How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 17 You Said Okay, Why Are You Eating Him?


Accompanied by the swallowing of the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger.

Lu Yuan had been chewed countless times in his mouth.

Finally, it slid down the esophagus and into the stomach.

During this process, although Lu Yuan's body had been shattered.

But the consciousness is extremely clear.

And no matter what kind of injury he suffered, he could always recover as good as before within a minute.


It’s the super powerful effect of immortality!

He lay quietly in his stomach for a minute.

Lu Yuan had returned to his original appearance at this time.

The stomach was so small that Lu Yuan couldn't stand up at all.

But that doesn't stop him from wreaking havoc here.

A thought.

The beast-killing knife that had disappeared reappeared in Lu Yuan's hand.

There was no hesitation.

Lu Yuan directly used telekinesis to control it, and stabbed upward, directly piercing the fragile stomach wall of the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger!

It's not over yet.

Under the influence of telekinesis, the beast-slaying knife directly transformed into a flying monkey.

Continuously slashing through Dark Feather Thunder Tiger's body!

It takes less than a minute.

A large amount of blood poured into his stomach.

For a while.

The whole stomach became a sea of ​​blood.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely drown in blood.

But Lu Yuan is not an ordinary person.

Even when he was completely submerged in blood, he did not stop his destruction!

at the same time.

outside world.

Dark Feather Thunder Tiger, who had burped, suddenly turned extremely painful.

The next second.

Its huge body fell from the sky.

It hit the ground hard.

With its sturdy skin, it won't be injured even if it falls from a high altitude.


Lu Yuan's internal destruction caused the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger to roll on the ground in pain! !

The people watching this scene were all shocked...

The Dark Feather Thunder Tiger, who was so arrogant just now, instantly killed the extraordinary person...

Now he is rolling crazily on the ground in inexplicable pain? ? ?

At this time, someone came up with a bold hypothesis.

Could it be that the extraordinary person who was just eaten was actually a poisonous person with extremely high poison! ?

Sir, you are so righteous! !

At this time, most people think so.

In their eyes, Lu Yuan sacrificed himself to fulfill them...

As for the fact that Lu Yuan was still alive, they couldn't even think about it.


The Dark Feather Thunder Tiger let out a scream again.

If it could speak human language, it would definitely curse Lu Yuan as an old man.

Others don't understand what's going on. How could it, as a victim, not understand? ? ?

The damn human being that he just ate was now frantically cutting his own internal organs! !

My stomach was completely gone and several sections of my intestines were broken! !

A large amount of internal bleeding made the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger extremely painful...

It can clearly feel that its life is passing.

But there was no way to make any effective counterattack against Lu Yuan in his belly...

I can only live in pain and regret constantly.

Why do you have to be so mean and want to swallow this damn human being?

Wouldn't it be better to hate him, bite him to pieces, and spit him out? !

But obviously.

It's too late to regret now.

Because Lu Yuan has already controlled the beast-killing knife and pierced its heart!

This fatal injury caused the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger to stop struggling.

Along with a lot of blood, flowing from the corners of its mouth.

Dark Feather Thunder Tiger completely died in regret...

[Congratulations on killing the lord-level soul beast, the power of thunder has been automatically extracted for you! 】

[Power of Thunder: From now on, you can convert the energy in your body into the power of thunder to achieve the effect of releasing the lightning attribute, and you are immune to the paralysis effect brought by the thunder attribute, but please note that you are not immune to thunder and lightning attribute damage. 】

"The power of thunder is here!!"

Lu Yuan looked at the extraction prompts and felt so happy.

He knew that this Lord Soul Beast could extract special abilities.

As expected.

After killing it, you will gain the power of thunder!

Now that it is confirmed that Dark Feather Thunder Tiger is dead.

Lu Yuan did not continue to wreak havoc in its body.

Controlling the beast-slaying knife, he cut a hole from the inside out.

Lu Yuan emerged from its belly.

The first thing that came out.

It was to take the body of Dark Feather Thunder Tiger into the Divine Space.

The beast-killing knife currently in Lu Yuan's hand was unable to break through the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger's head from the outside.

This also means that there is no way to take out the soul beads in its body.

If the soul bead is not taken out for a long time after the soul beast dies.

Then the energy of the soul bead will dissipate quickly.

But fortunately, Lu Yuan has a divine space without the concept of time.

Even if it is left inside for a hundred years, the energy of the soul pearl will not dissipate.


Lu Yuan really didn't know what to do with this body.

After putting away the body of the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger.

Lu Yuan didn't stay much and left the place immediately.

According to his guess, people will come to the main city soon.

If you continue to stay here, there is a high possibility of conflict.

Lu Yuan didn't bother to do this kind of unprofitable thing.


What Lu Yuan didn't know was.

When the Blood Lord in an area is killed.

Then the bloody killings in this area will end early.

That is to say.

When Lu Yuan kills the Dark Feather Thunder Tiger, the bloody killings in the entire Fantasy Sea City, including the main city area and the untouchable area, will immediately stop...

on the street.

All the soul beasts that were teleported disappeared.

Only corpses and blood were left on this dilapidated street.

At the same time, the main city wall.

A team of five people arrived at the junction.

As soon as they stepped into the untouchable area, the soul beasts on the street completely disappeared.

See this scene.

One of the leading young men couldn't help but frown, and said in a somewhat surprised tone: "The soul beasts have disappeared. So, someone killed the bloody lord in the untouchable area?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Brother Chen, don't be ridiculous. Even the Scarlet Lord who appears in the untouchable area is at least level five in strength. There will indeed be extraordinary people in the past killings in the untouchable area, but at best they are awakened. How can a third- and fourth-level transcendent kill a fifth-level awakened Scarlet Lord?"

As soon as Chen Si finished speaking, he was refuted by a teammate behind him.

Everyone else nodded in support of the statement.

After all, they are in the main city and have the resources of major families.

It took a whole year to reach the fifth level of awakening strength.

How does this make them believe that there is a person in the untouchable area who has reached the fifth level of awakening through his own efforts?

To this.

One of the women named Tingmei put forward a hypothesis: "Is it possible that a team sent by other forces arrived before us?"

Chen Si touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully: "It's also possible, but I've already come here, so let's get to know him first. If there really is a super newcomer, we can win over him in time. "

Hear this.

Everyone nodded and walked towards the center of the untouchable area.


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