How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 157 The Congressman Came In Person, And Lu Yuan Was Taken Seriously

"Hahaha, what's wrong, Lao Yi? You must have been so drunk last night that you forgot how to use space powers today. It's almost fine. The people in Wuxiang City are still waiting for us to rescue them. .”

"Yes, please don't say that someone can block your space teleportation and prevent you from going to Phaseless City to support you?"

"Just stop joking and go support Wuxiang City!"


Everyone used smiles to hide their worries.

They are not fools.

It can be seen why Yi Wuling was bombarded twice.


As world-destroying level transcendent beings, they simply did not dare to admit the answer in their hearts.

So they expressed their doubts in a joking tone.

At the same time, they also hoped that Yi Wuling was joking with them.

But the ideal is plump and the reality is skinny...

After listening to everyone's words, Yi Wuling shook his head regretfully and said in an astonishing voice: "I can't move to Wuxiang City. This force called Huaxia has space system extraordinary beings that are more powerful than me!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became ugly.

As we all know…

When the power levels are both at full level, the competition is based on the user's energy level.

Yi Wuling is a world-destroying sixth-level transcendent. The opponent can also refuse Yi Wuling to move to Wuxiang City through space teleportation...

Then it can indeed be believed that there is a space power user with a higher level than Yi Wuling in China! !

This conclusion is unacceptable to everyone.

As the rotating speaker, Wu Di was the first to speak after a moment of silence: "Actually, it's not a surprise. If China doesn't even have people at this level, how could it dare to go against us so blatantly? How could it be hidden? It took us so long to build such a force?”

His words were very reasonable, and the others nodded unconsciously.

But soon.

They had another doubt.

One of the female congressmen named Tang Dun was the first to ask doubtfully: "But in today's world, there is no space supernormal who is more powerful than Lao Yi. Even the Emperor of the Void over the soul beast, We can’t stop Lao Yi from teleporting.”

Tang Dun's words once again silenced everyone present.


The space department is very rare, and basically every one of them is a key training target.

But there is no space-based transcendent who can surpass Yi Wuling in this world...

Even the Emperor of the Void, one of the five beast emperors, could not stop Yi Wuling from teleporting.

So who is it that can do this?

"No matter who the other party is, we just need to go together to support him. If the other party is really so unscrupulous, they will not restrict the space and prevent us from teleporting through."

At this moment.

Yi Wuling's words woke everyone up.


If the opponent's strength is really strong.

Then we won’t just attack the seventh-level cities, but we should directly attack the federal main city!

It is because they are not strong enough that they secretly restrict the space and block the signal...

Think about it this way.

Everyone's original vigilance became slightly more relaxed.

"Lao Yi is right. We immediately teleported around Wuxiang City. Although we may not be able to save Wuxiang City, it is impossible for the other party to leave!"

Wu Di stood up and said that the basic plan has been decided.

No one else had any comments.

See this.

Yi Wuling immediately adjusted the teleportation coordinates and took the lead in walking in.


at the same time.

The battle in Wuxiang City has started from outside the city to inside the city.

At this time, the defenders were miserable and every one of them was very uncomfortable...

"How can you fight this? The opponent's mecha is as powerful as the Neptune mecha. The soul beast rushing at the front can't be killed no matter how hard you hit it. We are made of flesh and blood. If we continue like this, we won't be able to hold on. !!”

"The most important thing is that there are no restrictions on those beast kings. The three beast kings are treating us like vegetables. City Lord, please think of a solution!!"

"As for the Federation, haven't they already sent out a distress signal? Why haven't the reinforcements from the Federation arrived yet?!"

"City Lord, have we been abandoned...or should we surrender!!"


All the defenders were frightened.

In the confrontation between technological power, China's Chinese mecha is even better.

But this part of the power can be considered to be contained.

At least there were no large-scale deaths among the defenders.

But just as Zhao Wu had worried before, eight beast kings invaded.

Zhao Wu intercepted two, and his ten men intercepted three...

The remaining three, as if they were in no one's land, massacred the defenders in the camp!

The guards can still hold on for a while at first.

But with the addition of the Beast King, they soon died in large numbers.

There were originally tens of thousands of defenders, but now there are less than five thousand left!

On the other hand, China's side...

Their attacks were basically absorbed by the undead soul beast army at the front.

In a battle of this level, the undead soul beast army is a human shield.

Their attack power is limited, and they can only use their own bodies to block damage from the army of contracted beasts behind them.

So the battle lasted for more than twenty minutes.

The number of deaths on the Chinese side is basically negligible.

The key is.

Whoever is beaten to death will be revived by Lu Yuan soon.

It can be said that there is basically no loss on China's side!

Not only did the defenders watch this scene, but Zhao Wu, who was fighting the two beast kings, also had a look of irritation and anger. The trouble was that the two beast kings were really too strong. Although they couldn't hurt him, there was nothing he could do about it either. These two beast kings.

It is completely impossible to quickly determine the winner and help others!

On the other hand, he was angry. He was angry that he had asked for help for so long, but the federation didn't even send anyone to support him...

This gave him some bad premonitions.

And at this time.

Suddenly, a world-shaking, weeping pressure from ghosts and gods quickly enveloped the entire Wuxiang City.

Including Lu Yuan, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their heads one by one to check the direction from which the pressure was coming...

All I could see was the sky in the distance.

Twelve majestic people walked out of a torn space crack.

Standing at the front were Yi Wuling, who used space teleportation, and Wu Di, who was the speaker.

When these twelve people appeared, they just stood there.

Lu Yuan felt a kind of mournful cry in the sky.

It's not hard to imagine.

How powerful must they be!

at this time.

When the defenders who were still alive saw the coming person, they all burst into excited shouts...

Because they know that they can be saved! !

The people in the sky are none other than the twelve most powerful people in the entire federation! !

The defenders of Wuxiang City all believed unconditionally.

This one-sided war can finally come to an end at this moment!


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