
After Lu Yuan finished speaking, everyone fell silent.


This was naturally less shocking than asking them to surrender before.

However, Wu Di and others were still shocked.

Because the young man in front of me really wanted to fight them to the death...

Seeing Lu Yuan's look that didn't want to make a joke, Wu Di was silent for a while and said, "This matter is of great importance. We still need to discuss it for a while. Wait for us."

"No problem." Lu Yuan smiled and agreed.

When Wu Di and others heard this, they immediately left the place.

They returned to the previous conference room, and Yi Wuling was the first to say: "This kid is very evil. We can't treat him like an ant. I think it's better for us to seriously consider his proposal."

"Yes, he captured Wuxiang City today. The defenders of Wuxiang City who were so full of hatred for them a second ago actually completely changed their appearance after that kid took over the Seal of City Lord. I guess within our federation, Many cities in China may have been captured by China." Tang He also added his own opinion.

What they saw today was beyond imagination.

Therefore, most people think that Lu Yuan's proposal can be considered.

After Wu Di listened, he pondered for a while and analyzed it carefully: "Let's analyze it one by one. The first proposal is that we go to full-scale war, but we don't even know where China's territory is. .....Coupled with the fact that this young man named Lu Yuan has terrifying abilities, I think this plan may make us very passive."

Speaking of which.

Wu Di looked at Yi Wuling, thought for a moment and asked, "Is there any way you can stop them from leaving?"

Yi Wuling shook his head regretfully and said: "I have just tried it. The space where Lu Yuan is located is not under my control at night, so if he wants to leave, he can leave directly, and I don't Find a way to find his whereabouts."

Hearing this, Wu Di shook his head helplessly and continued: "Lao Yi also said just now that we have no way to deal with this Lu Yuan in terms of space. We can't even break through his space restrictions. As long as he follows If we continue to encroach like this today, we won’t be able to do anything about him, so I don’t think the first proposal will work.”

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded in approval.

In this regard, as Wu Di just analyzed, you have to have a goal in a total war, right?

China is in the dark, and the Federation is in the light.

There is nothing they can do to take over China's territory.

On the other hand, China, as long as they continue to teleport and seal off all spaces as they did today, they can only stare outside...

So it is said that it is a total war, but in fact it is just a passive attack.

After the first proposal was unfeasible.

Wu Di began to analyze the second proposal: "For the second proposal, Lu Yuan's purpose is also very clear, that is, he wants to develop peacefully for half a year. He should not be a fool and knows our strength, so even so he will If he is confident, he will use these six months to reach the height we are at..."

"I can understand if he has reached this height by himself. After all, this boy named Lu Yuan is too young. Although the awakening of supernatural powers does not distinguish between ages, he is so powerful at such a young age. I am afraid that he has just awakened not long ago. It has reached its current height, so it is not surprising that he can reach our height in half a year, but to say that he can recruit twelve people as powerful as us, I think it is impossible."

Another congressman on the side made an analysis.

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing this.


In today's world, except for the beast kings.

There are no more extraordinary beings at the world-destroying level.

That's because all soul beads that can be promoted to the world-destroying level are controlled by the federation.

This makes it difficult for people to advance to the disaster level, let alone the annihilation level, unless they are loyal to the Federation...

Lu Yuan's second proposal was obviously to challenge twelve of them.

So if Lu Yuan is one of them, where can he find the remaining 11 world-destroying level experts?

"Could it be that he wants to conquer the Beast King..."

Yi Wuling said something that made everyone present change their expressions.


There were a few familiar things in Lu Yuan's team today.

That is the Beast King located in restricted areas around the world.

The strength of these beast kings really cannot threaten Wu Di and others.

but! !

Lu Yuan can conquer these beast kings, does that mean he can also conquer beast kings in the future?

You must know that the strength of those beast kings is very terrifying!

If they all attack, Wu Di and others will not be able to resist them! !

The thought of this.

Wu Di touched his chin and brainstormed quickly.

After thinking for about a minute, he said: "Anyway, this proposal is still the best solution. After the matter here is resolved, we can just go and say hello to a few beast kings. That should be able to avoid these things." ”

Everyone agrees with what he said.


This is also a helpless move...

Although Lu Yuan's strength may not have reached the world-destroying level.

But even now, Wu Di and others have nothing to do with him.

So I can only agree to this proposal.

"Okay, let's vote by raising your hands."

Wu Di's eyes swept across the eleven people present.

The federal system requires voting for everything.

As long as more than half of the people oppose it, the proposal will be invalidated.


Everyone raised their hands and agreed.

When Wu Di saw this, he looked at Yi Wuling.

Yi Wuling nodded knowingly, tore open the void again, and came outside the limits of Wuxiang City.

at this time.

Wuxiang City has already hung the Chinese national flag.

When Lu Yuan saw Wu Di and others coming back, he teleported in front of them again and asked with a smile: "It seems that you have made a decision, so tell me, what is your final choice?"

"Our choice is to let you develop in peace for half a year. After half a year, we will hold a decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City. You and your people will face the twelve of us. No matter which side loses, you must surrender to the other side unconditionally!"

Wu Di finally gave Lu Yuan an answer.

After hearing this answer, Lu Yuan smiled with satisfaction and said, "No problem, but if you attack us midway, then don't blame me for counterattack."

"Don't worry, such a thing won't happen."

Wu Di glanced back.

Tang Yan stepped forward from the crowd, took out a very precious-looking scroll and said: "This is an extremely precious book of oaths. After writing some contents on it, you can sign a treaty of heaven, and any party that violates the treaty will be Sanctioned by heaven."

Lu Yuan took a brief look with his omniscient eye, and after confirming that there was no secret door, he nodded: "Okay, let's do it like this!"


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