How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 32 A Chance Encounter In The Wild, The Gears Of Fate Begin To Turn

"Is there someone else coming to send you superpowers?"

Lu Yuan watched the five people appear and subconsciously thought that they were here to kill people and gain goods.

Don't blame him for thinking that.

Because the entire world operates according to this rule.

What if Lu Yuan and his teammates were in the wild and met a lone wolf.

Then there is a high probability that he will choose to let his teammates rob and kill this lone wolf...


This time the team is different.

A young man in the lead, after seeing Lu Yuan.

He immediately signaled his men to stop...

He was afraid that Lu Yuan would misunderstand, so he explained: "Don't get me wrong, I am the heir to the Su family in Huanhai City. My name is Su Ming. We don't have any ill intentions towards you. We came here after smelling the fragrance."

"Su family..."

Lu Yuan was speechless.

Don’t people from these big families bring bodyguards when they go out to play? ? ?

This was the case with Bai Lianhua, who was killed by him before.

The same is true for the Su Ming in front of him.

But it's okay.

This Su Ming is not looking for trouble, otherwise...

Today will definitely become the most nightmare day in the history of their so-called top ten families!

"There are only so many left for 1,000 people."

Lu Yuan didn't care about the other party's identity and pointed at the roast pig in front of him.

He could probably guess why the other party came.

Since you are eating, you naturally have to pay.

This roasted pig is not expensive at 1,000 per person.

"1,000 per are really a lion with a big mouth!"

Before Su Ming could speak, his teammates were the first to disagree.

It's not that they can't afford the price, but that most of the delicious food has been eaten.

There is only a little bit of dead meat left, but it still costs so much.

However, if they have objections, Su Ming will not.

He nodded generously.

He walked directly in front of Lu Yuan, took out 5,000 yuan and handed it to Lu Yuan.

This move surprised Lu Yuan.

Because this young master is not afraid of a trap at all?


Under Su Ming's greeting, the remaining four people also sat over.

However, they still kept a safe distance from Lu Yuan to avoid any emergencies.

Received money.

Lu Yuan also happily gave them some water.

A group of people sit together.

Although they didn't talk much, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

I don’t know, I thought they were old friends for many years.

There is no hostility to see them.

Lu Yuan did not start looking for trouble, but asked curiously: "You young masters are going out, why don't you give yourself some bodyguards? What will the five of you do if you are in danger?"

"If you encounter invincible danger, just die."

Su Ming chewed the pig's trotters and smiled casually: "You think we go out in a grand manner, even though we are one of the best in Huanhai City, but as long as we go to other places, they will not show off this reputation. , the best way is to become stronger.”

Speaking of which.

Su Ming looked at the sky, paused, and spoke again: "And the most direct way to become stronger is to experience a lot of killing. The kind of people who use soul beads given by others to pile up, as long as they encounter life If you are in danger, you will become a waste, so when we go out, we generally do not bring bodyguards."

"I see, what you said makes sense."

"Why, Brother Lu, don't you think you have bad feelings for us just because we didn't bring a bodyguard?" Su Ming joked.

When Lu Yuan heard this, he immediately smiled: "How could that be? I just wanted to ask, since you are walking here so confidently, do you have a map of the area?"


As soon as Lu Yuan said this, everyone looked at him in confusion.

These people looked at him a little confused and asked, "Why, is there something wrong with what I said?"

"Instead of saying something wrong, it's better to say you are wrong..."

Su Ming looked at Lu Yuan like a monster and said, "You dare to wander around here without a map. It seems that Brother Lu is very powerful."

"well enough."

Lu Yuan stretched out his hand to summon an arc of electricity, grinned and said, "It's just that ordinary soul beasts are really no match for me."

"Natural type·Thunder and lightning!"

Seeing Lu Yuan use his superpower, Su Ming and others' eyes immediately lit up.

Something seemed to come to mind.

Su Ming said excitedly: "Holy crap, when I heard your name just now, I felt it was very familiar. I didn't expect you, Brother Lu, to be the lightning genius with an S+ talent!"

"Ah... I'm famous?" Lu Yuan asked with some confusion.

This time, before Su Ming could say anything, a woman in the team said first, "Brother Lu, your reputation is much greater than you think. After you entered the city yesterday, people from major families were trying their best to invite you. Joining them, our Su family is no exception. I didn't expect to find you in the city, but met you in the wild. In a sense, it is fate."

"Yes, yes, brother Lu, are you interested in coming to our Su family as a guest?" After Su Ming learned that the person in front of him was the super genius that the major families were looking for, he instantly felt that the pig's trotters on his hands no longer smelled good.

To this.

Lu Yuan also didn't expect that the situation would develop like this...

He looked at the people from the Amritsu family who were crazy about him, smiled tactfully and said, "I'll consider this matter when I get back. I still have many tasks to complete in the wild. If you have any maps, please give me one." Zhang?"

"Yes, there must be."

Su Ming took out a map directly from the space jewelry and handed it to Lu Yuan: "This is a map around Huanhai City. Although it is not very detailed, the major dangerous places are marked. Generally, don't get too close. Everything is fine in the danger zone."

Lu Yuan took the map and looked at it carefully.

This map is really detailed.

Although the location of the materials is not marked, most of the haunts of soul beasts are marked.

After a few brief glances, Lu Yuan smiled with satisfaction: "Based on the friendship of this map, I will seriously consider our affairs when I return to the city."

"Hehe, just wait for the good news."

Su Ming smiled heartily.

to be honest.

He feels very casual, unlike the previous White Lotus.

It seems that he is very awesome and amazing.

When encountering people in the wild, they dare to shoot them without asking.

So she also paid the price with her life for her actions.

But such an approachable kid from an aristocratic family like Su Ming.

Lu Yuan is really not annoying at all.

Half an hour later.

Su ordered five people to finish off the remaining tank pigs.

They didn't ask any more questions, and they didn't interfere with Lu Yuan much.

After the two parties agreed to return to the city for another appointment, they parted ways.


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