How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 18 Someone Came From The Main City, And The Extraordinary Person Was Shocked

After every bloody killing comes.

A group of new extraordinary beings will appear in the untouchable areas of Huanhai City.

So when the bloody killing ends.

Some forces in the main city will send some responsible persons to the untouchable areas to collect people.

Chen Si and others came this time. In addition to seeing if they could kill the Scarlet Lord, their other purpose was to recruit the newly awakened extraordinary beings.

The group of five people soon arrived at the center of the untouchable area.

They were dressed gorgeously and looked majestic.

There is almost no need to guess, everyone knows that it is a big force from the main city.

The arrival of the transcendent in the main city instantly made the long-dormant untouchable area lively.

Everyone stopped attacking each other and came to Longmen Square.

This square is located in the center of the untouchable area. In the past, the forces in the main city recruited people here who became extraordinary people after bloody killings.

Therefore, it also has the meaning of carp leaping over the dragon gate.

Look at the many onlookers gathered around.

As the captain, Chen Si took a step forward and asked in an indifferent tone: "Who can tell me who killed the bloody lord who appeared here, and where is its body?"

Not only is the Blood Lord's soul pearl valuable, he is also covered in precious materials.

Just now on the way here.

The scouts in Chen Si's team wanted to find the body of the Scarlet Lord.

But he was surprised to find out.

He found the place where the battle took place, but no bodies were found.

This situation is very rare.

You must know that the size of the Scarlet Lord generally exceeds the storage size of ordinary space accessories.

Unless the person who kills the Scarlet Lord has high-level space accessories.


How could such a large corpse not even have bones?

When everyone heard this, they were also confused.

Only a few people raised their hands as if they wanted to make meritorious deeds.

Chen Si glanced at him and randomly clicked on a man, gesturing for him to tell him what happened.

The man didn't dare to talk nonsense and immediately said slowly: "My lord, this is what happened..."

The man told everything he saw.

An extraordinary person flying in the sky did not clearly see what he looked like.

Then the extraordinary being was eaten.

Within a few minutes, the Scarlet Lord died.

After death.

The body disappeared instantly, and no one knew where it went.

After hearing this, Chen Si looked a little solemn.

Because according to this person, the transcendent person should have awakened flying powers.

There is nothing wrong with this part.

The newly awakened transcendent cannot be the opponent of the Blood Lord.

So this extraordinary person was killed instantly.

But the problem is, not long after this extraordinary person was eaten, the Scarlet Lord died of poison? ? ?

No matter how Chen Si thought about this part, he felt very strange.

Because ordinary extraordinary people can only awaken one kind of superpower.

Only those with extremely strong talents will awaken an additional second power.

The extraordinary person in the mouth of the melon-eaters gave Chen Si the impression that he was a dual-system extraordinary person.

One is the flying type and the other is the poison type.

Because only in this way can the Scarlet Lord be poisoned to death after being eaten.

As for the extraordinary person who is still alive?

This is simply a fantasy...

This assumption can be established, but the problem is that Chen Si has never heard of dual-system extraordinary beings of this level among the major forces in Huanhai City.

"Is it really a super genius who appeared in the untouchable area?"

Chen Si murmured uncertainly, a little unable to accept this fact.

Tingmei behind him seemed to know what Chen Si was thinking, and said with a smile: "Captain, you just think too much. No matter if it is a super genius who appeared in the untouchable area, or a hidden trump card of some force, everyone is dead anyway, no need No matter what, Captain, do you think someone could enter the Scarlet Lord’s stomach and still come out alive?”

"That's true, you still see things clearly."

Chen Si was reminded of this and suddenly woke up.

Indeed, whether the dead man was a super genius or a hidden ace had nothing to do with him.

There are only two purposes for coming here.

It is no longer possible to kill the Scarlet Lord alone.

Then there is only one left, recruiting new extraordinary beings.

Think of this.

Chen Si threw a roll of money to the man who explained the information, and then announced loudly: "We are one of the ten major families in Huanhai City, vassals of the Chen family. We came here this time to recruit like-minded colleagues. , who among you has awakened your superpowers during this bloody killing, you can come to me to sign up, and you will get generous benefits once hired!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd instantly became excited.

Some knowledgeable people immediately popularized science with the people around them.

turn out to be.

The forces in Huanhai City are divided into two parts.

Part one, the ten major families!

Part Two, Association of Extraordinaries!

In addition to these two major groups, there are also some smaller forces.

In the past, small forces came to recruit people.

Unexpectedly, the one who came this time was one of the top ten families!

Lu Yuan, who was mixed in the crowd, was also a little surprised.

He had just learned about the power structure of the main urban area of ​​Huanhai City from the enthusiastic passers-by.

have to say.

The title of the top ten families is still very attractive to Lu Yuan.

But let's be honest.

Lu Yuan didn't like the feeling of being controlled by others.

So after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the urge to apply for a job.

After all, no matter how good the so-called top ten families are, they are just the top of a small place.

Lu Yuan's eyes are all over the world!

He looked down upon the top ten families, but the others were eager to embrace them.

Originally, in every bloody killing in the past, only about seven or eight extraordinary people appeared.

But this time.

Nearly thirty extraordinary people came out of the crowd!

This surprised Lu Yuan.

What he didn't know was.

Some people have awakened powerful powers and would not want to join a small force at all.

They will all enter the main city alone after the bloody killing.

Find the doors of major forces and visit them, seeking to join them.

But this time, recruiters from big forces came.

Naturally, they wouldn't look for trouble, so they all stood up.

Of course these are not all of them.

There are also some smart people who would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix...

After they awakened to the extraordinary, they did not leave the untouchable area, because in their view, going to the main city area among the big forces was just the lowest level existence, so they were willing to dominate the untouchable area.

After a few minutes of simply looking at it, Lu Yuan became even more grateful for his plan.

Chen Si's quotation for those extraordinary people is to subsidize three turbid and two-color soul beads a month...

For this soul pearl, I sold myself.

Lu Yuan said he couldn't understand it at all...

After all, if he was given a month, he didn't know how many turbid and two-colored soul beads he could explode.

Why bother to listen to other people's orders for this little bit of money?

But in fact, it’s not surprising that Lu Yuan couldn’t understand.

After all, not everyone is as perverted as him.

Ordinary extraordinary people can only obtain some soul beads by forming a group to go to the wild, or when the bloody killing comes, and there is no way to go hunting outside the city alone.

In this way, the soul beads, which originally had a low explosion rate, would have extremely low returns when divided equally among several people.

In addition, the risk of killing the soul beast is very high.

So this kind of chore that only requires killing people for others and protecting family members and goods can be said to be low risk and extremely high reward.

As for dignity...

This thing has no use in such an apocalyptic world!


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