy, but he was speechless.


Just when Xia Houlong closed his eyes in despair, knowing that he was bound to die.

Lu Yuan suddenly thought of something, immediately canceled the superpower, and said with a smile to Xia Houlong: "I almost forgot, hand over the City Lord's Seal, and I can spare your life."


Xia Houlong wanted to scold his mother at this moment.

I'm already prepared to die. If you say I won't kill, you won't kill me?

Do you know that this is very tasteless? !

But of course no one wants to die if they can survive.

After hearing Lu Yuan's request, Xia Houlong immediately presented the City Lord Seal with both hands.

And just after he took out the City Lord's Seal.

Lu Yuan smiled apologetically and said nothing.

But he directly used telekinesis to break Xia Houlong's neck...

At this moment.

Before his death, Xia Houlong only wanted to say: "I finally believed you once, but you made me lose so completely, Zhuo..."


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