How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 158: Overpowering The House Of Representatives, The Mysterious Lu Yuan

"Is it finally here?"

Lu Yuan looked at the twelve people in the sky in the distance.


Although he had made thorough preparations, he still knew that his attack plan would be known to the Federation.

at the same time.

He didn't deliberately sneak around and didn't want the federation to know.

Because Lu Yuan knew in his heart that attacking a seventh-level city or a sixth-level city would never escape the surveillance of the federation.

So instead of hiding, it’s better to go straight to the line!

Anyway, Lu Yuan now has invincible capital. Even if someone from the Destruction level comes, no one can easily take him down!

Don't say anything else.

Even in this space that is restricted by oneself, not to mention that top powerhouses like them cannot enter, even with their superpowers, they cannot enter through this space restriction.

So Lu Yuan didn't have any fear at all.

He just glanced at them lightly and gave instructions to his men: "Continue to attack and ignore their reinforcements."

Speaking of which.

Lu Yuan gave a murderous and heart-wrenching sneer: "They can only worry outside, there is no way to enter here, and they cannot threaten here."

This short sentence instantly stirred up thousands of waves.

The Chinese side was greatly boosted in morale after hearing this.

Everyone in Wuxiang City was dumbfounded after hearing this...

It's not that they completely believed what Lu Yuan said.

It's because everything is exactly as Lu Yuan said.

The federal MPs were not directly teleported to the battlefield.

Instead, it was teleported outside the boundary one or two kilometers away from Xiangxiang City.


After they arrived, they did nothing except release their pressure...

This gave them reason to doubt that what Lu Yuan said was right.

The entire Wuxiang City should be completely isolated at this moment! !

The facts are the same as what Lu Yuan said.

When Wu Di and others appeared, they launched an attack on the Chinese forces in Wuxiang City, so they had the strong pressure just now.


Something weird happened...

All the attacks they launched were rejected by the space! !

At this moment.

Wu Di and others all looked ugly.

In their long lives, this was the first time they had seen such a strange thing.

"Lao Yi, you are a transcendent of the space system. I remember that your superpowers can't do this, right? All of our attacks can't enter the space?"

Tang Dun, who was standing next to Yi Wuling, asked with an ugly expression.

Yi Wuling, who was on the side, shook his head with the same expression, and said with some helplessness: "Unfortunately, I have never heard of such a space power. The current Wuxiang City has been completely sealed. Let's take the inside. There is nothing the thieves can do!"

Yi Wuling said so.

Others have no choice at all.

They could only watch helplessly as the defenders inside were killed.

At this moment.

Wu Di was the first to be unable to bear it anymore. He did not waste his energy and attack the space in front of him. Instead, he took a deep breath and shouted to Lu Yuan, who was obviously the commander: "Where are the leaders of China?" , I am Wu Di, the rotating speaker of the Federation, please stop attacking and come over to talk."

Shouting was the last method Wu Di could think of.

If possible, he wanted to talk to people from China to see what they wanted.


Faced with Wu Di's words, Lu Yuan had no reaction at all.

The basis of negotiation is strength.

If you don't show enough strength, what can you use to talk to others?

On this basis.

Lu Yuan simply ignored the clamors from the council members behind him.

This move made Wu Di and others' faces turn black with anger...

"This kid is so arrogant. He really thinks of himself as a character, doesn't he?"

"Damn it, if it weren't for this bullshit space restriction, I would have beaten this Chinese guy to the point where there wouldn't even be a scum left!!"

"You brat, you can still make things right now if you turn around. If you continue to be so arrogant, I guarantee that you and the so-called Huaxia will definitely die completely!!"


A group of congressmen who were supposed to be highly respected were treated like shrews by Lu Yuan.


Facing their threats, Lu Yuan had no reaction at all.

It's like being completely inaudible.

Wu Di and others became increasingly angry and almost suffocated...

Just when they were so angry that they were half dead.

The war in Wuxiang City has basically come to an end.

After seeing the congressmen and others unable to enter, the defenders of Wuxiang City gave up completely.

They surrendered one by one and stopped making unnecessary resistance.

Seeing that the situation was over, Zhao Wu also sighed: "It seems that we can only surrender for the time being."

Think of this.

He also stopped his attack, raised his hands and shouted: "Listen, the defenders of Wuxiang City, all give up resistance and surrender!"

He just finished speaking.

Those who were still holding on gave up completely.

Lu Yuan did not kill them. After seeing that they all surrendered, he asked his men to stop attacking.

Under the watch of twelve members, he walked towards Zhao Wu in the void.

Looking at Zhao Wu who was half kneeling on the ground, expressing his surrender.

Lu Yuan smiled faintly and said shockingly: "I advise you not to do anything stupid, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

This sentence can be said to be misleading.

But when Zhao Wu heard Lu Yuan's words, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat...

Because the possibility of attacking Lu Yuan did flash through his mind at that second!

In his opinion.

If we can catch the young man in front of us, we can probably turn Wuxiang City around.

But I didn't expect that this idea just appeared...

He was completely seen through by the young man in front of him!

Zhao Wu looked up at the young man with a confident smile in front of him, and finally gave up the idea of ​​attacking. He sighed and said, "I really lost, but how do you face those congressmen outside?"

"You don't need to worry about this matter."

Lu Yuan smiled faintly, then stretched out his hand and said, "Hand over the city lord's seal."

Although Zhao Wu was very reluctant, he still took out the city lord's seal.

When Lu Yuan's hand came into contact with the City Lord Seal.

For a moment.

All the injured people immediately returned to their original state.

It's not over yet.

The defenders who originally hated Lu Yuan and others looked at Lu Yuan with great respect and admiration.

It was as if they were originally the people of China.

We were still fighting to the death before, but now they are like lovers, wishing we could have sex with each other...

This magical scene made Wu Di and others look in disbelief.

They have never seen such a method!

at the same time.

When Wu Di saw this scene, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

That is the entire federation. I have no idea how much territory China has encroached on using this method! !


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