How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 153 The Third Beast King—The King Of Night

"It seems that your poisonous mist is not very powerful."

Lu Yuan smiled provocatively.


Heavenly fire burst out from his body.

The hot flames directly ignited the death black widow's body!

At this moment.

Lu Yuan's body melted again.

But Tianhuo did not disappear because of Lu Yuan's death...

So much so that the Death Black Widow was burned to death by the sky fire, rolling on the ground and wailing continuously.

It's painful though.

But the death black widow also has its own insistence, that is, it saw Lu Yuan die again.

So it endured the pain and continued to release poisonous mist.

I just want to compete with Lu Yuan, who will be poisoned to death by him first, or who will be burned to death by him first! !


The result is a letdown for Death Black Widow.

Not long after Lu Yuan melted, he returned to his original state again.

Although it will be melted again soon.

But it was as if Lu Yuan couldn't feel the pain, and he even placed a Poss every time he was resurrected...

It's like it's deliberately mocking the Black Widow of Death.

There was a stalemate between one person and one spider for five minutes...

In the end, the Death Black Widow couldn't hold on any longer, and finally begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I know I was wrong, sir, please put away your magical powers!!"

at this time.

The Death Black Widow no longer has the strength to release the poisonous mist.

So Lu Yuan also stopped resurrecting and stood there eating melon seeds intact.

Seeing the Black Widow of Death begging for mercy, he said with great interest: "No, I just like the arrogance you looked at just now."

"It's wrong, I really know it's wrong!"

Death Black Widow is really scared.

In just five minutes, Lu Yuan died at least a dozen times...

Each time he was resurrected intact, this feeling of despair really hit the spider...

The most annoying thing is.

Over there, Lu Yuan was intact, but over here, the Death Black Widow herself had been burned.

It is true that it can't cause any fatal damage at first, but it can't put out the fire!

No matter how the Death Black Widow tries, there is no way to extinguish this fire...

So it really can't hold on anymore.

If you continue to be roasted, you will most likely turn into a roasted spider...


After hearing its begging for mercy, Lu Yuan smiled with satisfaction and said, "If it weren't for your strong fighting ability, I really wouldn't be interested in you at all. Now that I know I was wrong, just become my contracted beast."


Lu Yuan waved his hand and directly dispersed the sky fire.


He used the contract ability again and began to sign a contract with the Death Black Widow.

The frightened Black Widow of Death was not careful.

Although I don't want to at all.

But in order to survive, it still signed a contract with Lu Yuan.

The contract is successful.

Death Black Widow shouted very respectfully: "Master, please take good care of me in the future."

"Don't worry, you will definitely do better in the future than you do now."

Lu Yuan smiled faintly.

Later, the Death Black Widow was also transformed using universal transformation.

This time, the power he gave Death Black Widow was the power that Lu Yuan often used before - Insect Skynet.

After fighting the Death Black Widow just now, Lu Yuan discovered that its attack power was indeed off the charts. Because of his ability of Corrosive Hand, his poison resistance was fully stacked.

But the poisonous mist of the Death Black Widow can still disintegrate itself instantly.

So Lu Yuan's idea is to maximize this feature.

Then you can give the Insect Skynet to the Black Widow of Death.

In this way, the bugs it releases will carry such poisonous mist or toxins. It can be said that one person is a natural disaster! !

After the transformation is completed.

Lu Yuan gave the same instruction to Death Black Widow.

Let him conquer all the sky-level soul beasts in his territory.

Regarding this order, Death Black Widow immediately agreed without any hesitation.

For it at this time, Lu Yuan's words were destiny.

It is an imperial edict that it must fulfill at any cost, even death!

After doing all this.

Lu Yuan used the Beidou satellite again and began to search for the next target.

The purpose of his coming out this time is very simple, which is to supplement his high-end combat power.

The next step is to declare a full-scale war on the Federation, so Lu Yuan not only needs a large amount of mid-level combat power, but also needs to supplement the high-end combat power.

The beast king of the ninth level of the sky is his target.


Lu Yuan once again locked onto a target.

With a thought, he disappeared in place...


when it appears again.

Lu Yuan has arrived in an extremely dark space.

This place is quite special, it's obviously broad daylight outside.

But this place is shrouded in darkness all year round.

So much so that all the creatures here are difficult to see with the naked eye.

Lu Yuan just appeared.

My body was immediately gutted.

An invisible hand grabbed Lu Yuan's heart!

"Dong dong, dong dong——!"

The sound of the beating heart was particularly harsh in this quiet space.

The next second.

That invisible hand crushed Lu Yuan's heart in front of him!

"Ah, the long-awaited instant kill."

Just when the invisible soul beast thought the battle was over.

Lu Yuan, whose heart was crushed, suddenly showed an excited smile.

This picture.

It's really weird...

A person's heart can be crushed and still remain intact.

This is exaggerated enough.

What's even more exaggerated is, this person can still laugh?


Just when the black shadow soul beast wanted to tear Lu Yuan into pieces.

Lu Yuan suddenly smiled at the black shadow soul beast in the darkness: "The overlord of the night, the absolute darkness - the King of the Night, your name is indeed domineering."

When you see this weird human being in front of you, you can see yourself...

The King of Night stopped pretending and said directly: "Name? That's just given by you humans. What's the reason for you coming to my space? If nothing happens, just leave."

The King of Night was vaguely aware of Lu Yuan's extraordinaryness.

Not only can he ignore death, but he can also see himself in the darkness.

You know, as long as it's in the dark, no one can see it...

This is something that even disaster level and even world annihilation level creatures cannot do.

Lu Yuan is the first person to be able to see it without bright light!

To this.

Lu Yuan smiled faintly and said, "I do have one thing here. I want you to become my contracted beast and help me conquer the human world."

Speaking of which.

Lu Yuan paused for a moment, and then asked again: "Let's not waste time. Just tell us directly. Should we go through the process or start the fight directly?"


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