"It's almost time to deal with that group."

After Lu Yuan took the City Lord's Seal, he looked at the twelve people who looked shocked.

The purpose of attacking here this time is to declare war on the entire Federation.

Then their strongest combat power has arrived, how could he not go to greet them?

I thought I had no capital just now, but now I have captured Wuxiang City.

Lu Yuan felt that he had the capital to talk to them.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan teleported and came to Wu Di and others.

This operation surprised Yi Wuling! !

He originally thought that the person blocking the space was a super powerful person with a higher level than him.

But after seeing the young man in front of me using teleportation...

Yi Wuling suddenly understood something, that is, this terrifying space restriction might have been created by the young man in front of him! !

Others who had the same idea as him were Wu Di and others.

They are so powerful, so naturally they are not fools.

Although it is hard to understand why this young man has so many weird methods.

But strength is strength, this is an indisputable fact.

this moment.

No one looked down upon Lu Yuan just because he was young.

Seeing the change in their thoughts, Lu Yuan showed a satisfied smile. If they were idiots, there would be no need to negotiate, but now it seems that these people are not as stupid as they thought.


Lu Yuan was the first to speak: "My name is Lu Yuan, and I am the ruler of the Chinese Dynasty. I know you have many questions, but I am not interested in answering so many questions. I only want to say one thing now... "

"That is the goal of our Chinese Dynasty, which is to unify the entire world. Your federation is only our first goal, so if possible, I hope you will surrender..."

Lu Yuan just said this.

Several hot-tempered congressmen immediately interrupted Lu Yuan's words.

"You are so crazy, you want us to surrender. Do you know who we are!?"

"Yes, you are not afraid of making people laugh when you say this. We admit that you are very weird, but the water in the Federation is very deep, and it is not something that young people like you can grasp!"

"I advise you to surrender obediently. We will give you preferential treatment because of your strength. When the time comes, you can also become an important member of our federation. Isn't this the purpose of your resistance to us?"


"Who asked you to interrupt?"

After Lu Yuan heard what those people said, he snorted coldly.

The next second.

An invisible hand quickly hit the faces of those who spoke.

"Bah bang bang——!!"

The slap was not loud, but it silenced the whole world.

No one thought.

Facing the highest combat power of the Federation, Lu Yuan dared to take the lead in attacking.

No one thought that Lu Yuan would resort to such humiliating attacks as slaps in the face...

For a while.

Everyone was silent.

The three MPs who were beaten immediately became furious.

"MLGB, if I don't kill you today, I won't be a fucking human being!!" One of the congressmen named Zhao Tuo was the first to be angered.

I saw violent energy erupting from his body.

In an instant.

The entire sky was lit up instantly.

Countless flames directly covered the entire sky!

Without giving it a second thought.

Zhao Tuo's heaven-destroying flames fell from the sky! !


Facing this overwhelming energy, Lu Yuan just smiled lightly.

He didn't seem to worry at all that this attack could hit him.

In fact, this is also the case.

When those flames approached Lu Yuan's space limit, they all disappeared!

"Damn it, I still don't believe this is evil!"

Another congressman Li Jingye, who was slapped by Lu Yuan, also joined the fight at this time.

His power is lightning.

I saw him raising his hands high, and the sky changed drastically in the next second!

Countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

It is also a full-level superpower, but in the hands of Li Jingye, thunder and lightning can really exert the power to destroy the world...

There is little doubt.

If these powers landed on the ground, they would definitely be able to destroy a seventh-level city instantly!


Such a powerful attack, when it penetrated Lu Yuan's space restriction, was like a stone sinking into the sea... without any splash at all.

"A world-destroying transcendent is just mediocre?"

Lu Yuan looked at the two angry congressmen and taunted them.

Yan Yu, the congressman who had not yet taken action, was so angry that he said, "You brat, come out and challenge me if you can. How can you be considered a hero if you hide in there?"

This is funny, but it also reveals his helplessness...

Lu Yuan was hiding in that space, and there was nothing they could do.

The two world-destroying level experts tried their best to attack, but there was not even a splash...

Yan Yu knew that it was useless to continue joining on his own.

After listening to Yan Yu's words, Lu Yuan immediately laughed out loud: "I made the ban, and you are not allowed to stay in it? Then you are so capable, but you come in and beat me, you are an idiot."


Lu Yuan did not forget to make a contemptuous gesture towards these federal congressmen.

This makes them angry, they really have no power to do anything...

Seeing this scene, Wu Di covered his forehead with a headache and didn't know what to do for a while.

Not only could this young man create such a space restriction, but he could also instantly hit Li Jingye, Zhao Tuo, and Yan Yu...

This weird technique really gave him a headache.

They didn't expect the attack just now.

But they also have to admit that they cannot respond to such an attack.

It can be said that if Lu Yuan had murderous intentions just now and had enough attack power...

Li Jingye and the other three were seriously injured even if they didn't die!

Think of this.

Wu Di said helplessly: "Stop. If you continue like this, you won't be able to hit him, and you will look too cowardly."

When Li Jingye and Zhao Tuo heard this, although they were very reluctant, they stopped their attacks...

In fact, they also knew in their hearts that their attacks could not do anything to Lu Yuan at all.

It's just that it's really hard to swallow without taking this breath.

Now that Wu Di gave them the opportunity to step down, the two stopped attacking.

After calming down.

Wu Di took a step forward and came to Lu Yuan.

Although there is no wall blocking it.

But he couldn't go any further.

At this moment.

He sighed again and said to Lu Yuan: "You want us to surrender. This is not impossible, but you must at least show your strength. The rules of this world are very simple. As long as you are stronger than us , we are naturally willing to respect you as our master, but you are just hiding now... To be honest, you cannot convince us."

Wu Di's words were very true and were not directed at Lu Yuan.

This principle.

Lu Yuan naturally understood. He smiled faintly and said shockingly: "That's why I came to negotiate with you instead of directly destroying you. Now I'll give you two choices."

"The first one to start a full-scale war, China and the Federation will start a full-scale war to see who can have the last laugh and become the leader of mankind."

"The second one is solved by strength. There will be a top-level showdown between China and the Federation in half a year. We will send 12 people each to compete in the top-level showdown. Whichever side wins eight games first will be considered the winner. The losing side will surrender unconditionally. "

Speaking of which.

Lu Yuan paused for a moment, looked at Wu Di with a smile, and continued: "This choice will be left to you."


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