How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 152: Resurrected On The Spot, Are You Surprised?

Five-clawed golden dragon.

This is Lu Yuan's favorite animal form.

In fact, it's not that he can't completely transform into a beast. As early as when he awakened the roc, Lu Yuan could completely transform into a beast and turn into a huge bird.

But Lu Yuan never used it once.

Because he thinks turning into a bird is ugly!

But the five-clawed golden dragon is not ugly at all.

Instead, it all depends on Lu Yuan’s aesthetics! !

The five-clawed golden dragon at full level is several times stronger than the Xiahou dragon.

Not only is he more than twenty meters long, but his appearance is even more domineering and majestic.

Superpower defense, physical defense, elemental attack, and physical attack have all reached the top level!

Just transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon.

A terrifying coercion made the Death Black Widow feel heavy pressure!

That's suppression from the species! !

Although Lu Yuan's level is much lower than it, the Five-clawed Golden Dragon's level is at full level.

This will also have a certain negative impact on the death black widow.

Looking at the shocked Black Widow of Death, Lu Yuan raised his fingers towards it and said provocatively: "Come on, let me see if you are qualified to be my contracted beast!"

"Human, you are looking for death!"

do not know why.

These soul beasts become very angry when they hear Lu Yuan talk about contract beasts.

The previous frost dragon was like this.

The same is true for the current Black Widow of Death...

This made Lu Yuan a little curious. Do these soul beasts really regard him as a human being?

Just when Lu Yuan was thinking.

The Black Widow of Death has struck again.

This time.

It shot dozens of poisonous arrows at once.

It's not over yet.

Perhaps he knew that poisonous arrows would have no effect on Lu Yuan.

The Death Black Widow shot poisonous arrows here, and its huge ass on the other side was spitting green silk towards Lu Yuan.

[These silk threads have the function of absorbing energy. If it is not necessary, it is best not to be entangled by these silk threads, otherwise all the energy in the body will be absorbed! 】

"I see."

Lu Yuan looked at the prompts from the Omniscient Eye, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Under normal circumstances.

Lu Yuan really didn't pay attention to these spider silks, because compared to those poisonous arrows, spider silks were not a threat.

The Death Black Widow probably took advantage of this, deliberately shooting out the spider silk last, giving people the feeling that they had nothing to do and were using the spider silk to make up the numbers.

But in fact.

This inconspicuous spider silk is its real trump card!


Such a hidden trump card was completely seen through by Lu Yuan.

"Come on fire!"

Lu Yuan calmly uttered two words.

In an instant.

Hot flames appeared around Lu Yuan's body.

This flame is not heavenly fire.

It is the five-clawed golden flame that comes with the five-clawed golden dragon.

Although it is not as inextinguishable as sky fire, its temperature is the highest among all flames!

The flames just appeared.

All those spider silks were instantly melted by the high temperature.

at the same time.

A strong wind blew around Lu Yuan, making it impossible for those poisonous arrows to get close!

At this moment.

Seeing that both attacks were blocked, Death Black Widow suddenly became angry.

I saw it took a deep breath, and its abdomen expanded rapidly.

The next second.

The Death Black Widow breathed out a burst of poisonous mist.


The entire space was shrouded in green poisonous mist.

All plants will wither and die instantly as soon as they are touched by this poisonous mist.

It's not hard to imagine.

How lethal this move is!

"You have a small skill, but you still dare to do the same thing!"

Lu Yuan flew into the sky and blew out a breath.

A strong wind of level 8 raged on the ground in an instant.

But the effect surprised Lu Yuan.

Because the poisonous mist exhaled by the Death Black Widow cannot be blown away by the strong wind! ?

"Human, take advantage of me!"

The Black Widow of Death made an unpleasant noise.

As its sound fell, the poisonous mist instantly began to deform.

Less than a few seconds.

This poisonous mist was transformed into at least a thousand poisonous arrows.

With a thought from the Death Black Widow, these poisonous arrows were shot towards Lu Yuan again.

"Are you the only one who can?"

Lu Yuan sneered, and the energy in his body exploded to the maximum.

In an instant.

Thunder and lightning.

Lu Yuan's body began to continuously release arcs of electricity.

Countless bolts of lightning shot out from his body.

Facing the rain of poisonous arrows, pour out! !

For a while.

On one side is the corrosive rain of poisonous arrows, and on the other is the shockingly destructive lightning storm.

The energy from both sides collided violently in the sky!

Every lightning bolt blocked a poisonous arrow with incomparable accuracy.

There were dense explosions in the sky.

After the poisonous arrows were decomposed, venom fell on the ground.

Every drop erodes a hole in the ground...

Just for a moment.

The ground below where the two sides were fighting was already riddled with holes...

At this moment.

Death Black Widow has no more moves.

Its strength is far stronger than Lu Yuan's, but what's the use if it can't hit anyone with a strong attack?

It is now in such an awkward position.

Because the poison it is proud of cannot reach Lu Yuan in the sky.

So Death Black Widow gave up.

Seeing that all of his ultimate moves were blocked, it did not launch an attack, but instead said kindly: "Human, I admit that you are very strong, but you can only defend against my attacks all the time, and you can't hurt me at all. There is no point in continuing the fight, I advise you to leave, I will treat it as nothing happened and will not embarrass you."

"Thank you. You are quite a nice person."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but be amused after hearing what the Black Widow of Death said.

What does it mean to be able to only defend against attacks but not to harm them?

Lu Yuan had just always used the Black Widow of Death as his training partner.

If he wanted to, he could have subdued this big spider long ago.

Seeing how confident the Death Black Widow was, Lu Yuan decided not to play with it.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan suddenly returned to his human form and said to the dead black widow below: "It was your attack just now, now it's my turn."


Lu Yuan's figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

when it appears again.

He had already arrived on Death Black Widow's body, and summoned thunder with his right hand to press hard on Death Black Widow's body.

The next second.

Five thunder strikes! !

Countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky!

It directly bombarded the Death Black Widow.

The severe pain caused the death black widow to scream pitifully.

at this time.

It just remembered...

This human being can teleport and appear anywhere unexpectedly! !

Although painful.

But Death Black Widow quickly launched a counterattack.

It withstood the damage of lightning and sprayed out a mouthful of poisonous mist again.

So fast.

Lu Yuan was instantly enveloped in it.

at this time.

Raiden's offensive stopped instantly.

Visible to the naked eye.

Lu Yuan's body was disintegrated in the poisonous mist.

The whole person is like ice cream, melting the moment it touches the poisonous mist! !

At this moment.

Death Black Widow let out a burst of hysterical laughter: "Hahaha, you deserve it, you are really looking for death!"

In its opinion.

Lu Yuan's actions were completely seeking death!

I was just worried that I couldn't hit him, but he actually came to the door by himself?

Although he suffered a thunder and lightning attack.

But it’s not a bad thing to be injured this time!

Just smile and laugh.

The laughter of Death Black Widow stopped instantly...

Because it saw that the man who was supposed to be dead...

He actually came back to life on the spot! !


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