How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 144 It Won’T Be Long Before I Let The Name Of China Spread Throughout The World

[Congratulations on killing the Extraordinary, the superpower has been automatically extracted for you - Beast Transformation·Five-clawed Golden Dragon! 】

[Beast Transformation·Five-clawed Golden Dragon: Use this ability to transform your body into a five-clawed golden dragon. Not only can you control the six elements of wind, fire, water, thunder, ice, and wood, but the dragon scales wrapped around your body after transformation will also change. It is immune to physical damage of the same level, and is immune to all elemental damage of any level, and can adapt to survive in any environment (not immortal)! 】

[Congratulations on killing the extraordinary, the superpower has been automatically extracted for you - air control! 】

[Air control: Manipulate all the air in the nearby range to allow you to fly in the air, or disrupt the enemy's flight through airflow. At the highest level, you can deprive the enemy of the air around it. 】

"It's such a close call."

Just now.

Lu Yuan almost got carried away and killed Xia Houlong directly.

Doing so can still resurrect him though.

But the space accessories on Xia Houlong's body simply couldn't withstand the power of his own skills.

That's why Lu Yuan stopped temporarily and asked Xia Houlong to hand over his City Lord Seal first.

Then he changed to a gentler way and killed Xia Houlong.

But even so.

He didn't go to pick up the city lord's seal either...

Because once the City Lord Seal is received, this battle will be over.

Over there, Heaven Devourer and Battle Armor Daxia are still cleaning up the remaining Pluto mechas.

In fact, no one else understands it.

Why did Lu Yuan still want to kill the Pluto mecha...

Because Lu Yuan has obviously won, the Pluto mecha can stay and be used as his weapon.

So there is absolutely no need to kill them all.

But by doing this, Lu Yuan was actually gambling.

Bet on whether if you destroy these federal high-techs, you will unlock an additional magical skill.

Shi Tian and Da Xia did not let Lu Yuan wait for too long.

Three minutes after Lu Yuan killed Xia Houlong, Shi Tian and Da Xia also destroyed all the Pluto mechas.

But this time, Lu Yuan won the bet.

When he took over the City Lord Seal from Xia Houlong, a system prompt appeared as promised!

[It was detected that the host had defeated federal military power for the first time, triggering specific conditions. 】

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking a god-level skill - the ability will automatically reach its maximum level. Please continue to work hard to unlock more skills. 】

[Automatically max level of superpowers: From now on, all your superpower levels will be maxed out with one click. After that, every time you get a new superpower, it will be automatically maxed out. 】

[Superpower·Energy Absorption has reached the full level. 】

[Superpower·Psychic Power has reached the full level. 】

[Power: Explosion is the art of reaching full level. 】


As the system prompts appear, what follows is a frantic screen refresh.

Lu Yuan's abilities were all upgraded to full level at this moment! !

"What the hell!?"

Lu Yuan looked at the prompt that refreshed the screen and was so excited that he couldn't help but smile! !

The magical skill given this time shocked Lu Yuan completely! !

The ability is automatically maxed out! ?

If this magical skill is paired with unlimited extraction, wouldn't it be a perfect shot with a variety of ultimate moves?

Lu Yuan knew very well how powerful the full-level superpower was.

This fucking magical skill is really fucking amazing! ! !

This time Lu Yuan really made the right bet.

Because it wasn't because he won the fifth-level force and unlocked this magical skill...

It was only after defeating the federal military power that he obtained this magical skill.

If those Pluto mechas hadn't been destroyed, they probably wouldn't have been unlocked this time!

Although it hurts to lose those mechas.

But with this magical skill, I can completely make up for this loss.

"Okay, come back to life."

Lu Yuan looked at Xia Houlong's body and spent 5 billion to revive him.


Xia Houlong half-knelt in front of Lu Yuan, expressing his surrender.

Even though he knew that Lu Yuan was the one who killed him, even if he also knew that Lu Yuan was the one who killed his brother's family, he still respected Lu Yuan without any hesitation at this time.

Lu Yuan patted Xia Houlong on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You will still be responsible for managing this city from now on. Do a good job."

He still has no interest in managing the city.

Just provide yourself with a steady stream of money.


Lu Yuan asked Xia Houlong to transfer all Qingcheng's funds.

In order to attack Qingcheng, Lu Yuan used the city's operating funds.

So at this time he needs to make up the funds.

It didn't take long.

Xia Houlong presented Qingcheng's available funds with both hands.

As a fifth-level city, Qingcheng has more than a million dollars...

The available funds alone are as much as 800 billion.

This surprised Lu Yuan a little.

Because the last time I asked Liang Yongyi to get money, it was obvious that he got too little...

But Lu Yuan is not a greedy person.

Without Liang Yongyi's funding, this attack plan would have been delayed for at least a month.

not to mention.

Liang Yongyi gave up Baiwu City unconditionally.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan suddenly smiled: "It's time to tell Uncle Liang the news."

Think of this.

Lu Yuan gave orders and asked the people in Qingcheng to repair the city.


He took Xia Houlong and teleported to Baiwu City.

This time.

Lu Yuan didn't hide anything and teleported directly to the Lord's Mansion of White Mist City with Xia Houlong!

Liang Yongyi was shocked for the first time.

Because he sensed that two people came up to the city lord's mansion.

But soon.

He felt relieved...

Because Lu Yuan's voice appeared throughout the city lord's mansion.

"Uncle Liang, you have to retire."

Lu Yuan's voice was so loud that the entire city lord's mansion could hear it.

At this moment.

Liang Yongyi came to Lu Yuan's side. When he saw Xia Houlong for the first time, he was shocked...

I thought Lu Yuan brought Xia Houlong to force him to retire.

But when he saw Xia Houlong following Lu Yuan without saying a word or even daring to take a breath, he was shocked to realize that his old rival seemed to be scared by Lu Yuan?

The thought of this.

Liang Yongyi asked curiously: "Boy, what's going on with this Xia Houlong?"

"Hey, isn't this just to prove that I have conquered Qingcheng? I brought Xia Houlong here specifically to show you, Uncle Liang."

Lu Yuan just finished speaking.

Xia Houlong on the side said very cooperatively: "Our Qingcheng has surrendered to Huaxia, and I also regard Lu Yuan as the monarch and become a conscientious and dedicated minister!"

"What is China?"

Liang Yongyi asked with some confusion.

At this moment.

Lu Yuan took the words with a smile and said: "Huaxia is the name of my power. The cities I conquer will all be managed by Huaxia. Baiwu City will also become a member of Huaxia in the future."

Speaking of which.

Lu Yuan paused for a moment.

He looked out the window and said with great determination: "It won't be long before I let the name of China spread all over the world!!!"


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