How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 31 The Cute Little Guy Gets A Pet


Lu Yuan looked at the dying Wolf Eater, and then at the cub left by it, and his mood suddenly became complicated.


If the Sirius Devourer was not seriously injured, or if he didn't want his own children, Lu Yuan could take it into the Divine Dimension so that he could save it when he had the chance.

But Lu Yuan had no reason to do this.

The Sirius Devourer didn't give up on his children either.

Looking at the little Sirius Eater who was still sucking milk from his mother.

After about a few minutes, the little Sirius Devourer had eaten and drank enough.

Looking at the sleeping little guy, Lu Yuan suddenly had an impulsive idea.

That is to keep this cub with you!

Everyone says that the growth potential of Sirius Devourers is very high...

Then I would like to see it myself.

Under his own care, what heights can this Sirius Devourer reach!

Think of this.

Lu Yuan took the Mother-Eating Sirius into the Divine Space.

This will prevent the loss of milk.

Although the milk in its belly can only last for a few days, it can at least allow the little Sirius Eater to drink more.

After doing all this.

Lu Yuan put the little Sirius Devourer into his pocket again.

He was afraid that if he pretended to be in the God's Dimension, this guy wouldn't grow up.

After doing all this.

Lu Yuan searched again for the bodies of the five people who had just been eaten.

I originally wanted to see if there were any space accessories.

But after looking at it for a moment, I found that these guys are really poor...

Among the five people, they just couldn't find a single space accessory.

Lu Yuan shook his head boredly and continued on his way.

Walked for a few minutes.

Lu Yuan heard another sparse sound.


Lu Yuan wrapped himself in silence.

Quietly, he moved towards the direction of the sound.

Didn't go far.

Lu Yuan saw a group of two-headed rhinos resting in the grass not far away.

Lu Yuan didn't know this soul beast at first.

But there is a corner in his to-do list that needs this thing.

No matter where you are in the world, rhino horn is a hot commodity.

It's just that hunting these two-headed rhinos in this world is not only not illegal but is also highly encouraged!

"No wonder most people don't accept this mission. The level of the two-headed horned rhino has reached the sixth level, and they move in groups. Just like the tank pigs, once the charge is launched, extraordinary people of the same level cannot withstand it, even if there are five people. , there is a high probability that the battle plan needs to be deployed carefully, otherwise, you may get injured."

Lu Yuan counted the number of two-headed rhinos.

Their number is slightly more than that of tank pigs, reaching more than twenty.

Even if a team with an average of seven or eight levels of awakening comes with such a number, it is absolutely impossible to directly confront them head-on.

But still the same sentence.

Lu Yuan was different from others. He could deal with these two-headed rhinoceros by himself.

After listening carefully for a moment.

After confirming that there are no other extraordinary beings around him.

Lu Yuan moved!

He put the little Sirius Devourer into the God's Space, then took out the Virtue to Conquer People, jumped out of the grass, and rushed towards the resting two-headed horned rhinoceros.

This move naturally attracted the attention of the group of two-headed rhinos.

The two sides' eyes met.

Twenty-three two-headed rhinos charged towards Lu Yuan.

"Well done, take a hit from me!"

Lu Yuan's mouth twisted.

The next second, there was a hot breath all around.

I saw Lu Yuan's hand turned into a circle, placed it next to his mouth and shouted: "Getting stuck in the crotch - take off your pants and jerk them off!" (Fire Release - Storm Dance)"

A sound fell.

A huge wave of flames suddenly set off around Lu Yuan.

The scorching flames formed a tornado in a very short period of time.

It quickly swept away the charging two-headed horned rhinoceros.

For a moment.

The group of two-headed horned rhinoceros was attacked by the flame tornado.



Wails everywhere.

Those two-headed rhinoceroses look a lot like tank pigs.

The same physical defense is excellent, but the magic resistance is very poor...


Lu Yuan's fire ability reached level 2, and its power was greatly enhanced.

So under this blow.

More than twenty two-headed rhinos have all lost their ability to attack.

Seeing that they were almost cooked, Lu Yuan put away his magical powers.

If it were really cooked, those horns would be useless.

Putting away their powers, these two-headed rhinoceros lay down on the ground one by one, white smoke rising from their bodies, and the air was filled with the smell of barbecue, which almost made Lu Yuan greedy.

But business has to be done first.

Lu Yuan used his virtue to convince people and cut a child with one knife.

These two-headed rhinos, which had no resistance, were all killed in less than a minute.

Sometimes Lu Yuan is quite lucky.

I bought this high-quality blue jade directly to convince people with virtue.

Breaking down the defenses of these low-level soul beasts is as easy as breathing.

Still the same.

After cutting off their horns, Lu Yuan dug and dug in their big heads.

This time the luck was equally good.

Twenty-three two-headed rhinos dug out eight turbid and six-colored soul beads.

There was no hesitation.

Lu Yuan absorbed all these soul beads.

After absorbing the last soul bead, Lu Yuan's level was improved again!

"You have awakened to the fifth level."

According to the federal algorithm, he should have reached the fifth level of awakening now.

But this is only paper strength.

If there were actual combat, no one would be killed without mentioning it.

In terms of attack power.

At least I can just awaken to the ninth level.

Bring these corpses into the divine space.

Lu Yuan looked at the time, and it was almost time to eat.

He took out the body of a tank pig from the God's Space and processed it.

Then use your fire power to quickly barbecue.

have to say.

Fire abilities are really useful.

If I didn't have this power, I would want to roast this pig.

Not only does it take a lot of time to light a fire, but I don’t know how long it will take to cook it.

But Lu Yuan has level 2 fire powers, so he doesn't have to worry about this at all.

It only took a few minutes to roast this earless tank pig until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

Tank pigs are full of expensive ingredients, just like ordinary pigs.

Where ordinary pigs can eat, it can also eat anywhere.

And it tastes better and has higher nutritional value!

The already fragrant barbecue is sprinkled with some of the seasonings I brought earlier.

The smell is simply out of this world!

can not wait.

Lu Yuan started to feast on the spot.

Pig beak, pig head, pig tail, pig trotters...

Everywhere is grilled to perfection.

But happiness is always short-lived.

Eat and eat.

Lu Yuan suddenly put down the pig's trotter in his hand.

His ears moved a few times unconsciously and his eyes looked in one direction.

Not long.

Another team of five people appeared in front of Lu Yuan.


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