How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 145 The Second Level Five City, The New City Lord Of Baiwu City

"Let the name of China spread all over the world."

Liang Yongyi was affected by Lu Yuan's words.

He thought for a while, and finally smiled and said, "It seems that you already have your own plan, so I have nothing to say."


Liang Yongyi took out the Seal of the City Lord of White Mist City from the space accessories, handed it to Lu Yuan and said, "This is what I promised you, you will be the master of White Mist City in the future."

Lu Yuan did not rush to take over the City Lord Seal, but looked at Liang Yongyi and asked, "What about you, Uncle Liang, what are your plans next?"


Liang Yongyi looked out the window and smiled freely: "Maybe go out for a trip. I once promised my wife and children that if I retire one day, I plan to take them to see the world. Now I have brought Bai Wu The city is handed over to you, and you can go and fulfill this agreement."

"Don't you consider joining me to defeat the Federation?"

"You kid."

After listening to Lu Yuan's words, Liang Yongyi shook his head and said with a smile: "Your abacus can be heard by people a hundred thousand miles away. Wait until I come back. If you still need me then, I will do my best to assist you." your."

After hearing this, Lu Yuan smiled happily: "Okay, then I wish Uncle Liang a happy journey."


Lu Yuan took the City Lord's Seal from Liang Yongyi's hand.

After taking over the city lord's seal.

The entire Baiwu City and Liang Yongyi himself were brought under Lu Yuan's command.

If Lu Yuan needed to, he could have ordered Liang Yongyi not to leave, but he did not do so.

After Liang Yongyi handed over the accounts of Baiwu City and the special space ring equipped with the Pluto mecha to Lu Yuan, he embarked on his promised journey overnight.


"Now there's just some cleanup work left."


All the fourth-level cities in Qingcheng's management area have been included in Lu Yuan's Huaxia.

There were still ten third-level cities left and countless second-level cities that were not included.

This piece.

Lu Yuan gave Xia Houlong two days to solve the problem on his own.

This is the area managed by Baiwu City.

Because Liang Yongyi was in charge before, Lu Yuan did not take any action against the third-level and fourth-level cities.


Baiwu City has belonged to China.

Then Lu Yuan would naturally not allow people belonging to the Federation to be in his area.

So he asked the armor Daxia to take the Pluto mecha to conquer those cities overnight.

Because the Beidou satellite has reached full level.

Lu Yuan did not need to arrive at the scene in person. He only needed a thought to block the signal of the target he was looking at.

To save some trouble.

Lu Yuan directly blocked the signals of all cities in the area that did not join him...

After doing all this, Lu Yuan fell into a deep sleep.


For the next two days, Lu Yuan rested in Baiwu City.

On Xia Houlong's side, Lu Yuan himself had already defeated more than half of them, and the fourth level force, which was the most difficult to defeat, had been captured by Lu Yuan himself.

So his journey of recovery went very smoothly.

within one day.

He took over all the cities in the Qingcheng area.

War Armor Daxia has encountered some troubles.

Those fourth-level cities are full of arrogant people.

Although they saw the Pluto mecha, they still wanted to delay and contact the federation.

Because in their opinion.

Baiwu City wants their city master's seal, which is completely against federal regulations.

This behavior was not supported by the federation, so White Mist City was defined by them as a rebel army.

Think about it this way.

Those in the fourth-level cities don’t want to accompany Baiwu City to death.

Because they deeply understand how terrifying the Federation is...

But Lu Yuan had already given instructions to War Armor Daxia. If those people didn't want to surrender, then they would be killed directly.

Lu Yuan now has many talents under his command, and he doesn't care about the life or death of these people.

So when War Armor Daxia encountered someone who wanted to delay, he killed several level 4 city lords and forcibly took control of the level 4 forces...

After spending most of the day to conquer all the fourth-level cities, the journey of conquering Warframe Daxia went much smoother.

The third-level forces dare not resist at all, let alone the second-level forces and the first-level forces.

So the next night.

War Armor Daxia unified all the cities under the jurisdiction of the Baiwu City area.

The morning of the third day.

Lu Yuan sat on the throne of Baiwu City, listening to the reports from Zhanjia Daxia and Xia Houlong, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's been done well. Now the two areas have been completely included in our territory, China. What's next? All we have to do is launch a war against the Federation.”

Speaking of which.

Lu Yuan paused and continued: "But before that, there are still a few things to do."

"Master, are you saying that you are finally going to start the plan to create Hades?" Xia Houlong asked with some excitement.

Lu Yuan smiled and nodded, and answered affirmatively: "Yes, my research in the past two days has been successful. Next, you will lead the team to kill all the soul beasts in the territory. Those soul beads will have Very useful!”



Battle Armor Daxia and Xia Houlong both agreed and then left the audience hall.

He was not idle these days, but used his omniscient eye to dismantle the Pluto mecha.

This powerful war weapon can provide very terrifying firepower.

If this thing can be replicated on a large scale, then I can declare war on the Federation without any pressure.

So Lu Yuan has been studying this thing for the past two days.

The materials for producing the Pluto mecha are only available to the seventh-level forces in the federation.

Under normal circumstances.

It is completely impossible to copy the power below level five.

But Lu Yuan has the two magical skills of omniscient eye and omnipotent transformation.

After researching day and night.

Lu Yuan finally found a replacement plan through the dismantling of the Omniscient Eye.

You only need to use universal modification to modify the material multiple times to create a perfect replacement material.

According to the estimation of the omniscient eye, the resources in the entire Chinese territory.

A thousand Pluto mechas can be made...

This is equivalent to being able to artificially create a thousand strong men of the ninth level of Yaoyang.

Of course that's not all.

Lu Yuan's universal transformation can also perform another kind of growth transformation on the complete body of the Pluto mecha. As long as there are enough soul beads, the energy level can be increased without limit.

So this is why Lu Yuan wanted to kill all the soul beasts in the territory.

After arranging everything.

Lu Yuan also started to transform the materials.

This process is very long and cumbersome.

But in order to prepare for the upcoming all-out war, Lu Yuan still worked hard day and night to reform.

This time lasted for a whole week.

During this period of time, all the spirit beasts in the Chinese territory were wiped out.

Lu Yuan also built a thousand Chinese version mechas as expected by the omniscient eye!


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